When should girls start to wear makeup?

United States
September 25, 2008 1:21pm CST
My daughter is 12 & in the 7th grade. Many of her friends & fellow classmates are wearing makeup, getting their hair dyed or highlighted & plucking their eyebrows. I didn't want her to start wearing makeup until she was 14 at least. I don't allow any kind of haircolor - she has gorgeous dark blonde hair with natural light blond highlights. I may help her pluck her eyebrows this week but not to the extent I have seen it on other girls. She is wearing a little bit of makeup & I don't mind going with that as long as it's not caked on. What do you think? I guess I need to get with it because I thought that 12 was too young for that. It seems to be the norm here. I suppose I'm giving in a bit to peer pressure for her because she isn't the most popular girl in school & I want her to branch out a bit. She has one close friend & a handful of girls that she would call friends. She is on the quiet side & I'm hoping that if she had a bit more confidence in herself that would help. What are your thoughts on this subject?
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31 responses
• United States
25 Sep 08
Oh this is simply the way the world is now days. To be honest, I started experimenting around with make up when I was probably 10 or 11. You see older girls wearing it and it's on the TV. A girl can't help to be curious and want to resemble her more mature peers. It's harmless really. Just as long as you don't let her rely on a self image that is with make up. I wasn't the most popular girl in my school either and I know when I used to do something so little as to wear colored lip gloss, I used to feel as though I got more attention. If you let her wear it, make sure it's the bare minimal and teach her the fundamentals of too much and just enough. She's young so I wouldn't let her go further than maybe light pink eyeshadow for an example... or even sparkles. They like sparkles at that age. They have a lot of pre-teen make up lines out there that is basically play make up. When it comes to dying the hair, stress to her how important it is to hold onto the natural beauty. I used rinses and semi-permanent colors in my hair when I was still in the highshool and younger years. It's not going to chemically treat your hair or damage it and it goes away. Those are just some pieces of advice. Trust me, I grew up with just a father and it was the most difficult thing in the world to get his approval but peers can be so harsh on your child. If you need tips for her, just ask me.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
It is tough being this age. I don't think her peers have done anything mean to her, I just think that she sees others & compares the way they look to the way she looks. She is wearing a little bit of makeup & it looks natural - she seems to be satisfied with that. I draw the line at dying her hair. It's beautiful just the way it is. I used to dye my hair but I've let it go & I have quite a bit of gray. I think it looks interesting & different. I don't think they want to look different at this age though!
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Never! Never ever ever! I do not believe in makeup. It is far too fake. She should appreciate her natural apperance, as should her friends, and if they don't, they are not friends worth having. Makeup just makes you look too fake and dolled up and it's just plain stupid. The only makeup I would ever wear, or allow my kids to wear when I have them and are old enough might be a small tiny amount of light blush that blends in with the natural skin coolor, maybe lipstick. But all this mascara, eyeliner, and all other kinds of fake junk is garbage and shouldn't even exist. What have we come to, many of us relying on fake crap to make us look "good" when it's not even really us. How ridiculous people are nowadays.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
My daughter's friends do not press her to wear makeup. This is all her doing. She's smart enough not to be friends with anyone who doesn't appreciate her for who she is.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
25 Sep 08
I don't wear makeup and never was pressured in school. I am also too young to be a parent yet, so therefore I can't give you advice that say maybe another parent who has been in your shoes can. I would however suggest telling her that the best way to go with makeup is natural, I was told that, though it didn't matter as I didn't like to wear makeup too often anyway and to this day do not know how to properly put it on. Show her how to properly put the makeup on and show her that a light shade of things goes along way. I'm not sure if you've seen the Drew Carey Show, but I'm sure if you have you can agree that MiMi is rather.... wearing too much makeup. Well I hope this advice helps. I agree with the hair thing, I've dyed my hair but have since stopped, it ruins your hair. Also the whole eyebrow thing, maybe you can find a kit that will shape them. If she has bushy eyebrows plucking them would work, but if they are thinner then maybe shaping them would be better and more appealing to her! I hope that this information helps! Have a great day! Oh and a fun time playing "dress up" so to speak!
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• United States
26 Sep 08
Yes, I remember MiMi from the Drew Carey show - she looked awful! If my daughter ever came out of the bathroom looking like that I would send her to clown school. I helped her this morning with makeup & it looked very natural. I stand firm on not letting her dye her hair. I'm still thinking about plucking her eyebrows - not sure if she can handle the pain!
