cotton mouth
stop you in your tracks
tongue tied
words you have difficulty saying or spelling
Are there certain words you have difficulty saying or spelling?
By mands61123
@mands61123 (2098)
September 17, 2008 11:47pm CST
Me and my sister were having a conversation about this last week i am unable to say spaghetti it comes out more like pscetti, she is unable to say thief it comes out feith. I also have some weird thing with the word awkward i know how to spell it but if i'm rushing or tired it seems to stop me in my tracks and i have to think about it it's very annoying i seem to want to spell it arquard (unsure why). So i was wondering is there a word that you struggle to say or spell? After conversations with people they usually have a least one so lets hear yours!
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33 responses
@mands61123 (2098)
23 Sep 08
you might suddently think of one everyone that has said no so far has either text, emailed or rang me to tell me they in fact have. If you haven't your one in a million chick
@mands61123 (2098)
14 Oct 08
ha ha ha told you did you go damn it lol people are still texting me now going found another makes me laugh every time

@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hi...I always have trouble spelling "believe" it's always spelt belive when I look and one I'm terrible for is "popping" I always with out fail spell it pooping why ??...I know very well how they are spelt and has for speaking words I stumble over a lot especially if I'm at my hormonal time

@mands61123 (2098)
14 Oct 08
feel free to misspell and typo away with me babes i don't care or judge often i'm thinking that much about what i want to respond with i hit post exitedly and then go oh damn wish i could go back and edit the errors but i'd be there all day
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I used to studder so listing the words I had problems with would be too many for this page. When I was married to my ex...I was extremely nervous that's when I began to I got a divorce....and as the years went by and my self confidence grew I no longer do that...and right now there are only a couple of words I have trouble with like the word for 150th anniversary...heck I can't even spell it much less pronounce it! LOL
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
well at least i'm on tablet you need to be you crazy egg!
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
ha ha like me on my tablets comes out all gobbledygook lol i do the definately thing all the time and then read it and am like oh duh!!
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@misskit (289)
• United States
18 Sep 08
none that I can think of off hand, but my mother has always had trouble with the word aluminum, it always comes out aluminium. I am sure that there is a word somewhere in my vocabulary that isn't pronounced right, I just can't think of one now. lol
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
ahh thats a cute way to say it my brother in law text me today saying he remembered his last night in bed and forgot again by this morning he was very frustrated i mentioned it to him last week lol soo funny
@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
oh really i knew about humour same as colour but i didn't know that thanks scoop learn something new every day!
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
nope got bored of waiting for you and went to play with the monkey!
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@sunshhiine (6)
• United States
18 Sep 08
When I say Mirror, it comes like like merr and drawer like what you keep your clothes in comes out just as draw, for some reason my friends have a hard time accepting this. haha I like it though. I also couldn't pronounce new zealand.
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
he he he sometimes it's a nice querkyness to how we speak how did new zealand sound?
@sunshhiine (6)
• United States
19 Sep 08
ha, umm lets see if i can spell it, zeel-ind.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep 08
This is a mouthful (remember my innuendo response you replied to!!!) lol. Anyhow I cannot say minimalistic. I took some stuff to the charity shop the other day and the women were very pleased with my efforts, well I try to please and I said I wanted to go for the minimalistic approach and do you think I could get it out (pun not intended!) I felt embarrassed but one of the women helped me! Talk about daft! I remember as a child having a difficulty pronouncing trousers, I would always say wowsers. Weapon is another word I have trouble spelling too mixing the vowels around weopen.
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@mands61123 (2098)
27 Sep 08
aww wowsers i love that so cute!!! i can see minimalistic being hard it is a bit of a gobful!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
19 Sep 08
well as of now i cant remember one..but what i can think of was when im trying to remember something especially if its to identify some persons name or things or anything..i feel that i already know it and yet i can speak it in words ..its like in the tip of my tonque..
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@mands61123 (2098)
19 Sep 08
ohh yeh i know what you mean when it's right there but your drawing a blank i'm sooo bad with names i end up calling everyone babes and hun lol
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Sep 08
Spelling I am generally not so bad with and nine out of ten spelling mistakes I make when typing are becasue I rush things and mis-type without being patient enough to check my writing first more than anything else! But there is one word combination that has ALWAYS been difficult for me to say for some reason..... Try to say these two words together quite fast a number of times: "Investigative Reporter". I can recite tongue twisters and other far more complex words quite quickly with no issues but for some reason those two words together trip me up! lol.
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
Don't worry about your spelling babes i'm sure i read somewhere that aslong as the first two and the last two letters are correct the brain doesn't read the rest anyway it sort of guesses based on previous knowledge like predictive text lol. Not usually very good with tongue twisters but i can say that at least 10 times fast no problem how strange when i can't say spaghetti lol
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@liquorice (3887)
19 Sep 08
I think this is quite a common one, but I have problems with the word specifically. I usually say it as "pacifically"!
I also stumble over the words statistics and strategic, which used to be a big problem as I used to have to say both quite a lot in my job.
Actually, reading over what I've just written, I've just realised that I must have a problem with the letter s. Particularly when it's followed by the letter t, and possibly other words that start with "sp" (although I think I'm ok with spaghetti). Wow, I've never noticed this before, lol! Thanks for making me think about this! 

