Study about those who redeem coupons
@monochrome_lie (407)
September 18, 2008 8:56pm CST
I read a news article today which was talking about a study done in regards to people who redeem coupons. The study revealed that there is a stigma toward people who redeem coupons, and it even extends to the people in line when someone is redeeming a coupon. They're viewed as "cheap". They said that someone redeeming a highly valued coupon, seeming like you don't know the person redeeming a coupon, or being highly attractive reduced the stigma passed on to those simply standing in line behind the person.
What do you think of this study? Do you use coupons? Do you think people who use them are cheap, or simply smart shoppers?
I'm not afraid to use coupons, and I really don't care what strangers think of me for doing so. Personally I find the whole thing highly ridiculous, especially with today's rapidly growing prices on consumer products, especially food. I was shocked to find out that in the US only 2% of coupons are redeemed. The people using them seem to be the ones laughing - all the way to the bank.
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25 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Sep 08
What do you think of this study? Do you use coupons? Do you think people who use them are cheap, or simply smart shoppers?
Pfft..I think the study is ridiculous to be honest with you..but more than that EVEN IF its true and ppl who dont use coupons see those of us thta DO as cheap etc...I could care less...I use coupons every chance I get..Why the hell wouldnt I? The cost of living these days is so damn high saving every little bit counts IMO
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@SuckerUpper (468)
• United States
20 Sep 08
well that's just more bargain for us! I just sure hope they don't stop giving out coupons... And paying us for recycling!
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Your so right. I almost have to wonder about the timing of this study being released too - I mean the economy is lousy and prices keep rising, and what are they telling us? To spend more money than need be because people will think we're cheap? It seems to me like they're trying to make people afraid to get a bargain almost.

@Lavender_Breeze (373)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Call me cheap! I don't care! I have a whole binder I take to the store with me. I have saved over $100 this month alone using coupons. It's insane not to take advantage of them! I got two Glade Wisp candles yesterday - regularly $9.99 each - for $2.99 out of pocket. That's a savings of 16.99. Who wouldn't want that???
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
18 Oct 08
Wow, the organization that your system must take is incredible. I applaud you - I'm not sure I have that level of dedication.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I'm sure that the stigma does become attached to those that use coupons, but I think it would extend more to those that tend to use large amounts of coupons while in line. I've noticed that people aren't as annoyed and don't look at people so strangely if you only use a few coupons compared to those that have a coupon just about for every item that they purchased.
I really do not have a problem using coupons. Hey, if it saves me money, why not use it? I tend to use coupons for items that I want to try or for items that I use a lot and know that the coupon will help me save money. I mean, I'm a college student, things now are extremely expensive. Why not use a coupon and save some money? I mean, why not? What is so wrong about saving money? If that makes me look cheap or poor, then I don't care. I'll enjoy laughing to the bank while the others are struggling to pay their bills.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
Hahaha, good attitude. As for the stigma being more so the more coupons you are redeeming, your probably right.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
20 Sep 08
It is silly to look down on a person for using coupons. Especially these days, it is necessary to reduce costs in any way possible just to make ends meet. The people looking down on those using coupons are probably up to their eyeballs in debt because they can't be caught shopping at a discount store, sales, clearance racks or *gasp* using coupons.
That said, I rarely use coupons because I rarely find ones that are a good bargain. Most are for national brand items that are more expensive than generics that are just as good, or require you to buy 2 or 3 of something, which defeats the purpose unless you actually Need 2 or 3 of them. I prefer to buy mostly generic products and use coupons only for those items that I need a certain brand because the generic doesn't cut it, like diapers, conditioner and a few other items.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
You make a good point, although sometimes I find that when the name brand items are on sale, it can make the coupons a little more worth it. Even if it simply reduces the cost of the name brand item to be equal to that of the generics.
@pam210 (344)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Using coupons is the only way I shop. I not only use coupons but I only buy what is on sale with coupons. I save a whole lot of money and I really don't care what people think. I look it as part of my job to make my money go as far as possible to give what I can to my kids. What I hate is the cashiers that get an attitude when they have to scan the coupons. How much extra work is it to scan coupons? And I'm sorry but isn't that your job. The store makes money by taking coupons they get paid over the coupon amount from the companies so you would think that the stores would be happy to accept coupons but no - I always get the crabby cashier that gives me the evil eye when I break out my coupons.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
That is definitely the best way to make the most use of coupons.
