Facts about sleep, older people need less sleep?

September 25, 2008 3:05am CST
I've been observing my family, it seems, the older you get, the less sleep you need! I sleep for an average 6-7 hours a day, my parents sleep about 6 hours and my grandmother, well 4-6 hours a day. Is it really true? the older you get, the less sleep you need? is it because your metabolism slows down thus you need less of it?
1 response
• China
25 Sep 08
funny pictures - funy pictures for mobilephone
i think what you think is wrong. in my family, the oldest has least sleep. that's right, but it's not absolutely. i think people who is tired of working need mroe sleep. people who think more always can't fall a sleep. of course, that's only my advice.
• Malaysia
25 Sep 08
Lol good to get response with a twist! U might be right, but my parents and grandparents are very active, probably the things they do equal my work time