Who WasYour First Choice For President?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 20, 2008 2:51pm CST
Now that we're down to under 50 days to go until the most important Presidential Election of most of our lifetimes, let's take a look back and discuss the early days of this never-ending campaign, if you can remember back that far...lol! We started out back in 2007 with roughly two dozen candidates vying for their respective party's nomination. The media didn't give equal time to all of these candidates, obviously, so some of you who didn't start paying attention until later in the game probably weren't even aware some of them were even running. How many remember the days when everyone seemed to just assume it would be a race between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani in November?
As we all know once the dust had settled the nominees are now Barack Obama and John McCain. Obama really surprised everyone by seemingly appearing from out of nowhere while McCain started out strong, kind of faded - no, he pretty much was pronounced dead - only to make a rather amazing comeback. The candidates have chosen their running mates with Obama going with one of the former hopefuls for the Democratic nomination, Senator Joe Biden and McCain shocking the nation by choosing a little known governor, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.
This isn't a discussion to bash anyone or to insult anyone's intelligence. I'm just curious to know how many here, regardless of which party you're in, got your very first choice? If not, how happy are you with your party's nominee and do you still wish your first pack had won or have you come to change your mind? If you've changed your mind, what made you change it? Has anyone here actually decided to switch which party to vote for since the whole process started? One more question, no matter how you answered any of the above - are you satisfied with the choices for V.P. and if not, who do you wish had been chosen and why?
Oops, sorry I lied...I have one more; if your candidate doesn't win in November how upset with you be? Please keep it respectful and polite! Thanks in advance!
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19 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I was a very strong Hillary Clinton supporter. Unlike other Hillaryites, I'm now pretty comfortable with Obama although I do still have a nagging feeling that we Democrats are not fielding our strongest, most experienced candidate at a very crucial time.
Frankly, the thought of McCain and Palin getting into office scares the hell out of me. When I first started supporting Obama, I probably had the thought somewhere in the back of my head that if he didn't make it, at least Hillary would get another chance but the stakes are so much higher after these last few days of financial earthquakes that I can't think of anything but getting rid of Bush and anybody who might carry on his disatrous policies.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Okay, I'll start this one! My first choice was the ex-governor from Arkansas, Mike Huckabee! I supported him as our governor and believed he did quite a bit of good while he was in office.
As far as who I WILL vote for, I believe my intentions are quite clear to everyone who is a regular here on MyLot, I will vote McCain/Palin. If they don't win, I suspect we as a country will survive although it will come as a big dissapointment to me that, IMO, America will have to learn the hard way.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Thank you for responding and for being very polite! Yep, I know what your intentions are but I thought some who may read or post may not. This may surprise you but I like Mike Huckabee although I don't agree with him on everything. I enjoy listening to him speak which if he had been the GOP nominee and had gone on to win would be something I can't say about Bush or McCain and Palin...lol! I don't mean this to be mean, I'm just giving my sometimes silly opinion and I know a great speaker isn't always a great leader.
I'm glad you at least think we'll "survive" if Obama wins instead of thinking we'll be taken over by an alien life-form.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Sep 08
We had my first choice and he lived through it.When he ran, he was making too much sense and he was too truthful that I remember be really scared that They will try to harm him. They did try but it didn't work. My favorite president in my lifetime was Clinton.I had 8 years where I really cared about the president and when he left, so did my interest in politics. Nothing has rekindled it. All I can say is that both candidates seem smart, witty, level headed men. And with a democratic congress, either man will be okay with me.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Bill Clinton was IMO an excellent president he did wonders for our country but sadly it has been going downhill ever since. I think a lot of my support for Hillary came because Bill seemed solidly behind her and that could only be a good influence. His personal life trouble did not affect my opinion of him in any way as a president.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I'm so glad whenever I find someone who shares my good feelings about Clinton. He made personal mistakes but that didn't affect my life, other than the money wasted on trying to bring him down. Despite his faults I honestly believe HE cared about US, too.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Ron Paul, as you may've heard already
He's no longer in the race, and I can't vote anyway being just a bit young yet, but I hear alot of folks are going to write him in.
