What's been going on in your life lately?
@Perspectives (7131)
September 23, 2008 11:21pm CST
Greetings to members of Mylot Land,I have been missing in action here again and have been wondering how things have been going in your life lately? Our summer is winding down and we are enjoying a lovely Fall.
Weather over the summer in Manitoba was good overall...not too hot, good mix of sun and rain and our garden flourished. However, even though it is still warm the leaves are changing color and soon the branches will be bare and after that the snow will fall again. How is the weather been where you are?
Another reason I haven't had time to Mylot is David and I have been doing major house improvements. The roof in our bedroom had a leak and David and I and a friend stripped the old shingles off and replaced it ourselves. Then we completely cleaned out our basement and the side of the house and got rid of a lot of old junk in preparation for insulting the basement in the next couple of weeks.
As mentioned in another discussion I just posted we are having a "Celebration of Love and Friendship" gathering this coming Saturday and we're busy preparing for our guests to join us at our home.
David has painted both our bathrooms, his office, the dining room and stairwell leading up to our bedroom, the kitchen and great room. He also refinished all the doors on the kitchen cabinets and repainted them. Great to have such a resourceful, capable handy-man for a partner!
In the midst of all that we have maintained the garden, kept our life coaching business going and have made some time to socialize with friends who came out to stay with us for a few weekends over the summer. So that is our "situation report." Hopefully after our get-together this weekend life will settle into a dull roar and I'll have more time to post and participate in discussions.
Even when I am not around I think of the many valuable connections I have made with many of you and I do miss chatting. So I may be "out of sight" but you are not "out of my thoughts." Good to have a little time to catch up. Look forward to hearing about what has been happening in your life if you'd "care to share!"
Best regards,
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15 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 Sep 08
you know about all that is going on here.
swimming when we can . pool pump went out and we couldnt for a couple of weeks but Jimmy won a royal and got us a bigger better pump. That also meant we had to refill the pool .
Now Chey has a cold so we dont go.
take her to the park.
Phil has been out of work for 3 months now and in that time we gott hem to paint the kitchen took them a month though as they are slow lol
Linda still looking for work. bad time looking for work they get sent to a job to find out it has been filled.
Been hot hot here.
way up in the 110s some days 120.
Now we are getting a cooling spell at night so I open all doors and windows
OUr AC went out also when we had 106 to 110 days.
Took 4 days to get a new one.
one place wanted to charge us $9600.
But wouldnt take the credit for JImmy.
So we found another one they charged $3600 so it paid off that the first place turned us down But took them 2 days at that for Jimmy had to cut the trees back so the crane could get far enough in yard and not take out the power lines .
HUgs and blessing ya will be in my thoughts Sat.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hello dear one...great to be chatting a little more. I miss you and think of you so often...but we are always able to pick up right where we left off.
You always have a lot going on in your life too...so many comings, goings and happenings...and I love the way you always just "flow with it." You come across as the "anchoring" influence within your family dynamic!
I passed along your comments about your challenge in getting Phil to paint that little bit while David has done5 rooms and two stairwells in the same amount of time. Oh well some people just work at a different pace and need to be prodded. That is certainly not the case with "Mr. Do-It David." He lights a fire within himself and just motors. He is also the main handyman on our friends house as well because she doesn't have a partner.
Your temperatures are way higher than ours. We've been enjoying summer like weather this Fall with temperatures in the 60-70's during the day but it does cool down a lot in the evening. Thankfully no frost and I think we will coast until the gathering without one. I am so thankful...the garden still looks lush even though there is some yellowing on the lilies and and a few other perennials. At this point we will be doing the renewal of our vows out in the garden and food and socializing will be wherever the guests are most comfortable...outside or in.
David and I are both starting to feel the effects of all our hard work...but we are happy with the results and it is only three more days...then Sunday and Monday we are pulling the plugs on the phone and setting up for a couple of veg days. I have an appointment with the physio on Tuesday and we have to do a major grocery shop...then after that I am planning to relax, do some Mylotting and not do much of anything for a week or so. We have earned a mini-vacation...and we are going to enjoy it!
