How far would you go to protect an animal ?
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
September 22, 2008 10:27am CST
If you had a friend and they were hurting an animal would you report them , what would you do to protect this animal ? Would you say something to your friend and what if they got mad at you and told you it was none of your buisness , how would you react ? How far would you go to protect an animal ?
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18 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Hi sam...
If I saw somone hurting an animal I would step the police and report them....whether it was a friend or not....
When I was 5 years old my uncle had 2 dogs and he used to kick them...I was so angry at him for doing this...but I was only 5 and couldn't do anything about it...
If I found an abused dog I would take it to the vet....
I just hate people that are cruel to animals...I would do everything I could to protect the animal...
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
It is nice to hear there are people out there who care enough for animals to help them out . They are unable to help themselves and it is cruel that one would bother to do something like harm a pet . Why bother getting a pet if you are not going to take care of it and make it a part of your family .
We have three cats and they are a part of our family and if something happened to one of them we would all be upset .
Thank you for your response .
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I know what you two dogs are a very important part of our family...
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@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
22 Sep 08
That's easy, I usually ask my friend to spare the animal. If he doesn't comply I'll have to make him feel like the animal he hurt. There's no time to report him, by the time any authorities get here the act of hurting the animal would have been done. Animals are not like us, they don't have the wit to distinguish good or bad, whether or not the animal did something it was not out of pure sarcasm like a human would. The only animal known to tease are monkeys. But even then a half witted monkey still isn't a reason to hurt them. We are superior and we should be protecting them. Even if we have to use force. Bottom line. I love bullying the bully. Lol.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
Loved your line about bullying the bully :)
Thank you for your response .
@TakeThisName (769)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
Yes I woudl report someone for hurting an animal. Animals expect us to protect them and keep them safe and if someoen can't do this then they dont' deserve to have an animal . I would do what I had to to stop someoen from hariming and animal. I love animals and would want someoen to help me if thye could and animals can protect you when you need help so we should protect them when they need help.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
This is true animals will protect us and we should protect them as well :)
Thank you for your response .
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Animals need our help and protection. Yes, I would and have reported people who are abusing their animals or not taking care of them. My ex was 1500 miles away from me, but when I learned that he had 36 cats (mostly wild ones) roaming on his acre of land and jumping through his screens to get inside to use his closet as a litterbox, I reported the situation - for his and and the cats' safety and health.
When I lived in apartments in Texas, I called the police on one young man who was seen (by me and others) dunking a cat in a bucket of water and laughing hysterically.
I also have no qualms about calling the authorities when I think a human child or even an adult is being abused. Someone has to take care of the helpless.
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@angela38 (122)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I for one agree on reporting about animals being cruly hurt but I think at the same timwe we need to know the hole story before we just jump in over our heads and be responsable so that no one gets unjustly hurt trying to help no matter how well meaning anyone is.
@moneyman123 (194)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
I would do everything I could to protect an animal. I would report someone if I saw them doing this but I would try to stop them first cause it doesn't mean that anyone would get there in time to save the animal. I would do anything I could to protect that animal I would be willing to risk my life to save an animal.
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@IrishRose23 (542)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I would protect any animal that has been subjected to animal cruelty. I would report any friend does that. It may ruin our friendship, but someone has to care about the welfare of that animal. If my friend doesn't, then who would? I watch Animal Planet all of the time and I feel sorry for those animals that are beaten and not cared for by their owners. If they don't want to care for the pet like they should, they should have never gotten it.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Sep 08
I would never allow someone to harm an animal if they are in my presence whatever it takes, whether he is a friend of mine or a stranger. Animals should be protected and not abused of.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
My sediments exactly . Thank you for your response .