Back then, Giuliani was my biggest worry. I and some others fondly called him "Mr. Terrorist, terrorist, 9/11, 9/11"...because his sentences seemed to almost always include duplicates of those words.
My Mom was worried about Hillary because she didn't like Bill.
I didn't change my mind, Ron Paul dropped out because he couldn't do as much good staying in -- though maybe if things had been like there are now, then he might not have.
I don't do party loyalty neither, lol.
VP's..meh? They're exciting and all. Would I change it? Well, on McCain's case yeah. The whole...everyone drooling over Sarah thing is killing some of my news days lol. Plus, as a pagan I'm worried she agrees with her pastor's stance on witch hunts. But yeah.
As for November, I'll probably be tense no matter who gets it. McCain a bit more so because I personally feel he's a ticking time bomb..that's just me. And on Obama's side only slightly less, because I've kinda got this...aggitation with 'well meaning people'...and I'm just anticipatory more than anything else.
I don't get upset over politics ^_^'
I'd be thrilled if Ron Paul somehow won despite all the stuff against that ever happening, though, of course.

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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
21 Sep 08
*laughs* I WAS suggesting how unlikely it was to happen, mister.
And btw, McCain has offered Ron Paul stuff before...and he wanted Ron Paul to endorse him and...he flatly turned it down.
It's one of the things I liked so much about him, really, Ron Paul's record is practically flawless with voting, consistency, and all. Plus, at least recently, alot of predictions of his have been coming true with the economy.
I don't agree with everything he says either, but he was the only candidate I could honestly say I'd trust not to abuse my rights, to waste my money, or to endanger the nation.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 08
"I'd be thrilled if Ron Paul somehow won despite all the stuff against that ever happening, though, of course. "
Well Ron Paul can't win. The write-in votes won't even be counted unless he registers as a write-in candidate.
I do think it would be very wise for McCain to offer him a cabinet position should he win. McCain has already stated there will be democrats in his cabinet which shows that he's not simply interested in yes-men. I didn't want Ron Paul for president, but he seems to be one of the most honest men in Washington and I would like to see him with a stronger role in government than he currently has.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I don't know what McCain has offered Ron Paul in the past, but I do know that Phil Graham asked Paul to endorse McCain. Frankly, I thought that was a stupid move and I hope it was not at the behest of McCain. Ron Paul will do what he thinks is right regardless of what requests or suggestions people make.
I agree that he is a man who I would trust not to waste tax dollars. That is why I'd like to see him in a position of power even though he's not my first pick for president. He is big on individual rights and state's rights.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Well the primaries were actually a pretty tough decision for me. I'd supported Alan Keyes in the past, but this election I think something snapped in his head and I just decided he was far too extreme for me. I was deciding between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney and decided on Romney because he seemed like an intelligent, open-minded guy with a solid business background that could come in handy with the need to fix the current economy. I honestly think he dropped out far too early, but there's not much to be done about that.
That said, I am satisfied with the choice of McCain as the party's nominee. I disagree with him on several issues, and there were times in the past I disagreed with him even more, but I feel we need someone who can work across party lines and not be a slave to his party and McCain fits that bill.
Obviously I'm not a democrat but if I were, and the DNC hadn't disenfranchised my state, I would have supported Mike Gravel.
For the VP choices I think both candidates made good choices. McCain picked the EXACT VP that I'd been saying for months I wanted him to pick, so I was very pleased he took my advice. Obama's choice of Biden gave me comfort that while I think Obama is inexperienced, has poor judgment, and would be weak in a crisis situation, at least he'd have someone with more foreign experience and more grit to help him out. I'm also glad Obama didn't pick Hillary since I feel they may have been an unbeatable combo.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I must admit I'm having a hard time reconciling how someone who supports McCain and especially Palin could say they could ever support Gravel.