Take good care...big hugs and wishing you many bright, beautiful blessings.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Hey Hey so glad to hear from you again!
As for phil he was waiting on Jimmy to do it altho Jimmy works so many hours at work.
I had to light a fire to get it started by taping all the hinges lol
Fianlly finally got it all done and got the kitchen curtains up. HUbby had put up the drill motor and I didnt know where havent had to use it all this time but Jimmy fianlly remebered where it was put then I had to have Phil get it down for I couldnt reach it.
ANd do you think the men would hang them nope I had to oh well they are up now lol
Was wondering you would feel the effects of all that work but dont it feel good!?
Temps still in the 100s or high 90s and not cooling off to much at night right now havent opened the doors at night for a coupl of night I see no use in it when temp out side is same as inside.
I miss hubby when I want something done for most times he would start priojects and I would finish lol.
He also made things to make work alot easier around here.
We have paint left so Jimmy wants to paint other things that wouldnt look good with he colors we have up lol
Have a good day on Sat. so wish I could be there.
but will be in spirit
hugs and blessings
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
Hi again,
It is almost midnight here and David and I just finished up for today. He spent the day hauling more junk away, shoveling shale on the driveway and freshening up the paths throughout the garden, doing paint touch-ups. I was in the garden weeding and my back is tired. Then this evening we started setting up for tomorrow and we are really tired and sore. Oh well, tomorrow is the day and we are looking forward to seeing everyone, renewing our vows, laughing and reminiscing. David and I wish you could be with us too!
It is going to be great to kick back for a couple of days. We still have to remove more things from the basement so David can insulate it. At least we can do that a little more slowly than the pace we've been working the past few weeks.
Sounds as though you have to keep your lighter handy to keep that fire lit under Phil. (smiles). I can also appreciate why you miss your honey so much. I cannot fathom what it would be like to do all the things you did together and then not have the chance anymore. My heart goes out to you my friend.
I do hope your painting projects are completed...it is a really good feeling when the rooms are complete. We are very happy with our color choices and the fresh feel to everything.
Well it is getting late and I'm tired. I log in and respond a little as I can squeeze it in. I will have more time next week and I hope everyone understands. I know you always do.
Sleep well, wrap those Angel Wings around you and have sweet dreams of your sweet love.
Big hugs and many blessings,
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@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Glad to hear things have been going well for you.
I too have been very busy ever since we bought our new place back in July. When we first started remodeling and repairing I thought this should take no time at all. Then we ran into more things that needed repaired and worked on them as well. Here it is barely over 2 months later and most of the work is finished. We are still working on the deck and repainting the whole outside. I still have some painting to do, hanging curtains, and a few other little projects but all will come together in time. We finally got the additional room built inside the home right off the living room so now all the children have their own rooms.
Also baby turned a year old last week and his middle sister's birthday is this week. So we have all the birthdays falling towards the end of the year. 4 of the 5 children are all in school now so that's a job in itself.
My garden is no longer as we had to move so I didn't get chance to transplant everything like I wanted because they bull dozed the old house we were living in a week ago today. My garden went under with it. I managed to save all the tomatoes, whether they were green, orange, or red and they are still turning so they will be ready to eat in due time.
The weather hasn't been that bad here as of late. Nice cool days usually in the upper 60's and some days reaches to the mid 80's. Comfortable for me at this time. I don't like it to cold or to hot and find myself hibernating in the cooler days. Some nights have dipped down into the upper 40's already. I'm not looking forward to the cold winter months but I know that I will try to get out more so I can adjust once again.
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@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
Oh, when I read your post I almost started to cry! I can't imagine how you must feel losing your garden like that. Here's to hoping your new garden brings forth MANY beautiful bounties :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
Hello Miller...thank you for sharing what has been happening in your life. From the sound of it you have a LOT happening in a variety of areas.
Boy can I relate you your initial idea that your renovations would not take as long as you originally thought...David and I have been there and done MANY times. When we were first married we bought a place, fixed it up, completely landscaped it...then sold it two years later and started over. Every time we renovated things always took longer and were often more costly than we originally thought. Oh well, part of the process that we have learned to accept.
