Obama Plans Could Very Well Lead To Economic Collapse!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
September 23, 2008 2:11pm CST
We all (or most of us) know what Obama plans to do about taxes and entitlements (only word for government paid insurance)if he is elected! The problem as I see it is that in doing this he will put even more economic pressure on the very people he proposes to help! Althouogh it would be via the back door it would still cause even more economic turmoil in middle-class America! Here is an article showing a few facts and effects that could very well become a reality if Obama is elected!
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4 responses
@liscampll (124)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Well, I think Greenspan said it best when he said that McCain's tax plan would further cripple our country. Greenspan, the Republican McCain supporter.
Just for clarification, I think you are misunderstanding Obama's healthcare plan. Obama's plan allows for citizens to BUY into an insurance plan. The important distinction between McCain and Obama's plans are that McCain's plan doesn't give any support to the millions of American that have been denied for health insurance.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Thanks for your comment. I don't believe I misunderstand Obama's insurance plan at all. I know the people who can buy it will still have to pay for it but it will still be "given" to a hugh number of people. It also stretches the truth about how many people are uninsured in this country. The 40+ million Obama would like you to believe are uninsured include about 23 million illegal aliens, people I don't believe my taxes should help at all since they don't pay taxes! Many of the rest of this 17+ million that are left actually choose not to have coverage for what ever reason and not necessarily money.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Do you honestly believe the denials will cease just because Obama becomes president?
As far as people who can't afford insurance at any cost, you said it exactly, can't afford! They will have it provided for by the government and if medicaid and medicare are any indications of how this will be administered it will be a fiasco! If these people you talk about actually could afford the premiums, the deductables and co-pays would be impossible! We are talking about socialized medicine here and that is something I believe (IMO)will take modern medicine in reverse, decades!
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@liscampll (124)
• United States
23 Sep 08
You misunderstood what I said. Yes I believe denials will decrease. I hate talking emotionally, but in this case I will so that maybe you will see where I'm coming from.
My nephew was born with a heart defect. His parents have health insurance and he underwent 2 operations as a baby to correct the hole in his heart. Now, if his parents were to lapse coverage for any reason. Like maybe my brother in law loses his job and the COBRA payments are too high, my nephew will never again in his lifetime be able to get coverage at any cost. Now say 20 years from now, my nephew wants to open his own business. He will not be able to get insurance. Even if he makes $300,000 a year. At no cost will an insurance company cover him. So he is stuck always working for someone who will offer him benefits so that his coverage doesn't lapse.
Obama's plan will allow people like this to purchase insurance. McCain's plan doesn't do anything for people like this. Call it socialized if you want, it doesn't matter to me. I believe the ability to obtain insurance shouldn't be restricted for these types of cases.

@Abhinavmishra19 (224)
• India
23 Sep 08
Brother, I see more chances of the economy having a better time than when it was in Bush's hands.
He is simply taking a risk , which has more chances of working out, as far as I know.
Remember one quote I'll tell you
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!
Good day!
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Thanks for the comment. You really need to know what you are talkiing about before you rant about something! You see, Bush actually tried to stop this crisis before it started back in 2003 but congress shot him down! Again in 2005, McCain tried to do the same thing, guess what, same result! The failed polocies of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (which came about in the Clinton years) are the reason our economy is on the brink of collapse. Here are the links to the proof that Bush and McCain tried to stop this mess, if you care to read them.
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@Abhinavmishra19 (224)
• India
23 Sep 08
Well if you are so sure of what the situation is going to be like, and have numerous articles to support your opinion, then what have you asked the question for!?For listening to what you want to listen, or simply earn some money?
hahah!And I certainly don't get your "thanks for commenting, but think before you rant" part.
Trying to be a smartas eh?I can only laugh at a kid like you:).
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
23 Sep 08
If you have read any of my posts you would see I almost never forget to thank people for their comment since it would be useless to post anything if no one replied but since you started this, NOW I get to be a smart-a$$! You have no business commenting on something you have no knowledge of and no personal experience in and what I am saying is, exactly what business is this of yours? Are you afraid we will stop outsourcing our customer service phone rooms to India?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Greetings Sir Rodney,
Another very thought-provoking read!
Would that it could be that more news sources would pick up this kind of issues-based criticism of the Obama Plan. Geesh, I'm beginning to think that the bulk of the media just don't understand basic economics. The kind of clear-cut, analogous descriptive presented in this Boston Herald news piece is exactly what many Americans are talking about around their kitchen tables. Yet, the media refuses to expand the debate by stepping on Sen. Obama's toes with an honest critique of his proposals.
(excerpt from the Boston Herald piece)
"It is obvious that increasing capital gains taxes by a minimum of one-third and possibly doubling them, both of which Obama has proposed, would send a signal to investors to keep their money under the mattress. Who would buy stock knowing that the tax on any profits he or she will make is going to go up sharply if Obama becomes president?"
OK, so let me see if I'm following the leap-frog logic: We are currently discussing a 750 billion dollar bail-out of Wall Street because IF the financial world were to become mizerly with lending then the economy will stagnate, thereby ushering in a recession. YET, some Americans are considering electing a man whose policies will cripple Wall Street, and the banking industry by curtailing investment and taxable savings. To say nothing of the lateral unemployment effect -- Grrr! What's wrong with this picture???
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Thanks for your comment. Your insight is right on! I read a news piece online a couple days back and the author was saying that American typically turned to the democrats when the economy is in turmoil. I'm sorry, but that, to me, is like giving the keys to the hen-house to the fox!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I agree.... and Obama hasn't a clue about how the economy works.
Even after seeing what the Reagan tax cuts did for the economy after Carter, the democrats still think that raising taxes is a good thing.
They are a bunch of socialist morons.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Thanks for your comment. I hope I'm wrong but what I see today in the way this election is shaping up, America could very well be headed down the socialist road. What most all of the young people supporting an obvious socialist candidate fail to realize is that 99% of all socialist governments fail and fail miserably.
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