Every child does outrageous things, what did yours do?
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
September 21, 2008 3:36pm CST
I'm remembering my sons when they were children. One turned 20 yesterday and the other turns 21 today. Children do outrageous things in total innocence, usually when your back is turned. I remember one day when my Lewis was 3 and Jack was 2, I was cleaning up a mess in Lew's room and Jack toddled out to the kitchen. Everything was childproofed so I thought nothing of it. But when I returned to the kitchen to clean and re-wet my rag, what a mess!! Jack had opened the fridge and found the eggs on the first shelf and had quite a fine time throwing them one by one onto the floor!
And the look of delight on his face, how could I be angry?!
The three of us cleaned it up together but the next week Jack found other things in there to play with. We ended up drilling a hole in the side by side doors and putting a lock on the fridge!
What outrageous things have your children done? Anything this messy? 

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19 responses
@smacksman (6053)
21 Sep 08
My daughter was the prettiest little thing (don't all doting dads say that? haha), mass of platinum blonde curls and the biggest smile this side of Texas.
She had just been dressed in her party clothes to go out - sweet little smocked dress for a two year old and brand new red shoes.
I was busy doing some building work on our home so my wife was due to take her to the party but couldn't find where she had got to.
Worried, we both started to look and then we found her.
She was sitting in a wheelbarrow of sand/cement mortar happily splashing her hands in the mix and with a huge smile of welcome and love at seeing us come round the corner and at the look of horror on our faces!!
But how could you not laugh at such a sight!
She was late getting to her party!

@smacksman (6053)
28 Feb 09
Funny you should say that because my wife rushed and got the cine camera and took some footage - priceless!
Thanks for the best response.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Too bad you don't have pictures--of her and your faces when you saw her! 

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@autismmom2 (155)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I had gallons of soy milk dumped on my livingroom carpet before finally getting a lock that worked!
My son has flushed so many things, it's rediculous. The toilet has been snaked 3 times, with 2 of them requiring the toilet to be taken outside for a better look (it was a McDonalds toy and got really stuck)!
My son also has gone in the ferret's cage many times (now have locks on that too!).
My daughter used to eat those silica gel packets, and air freshners.
We've also had a few coin/toy ER visits for xrays.
Kids do some crazy things!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Sep 08
LOL! Toilets are really attractive to kids and those McDonald's toys are such a pain sometimes. I remember taking my eldest in for x-rays when I thought he'd swallowed a battery, that was kind of scary. You have some VERY mischievious children! 

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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
24 Sep 08
When our son was about 2 1/2, we lived in a mobile home with a full length mirror in the hallway. One day I heard giggling from that area. When I investigated, our son was urinating all over the mirror. For some reason, he found it immensely funny. I think he might have been trying to hit his face in the mirror with the stream.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Boys can be hilarious, they have a fascination with hitting a target--too bad they don't care much when they're older. 

@fatmansmommy (751)
• United States
21 Sep 08
omg... i just have to say that i am at work reading your post and laughing out loud! i can just picture a little toddler throwing eggs one by one on the floor and getting such a kick out of it when they break all over! that sounds just like something my little one would do.
well, my oldest son is 3 1/2 and i really do have to say that he is a good boy. he has never really done anything like that. never really got into stuff he wasn't supposed to. if he touched something when he was little that he wasn't supposed to and we told him no, he would usually stop. he may try it again once or twice, but he listens very well. now my 1-year old is a whole different story. he tries things that either make me really irritated or make me just want to laugh (i usually end up laughing later, though!). the other day i caught him in the kitchen with his hand in a large can of bread crumbs, and a huge pile of them dumped all over him. one time i found him picking up the dry cat food, one by one, and dropping it into the cat's water. by the time i caught him there was a huge pile of food in the water. he now puts things either in the cat's litter box (which is incredibly disgusting) or in the garbage. but i think the worst thing i found him doing was a few months ago. i have long hair, so after i shower i clean out the hair from the drain and put it in the toilet. can you guess where this is going? yep, i caught him fishing around in the toilet bowl for the hair, and when i took his hand out he had a handful of it in his little fist. lol i almost threw up. the best part, though, is whenever i act all grossed out or whatever, he just looks at me like, "what, mom?"
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Oh, they are adorable!
Now, this will gross you out but did you know the water in your toilet has less germs in it (if you keep it clean, that is) than the average family's ice from their ice maker?
My kids both loved toilet paper, they'd have great fun yanking it and watching it fly as it unrolled from the holder. But oh, their faces when you catch them and they don't know it's wrong, they are so precious!
Thanks for sharing that story, now YOU made ME laugh! 