However, your plans and hearing they are coming to fruition must be very rewarding. It is satisfying to see ideas come into manifestation and I would imagine you and your whole family feel proud of your efforts. Congratulations on making your place a reflection of you and your loved ones.
Sorry that your garden was disseminated before you had a chance to transplant. After having to leave a variety of garden behind I can appreciate what that feels like too. However, I also like your attitude...equal to or greater than what was before. I am sure you will use your new place as a gardening canvas and create something special in your new place as well.
Your views about hibernating more when it is cold. Ah yes...big DITTO for me there too. I hate being cold and even though we are having a lovely fall in sunny Manitoba...it is less than 3 months until Christmas...and the snow will be flying sooner than I would like.
Very interesting updates...thanks for offering them...and the touching response from lifeluver...very empathic!
@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
30 Sep 08
Thanks. I will be growing a new garden as soon as possible. I'm sure it will be just as beautiful and full of fresh vegetables for us to eat on in the next coming months. ;) Sorry it almost made ya cry though.
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@jonastabuena (2307)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Mine is a mess this past few week, i broke up with my gf, but glad were back, and i find my work lately so boring that i don't want to move in chair, and thinking just to go and take a sleep. And i can't go roam around the city because its rainy days now here in our country. Good thing there's mylot, when i feel bored i just browse the topics, read and respond.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
Hi and thanks for dropping by with updates on what has been happening with you. Good to hear you and your girlfriend are back.
Yes, Mylot is a great place to make on-line friends, share ideas and pass the hours away. Most of us know easy it is to spend hours here...been there and done that many, many times.
Anyway, stay dry and take care of you and your girlfriend!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Well here in Northern Virginia the weather has become cooler. Yeah. This is one of my favorite times of year. It is mot too hot or humid. And it it isn't too cold either. It takes a while for our leaves to change. We usually reach peak color around mid October.As for me, I have had some great weekends. One weekend I went to a little beach town and saw my first Bollywood film.Another I went to an art show that was being held on the streets of our old town.Picture streets with buildings that could have been built in the 1770's and white tents standing in the middle of a two lane street. That is how it was. It went all way down to the river.It had to be at least 10 blocks.Now the baseball season is rinding down and football is starting up. Soon hockey, my all time favorite sport, will start.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
Interesting that you love Fall too. The rich contrasting colors, harvest time and the sense that all the energy that has been spent during the earlier part of the year is coming to fruition...ah yes so much symbolism and beauty within this season.
Your weekend jaunts sound like great fun. I'd love to see a Bollywood film too. Art shows are great too. We have a art museum in a nearby town and I love to see local talent being featured.
Great to know your life sounds full, satisfying and rewarding. Everything is going well in my corner of the Universe too. I genuinely appreciate your dropping by, sharing news and keeping in touch. I miss chatting with friends in Mylot land...hopefully ours won't be so far apart.
Best regards,
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
24 Sep 08
Hi, Raia!
I also haven't been here in a long while, but I'm back again. Your life seems to have been FULL to the brim he he...It's also fall here and it's been lovely. However, I'm REALLY excited about going back to Indonesia for 3 weeks in October. I'm also a bit stressed out since I need to find a training place as per the unemployment office's suggestion. I'm interested in doing it in the local library, so I HOOPPPEEEE they need help there. If not, that means I have to find another place.
What else? I've done a month training last month at the local tourist info office, which was great experience despite the fact that there could be boring hours when there weren't any tourists coming over. However, I did force myself to speak only in Finnish to my coworkers and some domestic tourists. ;-D
We're currently trying to have a baby (we've tried for a few months) and we hope I can be pregnant this year or next year. The sooner, the better actually he he...And I also hope that next year they'll organize the second full-time Finnish course, though it's probably hard since they need 10 students to open it, but we'll see. Life has plenty of surprises anyway...