@relundad (2310)
• United States
25 Sep 08
First I want to say that I don't think there is a standard age for makeup. I have noticed that caucausians tend to start wearing makeup at an earlier age than most ethnic groups. I am AA and we typically start wearing make up around 15-16. As a parent I would not be swayed by what the other kids are doing, or what there parents allow them to do. If you think that 12 is too young then by all means stick by that. You have to remember that if you fall for peer pressure then you can't ask her not to. I know thats one of the things that I try to stress to my son, I'm not interested in what the "Jones'" do, we are going to run our household by my rules. Often times the parents of my son are sometimes 10-15 years younger than I am (in other words, merely kids themselves) so our opinions are quite different. Its not that important for her to be the most popular. And as a female I sure wouldn't want her to be popular because she is 12 and looks like a 16 year old. I myself would shoot for the top academically, if I wanted her to be popular.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
You are right - doing well in school is more important than wearing makeup & being popular. We never do things just to keep up with the Jones's. I wouldn't give in to peer pressure. I don't really know how to say it, I just don't want her to feel too left out. We settled on very light makeup because she does have problems with a bit of acne. I'm working on getting her to wash her face more often. Always a struggle!
• United States
25 Sep 08
i think 12 is too young myself. when i was that age i saw others wearing makeup and i wanted to do the same. i asked my mom and she told me no. the only thing that i wore at that age was lip gloss. i think that should be allowed. maybe give her some lip gloss and a compact mirror. she'll feel kind of complete. my mom did that for me at that age. i started wearing lip stick at 14 and everything else at 16 the powder, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow. my mom never wanted me to pluck my eyebrows either. cause once she starts to pluck them, they'll need to be plucked all the time. that's why she never do it. that is sometging that i would hold off on until at least she hits high school. but if you want her to do the eyebrow plucking. just you do it cause if she does, she'll go eyebrow plucking crazy then she'll have to draw on some eyebrows. with the hair dying, i would just maybe do some highlights. my mom let me get highlights when i was 13. take her to a professional and let them do it.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
That's true - once you start plucking your eyebrows, there's no going back. Gotta keep up with it! I like natural eyebrows. Those that are too thin are so unnatural. When it's time there's no way she's doing it by herself. That's asking for trouble.
• United States
25 Sep 08
ok this is my two cents i dont think that women/girls should not wear makeup at all cause women/girls only wear makeup to hide there inner beuty and they only ddo it to get the attention of a guy not all guys like that stuff i personally hate it
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@1corner (744)
• Canada
26 Sep 08
I started wearing makeup when I was 15, i.e. no lipstick or gloss, just eyeliner, and only occasionally. Wore a bit more in college. I'd suggest starting at around mid-to late teens, if it helps enhance beauty, with more emphasis on keeping skin healthy (cleanse, moisturize, with SPF when outside). Don't really think it's necessary for young girls (before 15/16 yrs.) to get glammed up unless they're attending some important social function (not peer parties). Most makeups have harsh chemicals that ruin your skin. Apart from being in the sun unprotected, I think wearing a lot of it contributes much to women's skins' aging early. Not too keen on using makeup as a tool for enhancing self-esteem too. At her age, it would be better to create opportunities for achievement(s), whether in school, sports, arts, etc. It's good to hear about her having a circle of friends. That should help too.
• United States
26 Sep 08
Good point about other opportunities to boost her self-esteem. She is in the band & athletics & does well in school. All of this has helped a lot. There are just so many girls her age wearing lots of makeup, jewelry & dressed to the hilt. It's tough seeing that I'm sure. I hate that the parents allow the girls to take it that far.
• United States
2 Oct 08
I don't know. I think girls need to start wearing makeup when they are young enough for their mother to have an influence on their idea of style. However, they don't need to be painting themselves regularly at a tender age. When still in high school, girls should be asked to focus on their studies. Dating and the interest of boys can come later. Even so, girls need to feel they are pretty for their self-esteem. Might be a balance of issues at work here.
• United States
2 Oct 08
Thanks goodness my daughter is not interesting in boys much yet. We are very firm on no dating until much later. My husband says when she's 25!! I say 16 with friends & 18 on a date just the two of them. This brings up a whole other discussion! A balance is very important & I think we have a firm grip ow that at this point.
• United States
26 Sep 08
You are going about this the right way. When they get to Middle School they are seeing so many other girls wearing make-up that they want to "fit in". Remind your daughter to wash her face good at night and to keep her pores clean so she doesn't get bothered with acne. I know it's hard to watch them grow up because you feel them growing away from you, at times... Let her spread her wings and just be sure to really get to know her friends. Every parent isn't the same and it's vital to know what goes on in any home that you allow your child to go to.
