What do you prefer elevator or lift ?

@winzpc (2354)
September 24, 2008 11:09am CST
Having a time in mall is very help us to spend our spare time. We can buy something that we like, wipe out our stress and also walk along in there with our friends with some chit chat. We know that mall has many floor and to go up we can choose two ways. The first way is using the elevator and the second is using a lift. I usually use an elevator to go up to the next floor and I also use it to go up until the last floor. I don't very like using a lift. So, what do you choose, using an elevator or a lift when you are in mall ? and why you choose it ? Thank's for the time to read and respond my discussion.
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28 responses
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
1 Oct 08
If I am by myself at the mall I will take the escalator. I am overweight and realize I should probably take the stairs, but I forget to do that somehow. However if I am with my 4 children I will take the elevator, especially if I have the stroller with me. It is just much easier to keep track of everyone if we are on the elevator together. I don't have to worry about them tripping, etc. Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 08
Yeah, it will make you more easy to keep your child near with you. Thank's for the respond.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Well, I take the stairs if I can or the esclator or I guess it would be a lift. Where the stairs move up by them selves. that is how I do it. I would sooner use the stairs as need to walk.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
27 Sep 08
I will prefer a use the elevator rather than the lift, because most of the time, the elevator is much faster, as it keeps moving and if there's not much ple on the elevator, we can even walk which makes it even faster.. haha But a lift, it's more likely to stop at every storey because they are shoppers whom wanna shop at different shops for different things, and sometimes when the lift gets too crowded, everybody will start to squeeze in because they dun wanna wait for another lift.. haha =D SO in a way, taking the elevator is much better and we get to exercise too.. lol
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 08
Yeah, you're right, using elevator is more fast than lift. Thank's for the respond.
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@littleowl (7157)
29 Sep 08
Hi winzpc it doesn't bother me at all wether its by lift or elevator..if either one is full then I will go on the other one..it is my daughter who doesn't like lifts...littleowl
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 08
You're absolutely right. I'm very impress with our answer.
• United States
24 Sep 08
lift meaning escalator? if so i dont like those either.. im afraid of getting caught in them lol.. i rather have elevator over anything
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• United States
25 Sep 08
they are putting warning labels on the "croc" shoes now because they get stuck in the escalators and there are injuries every year from kids getting stuck in them.. i always end up tripping on them anyways since im clumsy
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
Yeah, you're right lift = escalators. Thank's for the response. Elevator is more safe, I think too.
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• Philippines
25 Sep 08
in the united kingdom,its called a lift in the states,and other countries,it's an elevator.. i read that from a book.. so what's the difference of the two? kindly educate me.. thanks
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
It just a same thing. Lift is same with elevator. Thank's for the response.
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
I prefer to use the escalator when I am in the mall to go up and down the floors. I only use the elevator when I am going home carrying loads of stuffs going to the parking lot. I am not sure if the lift you are saying is the escalator here..Usually we know the lift as an elevator here so I got confused when you told us to choose.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
I'm very sorry. I use my own language, I though that lift is an english word. So thank's for the check. Lift = Elevator Elevator = Escalator So, hope everyone won't confuse again to respond my discussion.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
25 Sep 08
In some countries elevator and lift are the same thing. Do you mean an escalator like a moving stair case for a lift? I like escallators better than elevators. If the elevator breaks or falls, your stuck. If the moving staircase quits, you just have to walk.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
You're right, so using escalators is more safety.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I do not go to the mall that much,but before I met my fiance when me and my friends hung out more often we would spend a lot of time at the mall,and whenever we would go one of my friends loved playing on the escalator he said it was his favorite part of the mall,and it was like a ride,I personally did not care the elevators and the escalators were all the same to me,and they were a whole lot easier to climb then the stairs,and now me and my fiance do not visit the mall since it is in another county and we have more important things to worry about.
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@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 08
Hi Winz, I prefer using an escalator, not a lift. I hate the trapped feeling inside a lift, especially if it is crowded and not well ventilated - the air sometimes ! Moreover, on the escalator, I get to see more things!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
24 Sep 08
How about the stairs? Think what that will do for all those forgotten muscles tath we all have. I use stairs as often an I can, for just that reason.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
In my place, stair is for the emergency way out. So I haven't made is as a choice. Thank's for the response.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
i prefer escalator.. because i had a bad experience with elevator. I almost get trapped inside the lift because it suddenly stopped without knowing why. I totally freaked out!
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
I think you have right to choose using escalators. thank's for the share.
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
I prefer using escalators rather than elevators. In the malls here in the Philippines, the elevators usually get really cramped. A lot of people here would rather use elevators. I'd rather use escalators because for me, they're easier to use. You don't have to wait for them to get to your floor and you don't have to stop on every floor and wait for people to get in and out.
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 08
Using elevator is can make us to wait for a while because of the crowded people who want to use it. But escalators is always moving continuously.
• India
25 Sep 08
I prefer the stairs. In our fast lifestyles we often forget the importance of good old manual labour.We donot get enough exercise.So it is better to walk.Also I have found that walking destresses the mind.Our mind gets relaxed and we get a good nights sleep.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I thought an elevator was a lift, but I'm seeing people say escalator so I think I need a translation. LOL. In the US, and elevator is the box that brings you up and down between floors. And escalator is a moving staircase. LOL, I'm sorry but I really don't know what you are asking. Does the escalator come into play at all? LOL. I'm so confused.
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@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
I don't usually use the elevator, I prefer the escalator in the mall, elevator for me is crowded, and I don't like it. escalator is much better, there's enough room to breathe and my daughter loves the escalator so much! She thinks its a very good ride at the mall.. :) ... saves me from the arcade always!LOL!
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
I prefer the lift or elevator... that is what we call it in my country... because for some strange reason... i get dizzy after an elevator ride... it is like a minor jet lag... like today... i can still fell that little dizziness because i had to take the elevator a couple of time yesterday... so... i try to stay away from it as much as i can...
25 Sep 08
Hi winzpc, I usually take the elevator, but I don't think about what I prefer but the lift is near me then I would take the lift it doesen't bother me. Tamara
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@super_jj (1416)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Er...i think "lift" and "elevator" refers to the same thing. In the UK, they call an elevator a "lift". I dont know if you meant Escalator (the stairs that either goes up or down continuously).
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@jnk3dfx (721)
• India
25 Sep 08
I Prefer both, but if i in a mall, i definately would prefer elevator, otherwise if i use lift, i gona miss all those window shopping. He hee. Ya, I use elevater in Malls and lift at my place and office. If i use elevator or its actual name 'Escalator', i can go to all the floor, can visit all the shops even if i want to go top floor, i prefer to visit all the floors and all possible shops in each floors.