Btw, how's your health? Are you still taking Glucosamine? ;-D
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hi Hon...I am genuinely happy to hear from you again. I have often wondered how you and your hubs are doing and I am delighted to learn that everything continues to unfold in positive ways for you.
I am sure it will be thrilling for you to return home and have time to sit with family, friends and loved ones again. E-mails are great...but nothing like real "face time" in my view.
Congratulations on your decision to start a family. My thoughts and prayers will be coming your way for a little one to be on its way to you when the timing is right.
You are so right life is always full of surprises and unlimited opportunities. My health has been really good and my knees have been holding up surprisingly well with all the hard work David and I are doing on our home. Climbing ladders, getting up and down from the floor, digging up all the weeds in the garden, lifting and hauling junk out of our basement and along the side of the house. Thank you for asking I appreciate your concern. Yes, I am taking my powdered GLH twice a day plan to for the rest of my life.
How is your mother doing...does she still take hers? Great catching up...and to see you here again. I know our paths will continue to cross and we will connect as time permits...especially when you have a wee one on the way.
Wishing you and you hubby and family many blessings. Big huggers to you!
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
26 Sep 08
Hi, Raia!
Yes, you're right about the real "face time" with my family. Oh yeah, my younger brother's going to be a Dad soon and I hope I can see his baby when I'm there...it's a boy and it's due sometime when I'm there (but then again he can be born later than that, so I may be able to see him or not). So my parents are SO happy as this is their first grandchild. :-))))
THANKS for your prayers for me. Yes, the little one shall come when the timing is right, though sometimes I can be too impatient he he he he...
GLAD to hear about your health and knees!!! And yes, my Mom's still taking it, though now it's OK even though she takes it a few times a week and not a few times a day. I guess that's because she's been taking it for a few years already, so her condition has been getting better and better. :-))))
Recently I ordered and gave some to my MIL since she's been having some knee problem, as well. I sure hope it works for her! She's just started taking it, so it'll take some time before it has any effect. :-))))
Anyway, have a WONDERFUL weekend and Celebration of Love, Raia!!!!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
Hello again,
It is just before midnight here and I had a few minutes at the end of a long day and thought I pop in and respond. So glad to be in touch my friend and hearing about the good news in your life.
Will you be posting updates about your trip on your blog or Mylot? We have exchanged e-mail addresses. Is yours still the same. Mine is. If you don't have it let me know and I will send it again because I would love to hear about how your time with your family went...and of course whenever you receive news that a wee one is one its way.
I am glad to hear that your mother is doing well. I saw a sports therapist and he says that there is enough research to convince him that GLH, MSM and Chondriton do what we know it does. I am very grateful you reminded me of it. As I mentioned when you suggested it I had been on it and then went off it completely. Now with how it sustains my knees and other creaky places in my body I don't want to be without it.
It is getting late and time to pack it in. I spent the whole day weeding the garden and it looks good although there is a risk of frost tonight. Oh well, we will see what tomorrow brings. As you wisely said..."Life is full of surprises!" Thanks again for your warm, caring wishes. May the good you send out to others continues to come back to you in ways that continue to increase your health and happiness.
Hugs and warm, caring regards as always,
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
29 Sep 08
The weather has been perfect. And as far as what has been going on in my life I think the best way to communicate that is to tell you about the sensation that I had the other night. As I was drifting off to sleep, I had the sensation of a massive gear the size of a planet, slowly shifting and locking into place. It was an incredible sensation, the power behind it was astonishing! I have a feeling I am in for some big changes!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
Wow...that must have been SOME SENSATION...and I will be interested to hearing what kinds of changes it brings. David and I can relate to those kind of experiences...we both have had our fair share of "intuitive knowings" throughout our life path. For those who are aware enough to experience them we know that the Universe offers them to let us know..."changes they are a-happening."
I sincerely hope that they are more of what you have been working towards...I sense the power of YOU and believe you have everything you need to know within you to manifest your heart's desires. Keep me posted!
Love sharing ideas and our pathways of discovery with you!
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Hello my dear friend Raia! Sounds like you've had a busy and productive summer. Though a leaky roof can be a pain!
