Lets lunch out today!!
By ruby222
@ruby222 (4847)
September 16, 2008 5:53pm CST
Mr Ruby felt quite adventurous today,he actually came out to play!!well you could have knocked me down with a feather!We only went to look in the cash and carry(he knows how to treat a girl)lol,and we came back with a years supply of toilet rolls to boot!Well we decided to go the whole hog,and decided that we wouldnt cook for tea,instead we would eat out.So the Peugeot swivelled into the car park and we raced into the fish and chip shop,now I hear you scoff,but fish and chips are a treat these days,we bought cod fillet and chips twice,both with salt and vinegar,and sat in the car park and watched the world go by as we ate them.They were delicious and just what the doctor ordered!How many Mylotters like fish and chips then?or are you a sausage and chips person,or have you tried hoki and chips?
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7 responses
@chubbycheeks (135)
17 Sep 08
Hi Ruby,well if he takes you for fish and chips again ,then come and pick me up on the way there please lol I just love good fish and chips,Harry Ramsdens is a big time favourtite when we go away.But we always say that the shop salt and vinegar makes the fish and chips taste as they do,but of course the potaotoes that they use are definately half the battle,if they use a good quality potato then they get good quality chips.So you were people watching were you?theres not a lot more interesting that sitting there watching the world go by,its funny what you notice ,there are people having arguments,people rushing cos there on their lunch hour and many just rushing to get home from work.If we go to the beach we like to sit and watch the world go by,get an ice cream and just take time out to relax.You say about Hoki,well we havent ever had that fish,we had coley but we didnt like it,but that was maybe a bit psychological,at home years ago coley was fed to the cat.Glad you enjoyed your day out,wonder where he is goint to take you next time,bet it will be the DIY store lolol
@ruby222 (4847)
17 Sep 08
Chubby my lovely theres nothing I would like better than to come and collect you,but lol you will have to tell me where you live!the fish and chips here in Derbyshire are well worth the trip where ever you live.I havent had any Harry Ramsdens chips for years,im sure the last time was when we went down to Devon,many moons ago lol
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@ella1bella (839)
21 Sep 08
We went to Matlock for the day ,a few years back and the fish and chip shop there was mobbed!!
the chips were to die for,and the whole day was quite an experience,a good day out,we went on the cable cars.

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@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Sep 08
Hello ruby222
Blimey you are so English!!
Love fish and chips me!! Actually had fish and chips tonight but not from chippy and it really isn't the same. I tell you what I miss is when they used to wrap them in newspaper. That smell of the fish, chips, vinegar and soggy newspaper altogether, sitting in your car, parked up near a beach, watching the sea, nothing like it eh? I never have pasty and chips as you might have thought, nope, pasty is one thing and chips always have to come with battered fish. Maybe that is the English in me!! 

@ruby222 (4847)
17 Sep 08
Jerry ,at your age you must very well remember fish and chips wrapped in newspaper!soggy news print,and chips with yesterdays news printed on them.then the environmental health stepped in and that was the end of that.Now why dont you go and find Margo dear?
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@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Sep 08
Well Jerrybbb I was actually born in Cambridgeshire don't you know!! As I was only 3 months old when my parents moved down to Cornwall and my dad is Cornish I consider myself a Cornish person. I haven't lived in Cornwall since 1992 but Cornwall is where I call home!
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@Jerrybbb (67)
17 Sep 08
Helooooo Humbug,what no cornish pasty??!!I cant beleive it,and theres me thinking you were a cornishman.Love Jethro ,dont you?I remember very well when the chips used to be wrapped in newspaper,and they always seemed to be a lot better,it must have been the print,if you read the Times the chips must have been excellent!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
17 Sep 08
[i]wow..that is very sweet! Anniversary of just a date? LOL!
I an a fish person, SO, I will choose fish and chips..I love all types of fish, small or large..LOL![/i]

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@ruby222 (4847)
17 Sep 08
Hi Che,no our anniversary was back in may,a coral anniversary,thirty five years,and we have been together for thirty six,oh my,the fish and chips were just a treat from ourselves to ourselves lol,we love them,good traditional british fish and chips,but they need salt and vinegar,without it they arent the same.
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Sep 08
Hi ruby...that was really nice for you both to do that today, I love Fish and Chips especially Scampi and plaice, Cod is lovley too infact really I am a fishy person LOL...and yes they are a treat nowadays I dont have it very often either..littleowl
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@ruby222 (4847)
17 Sep 08
Hi Owl,yes lol it was a lovely suprise ,we had our own little picninc in the car ,and did a little bit of people watching at the same time.Fish is really lovely,but as dear if not more costly than meat now,cod is at a high price,and many places look for alternatives to fry instead,when we were in Scotland we ate haddock,fresh haddock too!
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@frankiecesca (2489)
17 Sep 08
I do like fish and chips too but, as you say over here it is a treat now because to buy two lots of fish and chips is pretty expensive considering it's a chippy!!! I do also like sausage and chips but thats more a regular occurance for us as it's so much cheaper!! x
@ruby222 (4847)
17 Sep 08
Depending on the weekly budget then it all epends whether we have fish and chips or sausage and chips,but our olcal fish and chip shop has a good deal on at the moment ,on a sunday night they have fish and chis twice for five pounds,working out at two pounds and fifty pence only,thats good value.
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@frankiecesca (2489)
17 Sep 08
That is a good deal! Our local one charges way over £4 for one meal so works out pretty expensive!
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@ella1bella (839)
21 Sep 08
There are no deals like that here either Frankie,we pay an arm and a leg for cod and chips

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@Pikelet (79)
21 Sep 08
Ermm no expense spared there then,he knows how to treat you lol,but I suppose all things being equal he tried,and thats the good thing,but maybe next time you should slip the telephone number of a nice intimate restaurant into his wallet,and see if he gets the hint.
@ella1bella (839)
21 Sep 08
If he needs any help there Pikelet then im your woman,I have a few intimate little dining places,remote,and exclusive,and the four posters beds are well sprung.The food isnt too bad either 

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@gemini_rose (16264)
5 Oct 08
I love fish and chips, a luxury that we usually only afford ourselves when we are on holiday to tell you the truth. There are no decent chippies near us, so I would not even waste the money on it knowing it would be horrible. But down by the seaside it is definately the best fish and chips ever! Plus the fish sizes are HUGE and it is always so fresh. There is a chippy near us and their fish always smells so fishy, like really strong, it is yuck tasting too.