dangers of taking medicines during pregnancy
risks of medications to pregnant women
this pisses me off
This Really Blows Me Away...
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
September 18, 2008 9:24pm CST
Okay hold on to your hats folks, or whatever you want to hold on to...LOL
One of our dear MyLotters who is VERY pregnant did a discussion about the hard time she is having with her baby girl that is expected very soon. She's been having some problems with her pregnancy including lack of sleep.
She did a discussion mentioning how her doctor gave her Ambien...a sleep medication for her and all I can think of...
I'm sorry but what doctor in his right mind gives ANY kind of medication to a pregnant woman? Almost ALL medications have that warning...Do not take if pregnant, if your are nursing or may become pregnant.
And looking up specifically I found that if a woman is given Ambien that the baby can be limp and have withdrawal symptoms...LIKE WTF??
At another website I found about Ambien that and I quote
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Ambien should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
(From this website http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/zolpid_wcp.htm )
Geez...is it any wonder I'm none too keen on the medical profession??
Okay...if you were pregnant would YOU take any kind of medicine?
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40 responses
@wickikitty (532)
• United States
19 Sep 08
wow what a dumb doctor. I hope she was not crazy enough to take it thats for sure! Well I know that a lot of doctors give out bad prescriptions. I mean you can get an antibiotic now-a-days for almost anything... and what they really are for is life threatening breathing problems... not including bronchitis which is what its usually prescribed for and abused with.. Doctors must get paid a commission for selling certain products its all business grawls
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Nope from what I understand she IS taking the medication....Like I said I was under the impression that no medications should be given to women while pregnant.
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@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Hey Pye! You can take medicine when you are pregnant. I am not sure where you got that idea from. You can't just take any medicine you want, but pregnant women can take medicine.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
prinzess1515...all medications give the warning not to take when a woman is pregnant.....now while women might need to take "life saving" type medications that might be different...Ambien isn't a life saving medication....its a sleeping pill
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
If the doctor gave her Ambien and it clearly states that you DO NO TAKE WHILE PREGNANT this doctor obviously does not care. She should be throwing the bottle in his face and saying are you crazy. Another thing is she should be finding a new doctor. I don't care how pregnant I am I will not take medication at all. Only if it is absolutely necessary but in this case I would just bare with the lack of sleep and since she is very pregnant is she overdue or just approaching her due date? I would also be wondering why the doctor is not starting to induce labour. This doctor sounds like a tool. Find another doctor. Your stupid to stay with a doctor who would give such medication and has no lack of concern for the unborn child.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
She's done a number of discussions about the different difficulties she's been having with her pregnancy and yes, she's due in about ten days I think. She's also been having a lot of contractions for a long time but the doctor doesn't seem to be concerned or trying to induce labor. She really should find another doctor I think.
I had a beef with my own doctor recently...he prescribed me a medication that when I looked it on the internet clearly states do not take if one has joint pain....I refused to take it as I DO have joint pain. In fact, I might be hunting around myself for a new doctor as mine doesn't seem to be doing shat for me...LOL
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
19 Sep 08
The doctor doesn't induce because she is not full-term quite yet. Just has painful contractions every five to seven minutes for two weeks now. I have been there and she is worse off. The sleep deprivation for such a long time is difficult to bare. It's to the point where you can't function. That can't be good for the baby either.
I'm not condoning the Ambien, but she definitely needed something to help her sleep for at least a little bit.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
I know all about the sleep. I have gone almost 3 years with 2 - 3 hours a night and many nights not even sleeping. I will go days without sleeping. Obviously I have to deal with it as sleeping pills and natural home remedies don't work as well. As someone stated that she is 10 days till her due date why can't they induce labour? The doctor should be looking out for the mothers and the babies best intrests and obviously this guy is not doing so.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Sep 08
A friend of mine took regular Ambien when she was pregnant, that was 3 years or so ago now. Her OB/GYN said it was perfectly safe (it was a very low dosage though). Apparently they prescribe it kids too.
If I really couldn't sleep and was pretty far along, I may chance it. Depends on how badly I needed sleep.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Sep 08
The girl I knew who took it wasn't' big on medication either. But she had eczema and was working not only at her job but on a side job as well. She couldn't take her eczema medication and was getting almost no sleep (which was bad because he had a 45 minute commute one way).
She did a ton of research on everything in her pregnancy and was reluctant to take the medication at first. When she did take it, she didn't take it every night either.
