Let's Discuss Governor Sarah Palin...
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 21, 2008 8:28am CST
...without being afraid of saying something that will offend one of her staunchest fans but without being offensive or disrespectful of her or her family either. In other words, she's a political candidate who has held and currently holds a political office so she has a record, so let's civilly and respectfully discuss her like we'd discuss any other politician regardless of gender, ethnicity or ideology.
She's the polar opposite of Hillary Clinton on the issues but it seems like she's every bit as polarizing as Hillary in that you either love her or hate her.
To those of you who love her, can you tell me what it is that appeals to you about her?
To those of you who hate her or "fear" her, can you also explain that to me?
To everyone, what do you think made McCain or whoever made the final decision chose her over everyone else who had been considered and do you think it was for the right reasons and do you think she was the right choice?
Please let's not be sexist and say she has no business running for such a high office when she has five kids including an infant because that's been beaten to death and I don't think it's relevant and please let's not attack her kids because we wouldn't like it if someone did that with our own families. Everything else - her record, her statements and her known positions - is on the table!
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18 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I personally think that she has made some very poor judgement calls. Her decisions to hire friends to run posts in Alaska instead of qualified applicants is an example of that. If her friends were qualified to run the posts than I would have no problem with that but, the attorney general, the Ag director are two prime examples of non qualified people having high positions that shouldn't have. She has continuously called it the Palin/McCain ticket and that worries me. She has made comments that have left me to believe that she doesn't care about McCain's position on things (like ANWR drilling). Her allowing her staff and husband to ignore supenas which is in fact breaking the law and I don't know how that is a reformer, do you? She flip flops more than a fish out of water. Her open-ended statements where one must draw their own conclusion is annoying. Her answering questions by restating the question in a different form and never really answering the question. For now these are the issues that really concern me and worries me I'm sure that once I'm attacked I will be able to think of more.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Do you mean the Ag Director that liked cows as a child? That's real mature and intelligent, isn't it? The part about ignoring the subpoenas really bothers me, can you even imagine if Obama did that? However, her fans just blow it off like it's not big deal.
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@Rachel85044 (426)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I hate the fact she takes credit for the glasses! Those are TINA FAY glasses and I have been wearing mine now for 4 years! :) I definetly don't want people thinking I got my fashion sense from someone that wears an updue for every occassion!
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@4magoo (396)
21 Sep 08
The first thing that comes to mind is her use of power, given to her by the people, to reward her friends and punish her enemies. I shutter to think what such a person (not male or female - a person) could do with all the power of the United States behind them. Second, she is know to be quick to fire from the hip. This is being said by a number of her Alaskan constituents. We can't have a person dealing with global issue and foreign countries, firing from the hip. I could say more, but I will stop there as those are the two areas that scare me the most. By the way, when I say scare me, I really do mean it. I am "afraid" of what could happen if she gets the job.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
21 Sep 08
You know anniepa, a lot of person dislike people who are quick temper but we need to look beyond that. This is the case with my party the People National Party President Portia. Persons tends to dislike her because she is quick on the tongue but when she was given the task of becoming Jamaica First Woman Prime Minister she was a good one. At least to me. They had another internal election yesterday for the Presidency and she won again. I am saying this to explain the position that it is best to look at a person performance in public life than to look at the quick temperness.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Sep 08
As you know, I was a big Hillary clinton supporter and I consider myself a feminist. But as much as I would like to see a woman close to the preidency, I have to admit that Sarah from the Frozen North is not my cup of tea. I'd hoped that any woman candidate would be the best and the brightest and that just isn't my opinion of Ms Palin. I get the impression she approaches every interview as if it were a timed question from a pageant judge and she goes for the zinger. It didn't work for her in the Ms Alaska contest and I hope it doesn't take her into the vice presidency. I'm also stunned that we have a candidate for the second highest office in the land who has never once traveled abroad. Hard to believe.
I agree with the responders on this thread who say she frightens them. I'm very, very afraid that we could wake up some morning and find an untraveled, undereducated vice president succeeding to the presidency of the United States. It might be good material for a Disney movie but it's pretty scary stuff in real life.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
21 Sep 08
She scares me to pieces. She doesn't think man causes global warming; she will set women's rights back to the coat hanger days; she thinks seeing Russia is the same as a foreign policy. Heck, I can see trees; that doesn't make me an arborist. She is very quick on the trigger; I worry who we will go to war with next. There are more reasons, but that's enough for now.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Also, don't forget tht Alaska is the kingdom of earmark money. They get approximately $400 per citizen as opposed to approximately $34 per capita in the rest of the country. With all that port rolling in, of course they approve.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Rose, she does NOT represent me or any other woman I know to be truthful and Bill Clinton did NOT say she's up to the job, he said she's a good campaigner more or less. George W. Bush had a pretty good approval rating as governor of Texas, did he not? I sure love where that got us....lol...and Texas has several million more people than Alaska which I think has a population about the size of Chicago's. Would you at least acknowledge that Alaska is hardly typical of the rest of the United States. Big Foot would probably have a high approval rating there.
