Should children always be paid for doing chores...
By scorpio19
@scorpio19 (1363)
September 26, 2008 3:17am CST
My kids always have the option to do jobs for me to earn money, it's not something I make a big deal about if they want to they can if not then that's ok.
My son never takes this offer up but my daughter does she regularly does jobs for me to earn extra money.
I have one job they all do and that's wash, wipe and put away the dishes after our evening meal, which I don't pay them for because not everything in life is done for money.
I wonder though if it is not just learning children that everything has a price or is it learning them that if they work they will get paid, so instailling a good work ethic.
What do you think about paying children and what it does say to them....

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17 responses
@shamzy18 (2316)
27 Sep 08
Well its nice having something for doing something seeing as from a child point of view makes us want to do more especially if we are lazy. But this is a bad habit i think. They have responsibilities they should do with out charging money. My mum never charged me for doing my nappy every day feeding me clothing me washing me. So why should i charge her when she asks me to do something? Its just how you feel really. once in a blue moon to make your child do something if it is necessary then yeah give them money. But my view is instead of charging for jobs around the house just give them weekly pocket money!
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@shamzy18 (2316)
27 Sep 08
yeah dont pay for everything some things they just have to do like tidying up their own room its their own room hy should you pay them to do it if they dont do it now they never will. and other things if the house is not tidy well it is the kids who make it untidy dont you think?
@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hi shamzy..
That's a good point kids don't charge their parents so why should they charge us is getting a balance it's ok to pay but it's not ok to pay for everything they do...

@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
26 Sep 08
i think its not a mother we should not do that always giging them money by doing their chores.we call it "spoiled by money" and someday if we dont have money to give.they dont work coz they are used to it get paid.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hi bombshell...that is so true, that has happened with my kids where they will not do anything unless they recieve payment..which is not good so now I make them do more for less...

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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
27 Sep 08
My son and I still argue over this one, even though he is an adult with two children of his own now. In our household you are not paid for your routine chores. Everyone, even mommy and daddy must do chores to keep a home clean and liveable. A child should learn this and understand that this is part of being in a family home. However, if a child chooses to do extra chores on his own then yes I believe in being paid for them. My son never agreed (and still doesn't) with my views on this. But, that is how our household was managed.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hi TessWhite...
I tend to agree with your way but unfortunately I started paying my kids for all that they did and now they expect money they think of it has a right, which now I can see is not on, so I try now to make them help around the house to get them to see we are a family and we should help one another..thanks for your response..

@red_amethyst (3518)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I dont think children should be paid for every work they do. as a child, he needs to learn to help in the house especially if you dont have a yaya or helper. so that when the child grows up he knows how to do chores by himself. but sometimes just as a reward its good that they received something its not necesary thats its money, it can be toys, books, a day out or something. just to encourage the child to help more. thats my pov. take care
@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hello red_amethyst...
That's a good point it doesn't have to be payments has in money but more a reward in a present...

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@red_amethyst (3518)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
my son, as young as 3 years old, i try to teach him to do some chores, like help me in preparing the dining table. and he's really excited about it. and in return sometimes i buy him cds, he like to watch, or toys. take care! good luck!
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@sadlyboy (30)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 08
It is depend on you that you want to pay for your as a reward or the salary to your children. Children should not pay for doing chores, because you everyday got give them pocket money or after they had grow up to become a student that need pocket money for their food in school. At here you can try to train them for saving their money which is left after school not to use it simply, and them their saving money is to use in emergency time or in case it happen. To help parents doing chores that are not reward or salary to the children, it is right. Thank you.
@DFrodeo06 (1325)
• United States
26 Sep 08
see we have kinda of the same set up (once the kids are slightly older of course but hubby andn i have talked about this)
the kids will ahve their chores that they do each kid will ahve a daily one (setting the table, clearing the table, dishes, or even just making the bed)
then they will ahve weekend ones they must do (clean their bathroom, pick up their room, vaccumm, or laundrey)
then they will have optional one which they can earn money for such as helping me clean the house on the weekends, helping wash the cars, doing yard work and even helping with home improvement, washing the dog ect.
their daily and weekend chores they will not get paid for but will get in trouble if not done (can't go to friends house no Tv ect) and the optional ones that can do when they need money for stuff we won't buy them.
i think this way they know the family unity of helping around the hosue but it will also help instal the value of the dollar and saving money for something they really want.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hi DFrodeo06...
I agree it's has to be a bit of both I think so they can get a fuller balance, that some jobs they can earn from but others is helping one another out...

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@MissGia (955)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I think kids should do chores without pay, but i don't see anything wrong with the parent offering their child money/allowance to do extra chores.
It will give the kid a sense of what work is and also instill in them that money isn't just handed to you.
I know a lot of kids who used to get allowance for not doing anything; you can only imagine what they turned out like.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hiya MissGia..
It is getting a balance like you have pointed out, I think with my kids i've over paid them and now I try to get them to see not everything do I pay them for, so I have started making them do more odd jobs around the house to teach them we are a family and it's not fair that I should do all of the house cleaning...when there's not just me who lives in it...

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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
This is what my wife does, pay the kids for something she wants done like, paying them 1000 pesos to have a haircut. Now my son thinks he has a job. I never pay my children to do things. They can just ask me for money if they need it. I just ask them to do things without any monetary consideration and they are free to refuse.
@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hello underdogtoo...
Your kids sound so lucky...thanks for response...