Maybe the research that is available now, wasn't available then?
When I was 8-9 months pregnant and couldn't sleep, I was told that was normal. Besides being wired and uncomfortable, nothing else kept me from sleeping. I know towards the end I was staying up until 5am or so then sleeping until 9am, maybe taking a nap in the afternoon.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I don't know if she's taking low doses of it or regular. Still I just plain wouldn't trust a medication like that...but then I'm pretty anti-med to begin with..LOL
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I have been pregnant twice (and have two great sons now) and I refused to take anything but my prenatal vitamins. I am a non smoker and a non drinker so that wasn't an issue.
I did get sick when pregnant with my second and was told to take antibiotics. I looked them up and they were category B which is safe-ish during pregnancy. I chose to wait a bit to see if my body would fight off my respiratory infection and it did and I never did take those antibiotics.
So, for both kids, I took nothing and never would consider a sleeping pill. I am sure my doctor would never allow that anyway. As you said, there are issues with taking Ambien while pregnant and you are sedating the baby. I would rather just deal with insomnia than risk any possible effects to the baby.
Your friend's doctor seems to be the type who believes that mothers come first and babies second. I believe, in general, it's the other way around unless the mother's life is in danger.
I hope all will be well with that baby and your friend!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
The thing that really concerns me is that I have it from a friend how highly addictive this medication is....he suffered severe withdrawal symptoms while getting off it...so even though this woman is taking low doses of it, can't help wonder if she'll develop an addiction to it herself.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I think it is a pretty "normal" (for lack of a better word) occurrance for OB/GYNs to prescribe Ambien to pregnant women. I had 3 different OB's ask me if I wanted it for my insomnia when I was pregnant. I didn't take it for a couple of reasons. First, I try not to take too many meds when I am pregnant. And second, Ambien just plain doesn't work for me. I can take the highest dose (not pregnant of course) and absolutely nothing happens to me. My husband on the other hand took half a dose, got loopy and passed out cold.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I don't know...I just plain thought giving out any kind of medications while a woman is pregnant was a real no-no.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Hey pye, I know exactly what you're saying and I was
thinking the same thing when said that her doctor gave
her the Ambien so that she could sleep but I didn't want
to alarm or upset her since she was already so upset about
being unable to deliver the baby. I knew that you would
be thinking the same thing that I was thinking, in fact
I was wondering what you would say when you saw that part
of the discussion. I couldn't believe that her doctor
actually gave her Ambien. It is already a very controversial
medication. My doctor wouldn't even give it to me and I
begged him to! What if she sees this discussion? What will
you say to her then? I know she is going to take it. She
probably already has and is in dreamland and it's too late.
I can't imagine what that doctor was thinking. What effect
does it have on the baby? She already doesn't want to come
out, will this make it worse? I feel really bad for our
little mom to be. It's not like there was anything that
we could have done to stop her from taking it, but I do
wish we could have. Were we wrong pye?
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Oh minnie! I'm sorry hun! I'm glad you were able to sleep
and you're feeling better. We do just want the best for
you and the baby. We didn't want to upset you. I guess
you and your doc have it under control. Now tell that
little girl we all want to see her already!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
19 Sep 08
I know how irresponsible doctors (especially in India) can be...and I don't trust anyone else except my husband (who is a pharmacologist). Even when a doctor prescribes a medicine, I always speak to my husband first even before I buy it.
My husband has proved many times how a single dose of his will work where doctors have failed for days. I would stay away from medicines (unless I couldn't help it)when I was pregnant...even when my husband would ask me to take something for my headache, I would refuse....I'd rather sleep it out than pop something that would affect the baby.
During my second pregnancy, I would have lost my baby...if my husband didn't insist on the scan in the middle of the night (my regular doctor wasn't well...and the doctor on call thought it was okay to wait a day or two even after I told her that I THINK my water had broke....and she thought it was my inability to hold my urine due to a cough I had...she wanted to give me something for the cough and wait for when the baby was ready to come out......after the scan we realized that my fluid had leaked out and the cord was tightened around baby's neck and we would have lost him if I didn't have a caesarean in a few hours.....my sick doctor came immediately and did the C-section...she didn't want to risk letting the other doctor handle it).
I know the mylotter you are talking about and I hope her baby is safe....and this one dose of Ambien hasn't affected the baby.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Wow--good thing your husband insisted on that scan in the middle of the night and also glad your regular doctor came and did the C-section...both of them really did save your baby's life. The problem is that she hasn't taken one dose of this medication but is taking it on a regular basis