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@vmksvmks (413)
• Canada
21 Sep 08
I would need to write abook as long as War and Peace to list these episodes in their growing up life...The one thing i remember they loved to play restaurant with me and have you every eaten burnt toast,cold half cooked eggs and black coffee.Understand they were monitored closely when near the stove because some may wonder why they were able to attempt to cook.More then action though it was the verbal things they said that was really funny and never to be forgotten .Michelle eating chocolate was video taped and when it was on screen she said "That little girl dirty face" etc etc etc Good Luck Nice topic worth a +
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Oh, teaching them to cook is priceless! They surprised me by mixing up a pound cake from a box once and it was AWFUL!! Turned out they'd mistaken the salt cannister for the sugar because I didn't have them marked and that was the most awful cake we've ever eaten!
But I'll bet the restaurant game was fun!

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@inrage_angel (90)
• Japan
22 Sep 08
Yes...my daughter saw a trailer of this memoirs of a geisha. When i was busy chatting.. i called her to say her cousin wanna chat with her..she said wait so i try and see whats shes so busy doing and she keep hiding her face. Finally she was done and to my amazement..her face was white with baby powder and her hair was nicely done to look like geisha...i laughed so hard and even took a movie clip of her...everyone was laughing when they saw her clip..i wanted to post it in youtube but im afaraid of what people wud comment about her.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Oh no, don't do YouTube! People can be so mean, even to a sweet beautiful girl like your daughter.
She must be very talented and inventive!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Oct 08
So she is very well behaved? You are blessed! Wait a few years, she'll turn your hair white! The quiet ones are usually the most trouble in their teens. 

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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Well I have a doozy for you! About a year ago my oldest, who is now 11, threw an object while in our yard out into the street and WHAM! right onto someone's truck! I had been in the house with his little brother. My husband came inside with a strange look on his face and said that our son had shattered someone's windshield, and the owner of the truck was not happy. Needless to say I was beyond freaked! Not only because our son did this but because we now owed hard earned money to get this man's windshield fixed. I hauled my (oldest) son's butt out the door and started pointing and yelling at him as to what he had done. When I got up to this man's truck, still holding onto my son's wrist, I apologized to this man for my son's actions. I don't even remember if I told him that my son is autistic.
I hate to say it, but autism really does suck sometimes. My husband and I are lucky it didn't turn out any worse that day.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Children of that age, autistic or not, have no concept of what a thrown rock can do to a moving vehicle. You know he didn't mean to do all that damage. Still, I think you both reacted properly and he definitely knows it's wrong. Most kids break windows, you can always say yours has good aim. 

@mjhicks (317)
• United States
22 Sep 08
When my son was about 2 he hit such a growth spurt that he was hungry all the time. He would get hungry in the middle of the night. We would wake up to find the frig standing wide open. When I'd check on my son he would have a half eaten biscuit sandwich in his bed that he had made in the middle of the night. We called his midnight snacking commando raids because the kitchen would sometimes look like a battle zone. His sister, who was 4, would sometimes get up early with him and try fixing him breakfast. Milk and cereal all over the place. I started buying cereal and milk in single serving sizes. My parents thought it was wasting money as the single serving were more expensive but I reminded them of the wasted boxes of cereal and gallon of milk ... at least this way they could serve themselves and not make a big mess or waste food. One of their other escapades at that same age was they got very early one morning and found a set of screw drivers. I don't know how long they had to work at it but they managed to take the doorknobs and locks off three doors and were working on a fourth. My dad wasn't happy when he had to put everything back together and discovered they had lost half the screws. They are now 19 & 21. In a few years when we are blessed with grandchildren I hope they are just as "creative"
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
You definitely have creative and inventive children! My youngest loved to take things apart, as did my brothers and myself. You just can't get angry with them, they're showing such promise and it's funny to see all those parts everywhere!

@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Oh, too many times and things to count or state here! Kids will be kids! That is my very favorite thing about children. That everything is an adventure - everything is new - and they delight in every little thing they do! The world is a joy to them. It is just wonderful living that experience with them, even if we do have to clean up huge messes and be embarrassed daily along the way! :-)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
In seeing their joy in everyday things, we see the world through new eyes. That's why it's so hard to be mad at them when they do those things like throwing the eggs or dumping the flour canister! 