@pjones83 (59)
• United States
20 Sep 08
That is so rediculous. Using coupons is very smart and not at all cheap. I do not use coupons as much as i want to because I do not have the organization or planning that it requires when i go shopping. but i always try to find coupons on the items that i always get. the people who believe that using coupons is cheap are probably just impatient at having to stand in line a little bit longer. If more people used coupons then the people ringing us up would be faster with the coupons.
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
I wonder sometimes if cashiers are inspired to start using coupons from watching certain coupon users save so much money.
@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I think that are smart shoppers. I just used 2 coupons and saved $1.30 They were on cereal and I went to the place where I know they sell cereal cheap and bought them there. I dont mind using coupons and I dont look down at people who do.
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
It's such a smart move to combine coupons with good deals, you get the best bang for your buck that way.
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I am a couponer. Half of the time I carry around a box full of them and walk the store. It takes me a good amount of time but it is always worth it in the end. the other half of the time I have an exact list and coupons that go with each item. I end up paying barely anything for a cart full off odds and ends. I have had the cashiers act put out so many times that I am asking them to run my coupons, and the people behind me too. It only takes a minute to run coupons, and if they would quit whining it would save them time. I can redeem enough coupons in a store trip to pay for 3 or 4 hours or work if I had a job so I could care less what people think. I have a roof over my head and my bills payed and food on the table and that is how I like it.
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
I think it's a lot easier to budget effectively and make good use of coupons and sales, and live a frugal lifestyle when you don't have a 9-5 job outside of home. It gives you the time to focus on those other things.
@SuckerUpper (468)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I don't use coupons because I don't really know where to find them =/ The only place I can think of is the sunday newspaper which I only get when I am job hunting...
But instead I just buy non name brand items. Esspecially my snack foods and breakfasts like cereal, you get more for less when you buy the cereal in those big resealable bags instead of the little boxes. I always look at the unit price or whatever it's called. They help out a lot if you can understand them.
Ive actually seen people selling coupons on ebay, and some for a pretty good price, like if you don't have any pets and you get a buy one get one free coupon for a 50 pound bag of food, thats HELLA good y'know? But if you don't need it, it's smart to give it to someone who could use it, its a win win, dont you think??
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I have to wonder if those calling the coupon redeemers "cheap" are simply annoyed because they think they have to wait longer before they get to go through the check out line if people are using coupons. I occasionally use coupons. Years ago, I was one of those people who used coupons like crazy, recorded them, sent in rebates, and kept track of how much money I saved. It was sort of like a hobby then.
Now, I clip the coupons and carry them in my purse but often forget to hand them to the cashier. I think it's quite smart to use the coupons and, as I always say, I'd rather put the extra money in my pocket than in the store's cash register (or the businessman's pocket).
Take care.
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
You would have to be incredibly organized to use a system like that, i commend you, even if your not doing it anymore. It's something that I am definitely striving toward, especially as I go onto maternity leave in the winter. Things are going to be so tight, and I want to make the most of our money so I can provide my son the kind of life that he deserves.
@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Finding coupons & good deals is like a game to me. I really enjoy finding a great coupon for something I buy often. I feel pretty smart about using them actually. If someone has a certain opinion of me because I use them so what? I'm pretty proud of myself!
@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
I have a $10 off coupon for one of the Gillete power razors, and and I'm going to end up purchasing it for practically nothing! It's great, I feel like I won something almost.
@kymommy72 (588)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I'm a stay at home mom, with two little ones in a one income family. You bet I use coupons and am not a bit ashamed about it. Every little bit counts, when you are on a budget. I've seen ppl dressed in name brand clothes using coupons in the grocery store. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Personally, I couldn't care less what some stranger standing behind me in line thinks of me. If they want to think I am cheap, so be it. To me its about smart shopping and making the most of what I have. Coupons are free, so to me it's like free money and who wouldn't like free money???