@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I've been pregnant A LOT and I would of never taken anything like that! I did have one doc try to put me on Zoloft but I did not take it and it's a good thing I didn't. After I had my daughter (which was my hardest, most complicated pregnancy out of 5. And she only weighed 5 lbs.) I seen on CNN that Zoloft causes severe respitory problems for newborns. I really hope that the person you are referring to won't take that medicine. And she might as well get used to not sleeping!!! You NEVER sleep with kids, lol.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Sep 08
After I posted my response I seen my last sentence! I should of worded that differently!!! I meant to say....You never get any sleep after you have children!! Oops!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Well unfortunately she is taking it...she claims it's very low doses...still not a good idea in my mind
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
19 Sep 08
That's crazy and irresponsible. I would never take any medications while I was pregnant, nor would I drink or do anything potentially harmful to the developing baby! That's just horrible.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I think the problem lies is that people are too trusting of their doctors...they hand a prescription out and people take them without asking questions...
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@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
19 Sep 08
is she heavily preganent?
does the doctor know?
did she tell the doctor?
if she did, and the doctor knows the situation, so maybe the case is really extreme.
like no sleep AT ALL
qoute from your discussion,
"only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus."
so maybe this is one of them?
have never had a child, so i cant answer your question...

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Of course her doctor knows she's heavily pregnant....she's due in about a week's time or so...It's still not right in my opinion to be taking a medication like this

@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
19 Sep 08
omg there is no way in HELL i would do that!! i would turn him in to who ever he needs to be turned into.. if he has done it this time who knows how many others and other people might not question it!! i cant believe he would even think that would work.. im like totally in shock 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
If anything she should get a second opinion from another doctor don't you think?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
She's not exactly suspicious...I think it boils down is that she's trusting the doctor just a tad too much
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
20 Sep 08
oh hell yeah.. does she think he is right or is she suspicious too?
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@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
No, not at all. I was very careful when i was pregnant with my girls'. Taking medication will not only put you on risk but also the baby in your womb. So, i think you that you should get a second opinion before taking those meds. Just to be dareful for both you and your baby.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
No, I'm not the one pregnant..LOL...but a mylotter friend of mine, but yes she definitely should get a second opinion
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
19 Sep 08
Hi pye,
What kind of doctor is he or she, don't they waht harm it can do to a baby? I should change the doctor, the poor woman and no I would not take any medication while I am pregnant.
Bright Blessings
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I think she should at least somehow get a second opinion don't you think?
@Ina926 (172)
• United States
19 Sep 08
No, the only type of medicine I ever took when I was pregnant was Regular Strength Tylenol for my migraines and only if I felt that I needed it. Sometimes all I needed was sleep and my migraines would go away. I tried my best to avoid any type of medicine and I even gave up caffein. No cokes, coffee, etc. I would have some chocolate every once in awhile though but, that's about it.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I'm glad to hear you didn't resort to medications much and even gave up caffeine
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Ummmm... I took medications when I was pregnant for bladder infection and I have never heard of any doctor saying absolutely no medication while pregnant. You can take certain medications and if a doctor prescribes it then is can't have much of an impact to the baby. When it comes to bladder infections it is better to take the meds than to risk a miscarriage or pre-term birth don't you think?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I can see maybe certain medications being given to a woman such as ones for infections, diabetes, etc...but a sleeping pill isn't a absolute dire need as far as I see it....I have problems sleeping myself and have never even taken over the counter sleeping aids just on principle
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Sep 08
When I was pregnant with both my kids, my doctor always told me I should never take anything but a low dose aspirin, and that was only if I absolutely had to and very, very occasionally.
I do understand about the sleepless nights, had many when pregnant, but would never take a sleeping aide, whether prescribed by a doctor or not. Then again, I also never liked sleeping aides to begin with, since so many of them come with the risk of developing a dependency to them.
My doctor would have had a heart attack, if I even mentioned the phrase, "sleeping pill" during any of my pregnancies. I would have gotten a very stern talking to, if I had. But though it seems many doctors these days have our best intentions in mind, it seems more often than not they will tell just about anything to prescribe one pill or another. "oh you have this, you need to go on this or this" ...write..write.."take two times a day" blah blah..it's annoying, considering in most cases what is prescribed causes more problems, than actually healing a patient. 

