United States of the Offended
By dizzblnd
@dizzblnd (3073)
United States
September 24, 2008 8:46am CST
That title is borrowed from my husband (not sure if he made it up or if he heard it somewhere) This is what it seems we have become
This, after I requested to do a toy drive at work. It created such a flurry of emails from the managers, then our payroll/human relations company got involved. The 3 organizations sponsering the drives were churches. The payroll company was afraid people would feel obligated to give. Because there is a religious affiliation, they don't want people to get offended and create a "hostile work environ ment" WHATEVER! Its for the KIDS for Petes sake!
Then there was the concern that people would steal from the box, that people would talk about the people that did or didn't give...etc
A decision hasn't been made yet, but at this point, even if it WAS approved, my boss would have to implementa whole new policy and procedure for such a request.
It is a sad world we live in when a simple request to collect toys and items for those less fortunate creates such a sh!t firestorm.
What obstacles have you encountered when trying to do something for those less fortunate than you? Do you feel the same way I do about this?
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7 responses
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I get so annoyed sometimes when trying to run fundraisers or doing collections of toys and other things, that it's a wonder I even try to run a campaign at all anymore. You shouldn't be doing this or that any more, cause you might offend this or that person, what the heck? All one is trying to do is help another person out for crying out loud, what is to be so offensive about that?
It's not like everyone is going to know who placed what toy, article of clothing, or money into this or that collection, plus it doesn't take a whole host of trustworthy people to keep an eye on things so nothing is stolen. It makes me want to cry sometimes on how self-centered and self-righteous most have become, and it's worse when they turn things around and try to make the person who has chosen to care enough for others to do something like this, feel as if they are the bad person for even asking or setting up donation sites.
People really need to get over themselves, it doesn't matter who or what is sponsoring the donation event, and if people get offended over others trying to do something actually decent for once, they have serious issues. I have always made it a thing to give when and where I can, no matter if it was a self sponsored campaign or a church sponsored campaign, even though I'm not the religious type.
Makes me sad on what this country is turning into.

@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Very true! Though most (not all) really do not wish to take the time out of their busy schedule to take just a moment to give thought to another individual that may be in need. It saddens me greatly, that a once caring nation, has turned it's back on those in need of some help, something we all need at one point in time.
Since the beginning of August I have been running a fundraising campaign to help restore housing for area residents, who have been down on their luck because right now the job market is very slim here and those that do have jobs their hours are getting cut left and right. One person who did donate, but I got a little annoyed with had to make the statement that I should be careful running a fundraiser such as this cause I could seriously offend the person I was helping.
So far I've helped three families repair their homes, and not a one gave me grief over trying to help get the materials that were needed for repairs on their home, so they'd have a dry place to sleep at night.
So though I know and understand the policies of some businesses, religion, race, creed, etc. should not come into consideration when the offer to help out someone in need is asked. It doesn't hurt anyone to actually care for once, we have enough to worry about, without having to worry about those who might get offended by a charity drive that was being sponsored by this or that religious sect. 

@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Exactly! My boss just told me today, that if it were to have been for "Toy's for Tots" it would not have been an issue. So it comes down to making sure the company isn't offending anyone. Wish is fine with me. It didn't hurt to ask.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself to people less fortunate than you! You don't have to be religious to do so. MOST everyone has the capacity to be compassionate, caring and understanding.