@jaygee96 (316)
• Philippines
23 Sep 08
I would definitely do something to protect the animals against mistreatment. It doesnt matter to me who that person is. Im an animal lover and animal right online activist and supporter so it pains me to see any animals being mistreated. All living things have the right to have a decent and quality life.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Yes, I would say something, I'm not one to stand idolly by and watch an animal be mistreated. If they got mad, oh well, they can just get mad. If they told me it was none of my business, I would just tell them I was making it my business, then I would walk away, and then I would call the authorities and report them. I wouldn't have a problem with doing this to protect the animal, because if someone is hurting an animal on purpose.....they are no friend of mine!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Sep 08
i think if i spoke to them about it and they recieved my words by telling me to stfu.. id prolly report. but there are some who confuse what is or isnt "abuse" simply by a difference of oppinion of how things should or shouldnt be done. i got reamed by a few for the shocker collar i had for my dog to deter his barking.. i also got reported for having my dog outside without "shelter" and for not keping water there for him continuous. whe the animal officer arrived to investigate the complaints.. i pointed at my house, asked if she saw it.. and informed her that it was his shelter. bad weather comes round, i bring him indoors. in regards to the water.. my weird little beagle cant have it at his disposal, it makes him sick and hes on strict guidelines from the vet on exactly how much he can have throughout the day. (this animal officer also took it upon herself to give him water without asking before knocking on my door.. and in a very literal sense.. poisoned him in her ignorance) so not always are things others veiw as neglect or abuse, actually are. so be damned sure in what yer doing before you place any calls to authorities.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I believe that animals have rights just like humans and I can not stand to see people being cruel to animals,if I saw my friend hurting a animal I would first tell them to stop,and if they told me it was none of my business or kept on doing it I would get between them and the animal,and tell them if they want to hit someone hit me,and if they tried to hit me or tried again to go after the animal,I would make sure they hit the ground,I would defend the poor animal at all costs.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Thank God we have laws that protect animals. I would report anyone for abusing an animal or not caring for them as they should. In fact I have reported one of my neighbors twice for neglecting a hunting dog he keeps tied up on a chain. He will be gone 3 to 4 days at a time and the dog runs out of food and water. He has been warned twice by the city police and they told me the next time they find the dog out of water charges will be filed against him. I just figure if we are going to keep pets we need to take care of them.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08
I agree with you completely , why anyone would go through the trouble to get a pet if they are not going to love and take care of it .
Thank you for your response .
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
23 Sep 08
i would tell my friend something. i can't stand seeing an animal get hurt and if they continued with it i would report them. yes they are my friend but the animal does not have a right to go through what it is going through either.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
23 Sep 08
Few years ago i just saved my cousin's Mini Pinscher. The small dog stepped in the road where a car is fast approaching. I said What the... the driver obviously doesn't know that it's a dog with a good breed. I ran to him, the dog, but he is not good to me. He bit me the moment i tried to save him from getting hit by the car. It was pretty painful.
@babygurl03 (268)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
I love animals and I would not let someone hurt one when I was around. If they got mad at me well too bad cause I can get mad back and if they don't want to listen to me then they can listen to the authorities when I call and report them so it really is there choice. No need to have a pet if you want to hurt it lots of people would give it a good home.
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Sep 08
i would report them, even though i am not a big animal lover
@dizneywolf (73)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Yes - I would definitly intervene on behalf of an animal. Anyone who would abuse an animal is no friend of mine. Not only would I talk to the person in question about the abuse or neglect - but I would also get between them if that's what it took.
I did at one time speak to someone I knew about how terribly malnourished her Great Dane was. I couldn't beleive the condition of that dog when I saw it - when she insisted the dog was being fed properly (1/2 cup twice a day for a dog that should have been weighing in easily over 100lbs and was literally just flesh on bone) I did call the authorities - twice - they finally took custody of the dog,she never spoke to me again - and quite frankly I didn't/don't care. Anyone who would do such a thing shouldn't have a pet.
@babytaffster (2237)
• Chatsworth, California
23 Sep 08
Well I probably wouldn't take a bullet for them, but I'd beat the crap out of anyone who hurt my dog. And yes I would report any one who was doing an animal harm.
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