disaster-hurrican ike!

@mlh8087 (368)
United States
September 22, 2008 12:13pm CST
My sister and her family live in Orange Texas and my little brother lives in Beaumont Texas. Both those cities along with Galveston, Houston, and several other small towns along the Texas east coast were pounded by Hurrican Ike. My sister works in a home for the developementally challenged. She evacuated with them to higher ground. When she came back, after finding homes for her residents, her facility was no longer there. It had been washed away with the storm surge. My deal is this. When New Orleans was hit there were all these celebrities and high profile people raising money to get New Orleans rebuilt. So where's the love for Galveston and Houston. Aren't they important enough for these celebrities to help those poor souls out? I don't get it. Galveston and Houston are just as important as New Orleans and Louisiana and people have lost their livelihoods and their homes. Someone explain to me why they are falling under the radar?
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1 response
• United States
25 Sep 08
I'm sorry for what's happened to your sister and brother, and so many others. I don't have an answer. I've been wondering why there is so little news -- I just can't seem to know what is really going on down there, and maybe that is what has happened with celebrities, but I don't know.
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Thank you for your concern. My boss had to go down to Houston, 4th largest city in our nation, and she said the closer she got to Houston the more devastation she saw. I can't believe it's not getting any attention like the Katrina folks in New Orleans received. The Hurrican Ike people are just as devastated.