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@liscampll (124)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I agree with almost all of the previous posters. I think that she is unfit for the job. I think she lacks the ability to see both sides of an issue. I think that she doesn't have enough foreign experience. I think her religion crosses into her politics way too much. I think that she lies to get ahead. I "fear" that she could be running our country. I don't think she is at all ready.
I really wanted to like her too. I wouldn't vote for the McCain ticket under any circumstance, but there's a chance they can be elected. I'm all for women being in the White House, but not this woman.
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@magnolia17 (39)
21 Sep 08
When she was first introduced to America as John McCain's running mate, I thought she made a very effective first speech. However, I am beginning to fear her a great deal. Here is the primary reason why: she seems to be a little bit like George Bush; she makes up her mind and then she won't budge. I think some of the problems we currently face are ones that require a great deal of thoughtful reflection, rather someone who quickly comes to a decision and then will not reverse if it shown to be wrong, as I think George Bush would not. I think we are in a very complex situation right now in the United States. While we are still obviously a very powerful nation, at least militarily, we have lots of economic competition right now, and we don't have enough economic clout anymore to get what we want in that way. Our bailout, if it works, will have involved the Central Banks of Japan and almost all of the European capitals. We can become economically powerful again, but we have to offer something people need and want. While we produced gas-guzzling cars and debated whether global warming existed or not, many European nations and Japan got busy making more fuel-efficient cars and have set their own standards for improving their energy efficiency. We are joing the world game, on many fronts late, and I think it is critical that we have not just leaders of average intelligence, but some majorly smart folks. I don't think Palin represents that. Furthermore, it is even more frightening that she is being so much talked about. She is the VP, not the President, but she is the one drawing the crowds, even when McCain still does not seemingly trust her to speak on her own. She's only had a few interviews, and one was a love fest at Fox News.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I love how different people can see the same interview to differently; I'm referring to your description of Palin's interview on Fox as a "love fest", which I agree with totally, but another myLot member posted recently that Charlie Gibson destroyed his credibility by his terrible treatment of her while Sean Hannity was a class act! Clown class, maybe...lol!
The part about her being the one to draw the crowds is very unsettling because I really don't think all these people showing up to see her are drawn to her great substance or qualifications. That's what I don't get - what is it that some people so obviously adore about her?
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@4magoo (396)
21 Sep 08
So very true. Sarah Palin lacks the experience and when she talks she talks dogmatically. From her perspective, she is right and everyone else is wrong. There is no given and take.... it is like 'my way or the highway.' We need someone able to undestand complex issues. That takes intelligence. Then we need someone who has an understanding of other cultures. Remember that this is national and international politics. Not the polotics of a state that is about 700,000 people. It is hard sometimes to get ones mind around numbers but lets put it this way. The state of Alaska has a population that is one fourth of the size of the city of Chicago. It is TINY. We need someone who has had a passport longer than a year and doesn't count a refueling stop in Ireland as visiting a foreign country.
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@Rachel85044 (426)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I thought Charlie did a great job at showing us her true colors! I hated when they were talking about drilling in Alaska and him saying John McCain does not support that. She then told Charlie she would work on him! That made me feel good that she would work on him what the h*ll! It just sounded so wrong for a vice presidental nominee to say something like that, it makes you wonder if she knows she is not going to be the one in charge.
Also I hate Fox news! Its is so freaking bias, its not even news its the Republican broadcast! they need to change the name!
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@Ferguson (23)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I can't believe the amount of retoric coming from the left regarding Governor Palin (which is what she deserves and has earned to be called!). You all just attack her because she's a woman who stands up for what she believes in. The Saturday Nite Live mallorky is so unfair. Imagine if they made fun of Hilary that much. THey don't, and you know why? Hilary takes her marching orders from the corporate people. Governor Palin (don't call her Sarah unless she calls you by your first name too) has earned the right to talk the talk, and if she says it you can believe it.
