The Bible is fit for worship?
By taurus54
@taurus54 (317)
September 23, 2008 7:34am CST
Dear Believer:
I do not accept the Bible as God’s word because it contains thousand of errancies and contradictions that can not be solved, only rationalized.I refuse to accept Jesus as my personal savior,for his behavior and teachings often expose one who should be escaped and not worshipped. I ask that you read this pamphlet in light of the bible’s teachings; Christians should be “open to reason”(James 3:17 RSV), that we should “reason together” (Isaiah 1:18)and “he who hates correction will die” (Proverbs 15:10) to understand my perspective that the bible has MANY shortcomings.
1. According to your Bible I am to believe that human kind is sinful for Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge.Why are we being punished for the original sin? After all,they ate the forbidden fruit, we didn’t. Reason would lead one to say it’s their problem, not ours. Even the bible contradicts itself by claiming in Deuteronomy 24:16, “children shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers.”
2. We are told that the Bible has no scientific errors and is utterly perfect/protected, yet it says the bat is a bird (Leviticus 11:13 & 19), hares chew the cud (Leviticus 11:5-6), and some fowl (Leviticus 11:20-21) and insects (Leviticus 11:22-23) have four legs.
3. Heaven is supposed to be a perfect place. It is of course,the place you strive for and name “salvation”. Yet, it experienced a war (Revelation 12:7). How can there be a war in a perfect place and if it happened before why couldn’t it happen again? Why would I want to go to a place in which war can occur? That’s exactly what I’m trying to escape, aren’t you?
4. We are told salvation is obtained by faith alone (John 3:18 & 36) and then the Bible claims that it is repentance that shall save us (2 Peter 3:9) yet Jesus told a man to follow the Commandments-Matthew 19:16-1 8 (saving by works)-if he wanted eternal life. So which way is it and how do you know your belief is the correct one?
To be cont.
6 responses
@shooie (4984)
• United States
23 Sep 08
You may not accept the bible but many do and as you have the right to not believe they have the right to believe that is it is a personal choice. Just like Serving God is a personal choice. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is an awesome choice. Thanks for posting all the scriptures I will be reading them and the the scripts before and after the ones posted because in my life time I know scriptures can be taken out of context to serve what people are trying to express.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
23 Sep 08
ah I see now by reading some of your other post you started you have converted to muslim or are and have been muslim for a while so now you are like everyone else and or every other religion and think your way is the right way and eceryone else is wrong. I would do some searching and reading of the koran but ummm I don't think women are suppose to touch it. Plus I would need to go get it out of storage and I really don't want to go get it again. Let me guess you going to copy and paste again a big bunch of stuff again and put it on my post.

@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
26 Sep 08
For someone that doesn't accept the Bible or Jesus you sure spout a lot of scripture. If I didn't believe in it I sure wouldn't try to use it to prove my point. You just need to get out of the old Bible and get into the first 5 books of the New Testament. Like a lot of other people you are confused because you are trying to use 1st and 2nd stage information to live in a 3rd stage world. The time from Adam to Noah is the 1st stage. The time from Noah to Jesus was the 2nd stage and the time from Jesus to now is the third stage. Just like anyone else God changes his rules and adds new ones form time to time. I would believe he has every right to do that.
Personally I think anyone would be foolish to accept every word of the Bible to be absolute fact. Man wrote the Bible and man has rewritten it many times and even the best of men make honest mistakes. Even modern day publishers are still making mistakes in it. The only possible way to ever know the real truth concerning the Bible or about anything else is to have God personally explain it to you through the Anointing of the Holy Ghost. If you are trying to figure out the Bible on your own that is trying to drive a nail without a hammer. All that will do is confuse you even more than you already are.
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Thanks Arkie69 for your comments.
Let's go to new testament.
THE New Testament, they tell us, is founded upon the prophecies of the Old; if so, it must follow the fate of its foundation.
As it is nothing extraordinary that a woman should be with child before she was married, and that the son she might bring forth should be executed, even unjustly, I see no reason for not believing that such a woman as Mary, and such a man as Joseph,and Jesus, existed; their mere existence is a matter of indifference, about which there is no ground either to believe or to disbelieve, and which comes under the common head of, It may be so, and what then? The probability however is that there were such persons, or at least such as resembled them in part of the circumstances, because almost all romantic stories have been suggested by some actual circumstance; as the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, not a word of which is true, were suggested by the case of Alexander Selkirk.
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
It is not then the existence or the non-existence, of the persons that I trouble myself about; it is the fable of Jesus Christ, as told in the New Testament, and the wild and visionary doctrine raised thereon, against which I contend. The story, taking it as it is told, is blasphemously obscene. It gives an account of a young woman engaged to be married,and while under this engagement,she is, to speak plain language,debauched by a ghost, under the impious pretence, (Luke 1:35,)that "the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee." Notwithstanding which, Joseph afterwards marries her, cohabits with her as his wife, and in his turn rivals the ghost. This is putting the story into intelligible language, and when told in this manner, there is not a priest but must be ashamed to own it. [Mary, the supposed virgin, mother of Jesus, had several other children, sons and daughters. See Matt. 13:55, 56
Obscenity in matters of faith,however wrapped up, is always a token of fable and imposture; for it is necessary to our serious belief in God, that we do not connect it with stories that run,as this does, into ludicrous interpretations. This story is, upon the face of it, the same kind of story as that of Jupiter and Leda,or Jupiter and Europa, or any of the amorous adventures of Jupiter; Christian faith is built upon the heathen Mythology.
