@port_authority (200)
United States
November 6, 2006 3:31am CST
It's about a gigantic blue duck living on Triton who makes a discovery that he is in fact a robot, and this causes the young gigantic robot duck to go on a journey to discover himself by traveling the cosmos, so he runs away from home and after various hijinks and mishaps eventually meets a treacherous but jolly space pirate (who is a fish) with a heart of gold who takes on the robot duck as his new friend and protege, and they leave the star system but are attacked by a mysterious ancient military vessel on an unknown objective, and they are accidentally transported to Germany in the year 1500 and various adventures happen which culminates with the blue robot duck losing a duel with a gargantuan sasquatch, and dejected, becomes a cocaine addict in New York City in the year 1983, but then in 1992 realizes the error of his ways and decides to become the robot he was meant to be, quits cocaine, builds a starship, finds his old space pirate friend, becomes allies with the ancestors of the gargantuan sasquatch, and forms a small armada to attack the ancient military vessel and slaughter the inhabitants of the ship without mercy, and finally returns home to Triton having learned valuable lessons about life and his own identity. He is welcomed back into the robot guild with open arms, but is then tragically murdered by an evil clone of Al Sharpton.
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