Our summer has been full of ups and downs. The weather has been pretty good over the last couple of months though we had some very wicked storms and flooding earlier. No major damage to our place but many of the neighbors were not so lucky. It was quite a mess around town for a while.
Steve and I have a new band. Things are going very well with that and hopefully we will be playing gigs soon. I think this is going to be our best band yet.
My best friend, who is waiting for a kidney transplant, went to visit her son last month out in Colorado and came down with a terrible infection. She was in the Intensive Care unit for 6 days and gave us quite a scare. But she's now home and feeling much better.
We too have been doing some home improvements, some planned some not! LOL. I started working on remodeling the bathroom. It's slow going but getting a little bit done at a time. A week ago I noticed we had a leak under the kitchen sink. Not a big deal but something that needed fixed very soon. So we finally got the parts a couple of days ago and we'll get that fixed this weekend. The hazards of living in a very old house!
I celebrated my 49th birthday this past Tuesday Sept.30th. Got some neat stuff from the loved ones. It was a very pleasant day all around. I keep telling everyone this is my last year of pushing 50, next year I start pulling!
Other than that things have been pretty normal here. Doing some myLotting and working on a new website for the band. About time to start getting the house ready for cold weather too. That'll keep me busy for the next several weeks!
Take care sweety (((Hugs)))

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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Ah...it is so wonderful to hear from you again. We both get busy in our respective lives and don't chat for ages...then all of a sudden we are back and picking up as if no time has passed at all. In my view it is a mark of our connection...high comfort level and all.
Before commenting on anything else let me send you warm birthday wishes and a hope that you have many, many more years of happy, healthy abundant living. I view the marking of decades a little differently. I expect 50 to be fabulous, sixty to be sensational, seventy to be sexy, eighty to be exceptional, ninety to be really NIFTY...I think you get the idea. I refuse to buy into other people's perception of aging because as we all know it is more about attitude and health than age. At least that is what I am choosing to believe and so far it works for me. Good to know your gifts were ones that you enjoyed...always really kewl when that occurs. My mother always said that the true measure of a gift is how much love and though it cost. Sounds like yours were chosen with a lot of both and that is great to hear!
I am happy to hear that things are going well with you and yours as well. Congratulations on the positive changes you and your band mates are making. David and I are also working on a websites for our two companies...and profiling my book. Hope it turns out to be all you'd like it to be. Once you launch it be sure and let me know I'd love to check it out.
Also if you ever end up in our part of the country send me a message. Think how great it would be to meet in person and for us to enjoy your music. We live in South Central Manitoba...not too far from the South Dakota border.
I hope your plumbing challenges have been resolved and your other house projects are coming to completion. We still have some things we want to do but right now David has been tied up with insulating the basement and plasticizing all the windows to prevent heat loss over our cold winter months here. Thankfully the weather is not too cold as yet and we are having a prolonged and very pleasant Fall. Most of the perennials are going into dormancy and oddly the annuals are surviving the frost...but we accept they won't last much longer. Oh well, spring will return and we'll plant them again as we always do.
What a relief that your friend made it through her infection satisfactorily. Raging infections are really scary because the outcome can often be very unpredictable.
David and I had a wonderful day celebrating our love and the special friends who joined us. The weather cooperated and we renewed our vows in the garden and then gathered inside for a really delicious pot luck dinner. We laughed and reminisced and we feel very grateful for the many blessings we enjoy.
Well time to run...do keep in touch and I will too. I appreciate our gal-pal Cyber friendship and truly value the connection.
Wishing you all the best life has to offer,
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
26 Sep 08
Hello Raia :)
I, too, have been noticably missing from MyLot the last several months. Many things have happened since - all good things, I might add. After several years of struggling with major depression and, therefore, not being able to work, I now have a part-time job at the Canadian Mental Health Assoc. (CMHA) Nova Scotia Division as Office Administrator. Additionally, two days a week, I am learning sign language so I can eventually become an intrepreter.