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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
26 Sep 08
If you give allowance, I think it should be tied to chores or responsibilities. I wouldn't break every task down into a dollar value. I would give a list of chores and a weekly/bi-weekly payout. You do all your chores, you get paid. You do some of your chores and skip others, you get nothing.
I personally don't pay my children for their chores. I have 3 adult children and 3 minor children. My older children have to contribute monetarily to the household and my younger children are assigned chores as their contribution to the household. I explain it to them that we are a family and for a family to work, everyone has to contribute something. I explain to them that I ask everyone to contribute what they are capable of. For those who work, they are capable of contributing money, for those who don't they are capable of contributing help in keeping up the household. They accept this pretty well.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hi cbreeze...
you seem to have it well under control, I wish my kids would accept it so well..they see me as a task master if I ask them to do chores for nothing which is really not on because like a lot have pointed out families should help each other out and that's the important thing for kids to learn..

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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
I believe they should be taught to help in the household chores. They should know it's their obligation and they must help in the chores out of the knowledge that it is their duty to do their chores and that they must obey their parents. Now the parents can give incentives to obedient children but the children should not always demand that incentives be given to them.
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@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
I think kids should not be payed with money whenever they do chores. At a young age we are already taught by my parents to do our chores and we are not given any gifts or money in return for doing it. They taught us to become responsible at a very young age. I think kids who often were given money everytime they do chores wouldnt have the will to do stuff if there is no reward given to them in return for doing some chores.
Kid will not do chores in there own freewill if they only did it for the sake of receiving a reward if they do there chores at home. Normally they will just ignore doing stuff if they wont received any reward. So personally i wont pay my kids everytime they clean there room or do some errand at home.I want them to do it because they wanted to have a clean room and not because i am going to pay them money everytime they do chores.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hiya belk89,
It does have a lot to do with what is instiiled in children from an early age..

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@annmariethies (49)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Oh well I can't wait for this moment. I don't have children yet but of course I'm planning the years ahead that I do. I do believe you should build a good work sense in your child at an early age. Of course, they're still a kid but unfortunately in this economy, you won't succeed without a good work ethic. If I were you, I'd create a savings fund for your children whether it's at the house or maybe a bank account. Notify them of it and deposit small amounts of money into the fund when they complete chores. You should make sure they have the understanding that cleaning doesn't always earn cash. As a child, they main focus they really need is to make good grades in school. I would award them and build an excitement in them that says, "you make good grades, you will make money." In the future, their education will pay off. It's a good value to place in them. As a child, the only chore I was soley responsible for was maintaining the cleanliness of my room. That's technically their personal living space and they need to learn to appreciate that area of the house for themselves. In the future when they're on their own, their house will be that living space and they'll respect is as they did their room. Don't pay them for that but if they decide to sweep out the garage, help you clean or car or do dishes at night, reward them. They're putting an effort fourth that children shouldn't be required to do. To a child, $5 is exciting. Give them rewards for the extra chores they help you with and especially for making good grades. Getting a 100 on their test or bringing home A's. Build those fundamental values in them and when they turn 18, they'll be able to open up that savings fund or that piggy bank and see the reward of their hard work. It'll only excite them and inspire them to do great things in life.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
hello annmariethies,
Thats one thing I always reward my kids for and that's when they have done well at school I think thats very important to do with kids to reward when they have achieved..thanks so much for your valid points...

@1sweethoney2 (13)
26 Sep 08
when i was a kid we had chores but did not get payed for it but i hear that parents are paying there kids for there doing chores i dont see anything wrong with it i mean it up to the parents to do it if they want to do it
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@scorpio19 (1363)
27 Sep 08
Hiya sweethoney2.......
I think your right it as to be what suits each family and what works best for them...

@Justy24 (29)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Paying your children for chores is a great thing to do. You are teaching them to clean up behind themselves and you are giving them a head start at becoming responsible working adults. The fact that you are not paying them for every chore or "job" is the key. You are showing them that as a family you have to remain organized by cleaning and you are teaching them to do their part. I say Kudos for a job well done.
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@pinkpassion5 (351)
28 Sep 08
I think it's very important for kids to earn money for things they want. In our house if they want something they have to earn it. I tell my son no one hands me over a pay check and no one is handing you over money for doing nothing. He has chores to do and he does them. He even earns his lunch money for the week because he won't pack a lunch!!!!! He earns what he gets and he appreciates it more!
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@scorpio19 (1363)
28 Sep 08
Hi pinkpassion,
That's ok if it works for you but I do think making him earn his dinner money is a step to far..I think kids should receive money for some set chores but chores should also be done for nothing it learns them to appreciate that not everything in life is done for gain somethings we do to help out..thanks for response.

@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
26 Sep 08
With my two boys they always had daily jobs that they did that money was never an option. They cleaned their rooms, took out garbage, mowed the grass etc.
During my Spring cleaning which entailed painting and a lot of moving heavy items and such I always gave them the option to earn money. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. When they didn't I would hire my nephew or a young man in the neighbohood to help me with bigger tasks.
We were never really big on a weekly allowance at my house. If they did something extra they were compensated but otherwise they didn't get it.
Both of them are grown now and work hard.
My youngest one is a senior this year and is working part time. When he asked about getting a job for the summer we told him that was fine and if his grades didn't suffer he could work during school.
He only works 16 hours a week at Wal-Mart but it has helped him in so many ways.
My oldest is on his own and he takes care of his place very well. So something went right somewhere! LOL
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@scorpio19 (1363)
26 Sep 08
Hi fasttalker, yes it seems you've done a good job with your two boys..I don't know it's hard when your a parent to know if your doing right or wrong so I think it's best to do what suits your own family life..thanks so much..

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