I am against adoptions
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
September 19, 2008 6:27am CST
I do believe that there are a lot of altruistic couples who are ready to make sacrifices to help other children who are orphans. However I would like you to hear my story.
A colleague of mine has adopted her second baby from a foreign country. Being a childless couple they opted for adoption after all attempts to conceive a child have failed. The first child she adopted is an intelligent smart boy, while the second baby seems to be a slow learner. She is a 2 yr old girl which has not uttered a single word right now. For my friend this has been a setback as if the world has fallen down on her.
When I hear my colleague talking about her children she really makes me angry. She belittles the second adopted child and she even uttered that it was better that she had not adopted for the second time.
What is your opinion about adoptions?
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58 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Sep 08
I think this is more of a negative reflection of this woman rather than adoptions in general! I hope that for this child's sake this woman wakes up to herself because this child has probably been through enough hardship already and has a bleak future ahead of her if this attitude towards her doesn't change. Adoption is a second chance at life for many children so I am definitely for it. Every child deserves love and not all people are able to have children as you have rightfully said already; so it is a win-win for many. It makes me sad though to read about this woman's attitude towards this little girl. 

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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
19 Sep 08
I know that adoption offers a solution to many orphans in the world. I do admire another friend of mine who has adopted a child from a foreign country and different race. This couple treasure their child as if she was their own.
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@misskit (289)
• United States
19 Sep 08
It looks like everyone has already said what I think, and said it well too.
Children are just that, children, no matter whether they are adopted or blood, no matter if they are from your own country or a foreign country, they are still just children who need loving and supportive parents, parents to teach them, love them and help them grow. No child is perfect and some have more problems than others, but they need love and attention none the less.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
21 Sep 08
Nobody is perfect. Even natural children can have problems let alone adopted kids. Despite this everybody deserves to be loved.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I think your colleague bit off more than she could chew. Children are nor perfect. This could have happened with a natural child. I am not against adoption because there really are so many positive cases and think what would happen to the children if they weren't adopted.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Sep 08
I agree with what you have said. She bit more than she can chew. Two kids are tough to cope with when you are a working mother.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I think that there are some people who assume that all children should be the same. There are no two children who learn at the same rate of spped. There are some things that are easier for some children to learn but harder for others. Your friend should take the little girl to the doctor to have her tested to see if there is something prventing her from speaking. If there isn't then your friend might need to take time to work with her daughter.
In my eyes all children are very smart. Its the job of the parents and teachers to figure out how to tap into the childs learning abilities to teach the child. Parenting isn't easy but it is a rewarding experience.
I am the adoptive mother of two boys. I love both boys as if I had carried them myself. Both boys have been a totally different experience to raise then my own birth daughter but that doesn't mean I love them any less. I am for adopting children but I think that people should think before they adopt a child. All children can come with issues or problems. Doesn't matter if the child is adopted or not. Some of my friends have more trouble out of their birth children then I do my boys. Its all in the parenting skills and how much a parent is willing to work with the child.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Sep 08
"There are no two children who learn at the same rate of speed." Well said kiss.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
Hi ronaldinu, I am not against adoptions but I think it depends on those who adopt. I don't think that everyone is like your colleague and I don't think that such people should adopt. Everyone who wants to to adopt a child should be carefully investigated and follow ups should be done. I think it is terrible that this woman belittles her child. Blessings.
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
1 Aug 10
Sometimes this happens. Children who have been proned to having horrible experiences before they were adopted sometimes take longer to get used to having a family that loves them. I think she is just angry and upset because the first adoption went so well and this one has not. Not everything is perfect in life and she should know that with not being able to have children of her own. Why should would be disappointed is understandable.
i personally believe adoption is better than anything out ther.e Ithink people put to much stock in invitro and other possibilities. I don't believe in abortion and I think she should really just give it time. She should understand that not every adoption is going to be the perfect adoption
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
2 Aug 10
Hi crysontherocks thanks for your feedback. I think we should never compare a child with another. My friend is bitter that she was lied by the adoption agency from which she was "extorted" a large sum of money.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
I am for adoptions. When an infant's mother cannot take care of her or him because she is too young or no one will help, adoption puts that infant with a couple who are unable to have their own birth children. But there are some who believe a woman becomes infertile or does things that will result in infertility because inside she does not have the mother gene and so God made her infertile or caused her to act to become infertile because of that. I would say that the reason is that the mother was not given the proper instruction or told where to get help for her second child so she is overwhelmed and that the orphanage did not tell her of the problems, they just assumed.