I've also been spending much time with family as I now have a 2 year old grand neice who is absolutely brilliant!!!!!! It is so much fun watching her learn new things and being just cute in general.
I attended the CMHA National Conference here in Dartmouth recently and met some really wonderful people and was able to participate in some amazing workshops and sessions. One speaker in particular really spoke volumes. I highly recommend that if you ever hear that Denise Bissonnette is speaking in your area, that you and David go - she's amazing. I'll give you a link in case you're interested in finding out more: http://www.diversityworld.com/denise_bissonnette/index.htm
Anywho....I'll leave it at that for now and chat to you soon! --Carolyn
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
Greetings Carolyn,
Thanks for dropping by and giving me your "situation report." Good to hear how well things are going for you right now...especially that your health and well-being has improved so much. I am happy for you.
From the sound of it your life is going in some really positive directions and is becoming increasingly more rewarding as well. Keep up the great work!
I appreciate the link I will check it out...always appreciate hearing about amazing people and having a chance to experience who they are and what they do. In the meantime I wish for you...all that you wish for yourself.
Hopefully we will both by Mylotting more often and can chat more.
Warmest regards,
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
2 Oct 08
What a pleasant surprise to see you here, my friend! It has been such a long time since we last talked! I got worried about you. I'm glad that everything is going fine!
My life is crazy as always. My foolish heart is having feelings for my ex-girlfriend's best friend. The biggest problem is that my ex-girlfriend still says she loves me. lol It makes me feel alive to be liking somebody, but it also puts me down to know that I am fighting for love when love should just find me. Anyway, I'm a teenager enjoying my life, no matter how big is my problem.
School is going fine, too much homework but nothing that I can't handle. My friends are also doing great... And now that I have stopped to wonder, I realize that what takes the major role in my life is my love life. I'm still trying to be with this girl. I might be close, seeing as how is she acting towards me, but she says she only sees me as a friend. :D
Ah, no problems at all. I just gotta learn how to accept the pain and not give up so easily. I am learning a lot about women, at every day that I live I am learning more. I am becoming a better person, in fact.
I hope to hear from you soon, my friend!
Best of luck for you!
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 Nov 08
Hello, my friend.
Well, I took four weeks to reply. Sorry, my spam box was full from myLot responses. I am now responding to all of them.
I'm still after that same girl, but how much has changed in four weeks! It seems like we are so close to each other. So close, yet so far. That's what makes me sad after all. Time is passing by, and all I am doing is wasting time. I am expecting everyday to be with her, but what if, in four months, I am still in the same girl, in the same situation?
I have not seen any posts from you lately. Do you need any help with your life? I hope you are still myLotting.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Nov 08
Hello...and good to hear from you. It is good that we keep in touch...even when there are some spaces between our chat/catch up time.
Sorry to hear the situation with your special someone continues to be less fulfilling than you would like it to be. What do you see as the gap between where you are and where you want things between you? Is she still concerned about trust issues from the past? All I know is that building a true connection with anyone involves openness and trust on both sides. Trust comes when we are consistent in our words and actions over time without pressuring people to go beyond their comfort zones.
None of us have any power over what others think, feel and believe...and that is often a tough thing to accept. The prayer of serenity suggest that we accept the things we cannot change..have the courage to change the things we can...and most importantly have the wisdom to know the difference. It think I have shared with you before that from my perspective all our suffering comes from what we are attached to. I know you are very attached to this girl...and that it causes you a considerable amount of suffering. What is the message there my friend?
If there is ever anything I can do to assist you feel free to send me a PM and we can chat more. I do care about friends that I have made through Mylot...and you are among them Munhozmib.
In regard to you question about whether I need help with my life...thank you for asking. David and I were very busy when I posted this discussion but we have everything under control now. Most of our big home and yard renovations and decorating plans have been completed. There are still touch-ups here and there but there is no time-line with that. Most homeowners know there is always more to do around the house.