• United States
26 Sep 08
It's been fun to watch my daughter grow up but it is also hard to handle. A little bit of makeup won't hurt her. We're working on the washing her face issue because she just doesn't do it. She is having a problem with acne as a result. I know her friends fairly well & they're good kids.
@jadegoat (89)
• United States
26 Sep 08
would let her pluck her eyebrows and wear lip gloss but unless she had acne wouldn't let her wear more. As far as dying her hair...NO I wouldn't at all untill 16 and then I would still be hesitent. I am very strong on this because I think todays teens are too eager to grow up. I have three children, one is sixteen and fortunately for me this wes never an issue..she didn't want to wear makeup and still doesn't.
• United States
27 Sep 08
So true, kids are in a hurry to grow up these days. I don't remember wanting to wear makeup until I was in high school. Slow down - when you're 40 you'll wish you had!!
• United States
29 Sep 08
I know I am 36 now and many time wished I had slowed down. :)
• United States
25 Sep 08
In my opinion, she is still too young to wear make up. Just because her friends are doing it doesn't mean she should be doing it. When I was younger, I couldn't wear make up until I was 15. Then again, this was in the late 80s, early 90s. But still, wait until she's a bit older to let her wear make up.
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@ahansen (31)
• United States
26 Sep 08
My first instinct would be that, at 12 years old, she's too young for makeup. However, you know your daughter better than anyone and whether or not she's ready to wear it or if she'll wait and put it on after she leaves the house because you forbid it, is something only you would know. My mother had a really great idea to handle this with me. I was similar to your daughter; a little on the quiet side and not quite popular, although I wasn't unpopular either. Anyway, my mother had a Mary Kay party just for me and my friends. The lady came by for a couple hours and taught us all how to properly put on makeup so that we weren't going overboard. My mother made refreshments for us and my friends and I felt a little special and somehow a little more mature that day. It also helped a couple of my friends who had been wearing makeup before that, to actually learn how to wear makeup to compliment them and not look as scary as they did before! Good luck and Happy posting!!
• United States
26 Sep 08
Having a Mary Kay party is a great idea. I may have to think about that one. They grow up way too fast!
@Lexus656 (672)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Well the way I look at it I started wearing small amounts of make-up in the sixth grade and on top of that my mom showed me how to wear it without looking like a stripper or having it caked on. You need to help her understand that less is more and as far as the haircolor lord my hair has been so many colors. whcih again atarted in the sixth grade. You really should let her started experimenting with these things befor she is in high school becuase she needs to know who she is by then if she doesnt its going to be alot easier for that older jock or whatever to get what they want with her. Help her experiment like my mom did I have a solid knowledge of who I am and who I want to be becuase of her. Plus if you think about it what is plucking her brows or her hair color really going to do? i mean it could help her with her self esteem, help her grow into her body, and not feel like an outcast becuase you wont let her. and think about this where theres a wil theres a way and if your not willing to help and teach her there are other people out there who will. alot of girls these days put on makeup when they get to school or change their clothes as soon as they are out the door you dont want that kind of relationship with your daughter do you?
• United States
26 Sep 08
We have decided a little bit of makeup is fine but I draw the line with hair color. Her hair is beautiful & needs no help from the box in the grocery aisle. Plucking her eyebrows is something she will have to really want to do. I would do it for her because I don't want her to mess that up! BTW I really don't think she would put makeup on at school because there is absolutely no time to do that. They keep them really busy.
• United States
26 Sep 08
i wont let my daughter wear makeup till she is 13 or shave her legs..i will never let her dye her hair lol. my neighbor is always frosting her ten year olds hair. but i dissaprove. Maybe at 12 i will let her wear some lip gloss and maybe some mascara but that is about it.They grow up fast enough. and although it may gain her some attention and popularity you have to ask yourself if it is the right kind of attention and popularity.
• United States
26 Sep 08
Ten years old & having her hair frosted? Yikes, that's too young. I won't allow my daughter to dye her hair. It's just too beautiful the way it is. She's been shaving her legs for a couple of years now. It's a little young but I don't have a problem with that.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
26 Sep 08
Well I really don't know if there is right age to start wearing makeup but it seems to me 12 or even 14 is way too young. Does it not plug up the pores and makes your skin wrinkle at an earlier age? You should try and help your daughter acquire healthy self esteem so she would find it easier to resist peer pressure. Does she believe what matters in life is what kind of a person you are and not what you look like? does she aim for good grades that will enable her to choose a good career as an adult that will allow her to live a full and happy life independent of a male? There is a lot of pressure these days and I wish you the best of luck.