Most people have inherited problems or conditions and can deal with that, but if there is a problem that never was in their family, it is hard to deal with. For instance, I can deal with diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure and strokes because it is either in my husband's or my own family, but if a baby was mentally retarded, I would need help.
What you should do is not to get angry but find out if there are any institutions or child care facilities that will help her with her second child.
I do think the service that got her the child told her of the problems.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Poor little girl!She needs a total loving care.I thought she was lucky when someone adopted her but the way your friend think about her made me feel mad also.I am a mother and i have a daughter too.I love her very much and even i am not related to that child i feel for her.I wish she will be given so much care and attention because i know she needs more of that.We never know what had happened in her past.She might be traumatized about something or whatever bad happened.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Oct 08
both baby and mother need help in my opinion. thanks for your concern.
@gabbana (1815)
• China
19 Sep 08
there are quite a lot people who like, no , love gossip. they never handle their own business well.
please tell your friend that some children utter later than others but it doesn't mean they are slower or stupider. on the countrary, sometimes such kids are genius, remeber Einstain? many famouse people showed slow reaction in their childrood.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
19 Sep 08
Even natural kids can utter their first words at a later stage in life, let alone an adopted girl....
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@cmathias12 (1025)
• Armed Forces Canada, Europe, Middle East
28 Sep 08
I can see you saying that you are against adoption for your colleague and I know that there are many people out there that do not treat there adopted children as they would there own but there are good people out there that would love any child regardless of there inability. It is just to sad that the little girl you speak of has to endure that type of criticism

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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
Of course I am in favour of adoption when a couple is committed to do what's best for the child.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Adopted parents are true parents in every sense of the word. I don't know what would make you think otherwise.
My parents are the two people who did the following:
Walked the floor at night when I was ill.
Woke in the morning a fed me.
Educated me.
Laughed and cried with me.
Attended dance recitals.
Attended school plays.
Rushed me to the doctors when I needed stictches.
Taught me ethics and morals.
Danced at my wedding.
Cried at my divorce.
Send me birthday cards.
Celebrate my wins.
Pick me up when I am down.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with the ovum and sperm donor who are my biological parents. They did none of the above. The were not there and did not even know my name. They were not my parents they were simply my genetic donors.
Blood does not make family. Blood does not make parents.
I am an adopted child. I have adult step-children who have been with me since they were 4 and 6, they are my "real" children.
We are family through the bonds of love. Love is what makes family and what makes parents true parents.
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@geniouslea (195)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Adoption is a great way for orphaned children to gain families and for people who cna't have children naturally to share their lives with someone who needs them. I think a problem with the system is the screening process. It seems that during this process there is more concern over whether the person wanting to adopt is single or married, or makes enough money etc. and not enough concern over the personality characteristics of the people. I think that it's unfair that someone who would love a child unconditionally and be able to provide for them, just not luxiouriously provide for them maight get rejected because they don't make enough money or are single, while some people who meet the basic requirements and are able to adopt won't love the child unconditionally and want to pick out someone who is perfect by thier stnadards. An adoptive parent should be able to love their child unconditionally as if they were thier birht parent.
You shouldn't be against adoptions, but agianst the sdoption process and the screening methods.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
19 Sep 08
It's a pity that your past whatever it is, is still taken in consideration. Adoption is an act of love that washes away any wrongdoings of the past.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
That is right. We wanted to adopt a new born infant who looked like us - brown hair, blue or brown eyes, but because I was a former bad girl, even though I was not now, we had to adopt hard to place children. Most of them were slightly retarded, and their parents had been heavy drinkers, but we were lucky in getting two baby boys of three months from the same background I had. but I would have rather have gotten them at birth, but because of my past, I could not.
Oh I did prefer twins.

