Am I the right person?
By Nocturnica
@Nocturnica (280)
United States
September 16, 2008 2:32pm CST
I saw a picture of a sugar glider about 4 years ago, and immediately fell in love.
Those big eyes, big ears... what's not to love?
I have done quiet a bit of reading about them, they seem to be the perfect pet for me.
Nocturnal, that is great, so am I! (hense the name Nocturnica)
Fruits? Me too, love them
Hawaiian Delight baby food, omg, it is the best, he he. I fed it to my kids and I just had to take a spoon hear and there, that stuff is really good!
I have never seen a Sugar glider in person, nerver touches on...
OK, on to my question...
I have a HUGE fear of rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, and the sorts....
Do you think think is going to play a role in my dream of getting a pair of sugar Gliders?
I have 2 dogs, a black labrador retriever and a blue heeler, they are generally ok with other animals, Would Sugar Gliders be ok with them, or is this not a good idea?
2 responses
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Sep 08
Well sugar gliders are not like rats or mice. I suggest you get to know some before you adopt one. I would have thought they were more like lizards, sort of smooth skinned, not furry or rodent like. They have lovely eyes. I did not know you could have them as pets.
As to the dogs well that can be tricky. Are your dogs jealous of other animals. The lab might be ok but I think the heeler can be a hunter. You would need to introduce them in safety and let them know that this new pet is a family member and not something to chase or hunt.
Dogs can be trained. I taught mine to not hunt my chickens when I let them go free range. He was not at all sure and he is still jealous of any attention they get but he does not chase them.
@Nocturnica (280)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Not furry or rodent like?
I thought they had hair? Is that just skin? I really thought they had hair. It looks like hair.
Lizards? Are you sure?
I find this hard to believe. Am I misunderstanding?
@Nocturnica (280)
• United States
18 Sep 08
Oh, they just freak me out, I am not even sure what the problem is, I just freak out when I see them!
Furry, oh no, not a problem at all. When you said lizard, I thought no fur.
@kipluck (143)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Sugar gliders are an amazing pet, BUT they are very high maintenence so you want to do a lot of research. A lot of the books out there are pretty out of date, so you'd want to talk to some people that have them and, obviously, get to meet a few in person! There are good things and bad.
Unlike rats and mice, they are NOT rodents. In fact, if given the chance they will EAT mice. *shudder* mine have. They caught one once. It was rather gruesome! They are natural hunters. They like to chase things like like feather teasers and LOVE to hunt live crickets. And, while they need fresh fruit and vegetables their diet should really be 50-75% protein. (They don't HAVE to be mice though! THOUGH, some people DO feed their gliders "pinkies"... baby mice. I just can't do that usually) There are diets you should look up like BML and HPW. Both are excellent. The protein in those mostly comes from either chicken baby food or eggs. Though they DO love mealworms as a treat!
Also, unlike rodents, gliders do NOT have teeth that keep growings, so never let someone tel you your gliders teeth need to be clipped or "floated." While they may LOOK a little like rodents they are NOT!!! Also they should not eat rodent foods like seeds or nuts.
Also, where rats like about 4 years, gliders are a MUCH longer commitment... 15 years in captivity! And they don't do well being rehomed. They bond VERY strongly and become very depressed when forced away from their family, which includes YOU. HOWEVER, it shouldn't be JUST you... gliders really MUST have a cage buddy! They are very social, so you should have more than one.
The dogs should probably learn just to "LEAVE IT" in regards to the gliders. While they may do well, that prey drive could kick in and that would just be tragic. It happened to my friends glider just this month. Her little terrier who has never taken notice of them till now just snapped, they even think he was playing, but it killed her little glider girl. Don't trust other pets with suggies.
My best recommendation is to meet some gliders and see what you think. Be around them. Like rodents they ARE small and furry, but the furriness is more like a kitten (not like a LIZARD! HA!). They are very intelligent, though, almost like a monkey at times. They are amazing, but, like you guessed... only for the right person.