Need ideas

United States
September 22, 2008 6:28pm CST
I'm not so good as telling my husband I love him. So today I wrote up a list of all the things I love about him. I was going to just leave it on his desk so he could see it when he got home, but then I had another idea. His birthday is in a week. I thought maybe I could fill an entire notebook full of things that would let him know I loved him. On the first page of the notebook are the reasons why I love him. On the second page are some promises, things I promise to change or work on, etc. Now I'm pretty much stuck, and having second thoughts. This seems like an impossible task, and I can't think of what else to fill this notebook with. Plus part of me really doesn't want to wait a week for him to see this list. Should I just give it to him now, or fill the book and give it to him on his birthday? If I continue to fill the book, do you have any ideas on what I can put in it?
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18 responses
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
23 Sep 08
My wife has done that for me where she leaves notes on my desk or on my pillow saying how much she loves me. It is always a pleasant surprise because we both have difficulty saying it but she does more so then I do. But to put it in writing is special. What you can do is just leave him a note with just one reason. Then start the notebook. If you are not good at writing poetry then go online and search for love poems and put them in your notebook. Find pictures of couples embracing or kissing and add comments to them and add them to the notebook. Also add love coupons (A night out with just the two of you. I romantic Dinner, A pass to spend the night out with friends). Make it like a scrapbook with pictures of the two of you during special times. (My wife is helpping me here so this is not all my ideas.) Mark
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
23 Sep 08
That is a good way to do it too.
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• United States
23 Sep 08
Actually I did the coupon thing once early on in our marriage. It was part of a Valentine's present, and it came with candle sticks (for a candle lit dinner) a shower sponge, a movie gift card, some massage oil, and a few other things that coinsided with the coupons. He hasn't ever used the coupons (except the free kiss coupon that never expired), but they sit on his desk right now, as a constant reminder of what I did for him that year.
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• United States
23 Sep 08
I should add I also did the sticky note thing at one point, and added small gifts with it. I once bought a small chocolate apple and the sticky note said "You're the apple of my eye". I hid sticky notes EVERYWHERE, he was finding them for weeks, lol.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
wow this is a mamoth task, maybe you could have a page on all the good things you remember he did for you... and a page on all the things you are so grateful for that you share with him and maybe even go on the net and get some nice verses, one per page perhaps...good luck with it, its a nice idea....
• United States
23 Sep 08
That's a good idea... a page of specific instances that I am grateful for him for. Thanks, I think I'll use that idea.
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@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Specific instances make compliments appear more genuine. I can see you are excited about all of these positive thoughts. That's really neat. I hope you get all the ideas that you can handle in this discussion.
• Philippines
23 Sep 08
you are such a sweet person..someday,i want to be somewhat like you..i can see that you're married for some quite of a time,and keeping the flames of love may be difficult for others.But i can see that you are more than willing to spend effort in making you're husband feel you're tremendous love for him.. i hope my this ideas could help.. 1.enumerate the silly but cute things you love about him -the way he picks his nose, how he farts, how hairy his armpits know, that kind of stuffs he does or he has that others may find irky,but you adore a lot. 2.create a puzzle of your picture together which will send him to memory lane.. -attach pieces of the puzzle in every page so that he could start putting it together after he read the whole notebook..(this really needs extra effort,so if you find the idea nice,better start digging in your photo albums now.) 3. had you kept things he had given you from the past? -a candy wrapper, table napkins fron your first date, stuufs like that..he would really feel that you appreciate him that much if you kept such memoires.. well,thats all i could contribute for now. but you know what,it doesn't matter if you're not that much outspoken about how you feel for your husband..what's important is that you make him feel that he's the man you want to wake up beside in bed every day of your life..
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
23 Sep 08
What about instead of a notebook you make a scrapbook? You could make a page on the list of things you love about him and the page of things you are going to change. Then you could also fill it will pictures of the two of you together and maybe some pages decorated and put a fun story of something the two of you did together or special moments. Maybe dedicate a page to each of the kids that you two made together because if you are like me that is a reason you love him because he gave you your children. Just a thought.
• United States
23 Sep 08
I've never done scrapbooking, and don't have the supplies to do it, although that would be a cute Valentine present. I'll keep it in mind. Unfortunatly I couldn't contain my excitement and gave him the notebook last night, with only about 6 pages filled out... but it got the reaction it should have, even if it wasn't an entire notebook. It was enough for him.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Kats, have you ever thought about doing a small scrapbook with those ideas for him? Then perhaps you could add pictures and talk about memories together with him and your family. Sounds like something he would really love. I used to write a poem for my husband on special birthdays and put it on his pillow. He kept them, too.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Try to fill the book. Write big, not using lines, like notes or doodles like we used to do in high school LOL. Do a different page whenever you think of something new. Maybe use crayons or markers to color hearts and stuff. Write a poem one day, or words to a song that brings about a specific memory, like you were singing it to him. Remember when things are fun. Put some pictures in there too with captions. Hope this helps you out friend. Good luck
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• Philippines
23 Sep 08
My husband and I were exclusively dating earch other for 9 years, then we got married. SO all in all, we've been together for 13 yrs. Each year, on birthdays, anniversaries and Christmases,I made lotsa surprises for him. On our 4th anniversary, I made a video of our love story from the moment we met til the present time (gave him a new LCD TV too, so he can watch it HD,Lol) Only you can assess if you can fill the whole notebook before his birthday. But I think it is a very good idea to start it! That is sooo sweet. If you can not fill it up, then maybe you make a scrapbook type thing that list all those ideas that you previously listed. I remember when I really have no money, I made use of a styrofoam, old greeting cards and some colorful papers to make a poster size wall decor that states "10 Things I love About You"....that served as my anniversary gift to him way back then. Good luck, your hubby is so lucky to have you.