@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
I would have to say that when you adopt a baby you have to be prepared for anything. Especially when it is a child from another country. I think that adoption can be a good thing provided that the people that are adopting are prepared for anything. I know a couple that adopted a little boy and they had fully known that the mother had drank throughout the pregnancy. So they have been prepared to deal with all of the kids problems.
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@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
20 Sep 08
It seems to me you are not against adoptions, but against people who aren't prepared to take the consequences. A child born to this couple that you mention, could have had the same problems. Adoption is not the issue. When we undertake the huge task of raising children we take on the chances of all sorts of problems. Granted, children raised in orphanages may have huge issues, but the adoptive parents should be aware of that chance and decide if they are up to it, should it arise.
I have 2 adopted children that turned out find, although they were not without problems, either. What child is not? Parenting is a huge task that should not be taken lightly or abandoned just because it gets rough.
As for your friend, she needs some counseling to handle her own issues. She is damaging this child more than she knows, by exhibiting this attitude. If it is so serious that she won't rise to the challenge, maybe she will have to let the state find someone who will.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Sep 08
Getnbuy you got the picture right. "It seems to me you are not against adoptions, but against people who aren't prepared to take the consequences." The post's title is provocative but it did the job. Many users responded to the post.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
20 Sep 08
Lot of story about adaption, but because lot of people got a good heart & they are not blessed to have child, so they go for adaption, like my aunt she been merried for how many years they are not so lucky to have child they wish even just one, but still the same but when they go for adaption they take one bot his so cute adorable he need love to mom & dad, but in this till his still good to them & my aunt have thier own child they are four now with that boy but he stand & treat each other like real brother & sister. so in my side im not agaist as long they are safe & got a real love of the family.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Adoption is a great opportunity, ronaldinu, for people who desperately want children yet are unable to conceive naturally. I do have a problem with those who adopt for the wrong reasons, but there are so many children in need of someone to love and care for them that I can even overlook this. I believe that some of the wealthy celebrities who are so much in the news for adopting foreign babies should look closer to home rather than going abroad in search of babies so frequently. As far as development goes, children do not progress at the same rate. Perhaps the child in question has not yet spoken simply because they have nothing to say. Children should be viewed as individuals, not compared to other children so much.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
"I do have a problem with those who adopt for the wrong reasons, ". I agree with your statement as well. Thanks for your feedback.
@EnslinPorter (1718)
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
I think adoption is okay especially for couples who cannot conceive a child and for orphans to be given the right to have a family.
I'm so sorry to hear about your colleague. I think she doesn't even have the right to be a mother. If she can't love a child for what the child is, then she's no right to be a mother. Yes, it could be a setback for them but belittling an innocent child is absurd. Instead, she should be helping the child develop by helping her in any way she could like speech therapies and so on. I guess if she had children of their own with the same situation, she'd also belittle the other one. Having a child is not just plainly having a child whether biological or adopted. What matters is the love parents share to and with their children.
I hope she changes. Maybe she's in a stage of denial at this point, causing this behavior. Once she's learned to accept, maybe she'd help the child develop well. 

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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
If both partners agree about adoption, i don't see anything wrong in adopting a child.
@musicandme (149)
20 Sep 08
I believe she's having a hard time with the 2nd one because she's a slow learner. Maybe God has reasons why He gave this little angel to her. Maybe He want her to learn more patient and be more caring.
I believe there are a lot of works to be done if you will adopt. Adoption is a way of reaching or helping out other peoples lives. If I will not going to have my own children then I will adopt but first I need to know the background or history of the baby. I will give all my love and I will do everything to make that baby a good and responsible citizen.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Since my husband was adopted at birth I am all for it. I feel that every child has the right to have parents who love them regardless if they were conceived or adopted. Anyone can be a mother or a father, but it takes special people to be mommies and daddies. This was a phrase that my late mother in law had always said to her two sons (they were both adopted). I feel that your friend should love both children equally and find a way to help the second child. Take the child to a psychologist and find out what the problem is. Once diagnosed the psychologist should be able to give solutions to the problem. I work with children with special needs and I love it. I am a paraprofessional and help students who are having difficulties learning. Everyone has the right to an education.
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