Why do the Irish hate the English?
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
16 responses
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
19 Sep 08
There is no hidden animosity: it's plain and out in the open!
The Irisch hate the English because they invaded their country (that's why they speak the same language) and to this day, they stand against the full Irish unity, by not letting go to Northern Ireland, a historic part of Ireland, and physically on the same island.
I apologize to any Irish, English or British members that might feel what I've said above is incorrect or incomplete. It is my knowledge on the matter stated briefly. If I am ignorant on the matter, I accept any corrections, as long as they are fair and objective.
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
20 Sep 08
It's obvious that Irish and English people don't attack each other on the street... They are both civilized countries, and they leave aside past conflicts, now it's more important to cooperate so both nations do well.
I don't live in any of the to country, so I can't possibly know exactly how they feel, that is why I apologized if I'm mistaking. I'm just telling how things transpire to my country through the media or movies. I'm sure the Irish nationalists have a pain in their soul when they see the North Ireland border on the map.
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@Irishandproud (1)
• Ireland
18 Feb 11
im irish, i dont particarlly hate the english, but i dont exactely go out of my way to be nice either, what they did to us years ago back in the 1900s is disgusting, when i think of that a rush of hatred just comes up in me, i never went through it im 17, but its our grandparents and others i think that keep that hatred still alive today as a few in my family still outright hate d english and have no shame in saying it to us so some of that hatred rubs off on us,(altough i think just about all ROI ppl hate the queen of england and her stupid"royal family" they should just die as far as im concerned

@duff2000 (1)
• United States
6 Dec 08
england is a pig dog of a country. they have mistreated the irish for centuries. they have massacred, raped, thrown IRA members and suspects in prison( where they would beat, urinate, defecate, and kill the prisoners), burn down homes and businesses. if u do some investigating you will learn more about it, england has done stuff like this to every country under their control through out history. we never hear about because our media and government is very close with england!
2 people like this
• Ireland
11 Jun 10
You might think that the country is a 'pig dog' (whatever that might be) but as an English person living in an Irish speaking rural community, your attitude is exactly the same as so many people living round here. My son goes to school here, speaks Irish here, we are good people yet we have to live with all the pricks who tar English people with the same brush because of what happened years ago. If you all have a problem with the country, keep it to yourselves and let us, and all the many other English people living here, get on with our lives and we'll do the same with you lot. You all seem to forget how good England was to the many Irish men who came over in the 60's to get work because your own country couldn't give them and their families what they needed.
@irishlad115 (3)
22 May 13
@englandinireland I only hate the British who hate irish but if they don't hate us then ill get along with them but I'll never forgive England for what they done to us irish
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Sep 08
I have been living in Ireland for all my life and I have never come across any animosity towards the English. I personally love the English people. I go the England a few times every year and I find the people there very warm and friendly towards the Irish. My best friend is living in the UK and I get along very well with all her friends. I suppose there are still a few Irish people who bear a grudge against the English and they also want them out of Northen Ireland. As for me, I don't mind who lives in Northern Ireland. The English Government are probably doing a better job there than the Irish Government would do so let them stay there and live in peace.
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@marddyy1 (7)
• Costa Rica
23 Mar 11
I think it is right to remember.
I am english and proud of it....not about what we have done in our past along with many other countries. the usa wiped out more people with 2 atom bombs but that was ok ? china and russia killed millions of thier own and other peoples......germany and japan ! are none of those hated ? should I hate the irish as they gave tacid approval to natzi germany during the war when memebers of my family were being killed in the blitz....we were fighting for freedom (or maybe you think it was another english plot to take over the world !)
I have irish ancestry and they chose to live amongst the english as do many other irish people and perfectly happily.
Not everyone chose to leave due to the troubles or famine, and where are lots of these expats who crave thier heritage ? have they gone back to the motherland ?
would it be ok for me to hate italians becase of the romans ? of course not.
I appreciate history is more current but the famine was back in 1845 I think AND we have several new genertaions who appear to be looking for offence.