How on this green earth can you fear her? How can you hate her? Sarah is just a simple soccer mom who is running for Presidnet of the United States! This country needs people like her - that's the only way we're going to make this country whole again.
So, get off you're high horse and stop being elitest and recognize you need to be alittle humble sometimes too.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
30 Sep 08
First of all I think that McCain choose her cause she was a woman, I mean really what other reason is there? The fact that Clinton didnt make it and all these women were so hyped to see Clinton going for it he thought that he would gain the womens votes. I for many reasons dont think she was the right choice. I at first was stroked that he picked a woman. That soon turned to just disbelief the more I read and found out. I dont think she was the best choice in the least.
There is so much I have read that I dont like, her seeming to think once in power she could do what she wants. Her hiring in school mates and friends for jobs being one.
There is just so much I dont agree with, the abstinence among one,I know we said we would leave kids alone but I dont understand I guess how that can be her stance when it didnt work for her or her daughter.
And Im sorry but she just doesnt have the experience to do this, just reading part of her interviews is painful. Im sorry but people need to get past that she is a woman and do some research. Wish we could have it all with a woman in office but not this time I hope.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I'm almost afraid to agree with you because I just got called out on only agreeing with responses that were against Palin, but here goes - I DO agree with you and I can't pretend I don't, nor can I pretend I do agree with those who have sung her praises. I totally respect their opinion and their right to express it here especially since I DID ask them to, but I'm not at all a fan of Sarah Palin and I don't think I've made a secret of that.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I like Sarah Palin...why? I like her strength and I like that she isn't afraid to fight with the big boys. Most women would feel intimidated in an arena that is mainly men not to mention taking the running for VP after Hillary up and quit. I really think she'd make a great asset to the McCain team and the White House. I like the things she stands for so far as family, pro-life and christianity...which I think are sorely lacking these days. Good old fashioned values.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Thanks for your response. As a woman I feel a bit embarrassed that the most visible woman in the world right now is one who is really showing herself to not have a clue. I'm sorry if that seems blunt, but her interviews with Katie Couric really scared me. You mention her values and "Christianity"; I have as many family values as anyone does but I don't think someone's religious faith should enter into their governing. When someone refers to a war as "God's war", or whatever her exact words were, I find that disturbing.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Well, from where I'm from & where she's from, I definitely would not want to have a snowball fight with her, especially between the months of March & November. She'd probably have me beat & anhiliated by the amount of raw material for ammo.

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I'm sorry if you took me as "going negative" on YOU, because that's not how I see it and it sure wasn't my intention at all. Yes, if someone posted an opinion about Palin that matched mine, I'd tell them so just as if they said something I didn't agree with, I'd also say so. I certainly at no time meant to make it personal against any of you who don't share my views.
May I ask you what I could said or done differently in my replies to those who responded to this post that would have suited you better? I'm asking you this in all sincerity, no sarcasm or displeasure intended at all, I'd really like to know. I went back over and reread the earlier posts after reading your latest one since it had been several days and I really don't see what I said that was so horrible to anyone. OK, I forget at the moment what I said to KR, but there's a history with her, I'm not sure if you're aware or not.

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I think she is a strong woman that is interested in helping the people she is serving, rather it be as governor or in the Whitehouse. I don't think she will back down by the Washington bureaucrats. I believe she will do what it takes to cut the curutpiion in washington, and I think she will be a right hand to McCain, if they pool their idea together they might find a way to help us instead of going there to show off in front of the cameras and to feather their pockets on any bills that are only good for the wealthy. Her giving the money back to the people of alaska that she fought the oil companies for tells me that she is interested in the people. Her firing the chef and selling the governor's jet tells me she is not one that needs fancy things in here life. She seems to me to be a regular working mother. I think he made an excellant choice. I now seen on tv tht before this is over we will more than likely see Hillary as Obama's running mate, I think this will hurt Obama in his race for president. He will only be taking her on to get her share of the votes and I think that her supporters will see this, and if she excepts the offer she will be someone that I know I don't want in office.