@ella1bella (839)
22 Sep 08
Oh say no more lol my child was the child from another planet,he wrecked everything that he set eyes on,from the moment that he was born he was trouble on legs,love him,he pushed the television from its stand twice,and on both occasions the set was wrecked.He Ajaxed his sister in the bath,she was in the bath minding her own business and then she was set upon by her brother wielding a new can of Ajax,in no time at all she was covered in it,and her skin turned green.But as the years went by he mellowed and he grew up into a lovely man,so there is hope for all of those mothers that are tearing their hair out.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
He sounds like my youngest, who is also a wonderful young adult man now. He ruined our VCR not be putting something into it but by trying to take it apart when he was 4!
@LadyStrawberry (173)
• Slovenia
16 Oct 08
OMG! You really had your hands full!!
I was told I was a handful too, & the worst I did was poop behind my Grandpa's door. I was told I was very little then, & I don't remember it whatsoever.
I also opened the door to the steep stairs so my (younger) sister could walk out (& hopefully never return). I don't remeber that either!! I must have been very small!! But my Mum was frantic! :)
I don't have my own kids yet (& I'm not sure if I ever will!:)) but I occasionally help look after a spunky 7-year-old girl. She's just a livewire! In a way she reminds me of my favorite cousin, but she's really a handful!
She jumps around & is in your fridge or radio or other cupboards before you know it! Mom (who looks after her primarily) sometimes gets exhausted by her, but I am usually firmer & don't fear raising my voice a bit if she's too impossible..
I also have the guitar & synth she loves so if she behaves, & does the Math, she's allowed to play a bit of guitar or such.. does wonders for motivation :)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Good for you! You are giving that little girl the gift of music and also of self-control and goals. I think she's lucky to have you in her life.
Oh, you sound as if you were a terror! Children are wonderful, no doubt about it. 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Cupboards are fascinating for children. I used to keep one of mine empty so that they could crawl in and have whatever adventure was in their head. They loved to take things out of the others and roll cans across the floor and stuff!
@Annamcarra (116)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Out of my four children there is just too much to list. All I can say is boy am I glad they are maturing.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I'm the youngest of four, two girls and two boys, and the stories my mom tells can be hair-raising! I think I got off easy with my two sons! 

@homewithourkids (66)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
My daughter smeared lotion into her hair, not very fun to get out. My son likes to get into the fridge and line the eggs up in a line (fortunately, they haven't broke yet)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Your son sounds like he has a gift for organization.
At least your daughter didn't put gum in her hair, that's even worse. My youngest ran into fly paper once and we had to shave his head! 

@punkin1803 (526)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Well i dont have any kids!! But my 6 year old sister is the closest thing that i have to a child right now. Well when she frist started walking good, if we happended to go into a store. She felt obligated to fill her pockets with candy and gum, then tell who ever was at the register thank you. It took me and mom a while to catch on to waht she was doing. I cant tell you how many times we have walked back into a store to return gum or m&m's. And a lot of times the person would just tell us to keep it. But this was a little habit my mom and dad had to break her from really quickly. Before it stopped bring cute and turned into something far worse. Thanks for this post. It has brought back so many memories.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I think the worst was the time my 3 year old son set a chair on fire at the babysitter's house. Somehow he had found a lighter and managed to set the chair on fire. Thankfully they put it out before it became much worse. I don't remember my son making any huge messes - other than the time as an infant his diaper came off at night and boy did I have a huge mess the next morning!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Oh my, what a scary thing for a child! But it's something to tease him about when he's an adult and a good story to tell to his children. 

@michelled (326)
• United States
22 Sep 08
My daughter was usally pretty good didn't really do to many crazy things.
Till she was 10 She was in charge of gitting the mail. Well she decided
she would trying jumping over the glass table on her way to get the mail.
Yes right threw the glass table she went. SHe had to get alot of stiches
on her leg. It's not really a funny story untill we got to the hospital.
We looked at her and said what where you thinking. She laughed a little
and said i thought it would be faster. My son he stuck a lego up his nose
that was a trip to the hospital. What he was thinking i dont know but, after
4 hours of sitting there he snezzed it out of his nose. He was 4 at the time.
He is five now. He loves to feed the dog , i always end up with a over flowing
dog bowl. He says the dog is really hungry. The dog looks at me like i can't
eat all that. He also loves to get into my makeup and paint his face as he calls
it. I agree kids do some funny things.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Those ER trips can be scary, especially with all the blood. Makes you wonder about their future judgements! I'm glad it wasn't worse but it makes a nice story to tell her children when she has them.
I'm glad your boy takes such good care of the dog! I never wore makeup but I'll bet my boys would've had fun if I had.

@VE3IYB (209)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
Well my wife was probably ~ 3 years old. One day he did something and my wife said something to him. I was at work at the time and don't recall what it was. At any rate the stairs to the basement had a latch and no door knob. So you can see where this is going already. My wife goes downstairs to get something and as she goes downstairs she hear the door slam. Well you cant open the latch from the downstairs side... The only other door that goes to the outside locks from the outside. So here is my wife trying to reason with a ~ 3 year old to unlatch the door. He was mad at her for the above and said "NO, bad mommy!" So long about 1.5 hours later he decides to unlatch the door!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Oh, LOL!
Sounds like a very determined and stubborn little boy! Thanks for the laugh!