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@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Aspirin is a big no-no when pregnant.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Sep 08
In any case, big no no or not, I never took anything while pregnant. I toughed it out the best I could, and if it was to much, I would do things to take my mind off it. Mind over matter can be a great tool to use when it comes to pain issues, and being stubborn about taking any sort of medication.
The chemicals they place in medications whether classed for pregnant women or not, was enough to keep me away from taking any sort of medication prescribed or not.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I was even reading up on the over the counter sleeping pills and they too warn about not taking during pregnancy. I still just can't imagine any doctor advocating taking this type of medication, even in smaller doses

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Yeah this doctor obviously does not know anything or maybe just wasn't thinking about it when he prescribed it. Sometimes I wonder if doctors actually know anything about the side effects of the medication they prescribe to their patients. I consider my child being born with withdrawl symptoms a terrible side effect and would not want to take it if pregnant.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
In general almost all medications warn about taking while pregnant so like what in the world was her doc thinking?
@chengbeb (285)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Does the doctor still has his license? If he does someone needs to take it away from him. I was twice pregnant but I never took any medications except for vitamins. I was afraid that it may affect my child. Even if my doctor would tell me that it's ok to drink it I still wouldn't just to be on the safe side.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I just found out that this woman's doctor taking care of her and prescribed the Ambien is of all things a woman....like duh?

@banadux (630)
• United States
19 Sep 08
It's pretty scary to hear something like that. You rely on your doctor to know what they are doing. Not everyone can take the time to get 8 years of medical education or whatever is that they go through. Hopefully you told your friend about this before they can start taking the pills.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
From her discussion she's already taking the medication...sheesh

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@lorelei1622 (329)
• United States
19 Sep 08
NO I refused to take any meds all through both pregnancies, and couldn't even take the vitamins or iron they recommend. The vitamins made me violently ill and I already retain too much iron. What is truly scary for me was after I had my first, there were severe complications with the birth and I ended up with bronchial pneumonia and a severe infection of the incision while I was in the hospital, DESPITE the bright dayglo orange sticker the ob/gyn prescribed penicillin; fortunately the nurse caught the mistake before they injected me! I think the doctors need to do like teachers and be re certified periodically to make sure they can still do their job accurately and with caring and compassion.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Thank goodness the nurse caught on to the mistake....I think nurses make better doctors than doctors...if you get my meaning...I take it you had a C-section? That's another thing that gets me...it seems docs recommend C-section for every delivery whether really needed or not...don't you think?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 08
In your case then, yes the C-section was absolutely necessary, but I've heard too many women do get them when they aren't necessary...like the docs just don't want to wait around for hours and hours due to their "schedule" Glad to hear both your "kids" are healthy

@lorelei1622 (329)
• United States
19 Sep 08
normally I would agree, but in the case with both of my children I had to have emergency c-sections. I had great easy pregnancies but could never go into labor both kids were born at least 2 weeks late; with my first my water broke, they induced labor for 15 hours and then had to operate, and in the case of my second, I went for a stress test and they found out I was losing her due to toxemia, they gave me 45 minutes to get my husband there and then had to operate. Fortunately both were born healthy and have stayed that way, one is now 19 and the other 16.
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