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@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Sarah Palin scares the bejeebers out of me! She is George W. in a skirt & updo. She abuses power. She goes against everything I believe in. She's pro-life (which means she wants the government to decide for the woman), big time NRA member/supporter (and why do we need automatic weapons?), anti-environment, & sorely underqualified (she can see Russia from Alaska, however!). I think McCain made a poor choice & his reason for choosing her is because...well, she's a woman & she said yes to his request to run for VP. I think the Rep. party was trying to make history by placing a woman on the ticket which is just as sexist as not placing a woman on the ticket because she's a woman. The person on the ticket should be well qualified & have proven themselves in some way. Those Obama haters out there are ready to pounce but I think Obama has more experience (that includes life experience), more education, & more knowledge to lead our country. In addition, he made a good choice for VP candidate in Joe Biden. Gee, why aren't we discussing Biden's inexperience? Because Obama's choice was not questionable.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Your last two sentences tell a very sad truth - Obama makes a fantastic choice for his VP, the first decision he had to make to show the kind of judgment he'll have as President but it's gotten ignored and forgotten because everyone's talking about Sarah Palin and ready to pounce on anyone for any real or imagined insult or "inappropriate remark" about her.
@zebra2222 (5268)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Sarah Palin is unqualified to hold the position as Vice President. She is very right wing and lacks any knowledge concerning foreign affairs. Her grasp of economic issues is lacking. She is not allowed by her handlers to take questions concerning national matters. She is not truthful about many matters including the Bridge to Nowhere. She left the city that she ran as mayor in debt for millions. She has fired personnel. She is vindictive and secretive. Another Cheney we do not need. I would love to see a woman as President or Vice President. However, I want that woman to be a leader that I can believe in and has the right background and integrity for the position. Sarah Palin does not meet these qualifications. (I would just like to add that we have had forgettable Vice Presidents in the past)
@liscampll (124)
• United States
21 Sep 08
From the Anchorage Daily News, here's a new take on the Troopergate scandal:
I don't know how factual it is, but it's interesting!
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@deeesfamilyvalues (318)
• United States
3 Oct 08
For one-until tonight I was very skeptical about what was, or is the Sarah Pailin Media hype. Before this evening, she had a lot of mistakes on camera and a vagueness that drove me crazy. I am a McCain supporter. I watched her Katie Couric interview and nearly chocked on my Coke. Now, after tonight I think a lot of what is being shown is media filtered. Do not get me wrong. I know she was a horrible interviewee. I do not love her. She still has a lot of proving herself to do. One other thing. The comment in the interview about VP executive power concerns me a little bit. I think Biden anwered that one right.
I think that she would be a great support to McCain. If it is new blood that we need then fine. I want change just like every one else. Sarah Pailin is a mom, wife, and a business woman. I think the people that love her, love her for her down to earthiness. She does seem to be able to sit across the table from you and sip a cup of*Joe*. I had never thought of Clinton like that. She seemed a much more out of reach person. She seemed very intelligent this evening. I think the people that hate her hate her because she had that Elle Woods(Legally Blonde) affect on everyone until the debate. She was kind of giving the airheaded answers and again being vague.
Now about her kids- this is not an attack in anyway. I am very glad this family model came into light though. Her children are just like mine and everyone else's. THey make mistakes and they are kids. Maybe her being a mom and showing other women that she can have it all is another attribute.-
A little off the subject though... If we can leave Sarah Pailin's children alone, I think everyone should back off the celbrities children. Seems only right!
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I think that people like her because she seems down to earth and super normal with her "soccer mom" routine and her cover girl style smile. She seems more accessible more like you and I. I don't dig her or McCain though so if I were voting today though I am not all that big on Obama I think that I would vote the Obama and Biden ticket instead.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Well, personally there are a lot of things I do not like about her. She says she is a Christian, and I know it is not my place to judge, but why is her daughter Pregnant and not Married, and it is no big issue. Same thing with Marriage, and what is constituted as such as well. Makes me wonder what she really feels, as they will not let her talk by herself anymore, and sounded like she was only copying McCain when they had the Debate.
Personally, I was quite shocked when McCain chose her. I just do not see where he comes from. If I would have been him, I would have considered someone else for sure instead of someone I am not sure would be able to ever stand on her own 2 feet if something ever happens to McCain.
@snovamp (55)
• Kabul, Afghanistan
3 Oct 08
Why did McCain pick her over anyone with actual experience.. ?? He picked her for the sole reason to pull Hillary's female voters, those who felt left in the lurch after her campaign fell through. He was appealing to the concept, not because its what he believed in but because he felt he would get more votes in the end.
Why I don't like Palin ? She hasn't answered one question yet. Her stand is to mention McCain, etc etc. I watched the debate earlier like most did and for the life of me, heard nothing but blah blah McCain. It's great to give an oral report, if you're in grammer school, looking to the paper for talking points. But to govern the whole US of A, not a chance.
If she spent less time talking McCain, and more time being for real and talking like she's "round the kitchen table", she might be better off.
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