I think you can only go on be angry and hateful for so long and then it just works against you and no one else.
@marddyy1 (7)
• Costa Rica
23 Mar 11
oh yes....
I forgot to add a comment about the catholics being persecuted and churches burned etc., in ireland.
you need to look around europe at the time, catholics across the continent were murdering protestants across the continent (look at the massacre in paris and the expulsion of the hugonots) are they holding a grudge and bombing paris !
tolerance was not the order of the day back then, BUT IT SHOULD BE NOW.
european history is filled with horrors on all sides....not just yours.
@SiamWarrior (2)
29 Jan 09
A lot of IRA members were both Catholic and Protestant so Religion was never a issue, the British goverment preferred to portray it that way.
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@george85 (17)
• United States
6 Dec 08
well i take a personal interest in this subject. first off, i am irish american and an I.R.A. supporter. the reson the Irish hate the English is because for 800+ years the English have been an illegal occupation in Ireland, and the Irish just want them to leave so that they can rule their own country by themselves. seems like a fair concept eh? well the reason the Irish have been killing the English is because the English have been keeping the Irish down by arresting and killing the Irish citizens, and burning them out of their homes. if the English left today, there would be peace in Ireland, simple as that.
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@rantallion (1)
23 Feb 09
In regard to george85 describing himself as an IRA supporter, I would take issue with his knowledge of some of the atrocities done in their name. The IRA have indiscriminately blown up,crucified and murdered thousands of people,English and Irish, so your comment could equated to saying you're a supporter of AL-Qaueda or any other terrorist group. The ends do not justify the means. Going back to the supposed Irish hate of the English, if every country held a grudge towards others who had committed atrocities against them then the world would be an even more violent place than it is already.Get over it! The British government has apologised for acts committed over the last few centuries,what else can the English do? Having a chip on your shoulders is never an attractive quality.
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@marddyy1 (7)
• Costa Rica
23 Mar 11
why do you call yourself an irish american ? I have never heared anyone say they were an english american ! you can be irish or american unless you have dual nationality.
maybe you could arrange for texas to be given back to mexico who seeded it to the states after a defeat......no I didn't think yo would be interested.
ulster is not occupied you moron, it is part of the uk for as long as the majority want it, this is agreed with the republic so who are you to get invlolved in our domestic affairs.....sort out your own problems, you have plenty.
next time good ole usa needs us we should say stuff you.
@IRSpride (1)
• Auburn, Maine
21 May 14
Have you ever heard of African American? Same idea!!! Us Irish Americans are allowed to feel the ill feelings of the horrific atrocities brought on by the British. This is after all our motherland. We have every right to complain about the British occupation as this effects our ancestors and current lineage in Ireland. We are a very proud people and will certainly stick up for own.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
Hi ronaldinu, I am sure that all of the Irish don't hate the English, but there have been some problems over the years. Was your stay in the Republic of Ireland or in Northern Ireland? Many people feel that Northern Ireland should be part of the Republic instead of being part of Great Britain. The Majority however have always voted to stay with Britain. Blessings.
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@madgoose (75)
19 Sep 08
Both the Scottish and the Irish hate the English, I think part of the reason is England has always expressed a superior attitude to both countries. Both Ireland and Scotland are bombarded with English influenced media and things important to those countries are often overlooked. Also my husband hates the fact that when he has visited England they do not make any attempt to try to understand the Irish or Scottish accent, it's not that they can't it's the fact you can see they don't even bother.
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32745)
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Sep 17
Aside form the things people mentioned.
Ireland have it's own language and The british banned the Irish from speaking it under their rule. Because of that many Irish can't speak Irish anymore.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
23 Mar 11
I think you'll find it's not just the Irish,look at all the countries the English have invaded.The English for centuries have stuck their nose into other countries affairs and had a very ignorant and arrogant attitude towards everyone else.
@Rachel85044 (426)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Well, they did fight for many generations but I that was many generations ago. I suppose there could still be some bad blood between the 2 but I would think that old wounds would have healed by now. I mean the Us and England are good and they had some issues in the beging!