In regard to our work...we are working on our web page. We had to start from scratch because both designers we hired were not taking things in the direction we wanted to go...so we are doing it ourselves. My writing business continues to go and I have a column that I write for regularly. The life coaching business is doing well and we will be running seminars in the New Year. Both David and I are happy and thankfully healthy and loving life and where we are.
So that is my update...great to be chatting as always. I trust we will continue to keep in touch as time permits.
Warmest regards,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Hello again Munhozmib...
Thank you for your concern and warm welcome back. As you can tell by my discussion David and I have had a lot going on this year and it takes away from time in Mylot Land. It is always very heart warming to me when friends like yourself drop by to catch up. Sorry that it has taken me three weeks to respond. David and I took a little breathing space after we renewed our vows in September and then got right back at our home and business plans. Even though it may take awhile you know by now I will eventually find my way back to Mylot and spend some time catching up as I am doing today.
Thank you for keeping in touch and letting me know how things are going with you. Your life sounds full and active and I am happy to hear that overall things are going well with your schooling and social life with friends. Sorry to hear that your love life is still posing some challenges for you. Having said that you appear to be handing your disappointments with a lot of maturity. The fact that you are viewing your things through the lens of a learning experience is a positive approach.
In regard to your ex girl friend who only wants to be a friend. Perhaps that would be a healthy place to start rebuilding trust between you. If you can establish safe emotional boundaries where there is more openness and trust you might be able to reach a deeper level through time.
Do keep me updated...I have always appreciated our on-line friendship and have respect for the keen insight you have. Take care of yourself and trust that everything you need to know will come when you seek direction with an open, loving heart.
Hopefully if you respond to this it won't take me three weeks to reply back. Sending you good thoughts and wishes that you will have more of the good you deserve.
Take care,
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Hi Raia, Good to see you back here again, and I can see that you have been very busy. I am not a handyman so I wouldn't have been any help even if I lived in your area. We had a wetter than usual Summer, but so far, Fall has been nice. I am not looking forward to Winter although I know it has to come, but thinking about it will only stop me from enjoying Fall. I guess I'll have to adopt a new attitude towards winter, maybe I'll try the Tom Sawyer approach. Blessings.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hello Pose...always good to hear from you and I value your warm welcome whenever I return.
Yes, we have been very busy...but David and work well together and enjoy the satisfaction of learning new skills and the satisfaction of putting our creative ideas into action.
The house has a whole new look and feel to it and the gathering is timely. The weather is holding and we are having a lovely Fall without any frost. As long as it holds off until after the gathering Nature can run her course after that. From the good weather we are having I think we will be able to renew our vows in the garden and eat outside. Should be fun.
Yes, winter...we both have enough experience with it. However, I do love the changing seasons and hope to get out more this winter. We have to flow with what we cannot change in order to remain serene. Familiar spiritual teaching and one we both endeavor to apply.
Take care of yourself my friend, and I hope to chat more after our event.
Best regards,
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@littleowl (7157)
5 Oct 08
Hi!! it is so good to have you back again Raia..you have been busy and seemed to of had a big spring clean, thats what I'm like and it normally happens near the end of the year instead of the beginning so thats mainly what I have been doing with myself..yet normally come on here in the evening.
The weather in the UK is a bit of a muchness but being the fall it is lovely to see all the colours of the season..we have bitter winds and rain,and a little sun here and there too. People are getting colds everywhere my son has one at the moment and has passed it onto me though it seems to be going thankfully.
The worst thing is I'm having to put the heating on and am dreading the gas bill in the nest couple of weeks...prices have risen so much that I have had it off most of the time and just endured the cold...lots of hugs littleowl
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Hello again..
Thank you for "flying in" Little Owl, saying hi and sharing what has been going on with you and yours. I love to hear "situation reports" from friends after being absent for awhile. It is a pleasant way of catching up.
We try to do a Spring and Fall de-cluttering and clean up as a matter of course. This big push for us was needed because we had a lot of things in our basement that were collecting dust and taking up space. Some of the oil paintings were my parents and do not go with the overall flavor in our house. My mother passed away in April 2005 and it has taken me this look to pass things on to our local thrift store. I have a lot of her possessions throughout the house and they are constant reminders of the bond we share into the next realm.