I do remember reading your posts for months about Palin, in fact I knew almost nothing about her other than what I'd read from your posts when her selection was announced. I guess I don't have to tell you I don't share your enthusiasm...lol. Really, no offense intended so I sure hope you don't take any but I'm just not a fan. I also don't feel nearly as sure as you seem to that Hillary would have made for an unbeatable combo. I fear there are way too many on the right who really hate her with such a passion she'd have energized them in a way nothing else could. Or I guess I should say the combination of the two.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 08
"I must admit I'm having a hard time reconciling how someone who supports McCain and especially Palin could say they could ever support Gravel."
I'm not saying I agree with his views or his stances on the issues, I just felt he was the most respectable democrat in the primaries and he was the one I wanted to win the Democratic nomination. I especially respected him as the ONLY candidate to take a stand against the DNC's decision to disenfranchise Florida and Michigan. I don't really count Hillary since she was all for it until she won those states.
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@Rachel85044 (426)
• United States
21 Sep 08
hmm, I wonder why the far right hate Hilary? I love her!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Sep 08
xbredax Good question and I do not know the real answer perhaps it is because he comes across as a entertaining celebrity more than a politician. Whatever the reason I am just glad they are in foreign countries and unable to vote.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I was and still am a strong Hillary supporter. She was my first choice with Bill Richardson as second. I was more curious than anything else about Obama but the more I learned about him the less impressed I became. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that Hillary will get another chance in 2012 regardless of who wins this election.
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Originally, I was rooting for Richardson. That feels like an age ago. The wife was a Hillary supporter. Now we both are supporting Obama. I hope he wins, but fear that McCain is more likely to win. Major annoyance I will have if Obama loses.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Thanks for responding, morgandrake. Richardson would have been a very good choice, I think. I think the Democrats had a very strong line-up.
Rose, what you posted here had nothing, I repeat absolutely NOTHING to do with this discussion. I've always said anyone is welcome to respond to any of my discussions whether they agree or disagree with me but PLEASE don't post if you're not going to stay on topic. I'm not going to waste my breath by asking you to have something accurate to say with something to back it up but at least keep your nonsense on the topic of the discussion.
@zebra2222 (5268)
• United States
21 Sep 08
My first choice was Senator Dodd. I thought that he had the experience, integrity, and the ability to be the President. I also knew that he had no chance of becoming the President. It's all about exposure, money, fund raising, and popularity. I knew that it would be between Obama and Clinton on the democratic side. The Republican side was less clear. I did not like anyone on the Republic side of the ticket. Moderate Republicans have no chance of securing the nomination. I tend to be moderate to liberal in my positions. I am not upset with Obama getting the nomination. Eight years of George Bush have been disaster to America. We need to change things in Washington. I believe that Obama can begin the process of bringing change in the domestic and foreign arena of politics.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I originally was an Edwards supporter. Boy, am I glad that didn't work out. I would have been really in a pickle. I'm thrilled to pieces with Obama and Biden. I will be terribly upset if he doesn't win. We have had too many years of lying and misrule for me.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I started out as an Edwards supporter, too, but as the debates went on I was really rooting for Biden, so I'm really tickled he's the running mate. I'm from Pa., not too far from his hometown of Scranton to I've followed his career forever and have always liked what I've seen. I'm really saddened by what happened with Edwards because while what he did is indefensible and my heart breaks for Elizabeth I still think he had a lot of important things to say.
I sure agree about too many years of lying, etc., and it seems like nothing would change under McCain/Palin.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
21 Sep 08
i wanted hilary clinton from the get go. i was very disappointed when she did not make it but that obama did. i think the choices we have stink but i will vote for mccain just to vote against obama. there are so many things i dislike about him that it would take too long to write. suffice it to say that no matter who we wind up with, given the choice we have, there will be issues and problems. i will vote but just to place a vote against obama it is really not "for" mccain if you understand where i am coming from.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Unfortunately I do know where you are coming from and that is the same place I am going to! One less vote for Obama may not seem much but it could make a difference.