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@liquorice (3887)
19 Sep 08
Ha, I should have read the comment above mine! Proves I'm not the only one who finds specific difficult to say, lol!
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@mands61123 (2098)
19 Sep 08
your welcome the sp seem to get quite a few people my niece has trouble saying your screen name lol it always comes out liquorish.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Sep 08
Hi mands! I think that's cute! The words that you have trouble
with are very common words that alot of people have problems
with. I can't think of the ones that I have trouble with
right now, but I can tell you that there are definitely some.
Not so much pronoucing, but spelling sometimes. My roomate
sometimes bf is the worst! In fact that's one of the words
he can't ever get right! He says worser, not worse! I keep
correcting him and he still gets it wrong. I am drawing a
blank on the words that trip me up. If I think of some I
promise I'll get back to you.
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
hey mrs *blushes* i don't know why isn't it strange lol worser, worserer and lellow for yellow are ones i hear little kids say alot awwww reminds me of being at school we pretty much changed up lots of words and often it sounded like we had our own language like flutterby for butterfly and efalump for elephant flump for fall up (the stairs) in fact we often still use them when we're all together. I used to fancy Jamie Redknapp (footy player) and they all still call him Ramie Jedknapp lol
@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
ps you'll think of one i've had half my family texting me at various points going i found one lol
@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I can't say the word rural. I know a lot of people that have problems with it too
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
theres so many things so many people can't say don't feel so bad about my spaghetti now
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
18 Sep 08
Sometimes, I find myself messing up the th- words. I can say it with no problem when the word is just one syllable (thin, thick) but I do if the th- is part of the second syllable or third syllable... like amethyst... I'm pretty good with spelling although I screwed up the spelling of lieu in a school spelling bee a long time ago. I spelled it Lew. Lol!
@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
oh thats hard for a kid i don't remember having spelling bees at school unless i was so bad they didn't let me near either that or i've metally blocked it out cos i failed miserably lol
@mands61123 (2098)
19 Sep 08
thanks scoop *sticks tongue out* i made it to about 5 before my tongue went completely numb and i dribbled on myself lol
@madasp (563)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I used to have a friend that wouldn't mispronounce words, but she would misuse them and it drove me nuts!
she would go to the doctor and get a subscription
she would get a perscription to a magazine
she cleaned with pnumonia
and if she had a cold she worried about getting ammonia
there were many others, but those are the ones she confused the most.
My issue was always with ambulance. It always came out amblamance LOL. I practiced alot though so now I've got it under control.(unless I'm in a big hurry)
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
oh my lordi i can see how that can get annoying poor thing lol thats one i've not heard mentioned before but i can see how it can get tongue twisted glad you've got it under control i've been less disciplined i still say pscetti lol
@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
rural is just one of those words that sounds like you have marbles in your mouth isn't it lol
@tamarafireheart (15384)
18 Sep 08
Hi mands,
When I was younger I was briliant at spelling and prenonuncing the words but now my brians have stoped working as I seems to be misspelling quite often or leaving out a letter making me feel such a fool when I read it back after I have already press post respond and yet when I am writing it down it different, my spelling is ok.
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
i think that often we are consentrating so hard getting our point across that we forget to check or rush yet when we're writing it down we are reareading and clearly spot our mistakes don't feel like a fool babes we still love you!
@jfilips (261)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Well, spanish is my main language and in there no problem. Now, when it comes to english, which is my second, there are some words that aren't so commonly used in a daily basis. Those are the words that I can't pronounce very well.
Now, the other languages I am practicing chinese and french... I guess there's just too much I can't pronounce or spell xD!
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@mands61123 (2098)
19 Sep 08
wow good for you i can only speak english and as you can see from this discussion i can barely get that right theres just no hope for me lol
@cheeeryl (95)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
I have difficulty pronouncing my name. Lol! "cheryl". What I find difficult is the "eryl" part. Because I had this classmate before whose name's "charyl". And I could pronounce her name very well. =D I find the words with "S" also difficult to pronounce. The tongue twister "SHe sells seashells in the seashore", is torture to me. =)
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@mands61123 (2098)
19 Sep 08
aww babes do you have to say your name much you need to pay your parents back for that one lol you could change it to charyl. I can say the tongue twister but i spit everywhere *pulls face* ewww lol
@IrishRose23 (542)
• United States
18 Sep 08
For some reason, I have a hard time saying "specific." It always, no matter how I say it, comes out as "pacific." I guess I still have that lisp I had in elementary school.
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@mands61123 (2098)
18 Sep 08
oh irish your like me i can't say the sp in spaghetti it comes out pscetti see i'm not alone lol