I really really hate politics, news, and related content....
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
September 16, 2008 8:22pm CST
I am posting this for two reasons. I want to see if there are others who feel this way and also if I can get some responses from people that are actually able to give me a decent, educated, REASONABLE reason for why these things are good - because I think they are NOT good.
I'm irritated right now because despite all his good qualities, my hubby happens to be into both of those things and it is DRIVING ME NUTS. I mean he doesn't want to watch a cooking show or a girlie movie and he complains about those, so WHY can't he understand I have a huge aversion to news shows, politics, and crap (that to me) is as interesting as a hole in the ground?! In fact, I'd rather stare at the freaking hole in the ground, at least it doesn't talk for hours on tv and think it's the king of the world.
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8 responses
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
18 Sep 08
he really needs to understand and respect your likes and dislikes
i think the news and politics have sucked lately because im a junky on both and cant stand them lol.. so i could just imagine some one that isnt into it to begin with!!

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I really just want somebody to agree with me that they are NOT entertaining. Even if some people are interested in them, that's like saying you would rather read the Wall St Journal than a good juicy novel or magazine. I just don't get it. I'm not really a shallow person - but I know what entertainment is. I mean who in their right mind is going to choose to do 4 hours of studying and homework for NO reason instead of 'insert your favorite activity ever with friends' here?
Does that make more sense? I don't understand the draw.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I sometimes get accused of being that way when I say I find news and politics uninteresting and unentertaining. I just like entertainment for entertainment's sake, for its own value, for fluff and to add happiness. Bring me a new episode of Lost or CSI, I'll do almost anything for you lol.
I'm not the type to pick apart inconsistencies in a show, goofups, bad spliced takes. I like my life but tv is one of my fictionalized escapes where I can experience what someone else's life is like just for an hour or two. In this manner, I can shoot bad guys (and not get in trouble), travel to countries and/or locations I have never been and would never see otherwise, work toward a goal I wouldn't normally have, etc etc. I also sometimes like to gain knowledge from what I watch but it has to be within my interests (again) like recipes, home improvement, health and fitness related, child development, psychology...
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
19 Sep 08
oh i in no way think your shallow!! a lot of people hate it.. im just an knowledge junkie and want to learn about everything.. i used to hate the news and politics so i can relate.. dunno why i changed my mind.. although right now im hating it again with the crappy world and crappy candidates
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
17 Sep 08
Men are men, I'm yet to find one that doesn't want to be in control of the tv viewing. My step dad is the worst, when he came with the rest of the family for a visit, the first thing he did, before even saying hello, was turn the movie my kids were watching off and put it onto the soccer!!! I couldn't believe the nerve of him doing that in my home. Fixed him good though, unplugged the tele and he had a hard time understanding what had happened.
I'm not into politics either, too much like overgrown babies fighting over who gets to be the first to line up for dinner. I watch our local news to get the weather and in case their is something of interest, but I ignore the stories that don't interest me. We don't watch a lot of sport, but I allow my husband to watch his fave AFL team play.
What gets up my nose is not the fact that men are into these things, but they get cross when we say no and want to watch something else, and yet, when they want to watch something other than what we want, they throw a tantrum like a 2 year old!!!
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
24 Sep 08
They really need to make tv's with split screens so then everyone is happy! lol.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Well, what I really wish is that my husband would keep his news shows to times when I am not home or not intending to sit and watch tv WITH him. Hello, watching tv WITH him means we need to find something at least passably INTERESTING to BOTH of us. Not just me, not just him. I would not expect him to watch a cooking show just because I wanted to, yet he shouldn't expect me to put up with a freaking news show because he wants to. There is a BIG variety of things we can both tolerate, there's never a reason why there has to be a standoff over the tv.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
I also hate politics especially if they are going useless and senseless. That instead talking about things for the sake of us citizens, they are talking about things concerning themselves and their personal interests.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Absolutely! It galls me how much they don't seem to care about US and how much they just want to knock the other guy flat, for want of a better description. They also just talk about their personal agendas, even though we ALL know they will never accomplish what they promise! Why don't they just not promise at all? I'd rather hear the truth that they can't do much yet know it's true than have them spout all these plans and discover it's a lie and they knew it when they said it!
@chinnu3579 (661)
• India
23 Oct 08
Mee Toooo,I have a poster in my workplace,showing a tiger sleeping and the qoute is "No Policitcs".It is like a mud which if we even talk about it will come and sit on our head.
