It Was Only A Matter Of Time!!!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
September 20, 2008 8:01am CST
The following article mirrors what I have believed would become the turning point of theis entire presidential election! It puts out the possibility that if Barack loses the election in November it will be because he is black and racial prejudices would be the main reason! Quite frankly I wouldn't vote for him if he was white or any other color of the rainbow simply because I disagree with him politically! Here is the article!
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10 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
20 Sep 08
What the study doesn't seem to realize is that current polls don't magically avoid polling people who may fall into that category. If they can cost Obama up to 2.5%, then what that's actually saying is that Obama should be polling up to 2.5% BETTER than he already is. And since the latest round of national polls show him ahead...he's ahead. Any effect that would have is already in there.
And before you claim "well, people could feel that way but not be willing to admit to a pollster", well, the percentage of primary cell phone users (mostly young voters), who are going to be mostly for Obama, don't get polled at ALL by these pollsters, and that group easily cancels the other group out (if it doesn't override it), imo.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Thanks for your comment. Not really my point though. My point is that if he does lose it will be blamed on race rather on issues and I'm not convinced that is the basic problem. YES, I do know there are those out there who wouldn't vote for a black man/woman regardless of their politics but I don't believe that is the case here!
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
20 Sep 08
"My point is that if he does lose it will be blamed on race rather on issues and I'm not convinced that is the basic problem."
I know it won't be blamed on issues, as it shouldn't be. Obama is with the majority of Americans all of the biggest issues to voters--if the election was decided 100% on issues, McCain wouldn't have a chance.
I don't think race would be explicitly blamed, though--the tactics of McCain's campaign (Rove and his disciples, and guys like Askew, who smeared the crap out of McCain in 2000) are most likely to be blamed, imo. Probably a generic 'steering the public eye away from the issues' would be the reason given.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
20 Sep 08
We all knew this would come if the election was close, and let us not forget sometime in October the U.N is going to tour America to study racism. America will be viewed as a racist country if Obama loses, no two ways about that. To me Obama is a lefty and I would not vote for him just like I would not vote for Kerry, Gore, or Clinton. Kerry, Gore, and Clinton were white so did I vote against them because I have a distrust of white people no because I have a distrust of liberals. Now the big question will those Democrats that will vote for McCain, how will they be tarred as racist. Of course will can throw the racist comment right back at them. Take for instance the 2006 Senator race in Maryland Republican Michael S. Steele who is black vs Democrat Ben Cardin who is white. Did Steele lose because of racist white Democrats would not vote for a black man?
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Thanks for the comment. I don't believe I can add much to that except, EXACTLY!!!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Race is not the issue that they are trying to make it out to be... Obama has no business being president simply because he has no clue about reality. He is running for himself, and not for the good of the country.
I could care less what his race is... what I do care about is whether or not a candidate shares my political beliefs.
Obama does not even come close to representing mainstream America, and has should himself to be an out of touch elitist who cannot relate to the average American.
The only reason they are playing the race card is because they know he does not measure up on the issues, therefore they try to portray political opposition as racism since they have no other argument.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Obama does not even come close to representing mainstream America, and has *shown* himself to be an out of touch elitist who cannot relate to the average American.
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@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Black, white, purple, or green. I don't care what color Obama is, I would not vote for him because he doesn't have a clue. He isn't doing this for the benefit of our country. He is doing it for the benefit of HIM! And no I am not racist. My granddaughter is mixed race. I just don't like Obama and is ideals. I think he will do this country irreparable harm.
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@vmksvmks (413)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
That was indeed an interesting article Thank You however i must say it is so easy to blame something when one is not successful I also vote for the man or woman that i believe in regardless of race,colour or creed and that is about it Time will tell but with a government in debt in the trillions what can i say Once apon a time we talked in millions it has now become trillions What is our world coming to Good Luck and May the best man win
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I knew this was going to happen. If you don't vote for Obama, you are a racist. Well how about I don't vote for Obama because I don't like his politics? How about I am a conservative and am voting where the majority of my views are being seen to.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Sep 08
His race was actually what drew me to him as possibly getting my vote because I was very interested in change and getting away from all the republican mistakes made in the past 8 years. After researching him myself, not accepting the media's opinion of him, I began to realise this was not a person I would want as president but I was still feeling pretty safe with the Democrats as I always had Hillary Clinton to vote for as I thought Bill Clinton was an excellent president, maybe she would more like him, so all was well. That happy thought was quickly dispelled when she did not get the nomination. Then..... as I became more aware of all the rumors, secrets and skeletons in Obama's background I bought both his books to see if there was anyway I could see what the real man was behind the "empty suit". Boy oh boy I got more than I bargained for!! There is no way in this world Obama would get my vote. I am now convinced he would just be a puppet controlled by the enemies of the USA. However as this is just my opinion I do hope I will not be subject to any more insults from his supporters as I have experienced in the past couple of weeks here on myLot.
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@lemayan (188)
• Germany
21 Sep 08
i thought America was a country that was above prejudicism given the fact you have lived with blacks for what.. more than a hundred years, and when did an election become about race, dont you think your loosing the main issue here which i thought should be COMPETENCE of the candidate, i once saw the same thing in Kenya where two tribes were fighting for power using two diffrent party names but what happened afterwards was something our country had not experienced in 40yrs. The Kenyan People drew lines against each other (which they had never done before in 40yrs of indepedence) it was either you were in this party (ODm) or in the other (NARC) but the truth was ODM was for one tribe and Narc for the other and the rest of the tribes fell in on either the two but after the elections when ODM lost people killed each other simply because their party had lost and because certain tribes voted the party that had won, what happened in Kenya was tribal, now from this discussion i can see for America is racial,people have drawn lines for either being white or being black the sentiments are the same but, well covered by the parties republican or democratic. same players different ball game.