Anyone here on My lot Watch America's got Talent?? if so who do ( you) like??
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
United States
September 18, 2008 10:21am CST
Hey there mylotter's; Anyone out here watch America's got Talent?? if so who
do (you) want to win and why????
I LOVE AMERICA'S GOT TALENT! I've watched it since Day one when they debuted;love love love it!!However I am having a very hard time this year deciding on "who" really should
win?? There is so much talent on here this time around; I honestly am
pulling for a several to win it;I love Donald Braswell, his voice is so pure and so damn good at anything he sings;he is one of my favorites to win;Eli Mattson: Wow! Wow Wow!!!!!! Another huge favorite of mine, wonderful singer,
plays the piano like no other, and makes each and every song his own; He is
the new Piano man! Love him!!Neal E Boyd: Wow! and a fellow Missourian: WOOHOO!!! Another magical amazing
singer, gives me goose bumps to hear him sing especially the opera, LOVE IT!
GO NEAL!!!and Joesph Hall, Holy cow! This young man ( to me ) and to so many other millions
looks like a young Elvis Presley, he is learning his moves, and he is just
the best impersonator of Elvis that' I've ever seen ( in my life)!
he easily could win this and if you watch the show, I JUST LAUGH at how the
ladies and even the "men" in the audience go banana's over this young talented guy;again who to win it all?? so much talent...AAcckkk!!
and Nuttin but Stringz: Holy Crap! These two talented young men are just
simply the best I've ever seen and or heard on the violin, fiddle what ever
name you wish to call it, they combine classical music with well just about
what ever they want too, AWESOME TO WATCH and to hear play! SMOKIN!!!!!
THEY GIVE 200% ON EACH PERFORMANCE!!!Little Kaitlyn Maher, for a 4yr old she is so cute and so adorable and sings
really well too! love her! but she has her whole future ahead of her...she
will be back someday..guarantee it!!!Paul Salos: Love you Paul, but you are up against sooooo much talent here!
you are awesome though, the best of Frank Sinatra ever!!!Jessica Price; cute, sweet Jessica, you have an amazing voice, you are still
young, no matter what happens you will succeed as a singer girl...don't lose
hope ok?
Queen Emily: pure raw talent, awesome singer, you too are going to succeed
I just don't know if you can beat out some of the others here, but you are great
great, great singer, you will go far;
and last but not least, the Wright Kids; wonderful talented and what can I say, I've loved each number, but you too are still young and will succeed in life;
love you guys!
so who do you want to win??
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4 responses
@jdeforge (224)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I've made it quite known lol, I adore Eli. The first moment I heard Walkin in Memphis, I got goosebumps and melted. That man could sing the abc's and I'd love it!
He's so humble, he's paid his dues, and its his time to shine. Did anyone see how real and genuine he was when Sharon told him Elton John was watching. I thought he was goign to cry!
I also like Neil, except the crying just needs to stop. Donald, I don't know, theres something about him I don't like. He appears vein to me. Nothin But Strings, entertaining for sure, but it all starts to sound the same. I'd like to hear them perform one song, but not an hours worth. Queen Emily, I see no real talent. I know I'm one of a few, but I don't like how she yells and is animalistic about her singing. You can go to any church and hear women as good, if not better then her.
Eli is my winner and I'm ready to hear him sing again!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
19 Sep 08
HI Jdeforge: Yeah I know what you mean about {{Eli}}, he just is soooo amazing,
such raw talent;
I know I loved it when Sharon told him about Elton John watching, that was so cool!
and I believe her 100%, she says what she means;
I agree Eli could stand there sing the Abc's or just read the phone book, it still
would be Awesome!!
I was really really "rootin" for him last night to advance to the top 5 which he
did of course, but I hate it that they made us WAIT until the very very last of
the show...GGGGRRR!!!!
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
18 Sep 08
Yes there is some great talent on there this season and I am still wondering though at the beginning how those judges can keep some of the no talent and let some top talents get sent away. According to Donald I see that America has better taste for talent than the judges did. hahaha I am not an opera person but that Neal E. Boyd is so awesome and I could listen to him over and over, he is so moving. Queen Emily is sure a cutie but I think she will be seen on this show again in a few years and will maybe then win but way too young now. I am trying to think of what talent would do well in Vegas and I am sure that there are so many Elvis show stoppers there but I do have to admit that Joseph is great. Right now it is a close race for me to pick between Donald and Neal. But whoever don't win will have people waiting for them waiting to make record deals.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
18 Sep 08
HI tyc: thanks for stopping by: Exactly I agree with you, When I hear Donald
and Neal sing, they both just give me goose bumps, when I was growing up
I really didn't have a taste for anything Opera you know but the older I get
I just love it, I am also a huge fan of Andrea Bocelli, LOVE HIM!!
I'd cut off my arm to be able to see him perfom Live, but that's another topic
for another day (G)!
Did you see the show the other night when Sharon was smackin old Peirs (sp) Morgan??
she was smackin him, and tearing up his paperwork, and her paperwork, I got to
laughing, and snorting...LOL! it was GREAT!
are we allowed to put video clips on our topics or not do you know?
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@MyLinnsLynn (292)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I'd really like it if Eli won. He puts so much emotion into his singing! There is just something about can tell that he yearns to win this contest. Gooooooo Eli!!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
18 Sep 08
HI Lynn; Isn't he just the very best you've seen come along in a long long time?
I mean where oh where has this guy been?? In a closet somewhere??
even if he does not win, he still (I feel) is going to be a huge star...someone
out there some talent scout, whatever you want to call them, is going to snap
him up like crazy and we will be seeing more and more of him;
Love ELI...I also sent him a message to join me on my space, (sigh) that would
be great you know?
thanks for responding... for a minute there I was freaking out I had written so
much I didn't see any respond keys thought my big old post had gotten lost
out in cyberspace...(G)!
thank goodness its HERE...ITS HERE!!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I am so thrilled to hear that Neil E. Boyd won it...I get goosebumps everytime I hear him sing. He has a wonderful voice and I know he will go far.
There were so many good acts and I hope those ppl will continue to persue their dreams as well.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I wasn't born in Missouri but I've lived here since 1991 and so it's like a second home for me. I still love my birth state, Michigan, and one day I'd like to move back but for now this is where I've made my nest LOL
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
30 Oct 08
HI ya Twoey: Yes I agree his voice gives me goose bumps too! and he's from
I didn't know we had such talent and close by too..LOL!
I also like Eli, he's another great talent, there were so many really
GOOD ONES this time around, it was really hard to see some of them not win;
but I am happy for Neal...