@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
hey mrs have you got anything that you saved from when you first got together like a movie stub or the a matchbook from a favourite restaurant, ticket to a concert stuff, an old card or something like that. you could put photos in there you could do a remember the time section and write funny or special memories. Funny you should post this i have just hacked into my friends account of facebook today and asked all her friends to send me messages and photos for a birthday keepsake book how uncanny is that! I've got some photos of her memory card from her camera of family and stuff and some messages of her wall am just printing them and pasting them in. I think it's a lovely idea you should hold out until his birthday to give it to him though he'll be soo surprised i think it will really make his day special. If you need me to do a front page say like a picture of you two in a love heart for you to print give me a pm will take me 2 mins. Good luck with it.
• Malaysia
23 Sep 08
My opinion was give him a warm kiss and then tell him I love you and then write a love card and the love card was: From the day I marry you, I love you, until now I still love you and it won't change forever. Love you, your wife (name). Then your husband will kiss you like crazy.
@akpay22 (131)
• India
23 Sep 08
Wow what a beautiful way to tell your husband how much you love him. He is one real lucky person in this world. First and foremost do not give up the idea of filling the notebook, you can definitely fill it, as you really love him. You can have different sections together, sections as follows 1.Pen Down 10 best moments of your life with him before your marriage 2.10 best moments of your life after marriage 3.The best promises that he has made to you and fulfilled 4.The best promises that you would like to make 5.The best movies watched together 6.The best things he has bought for you 7.His best habits 8.His not so best habits but you still accomodate because they are his 9.Ten best locations that you would like to visit with him 10. 10 best dishes that you would like to cook for him I can go on and on. Just do it he will love it
• United States
23 Sep 08
Thanks for the ideas
• Philippines
23 Sep 08
Hi, you love your husband and I am happy for you. Don't give the notebook yet, maybe you can write something you love about him everyday before his birthday comes, and then put a white rose in it. have no doubt, you can do it, love make things possible :) Did you plan of having a surprise party for him? Maybe having those people whom you shared a lot of good memories like close friends and relatives will make him happier too. Wish you all the luck and happiness in your husband's birthday.
@ellovire (409)
23 Sep 08
why not, aside from writing in the notebook, do something new and unexpected each day before his bithday? like maybe surprise him by bringing him food in hi office, or maybe just kidnap him in the middle of his work and drive to some place you find romantic, or maybe put of a bouquet of flowers in his car, etc.
• United States
23 Sep 08
I would definitely wait and the element of surprise will build anticipation for you both, this can be romantic and that's what men like (well not the romance per say but the end result). I would NOT make too many promises. A promise to Love him should be all he needs. If you have areas you feel need work then I'd pick just one like for example promise to take good care of your health. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm yourself with promises to him that you may or may not be able to keep. No one forgets a broken promise so I'd be careful with that. Love is spoken in many ways and not just words. A cake made with Love, his laundry getting done, cooking dinner, these are everyday acts of Love. A simple gaze in each others eyes can speak of Love. What about after he reads the special book you made just for him out of Love perhaps the last page could be a romantic thought you'd like to carry out with him. What about little coupons like for a back message or his favorite meal and so on. Good Luck and have fun. Don't over think it.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I think the notebook idea is wonderful. I vote that you wait a week and give it to him. It would really make an unforgetable birthday gift. One I am sure he will cherish always. You said that you wrote reasons why you love him and promises you are making to him. What about the things about him that you love. Or, happy times and special moments that you have spent with him and never want to forget. Another choice would be to give him the notebook (as a birthday present) and add things over time. That would make it a gift that trult lasts a lifetime.
@rama80rl (53)
• India
23 Sep 08
Directly you say " I love you and I am only for you darling ". Then flat your husband but you tell on his birthday
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Why don't you have a birthday week. Give him something every day for a week. I liked the idea of one thing from the note for a gift. I am sure you can expand from this. I have tried (never succeeded) to have an entire month of Valentines. I think I may try just a week this year. I did a red candle in a scent he liked, a balloon, a card, a red pocket sized notebook because he is the quintessential nerd and will not be without a notebook and pen in his pocket. You can see the idea. A gift a day for a week. I think it is so neat that you want to do this for him.
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
23 Sep 08
your idea is good this itself shows how much you love r partner that it makes you think so much about him for his happiness.i think and can imagine that its hard for you to wait for a week till his birthday comes.but if u celebrating his birthaye all alone than i think you should decorate the house by writing these messages of your reaons to love your partner in big words on paper and stuck them on the walls three - four walls with colourful papers and cover them with some more papaer on it and than ask your partner to unveil them.
• Indonesia
23 Sep 08
Why is it so difficult to say "I love you " to you husband ? Just call him and say "I Lov You" or during dinner at home, touch his hand and say "I LOve You"..or before sleep, kiss him and say "I Love You"...or before he go to the office..escort him to his car...and kiss him good bye and say "I Love You "...simple is it ?
@babyjesus (277)
23 Sep 08
Wow! that seems a difficult task for you. Anyway, why not surprise him with birthday greeting cards on his special day. Before he wakes up display a banner in your bedroom that greets him "happy birday and i love you!" Inside your bathroom put place cards or cards that says the same. WHen he sits down and eats breakfast,there should be place cards that says hapi birday and i love you. When you give him a gift another card that says the same. When he gets inside the car there's a card also and so on and so fort. Most importantly, say it to him loud - I LOVE YOU! Good luck!