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
As the historical parts of New Testament, so far as concerns Jesus Christ, are confined to a very short space of time, less than two years,and all within the same country, and nearly to the same spot,the discordance of time, place, and circumstance, which detects the fallacy of the books of the Old Testament, and proves them to be impositions,cannot be expected to be found here in the same abundance.The New Testament compared with the Old, is like a farce of one act, in which there is not room for very numerous violations of the unities. There are, however, some glaring contradictions, which,exclusive of the fallacy of the pretended prophecies, are sufficient to show the story of Jesus Christ to be false.
I lay it down as a position which cannot be controverted, first, that the agreement of all the parts of a story does not prove that story to be true,because the parts may agree,and the whole may be false; secondly,that the disagreement of the parts of a story proves the whole cannot be true. The agreement does not prove truth, but the disagreement proves falsehood positively.
The history of Jesus Christ is contained in the four books ascribed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.-The first chapter of Matthew begins with giving a genealogy of Jesus Christ; and in the third chapter of Luke there is also given a genealogy of Jesus Christ. Did these two agree, it would not prove the genealogy to be true, because it might nevertheless be a fabrication; but as they contradict each other in every particular, it proves falsehood absolutely. If Matthew speaks truth, Luke speaks falsehood; and if Luke speaks truth, Matthew speaks falsehood: and as there is no authority for believing one more than the other, there is no authority for believing either; and if they cannot be believed even in the very first thing they say, and set out to prove, they are not entitled to be believed in any thing they say afterwards.Truth is an uniform thing; and as to inspiration and revelation, were we to admit it, it is impossible to suppose it can be contradictory. Either then the men called apostles were imposters, or the the books ascribed to them have been written by other persons, and fathered upon them, as is the case in the Old Testament.

@fectoab (72)
• Canada
30 Sep 08
Everyone has the right to choose to believe the Bible or not; it's our God-given liberty to do so.
I've never, in my experience, seen any descrepancies in the Bible that weren't explained clearly by the Bible itself, in the context, or with a little outside research.
Sometimes, people tend to pass judgment on the Bible without viewing it as a whole. Like all books, the Bible has a main theme: "God will bring righteous conditions to the earth by means of his kingdom." From Genesis to Revelation, combining the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, this main theme is evident.
Many people feel as you do about why we need to suffer for Adam and Eve's rebellion. Why didn't God deal with it there and then. It's logical reasonning from a human stand point, but what about God's scope on the situation? Satan convinced Adam and Eve to rebel and what did this rebellion say to the rest of God's creatures (spiritual creatures)? It raised a serious question about God's right as Sovereign. Did God have the right to rule?? This was the question on everyone's mind. The only way to answer that question was to let Satan do his thing and let man rule himself until he came to the conclusion that he can't do it without God (Look at the mess we're in right now and things aren't looking to good for the near future, are they?). This time that God has allowed to pass will prove once and for all that he is the only one with the right to rule and no one will ever question that again.
It's quite amazing how the Bible accentuates this from the beginning to the end. The book of Revelation, or Apocalypse is actually a book of prophecies explaining when and how God will bring to completion his purpose for the earth.
And one of the reasons we've inherited Adam and Eve's sin is simple: They were perfect before their rebellion, thus their genetic composition allowed them to live a happy, healthy life on earth. After their rebellion, however, God changed that composition and they would now become sick, old and die. We, although we didn't have nothing to do with their rebellion, inherited that sinful state. We could not expect to be a perfectly round cake when we come from a dented cake pan could we? Some may feel that it's unfair that we suffer the consequences for their sins, but God assures us that it's very temporary and he'll soon step in to bring to completion his purpose for the earth.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
28 Sep 08
What you describe is the result of people trying to figure the Bible out on their own and trying to mix the old Bible with the New Testament. A lot of people do this and all it does is lead them off out into left field so far they will never be able to get back to God on their own. The Bible is God's teaching tool for Him to use to teach man. It is not man's teaching tool to use to teach man. You are a good example of what happens to a person when they read the Bible thinking they are smart enough to figure out what it is saying. A lot of people do this and it just doesn't work.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
27 Sep 08
no scripture is worth reading, so forget about worshipping them or following what is written in it by morons. follow your instincts, your own judgement. you will do more good to fellow human beings.
your analysis is good. just take a peek into every religion. you will find the same kind of stuff there.
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Thanks for your comments Tulipstrader.
Religion has been tried, and in all countries, in all times,
has failed.
Religion has never made man merciful.
Remember the Inquisition.
What effect did religion have on slavery?
What effect upon Libby,aulsbury and Andersonville?
Religion has always been the enemy of science, of
investigation and thought.
Religion has never made man free.
It has never made man moral,temperate, industrious and honest.
Are Christians more temperate,nearer virtuous, nearer honest than savages?
Among savages do we not find that their vices and cruelties
are the fruits of their superstitions?
To those who believe in the Uniformity of Nature, religion is