@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
25 Sep 08
It is sad that we are a nation that worries so much about offending another person, that we cannot help people. It is crazy!!
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Again, I don't EXPECT it to happen. I just asked.. they said no... not a big deal. I am not the type of person that gets offended if another religion other than my own askes for charity. If I have it, and I beleive it is for a good cause, I will give. Thats just who I am
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
24 Sep 08
That is a shame, it really is I don't understand people anymore. I have a neighbor who had collected about 100 Barbie dolls, they were all new, in their original boxes and never opened. She asked me if I knew anyone in the neighborhood who had a toy drive going on and I had seen in one of the banks they were collecting toys for Christmas. She is elderly and ill and not able to get out so she asked me if I would take them to the bank to donate them. I agreed and took them, the manager thanked me but said, "What about the boys"? I replied, what about them, you have some freakin nerve, this woman just donated 100 brand new dolls which she could have sold on Ebay but no she donated them and your complaining there are no toys here for the boys. This donation will make 100 little girls happy when they wake up Christmas morning, I am sorry there are no Ken or GI Joe's. I wish there were some toys for the boys too but there were none. Then I left the woman's name and address and said the least thing you can do is send her a Thank You card!
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I don't get people either. But this is what this great nation of ours has become... a d@mned if you do and d@mned if you don't nation.
I can't believe the nerve of the bank manager.. not grateful for what was given but still wanted more. If it were me.. I would have turned around and found a Toys-For-Tots or somrthing similar. You are a much bigger man than I (if I were indeed equipped..lol)
That's just sad that was is given.. just isn't enough in some peoples eyes. May God (yes I said God) bless your neighbor and you for taking them to be donated.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Sep 08
It's a shame, isn't it? Everyone thinks they have a God-given--oh, excuse me, HUMAN!--right not to be offended. And what's so offensive about a church, anyway?! A bunch of people who believe the same thing, gathered in one place. Sounds like the DNC or the RNC to me! And they both offend me plenty!
I was pleasantly shocked when I moved back to Ohio. People talk about their churches at work, collect for their causes when it's to better a segment of society and there's no repercussions. There are even spiritual posters in the hallways of the places I've worked temp jobs here. Today I was interviewed and while I was waiting, I heard someone saying "my electric is back on, praise the Lord". If this had happened in the southwest, she'd have been reprimanded, a suit filed by someone who was an atheist and a big hooplah would be had by all!
I hope you get your toy drive going and it's successful. It's a crime that people can't come together in a common cause to help children just because churches are involved. And you don't see many people doing toy drives, it's mostly churches and firemen and our military!
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
24 Sep 08
You got it! You said exactly what I was thinking. I just didn't have the words.
The main thing wrong with this couintry in my opinion.. is that our government has taken God out of just about everything this country was founded upon. We took Him out, and He obliged. Look what we have now. It is a sad state of reality
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Wow that's pretty crazy! It seems like someone peed in their Christmas spirit. I don't have time to start something such as you have. Maybe next year when the youngest starts school hopefully! I don't know why people would feel like they have to give something if a church was helping out, one would think that people would want to donate just because it's the right thing to do. Are your co-workers allow to sell their kid's fund raiser stuff where you work? I would turn it into one of those lol
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I know it.. if it's for the kids.... it shouldn't really matter who's sponsering it. The kids don't care as long as they have something to open on that day.
Our boss looks the other way on any fund raisers, Avon, Partylite ... etc. But she HAD to ask the others for what I wanted to do.. which blows.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Hey dizz, I think this is really pathetic! There are so many
ways to work around this and I think that it is a copout!
If someone couldn't afford to give or they didn't want to
give for whatever reason then fine they don't have to. As
for stealing from the box! If you are low enough to steal
from poor helpless little children then God Help You! I
have heard things like this happening in companines before
and there are ways to do this. All that had to be done was
to put the big box somewhere that people could drop the gifts
in it without making a big deal and nobody had to see who
did or didn't give and at least the children would get the
gifts! These people need to grow up and think about others
instead of themselves. They should truy be ashamed of
themselves for even acting this way!
@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Where religion is involved in the public sector, there is always the risk of offense. Imagine, for example, if three mosques had conducted that toy drive. How would you have felt? The workplace (at least for most of us) is secular. If the drive had been conducted through the auspices of the local fire department to benefit Toy For Tots, I suspect you would have had little or no offense taken. Context counts for a lot.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Oh I understand the reasoning, I just don't agree. It wouldn't make any difference to me which religious sector was asking for things to help the needy. People are people. I am glad to help any time I am able.
I do however, understand and respect everyones right to their opinons
I am sure if it was Toys for Tots.. it would be no problem as well