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Absolutely! And with two little ones, by using coupons you are really putting your family first which is awesome. I'm about to be a mom in February, and while we are a two income family we both make minimum wage, or just above, and things will be even tighter once I am on maternity leave. I plan on using coupons every chance I get.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
19 Sep 08
first of all i could care less what anyone else thinks about me period and if they want to make assumptions about me because i use coupons and am a smart shopper then that is their problem. i love saving money any way i can because we do not have alot of money. so if i have a coupon i will use it. better to have the money in my pocket than just throw it away. i think studies like this are a big waste of time and it is ridiculous just like you said. good topic though.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Definitely. My money is better off gaining interest in my bank or invested somewhere, than lining the pockets of corporate whomever.
@cheerupcharlie86 (60)
20 Sep 08
On a slightly different tangent I remeber once reading a magazine which showed pictures of Madonna buying some item that was in the sale, and the magazine was mocking her suggesing she was cheap. Just because she's rich should she ask to pay full price for the item?! It seemed to stupid to me. Consumers are ripped off as it is, so by redeeming coupons/buying things in the sale, you're probably only getting them nearer to their actual value anyway.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
I find that funny, though I don't doubt that it's true, because the study stated that one of the factors that "protected" people against the ridiculous stigma was being attractive.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I suppose it has something to do with consumer mania our economy has been experiencing the last few decades. People think that how much money you spend is an indicator of your standing in society. Those who refuse to waste money are looked down upon.
I have a feeling that's going to change, with everything that's happened to our economy over the last few weeks.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
I really hope your right. During the depression it was all about what people could do to be frugal. I would definitely be happy to see this trend return. It's a lesson that many of us could stand to learn.
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Wow, that's really interesting! I really had no idea that there was that stigma. I honestly just think that people who use coupons are being smart shoppers. I use coupons as often as I can. I can't see the point in spending more for the exact same item that I'm going to be buying anyway, if I can be saving a little money on it instead. The coupons may not seem that great individually, but they can really save a lot of money when you add them all up!
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
For sure. Sometimes if your careful with your planning, you can even get products for free or almost nothing by using coupons. It saves tons.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
19 Sep 08
That's crazy! Are we supposed to spend more than necessary to be "cool"? I think anything we can do to keep expense is great!

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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
I couldn't agree more, yet sadly, that's exactly what we're "supposed" to do. It's like being back in grade school, it's pretty pathetic.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 08
Interesting - I wonder which organisation conducted that study.
Well, if they were to label those who redeem coupons as cheap; I think they would have to create a new meaning for the word 'cheap'.
In our case, we have points credited every time we use our credit cards or shopping cards - we redeem these points for coupons or goods. These means that we must have spend money for these points - just imagine it's not 'cheap' to get a miserable 10 dollar coupon - we have to accumulate like 1000+ points, at 1 dollar for a point. Cheap???

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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
That's a good point, though I don't think that is the kind of coupon redemption they were talking about in this study. They did site that people redeeming larger coupons were less likely to be viewed as cheap, so a $10 off coupon seems to be different in people's eyes than a $0.25 off coupon. Which makes sense, even if it is still bloody silly.
@banadux (630)
• United States
19 Sep 08
The only reason I don't use coupons is because it takes pre planning and organization which rarely fits the way I shop. I usually go to the store and do what I call man shopping and assume most men are like it. If you need something you go to the store, see what they have and buy it. I don't wait for sales, or check different stores I just go get what I want and go home. I almost never have a coupon available with this lack of planning.
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@monochrome_lie (407)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Wow, that must get rather expensive! I have a hard time being organized enough to remember and plan the use of coupons but I shop sales whenever I can. I only wish I had a deep freezer, it would make sale shopping and stocking up that much easier.
@EnslinPorter (1718)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Oh my, there is actually a stigma about it? (Sorry, I live in a foreign country ^.^') All I can say is those who are not redeeming coupons yet sees people who redeem coupons as cheap are insane. They don't know what they're missing. I totally agree that the people using coupons are the ones laughing all the way to the bank
I love using coupons because I get discounts and I can use that money for basic necessities, other stuff, or just put 'em in the bank. That's smart shopping! 

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