The Rapture

United States
September 22, 2008 12:51am CST
The other day at a Bible study I attend, we started talking about the Rapture. Most in the group were not that knowledgeable about the subject and when I told them what I know about it, they were amazed that anyone could believe such a thing. How about you, what is your opinion regarding the Rapture? Do you believe in it, or do you think it's just nonsense?
4 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
22 Sep 08
The Rapture is coming...there is no doubt about that. If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have nothing to fear. You will be safe with Jesus after the Rapture. The ones who do not know Him will be the ones with reason to be afraid. The tribulation that will follow the rapture will be a very frightening time. We already know who wins, but the events have to come to pass... If you want a really good book that will put the Rapture and tribulation into perspective for you, I recommend a series of books called LEFT BEHIND. The series was written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Be sure to read them in order so that you will know what is going on from one book to the next.
• India
22 Sep 08
I really think Left Behind kind of theology is bizarre. Tom Wright, one of most able evangelical theologian, has again and again demonstrated how bizarre their interpretation is. It's a theological strand no one believed among early Christians. Jerome, Augustine, Justin, Clement, Origen... you name it. I can hardly count any theologian who's got Ph.D in New Testament who would hold onto this Left Behind kind of theology. Yes, if it is historic premillenialism or postmillenialism or ammillenialism, I can say let's have difference of opinion. But this Left Behind strand is really bizarre, biblically as well theologically. Respect Tim La Haye for his writings on family issues. But regarding eschatology his writing damages Christian mission more than progress it further.
• India
23 Sep 08
No doubt about Christ's return. The point is that there are different strands to reach the stage of Jesus' second coming. Depending on which view one holds one lives on this earth.
• United States
22 Sep 08
Though I'm familiar with it, I've never read any of the books in the "Left Behind" series. It seems to me that many of the prophecies regarding the "end times" have been or are being fulfilled. That makes me fairly confident Christ's return is in the near future.
• India
22 Sep 08
All Christians will believe in rapture... it means appearing/coming. The point is what kind of rapture one is talking about. If it is a Left Behind kind of rapture, where the Christians will be snatched away in the twinkling of an eye, and the others left behind I must say I don't believe it. In fact, most theologians alive today do not believe this. And this kind of view emerged some 150 years back. Till then no Christians hold on to this view. It was invented by one J.B. Darby and it got exported to American later. But this is so unbiblical, and that's why hardly any theologian adhere to this position.
• United States
22 Sep 08
I was not aware of the history of the rapture. I've heard people from both the belief and disbelief camps, and both have had very convincing arguments. I do believe in the rapture, but that might be because I hope it's true. It's one of those things that only time will tell. Thanks for your information. It's good to know how this theory got started.
• Philippines
22 Sep 08
Yes I do believe in rapture. It is referred to as "the blessed hope" of all the christians. But of the actual date of its occurrence, nobody really knows as Jesus told about it in advance. But He says as in the days of Noah so it will be in the coming of the Son of Man. What characterizes Noah's day? Wickedness and violence is at its height during Noah's days. Much similar to our days, so we could expect Him to return at our generation.
• United States
22 Sep 08
I also believe in the Rapture. I read once that Enoch, who walked with God and was not, represents the raptured church. Noah and his family represents those that go through the tribulation period but are saved, and those that perished in the flood represent those that are lost during the tribulation. Based on many of the prophecies I believe Christ's return is soon. Thanks for your response.
• United States
22 Sep 08
This is a touchy subject for many people. There are a lot of folks that have heard of the bible but have not read it . So you are of course going to get skeptics and weird views about this . Personally my faith is in god . So many people will say well I can see him he must not exist . I see god every day . All I have to do is look at a sunset , a leaf , a bug and know there's some thing way bigger than me out there . The rapture well , not so sure about that and if the theories I hear are the truth . The bible has been rearranged and changed and theorized so much , all I can do is put my faith in god .
• United States
22 Sep 08
For those of us who are Christians, the point is to be ready for Christ's return whether or not there's a rapture. I do believe in the rapture and am looking forward to Christ's return. I feel like you do. I see the evidence of God in all of nature. Thanks for responding.