With everything but what we are planning to use out of the basement David has been able to insulate it...for the same reasons you are experiencing and we are noticing quite a difference in the overall temperature of the house...even without having the heat on. We are of the same mind you are with the high cost of heating and not wanting to be cold this winter. David has also been putting plastic on all the windows and we added some baseboard heaters to our very large high ceiling great room...all with the goal of saving money and keeping warm. Hope you can do something similar so you can avoid the on-coming chill as well.
Good to be back in touch and I know we will chat again.
Big huggers to you.
@littleowl (7157)
18 Oct 08
Hi Raia...it is so good to hear from you you have been so busy but I do hope you will be back on here a little more now, I have missed you and your great discussions...hopefully we will both be able to keep warm this winter my son and I have decided the best thing to do is use blankets or duvets instead of the heating except now and then if it really is needed...it just shows though how people get hyperthermia and how elderly people suffer even unfortunaltly die because of the rising costs of heating and electricity...like you I have just endured the cold too...lots of hugs littleowl
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@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
24 Sep 08
So good to see yu Perspective, do not feel bad I have not been here of late, I have been off exploring some other things. It sounds like you and DH will be having a lovely time renewing your commitment to each other. It also sounds like you have worked very hard to prepare, enjoy dear friend, I wishh only the very best.*hugs* Deea
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hello again...
Great to have your response here and to be back in touch. With having your Avatar in my sanctuary you often come to mind when I am up there.
Yes, we have been very busy preparing for the gathering and removing the old to make way for the new...both metaphorically and within the outer appearance of things as well.
Thanks for your sincere well wishes...coming right back your way. We will keep in touch more now we have another way of contacting each other.
Big huggers to you too!
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Yes, we in Ontario here, are also enjoying a warmer and drier fall than usual. Thank goodness. After all that rain all summer long, ruining our crops. Trying to get the crops off was more than a little challenging this year. Just too much rain, too frequently, to be able to get the hay dry. Lots of hay was wrapped up too early for fear of impending rain that would ruin it, but it ended up ruined anyway, because it heated after being baled. So, too mouldy to feed to anything but cattle. They will eat anything, even metal or poopy water, yick!
But, because the weather is finally cooperating, we are now able to get much accomplished on the farm, but alas, also have not had time to go fishing again. (pout)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hi...what an interesting lifestyle you have. Very different from what a lot of city dwellers experience. David and I are city people who chose rural life in the winter of 1994. Although we live in town this is largely a farming community and we have ample opportunity to hear stories about the ups and downs of raising livestock and working the land.
Sounds as though your cattle have similar patterns to dogs. I am always amazed at what kind of unpalatable things they eat and drink when allowed to do so.
I love taking my camera and driving around country roads then pausing to snap photos of cattle, horses, sheep grazing contently in lush open fields. I have included just one of my many photos.
Sorry to hear you haven't had a chance to fish. Is the season over...or will you have a chance before the snow flies?Fun chatting, thanks for dropping by.
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• India
24 Sep 08
now a daY IN MY LIFE lots of think hapening good and bed.but i am happy with my life and i try to face every problem and solve it but lots of time i fil bed that i can not get easly any think in my life but i will do harde worke for be happey and i shair my oll problem with my friend and try to solve them
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
Hello, welcome to Mylot and thanks for dropping by to share what has been happening in your life lately.
From the sound of it you have some challenges you are working through. You will find that Mylot is a very caring, supportive community and everyone is willing to assist when possible.
You appear to have a good attitude and are looking for ways to resolve your problems...I sincerely hope you do.
Good luck with it!
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Sep 08
Nobody wants to know... Except Plooker...
So I am not telling... lol
I'll tell you this much...
It is hectic...
I am trying to do too many things at the same time.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
Hi...good to hear from you. David and I have been wondering why we haven't heard anything back from you in quite awhile.
If things are hectic and you are trying to do too many things at the same time I guess that explains it.
Oh well, you know where we are...and I am sure we will chat again soon.
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