Do you still sleep/nap in the afternoon?

Afternoon Sand In Boracay  - I took this pic at Boracay beach Philippines at around 2 0r 3 in the afternoon. Nice to think that whenever we go to a vacation we get more time to relax especially in a place like this. Setting up your hammock and feeling the air breeze while you're lying down and swinging gently. That's life in its simplest form.
@mchavez11 (1406)
September 19, 2008 12:21am CST
Having a cultural spanish background roots. We are taught and trained that taking a nap or sleeping during afternoons is healthy for our body. It recharged us from the hectic mornings that we spend at work or merely travelling to our offices and work places. On the other hand, if you are a home-based person. Do you still manage to get some sleep or take a nap in the afternoons?As for me, I miss those days whenever we sleep during afternoons. Back then there are more spare time to spend with. Miss taking a nap for at least 2 hours and waking up revitalize and ready for another tiring activity. Well, I guess as we grow older our schedules become hectic and as our economy suffers we need to spend more hours at work than before.
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19 responses
@gobispo (81)
• Philippines
22 Sep 08
i miss it too. how i wish i can do that again. i can't barely recall the last time i was able to take a nap. my time is always preoccupied, if not with work, taking care of my son or doing chores.
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@gegegelay (933)
• Philippines
22 Sep 08
Now that i'm working, I don't have the time to sleep in the afternoon anymore. I miss those times when I can just sleep at any given time of the day. Now, it's all work, work, and work. I would love to just stay at home and work there so I could sleep whenever I want, hehe. I would often get my afternoon siesta during weekends, when there's no work.
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• Sri Lanka
22 Sep 08
Long time ago, yes that opportunity was there. The worst time of my life without any work to do. Now of course in weekday cannot have a nap as I am working. On the weekends even though I love to have a nap it is not possible due to many domestic affairs I have to enage. I think this would be the case for many people.
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
yes i do.. most especially when im tired from work... you know, a power nap can really help you recharge from a strenuous day at work or school...
@rekcart83 (149)
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
When I was little my grandmother always told us or rather force us to sleep every noon. I really hate it cause I just want to play than to sleep. But I can't do anything about it and just sleep anyways. But right now. Whenever I'm doing nothing and just feel like it, feeling sleepy, then I just go and sleep regardless of the time.
@dookie03 (578)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Truthfully i take a nap when i can which is when the kiddo takes a nap. Since i only work 3 or 4 days a week i always have my son at least 2 workdays a week and we usually will hang out, go to the park, do whatever i guess but when he takes a nap in the morning around ten i'll usually try to take a nap but if not i guess i'll just have to bite the bullet and go all day without one.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
19 Sep 08
i try to take a nap in the afternoon for 10mins.if i take longer than that,i have trouble sleeping at night.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
I sometimes experienced that too. That's why I make it a point that nap for only 20 minutes and not more than that because if I get to sleep for 2 hours like I said. I tend to be up all night sometimes until dawn because I'm revitalized and recharged. Thanks and happy posting.
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
20 Sep 08
If I'm working from home, I'd take 2 hours of afternoon nap. During my school days, I always read some story books that soon led me into naps. After that I woke up refreshed and more alert to do my homework. So I am working toward working from home and it's a more healthy way of living. Sufficient sleep and being energized makes a whole whole of difference.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
I don't take afternoon naps anymore... since i am at work during that time... and during weekends... when i am with my daughter... she takes naps... and i take that opportunity to do some household chores... like washing clothes or cleaning... that way she won't interfere me with what i am doing...
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
That is also almost same as mine. I'm too busy with bunch of things to accomplish and I hardly see my bed during weekends because I'm out with friends in a coffee shop. Darn. Lol. Thanks and happy posting.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
I have to work full days from Momday to Friday, so no chance to have a nap. But, weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, I really enjoy taking a nap, atleast for 30 minutes or 45 minutes. Yes, indeed, that's very refreshing !
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@x7heavens (365)
• Singapore
19 Sep 08
As a housewife, my daily schedule is busy with doing the housework chores, managing the kids, marketing, running errands, etc. My hectic day starts at 5.30 in the morning and ends up only after the kids have gone to sleep, like around 10 at night. Even then, I could not find myself sleeping right after and could only close my eyes at 1 or 2 in the morning. As such, napping in the afternoon is very important for me to catch up some sleep, thus charging my body and makes me alert for the rest of the day. Napping usually takes about 30 - 45 minutes. Once it is over, I am up and about, whizzing my way around the house again. If I do not take this nap, I may find myself becoming more irritable and bad-tempered. Something that I do not wish the kids to experience, 'an angry mum'.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Wow. You are a super mum and I bet your husband and kids are lucky to have you. Your post seems that you're so busy with the things that really matters. Good for you and you managed your time pretty well by making sure you take a nap during afternoons just so to recharge your body. Hats off to you heavens. Cheers and salute. Thanks and happy posting.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
19 Sep 08
Hi friend,I never take a nap ,even if I want to take I just sleep for 10 to 15 mins and not more than that.Sleepingfor 2 hoursin the afternoon is not good.We put on weight and we would not get deep sleep in the night.So I avoid taking naps in the afternoons.I heard its good only napping for few mins to half-an-hour in the afternoons.thanks for sharing.happy mylotting.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Yah I kinda heard that too from other people. They only suggest that if you would take naps it only should only take 20 mins or so. Otherwise your head will feel heavy and drowsy. Though I never had that experience. Thanks and happy posting.
@diacedez (177)
• United States
19 Sep 08
yeah i do sometimes.. depends what i gotta do that day n what not.. but if i had a hard day at work n didnt get much rest.. its nice to get re-powered up a bit ahah..
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Yah I do agree we need to somehow recharge one way or the other. Thanks and happy posting.
• United States
19 Sep 08
I sure do still nap in the afternoon! It especially happens after only 2 hours of sleep. It really gives you more energy to do the things that you need to do.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Good for you. I sometimes sleep during afternoon but most of the time I'm busy as hell. Maybe I need to plan in managing my time. Oh well. Thanks and have a good one.
• Singapore
20 Sep 08
Doesn't napping cause insomnia at night? It seems harder to get a good night rest when you nap.
• Canada
8 Nov 09
I tend to stay up rather late at night working on my computer, so sometimes I'll sleep in. LOL Other times I'll get up early and take a nap sometimes, or I'll just get up in the morning and stay up all day. It is different every day, all depending on whatever I feel like doing.
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Due to the nature of my work, i cant take a nap or sleep in the afternoon. I cant find time to take a sleep or even a nap. I have only one hour break time during lunch but i use this time to eat and to have my personal hygiene. But on weekends i always make sure to have a sleep in the afternoon to recover my body from stresses that i incurred during the working days.
@snpyvin (1518)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 08
Ya i do take nap in the afternoon. But i have stop this habits long time ago as i found it wasted my time as i always overslept in noon and its make me lazy. Now if i sleep in noon i would be awake at night lols.
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
I do take nap, provided I'm at home. I can't just sleep at any place, like for example at the office, I maybe closing my eyes and pretended sleeping but deep within I'm wide awake and just observing. Well, at home, I surely take a good sleep at nap time. The cool breeze and the natural ambience of the surrounding creates a lullaby for me to sleep about 2-3 hours during nap time.
@shally_hh (418)
• China
8 Nov 09
Yes,i have to take a nap everyday,otherwise,i would have no energy to finish my work at the rest of the day,so despite of my busy job and little spare time,i always take take a nap in the afternoon,and as you said,taking a nap or sleeping during afternoon is good for our health,so i perfer to take a nap for about one or two hours even in the weekend.