So I broke up with my "best friend" yesterday!

United States
September 18, 2008 12:08pm CST
Have you ever broken up with a best friend? I did last night. I was starting to see a very selfish side of her that i didnt like. I knew the friendship was going nowhere. I call her a part time friend. If she has a boyfriend or someone she likes i am chopped liver but when she is single she alwasys wants to be around me. I have told her many secrets and went to her during hard times and she was never really there. 9 months ago I got some shocking news about my health I called her before i called my boyfriend. She was too busy with some guy to even ask if I wanted her to come see me. It was like she didnt even want to be on the phone with me. I gave her a few chances after that and things really didnt get better. So my question is have you ever broken up with a best friend? Why did you do it? Did you ever become friends again?
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10 responses
• United States
18 Sep 08
WOW!! On your part i am very sorry to hear this. But as far as friends are concerned with me. The ones that i really dont associate with anymore, we just grew aprart. It really wasnt about he or she letting me go, or me letting them go. But just from hearing what you had to say here, i would like to commend you for steping up to the plate and making a move like you did. That sounds like someone who was only there for themselves and that was it. If a freiend cant be there for you during the bad times as well as the good then thats not a true friend to begin with. You made the right move and i hope that now that this burden is out of your life, you can grow and continue on with bigger and better things.
• United States
18 Sep 08
That is the great thing about it, since i did it last night i feel such a weight lifted off my chest and i can breathe again.
• United States
17 Dec 09
I'm sorry that you had to suffer with that. =[ Yes, I have done this before, with two people. I'll try to make the stories shorter for you, as they're both long. Friend One: Had been friends in school for over a year. Once she graduated [I was a year behind her] she never talked to me, only when she was upset at her boyfriend. She was with her boyfriend for 5 years, then gets tired of him after moving in with him. She meets a new guy online and in two weeks he has moved in. She kicks her old boyfriend out to sleep on the couch and bring in the new boyfriend. Messed up. Shortly after that my boyfriend and I have a fight, she takes his side and says I'm a bad person. I decided to never talk to her again. I sent her an email stating how I thought she was messed up for doing those things, then saying I was the bad person. I haven't spoken to her since. Second friend: Good friend for almost 2 years. She has tons of boyfriend issues, then is single. I help her through all of them. We walk almost every night together to help each other lose weight. She meets a new boyfriend and starts bringing him to EVERYTHING, even when I and our other friends make it clear he isn't welcome [he is a jerk]. Two months after meeting him she gets pregnant and moves him into her house and kicks her brother out. After that I stopped trying to talk to her because when we did talk she only talked about herself, and never asked about anyone else. Plus she never gave out birthday gifts but expected them. I moved out of town and haven't even told her. I think she'll find out in a few months when she needs a babysitter for free and can't find me around. I don't like being used, or mistreated, by friends. I show my friends love and respect, and they give me the same, minus the two above. They were not good friends, and to be honest I'm glad I don't talk to them anymore - it saves me the trouble.
@corngrass (727)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 08
I know how you feel. And yes, i sort of "broke up" with her few years ago. I hate to be like a stupid who stay there for her to "use". It's very hurt when we treat someone as very important and he/she only treat us like we are just a toy to them. There's once when we are in school, i tell her this guy whom i like, the next morning, almost the whole class know about it. And this guy avoid to talk to me from that day. I was so hurt but yet at that time, i forgive her. I "broke up" with her few years ago because of some cases which are more serious but now, we are still friend. Just that I may not tell her anything secret anymore, can't trust her anymore.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I can't say that I've ever broken up with a best friend, we've just kind of drifted apart. I really don't see how you could call your (so called) friend a best friend. From what you've said, she doesn't come across as even a friend much less a best friend. I hope you can find someone better and I also hope your health isn't bad. I shall pray for you.
• United States
21 Sep 08
I have never actually officially broke up with a friend but I have just avoided until I lost contact! Its easier that way then there is no ill feelings. The reason for it was the same as yours I saw things in there charater that I just didn't like.
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
..I think you were just feeling jealous with your friend in terms of time she spend with you.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I have distanced myself from certain friendships but none that I have ever considered "best" friends. These are people like you described. I don't divulge too much real personal info with a person until I really know them very well. If someone seems to want to be my friend only when it is convenient for them, then I will distance myself emotionally and I will make certain that the time I do spend with them is convenient for me as well. I have a couple of very, very close friends that have been very dear to me for nearly 40 years. These are friends that I've shared so many many memories and experiences with that nothing could shake it.I know that if I needed help or a shoulder that they would drop anything to do what they could for me & they know that I'd do the same. We made a pact as kids to never ever let anything including relationships ever stand in the way of our friendship and we all held on to that pact. Those are best friends....others just come and go like a parade of people. There are no hard feelings, we always remain friendly.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I have drifted apart from a few friends that were not really friends, but I have never just just "broken up" with one of them. It sounds to me like she was not even a part time friend to you. You will be better off without her I am sure.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I had a friend who only called when she wanted or needed something. She is/was quite the taker. This went on for years. She wasn't a best friend. Her actions proved this time after time. I haven't spoken to her in months and don't plan too. Toxic person that she is, I don't need her.
• India
18 Sep 08
oh, dats sad to hear. well i have face some similiar situations. i have a very very best friend. me n my family consider him a part of the family. lol. this has happened with me. he had a gf before and he used to be always with her and things became like he has forgotten me. he didnt have time for me. its like v were each others secret vault and suddenly everything had changed. well then v had a big big fight over different things. and then i make him understand that friends have an important place in every1s life and by behaving like this with me he has not done a good thing and it was not taken by me properly. it took him some time to get back to normal, but i didnt let out friendship go. and now hes the same friend he was and hes even having a gf. somehow i didnt want to let my friendship go. and now we fight everyday normally as ve used to before and call out each other with weird weird name :P