• United States
26 Sep 08
Yes, there is a lot of pressure on kids this age. She is making good grades, is in the band & athletics. I just think maybe a little bit of makeup may go a long way in making her feel a bit better about herself. We've had the talk already about being able to support yourself - I think she gets it.
• United States
26 Sep 08
i wasnt allowed to wear anything but lip gloss until i was 16 years old. and my 13 year old wont be wearing anything but gloss until she is 16 also. there is only one reason why a young girl wants to wear makeup. to look older just like "all the other girls do". do you really want your 12 year old attracting attention because older boys think she IS older? im not taking that chance..too many weirdos/perverts/plain monsters out there nowadays. dont give them any reason to have their eye catch on your daughter.
• United States
26 Sep 08
That's true, you don't want her to look older than she really is. I don't think a little bit of makeup will make her look that much oler though. You do have to be careful these days.
• United States
26 Sep 08
You know my girls are 2 and 3/12 and I was just thinking about that the other day, can you believe it. My daughter goes over my mothers n laws and her aunts get her play makeup like what you see from Disney and thats ok with me but I tell my daughter that when she comes home the rules are what they are, no makeup. I will do her nails from time to time as a treat though. But now Im running into her always asking me for makeup and I just think she should not even be thinking about it because of the way I was brought up, we only got plastic lipstick once never any real variations so thats why I am prone to these feelings of slight panic that shes growing up too fast. The thought came to me that maybe it would benefit her to allow her to use these play makeups and when she is older, 12 like the age of your daughter, that the hype of makeup that goes along with trying to fit in and low self esteem (which I think is nearly a inevitable phase anyway as a young teen)--then by that time it would be well past her and she would not feel so inclined to use makeup. So thats what Im grinding with right now and Im with you the most natural the better. I do think that society is so fast paced these days that 12 is the new '14' so I can adjust to being a little more lenient but dont dare mention cell phones to me, lol (ok, 13 ). I plan on actually buying my daughters makeup like Bare Minerals just so she will not use extravagant makeup that does not even fit her complexion (Wet and Wild doesnt exactly offer a variety of colors,lol). We'll she if it actually works though, good luck.
• United States
26 Sep 08
Cell phones!? Forget it. I can't believe how many kids have them. I just got one a couple of years ago. I am letting my daughter wear just a bit of makeup & I'm showing her how to do it. She seems happy with that. It's great to get other's perspectives though.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
Well it's really sad that gils want to be more mature at such a young age. I think it's because of all the tv shows nowadays and young starts such as Miley Cyrus. I have nothing against Miley, in fact I like her style and personality. But girls see her and want to be like her so they dress up in ridiculously short skirts and start wearing makeup. Tsk tsk. Anyway, I started wearing makeup only in my 20s. I think the later you start the better your skin will look when you're older. It's too bad that young girls don't know this. Maybe you can just try to monitor your daughter. if she's already using makeup then you can't do anything to stop her. But try to let her know that she looks great with very light makeup and with her hair the way it is. :)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I could do without Miley Cyrus. I don't think she is the best influence on girls. My daughter is sick & tired of her now so I'm glad.
@celticeagle (171437)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Sep 08
It has been my experience that girls are growing up alot faster than they did in my day. I think 12 is a good age to let a girl play around with some make-up at home. Have some girls over and have a pajama party and that could be one of the activities. Something like that. I think when young girls start junior high or middle school they should be allowed to wear make up. With in limits i would think. If not there will be alot of peer problems. Why put her through that?the make up would give her some added confidence and feel more like she is fitting in. Now, if you happen to luck out and have a tom boy who could care less about makeup and excells at sports or other activities I wouldn't worry and thank your lucky stars.
• United States
26 Sep 08
I think a little bit of makeup would boost her confidence. We put some on this morning & she was feeling really good about it. It would be easier if she were more of a tomboy!
• United States
26 Sep 08
I remember being that age and kinda wanting to wear makeup and definitely pluck my eyebrows. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to wear makeup or anything. But then sometimes my friends would let me borrow their makeup. The big mistake my parents made is that they didn't want me to wear it, so they didn't teach me anything. So I made some embarrassing mistakes. Mainly with plucking my eyebrows. My thought on this would be to help her pluck her eyebrows in MODERATION so she doesn't try herself and look a mess. And teach the whole less is more with makeup too. Maybe instead of letting her wear any makeup. Just take it one step at a time. Like maybe just clear mascara? or a little eyeliner? Whatever you think would be best for her. That should make her satisfied FOR NOW.
• United States
26 Sep 08
No way I will let her pluck her own eyebrows! I don't know if she can handle the discomfort anyway. We'll see about that one. I showed her this morning how to put just a bit of makeup on & she seemed pleased with that.