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@jfilips (261)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I like watching news. Actually I think watching news is one of the important things on T.V. since that's one of the best ways to keep informed about the world and everything that's happening. You know, you wanna be updated because you don't know when a disaster happens and you need to do something fast. It's really one of the few things I see on T.V nowadays.
As for politics... meh that's just pointless. Watching politics is a waste of time. I'd rather, like you, stare into a hole in the ground xD!
Well watching movies is, definitely, better than the above. But since I watch most of the shows I like in the computer, that's not so much of a problem for me =).
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I don't mind coverage of bad weather, storms, disasters, accidents, or local things that might need me to take notice, but I don't need to hear about more fighting and bombing someplace I will never go. I am pretty anti-war, in my opinion wars are brought about by men who have ego issues (that whole 'i'm gonna take what's yours because i can') and continued in order to protect that - just as much as they are continued for REAL reasons. Either way it doesn't make sense to sacrifice human lives for somebody's ego or misguided ideas that we should take care of everybody.
@Millionmalls (26)
• United States
17 Sep 08
LOL. I think we still like to believe that we as voters actually have an impact on what happens. It is sort of delusional, really. We know that all votes are not equal, if they were Gore would have been President, right. I remember listening to Judge Judy once, she was on some talk show and she related that in her marriage, her husband got to decide all the earth shattering stuff, like who should be the next president and what was wrong with the world and that she was satisfied simply controlling their entire household budget (lol!) BTW, that is about the ONLY thing I ever heard JJ say that I agreed with. I don't think she is a very good judge, as she is too biased and opinionated to ever be objective.
So if you love the guy, you're just going to have to let him control world affairs in one room, while you watch the cooking channel in another. I actually love to follow the election results and know what is going on around me, even though I'd be the first to agree that individually we are powerless to do much about it, either way.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I wish I could be more easygoing about it but I really REALLY despise politics, government, and global news. I could care less. Honestly. I will never care more, because there just is no reason. It's about things that have nothing to do with me, things that I can't influence or change at all, ever, even if a miracle dropped in my lap. Most of it is very depressing, technical (political speech is confusing and again, I don't give a rat's *** about it) and there is enough depression in this world that cannot be helped, why would I want to contribute to it PURPOSELY? It is grown men and women, sniping at each other, fighting with each other, stabbing each other in the back, lying, taking handouts of money and things, all for what? To make things better? In whose delusional mind? LOL!
Votes are not equal. MY personal vote doesn't even stand or count for anything. I wish it did. I would never consider having people not vote, but I do think that each citizen's vote should absolutely count on its own. I suppose maybe I would care more if I actually knew the candidates or something. As things go, I have no desire to know anything about them, since they don't seem to care about us, just about winning. Great way to make friends, bah.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Well, having an interest in politics requires not only knowledge of political goings on, but the ability to debate and stick up for your political beliefs. If you're not a person with strong political beliefs, or you just don't like the idea of sharing your beliefs because some people tend to get excited about politics, it's understandable if it's not for you.
Myself, I see discussing the politics and news as a way to grow intellectually and become more aware of what's going on in the world. I also have concerns about the people I'm paying my taxes to. I like to understand political processes. Plus you get other people's side of the story when you discuss it. It keeps you thinking, which is always a good thing.
@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
I very much agree.
I find it interesting twofold I think. I like to engage with the world and feel part of it, and I enjoy the intellectual challenge of trying to come up with a solution (of sorts).
@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
Above I've said why politics, news etc is interesting on a personal level, which I think is what you were after mommyboo.
I think it also worth making the holistic observation that modern participatory democracies rely on the citizenry being educated and informed of political issues. Some would say you have a duty as a citizen to inform yourself and come to reasoned opinions when you vote.
I wouldn't go as far as forcing anybody to do this, (or vote for that matter), but it's one for bearing in mind, especially is your one who subscribes to ideas of 'patriotism' and the like.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I do vote but I have a problem. For the most part, there IS no best choice. There is not even a GOOD choice. There is a bad choice and a worse choice and I simply need to find out only enough to deem my choice from those two. I don't like constant battering with politics and news. I may NEED to know something but that doesn't mean I'm particularly interested in it. It isn't fun, I don't enjoy it. It's kind of like unclogging your toilet or taking out your trash, necessary but never something you'd jump out of bed to do on a whim because you LIKE doing it.
I don't honestly have much faith in government, how can I when all they do is lie and get away with it? You wonder why the youth of today is bratty, entitled, and unmotivated. Just look at the people in our government. There is nothing I can do about the government, so I just want to avoid it as much as possible, let them ruin each others lives and stay the hell away from me.