@easysidemoney (199)
• United States
20 Sep 08
at first i wanted romney. but im pretty happy with mccain now
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Thanks for your response. Now that Romney is out and McCain is in do you give any thought to what seemed like "bad blood" between the two during the primaries? I don't mean this to be any kind of dig because we all know there was some of the same between Hillary and Obama, I'm just curious about your take on this. I've read a lot from former Hillary supporters, plus we hear a lot about them on the news but there hasn't been much said about how supporters of the other GOP candidates feel now, other than Ron Paul supporters who seem to be VERY loyal.
@Rachel85044 (426)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Well first off I voted for Clinton and I still think she would have been a better pick not that I don't like Obama (I do) he seems like a good pick. But in my opinion Hillary was a GREAT pick!
Regarding the V.P. selections, McCains pick just p*sses me off! I mean really why did he pick her? To get the Clinton supporters like we were voting for her just because she was a woman and he can replace her with some who has the exact opposite positions on almost every topic and we will fall for it! Yeah, I don't think so!
Now, Obama's pick I actually like Biden. I think he is a great guy, I always like a politican that says want he wants no matter the fall out! But I was really disappointed he didn't select Clinton with her I think the polls would be different, more in his favor. I also in general really like the Clintons. I hope Chelsea gets involved no she is a smart Girl!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I have a feeling we're going to be hearing a great deal from Chelsea Clinton in the future. She's a very intelligent young woman and has a lot of class. Even those who hated the Clinton's through the years have had to admit they did an excellent job raising their daughter and it's really showing now.
I really like Biden a lot, too, and I've no doubt in my mind he would be ready to take over in a second if, God forbid, something were to happen. My only regret is that this didn't happen a bit earlier in his life so he'd have the chance to run after Obama's second term...lol! Although, that's still quite possible since he'd still be about McCain's age and I think we all know that there are some people who are "old" at thirty and others who are still "young" at 70. Heck, I've known people who I swear were born old fogies!
@magerman3 (2)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Well i was first going to vote for the ex governor of arkansas but now i think im going to vote for Mcain because he has a very bright future for the america that we live in today and i think he will make some very good changes to your nation
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I am still undecided about this one but I have a shocking secret to tell, you will never guess who will be running in the (NEXT) presidential election, in 4 years, give up? OPRAH! That's a fact and no one is suppose to know about it yet, so SSSSSSSHHHHHH, mums the word!
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@kishore415 (889)
• India
21 Sep 08
my first choice to president coming us election is barak obama. though he is a black citizen he is now going to become president of us. he is a personal with political sense he always gives warm hand to peaceful ruling.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Hillary was my first pick and I voted for her in the primary. I didn't know that much about Obama to begin with. In the debates, I particularly disliked the way both Edwards and Obama treated Clinton. I liked Bill Richardson, but I didn't think he could win.
After it was obvious that Clinton was not going to be nominated, I had to re-think my position on Obama. I really had turned against him because of his church. It really turned me off. But I started listening to him, and once he dumped the church, I found I agreed with him more and more.
I am still disappointed about Clinton, but I will be more than happy when Obama wins the election. I am a life-long Democrat, and it would take a he11 of a lot more than some old dotty f*rt and a moose-killer to make me vote Republican! I see that pair as worse than the pair we've had for the last long eight years. Sorry, I can't be any more polite than that these days about it.
How upset will I be? I don't even want to think about it.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I was for Hillary and when she was no longer up for this election I put my support behind Obama. I think that he would be better for this nation as president than anyone else running. If he isn't elected, I figure that things will continue to get worse and then in four years the nation will be fed up enough to vote in a Democrat.
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