Conform to their language or they conform to ours?
@wildspirit722 (179)
United States
September 21, 2008 12:25pm CST
Do you feel it is fair for immigrants to come to America and not have to learn our language.?Instead, we have to learn theirs because we need to communicate with them? I feel that it is a privilege that America has opened our doors for foreigners to enter and live free and prosper. So on that note, I believe the least they can do is learn our language, instead of being ignorant and taking over our country and making us have to bow down to them. Our good men have faught for our freedom for us and other countries to reep the goodness. How dare they not put any effort out what so ever to try to conform. Los Angeles no longer belongs to us. The Mexican's have taken it over and changed all the signs to mexican language and we can hardly understand what it is anymore. I'm wondering if the rest of the world just isn't ready yet for our kindness. They are much too ignorant and it was a very big mistake. I love the concept of it, but they just aren't ready. It's much too late now. They've already taken over our country. We are now the minority of our own country which our brave soldiers died to protect for us so that we may share it with the rest of the world. Too bad it was all a mistake for the other countries, but definitely no mistake that they faught so hard and dies and suffered for us. Amen
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7 responses
@harleydad811 (4)
• United States
22 Sep 08
After reading this discussion from you I feel that you are absolutely correct. My Grandparents came from Europe in the early 19th century. They struggled hard to learn English to fit in with society and to become true Americans. All the men in my family have proudly served this country and cherish the pride of being an American. To learn a second language is a great idea, but English should not be a second language in America. Our children should be allowed to learn any second language they choose and they shouldn't have to have Spanish shoved down their throats. If we are forced to conform to other languages in this country. Where does it stop? Should we learn Vietnamese,Cambodian, Asian, French, Polish, German, Chek, Hungarian,etc.... enough is enough. Welcome to America!!!! Learn ENGLISH!!!! And be a part of our country. The best in all the world.
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@madgoose (75)
22 Sep 08
You say that multi-lingual societies create prejudice but it sounds as it creates prejudice because people don't speak English to your satisfaction. People are not happy that those who come to America and don't speak English, well how else do you think most people who don't have the time or money learn another language: by talking with people. By the sounds of it you are so annoyed that they don't speak your language that you don't bother. It takes a long time to learn a second language and become fluent. Immigrants coming to this country usually do not have a lot of money and are worried about establishing basic needs before taking on a second language. The history of America was that immigrants that spoke English came to America and overthrew the Native Americans, do you think they bothered to learn the language that was already established? Obviously not that is why most people speak English. So in turn if you want to say the Spanish are taking over the language then they are doing exactly what we did to others in the past.
@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Thank you my friend. Very good points. I'm glad you feel that way. God Bless the USA!!!!
@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Dear Madgoose. If they are learning it and tell me that then I think thats very respectful and right. If they aren't even giving it a chance to learn it, then that is what I don't agree with and I'm sure that is what Harleydad was trying to say. It is common sense to know that it takes a while to learn. When I went to France, I told the people to excuse my French. I am in the process of learning it right now and it isn't too good. At least I let them know that I cared enough to try.

@kgroup (15)
• United States
27 Sep 08
English is still the primary language of these United States
and everybody should know it hands down.
All Americans shouldn't have to know Spanish if they're in LA
and if you're in certain parts of Southeastern Michigan
you have to know Arabic to get around. Scary.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I spent time in Italy in the Army and it was my job to learn their language. We had several that worked in the Mess Halls and they made very little effort to learn English. We had to learn their language.
Just once I would like to make a call and hear the recording on the other end tell me in Spanish, "For Spanish press 1".
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@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
22 Sep 08
OMG. You are sooo right, mee too. That is a very good point. I just take it for granted that I will hear that Spanish phrase about the pressing numero uno thing. Never thought of THAT ha ha. Good one.
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
21 Sep 08
thats funny i just posted a similar conversation a few days ago
anyways i agree completly i think its wrong in my opioin they dont have to know our launage but they can come over here work for 3 yeaqrs tax free get welfare and state insurance ect knowing thats the reason half of the amercians can not get the help when they need it
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@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I'll have to look for that. You have some excellent points. You are 100% right. Thanks for your response. They get excepted for everything before we do. Like I said we're m the minority now and it just isn't fair. Thanks sooo much. Nice to know I'm not alone in this.
@GemmaR (8517)
22 Sep 08
I think that if someone wants to go and live in another country, they have to learn their language.
I don't think it's fair that everyone else should learn their language, when they're in the minority.
I understand that moving to a new country must be hard for a person to cope with, but at the end of the day it is their decision, and people have to fit in with the society that they move into.
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@madgoose (75)
22 Sep 08
America is a melting pot of different languages, I mean it was discovered by the Spanish and then the English overtook everyone and ruled America until we rebelled. The fact of the matter is America actually has no national language, when our forefathers were writing the Constitution they purposely did not put that English was America's national language because they wanted no mention of England in that document, or the oppression that was associated with telling other people how to live their lives. So to tell anyone they should speak "our language" makes no sense since we have no national language.
@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Americans have a language in which we communicate with each other. There are schools that teach it and it is all taught the same. We understand each other here in America. We are only asking that we understand the people coming to our country as well. If I went to their country I would make sure I took a book to speak their language while I was there. I wouldn't be ignorant and make them try to figure out what I am saying. They shouldn't have to. If I moved to another country and became a citizen or even went there illegally, I would definitely learn their language . It's only fair and polite.
@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Same thing as if I had someone stay at my home for a while. I would want them to follow the simple rules of entering my territory like not cursing because I have children and its offensive. Or making sure they flush the toilet when they are done and so on and so forth. It's only fair and polite while being in my territory. Americans aren't being mean or anything. They are only asking for respect. Well they should be anyway. That is my opinion.
@madgoose (75)
22 Sep 08
I understand that it would make the immigrants who come to America lives easier if they were to learn the language, but my point is I don't like it when Americans get all high and mighty saying it's our language and how dare they. My point is coming to America equals freedom and the choice to do whatever you want without persecution. Most people have to take a second language in school anyway so we should be able to communicate in different languages anyway that was the point in taking those classes.

@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Legal immigrants , yes because they have to to pass the test. I'm talking about illegal immigrants who come and just don't care. There are a whole whole bunch of illegal immigrants. There are more illegals than legal. They come here on visas and when the visas expire they are supposed to leave the country and they don't. That's where a lot of them come from.