is romantic love the most important condintion for marriage?

@clarkmy (428)
September 26, 2008 11:58am CST
most young people like to indulge in fantasies ,and your image may the form ofa certain famous film satr or pop singer ,but if you are od a practical turn of mind ,your idea would be modelled after what you see aroud you ,though images do not always coinside with realitise ,it is nevertheless an interestiing subject for study ,for it tells us what the young people expect from the present society. for this matter ,my ideas is love is not the most improtant condintion for marriage bacause love is romantic whereas marriage is practical. love od money in a new marriage might bring trouble and chronic quarrelling let us talk about this topic together
4 responses
@jzjqdkd (273)
• China
27 Sep 08
i think love is one inportant factors for us to get married,if two people don't love each other,then get married for what?it is not necessary,and creating a lot pain towards each other,so marriage must be lied on love,no love,no marriage.
• United States
27 Sep 08
I absolutely think love is the most important condition in marriage. I don't believe marriage is only for "practicality" and quite frankly, I don't understand why anyone would think that. You don't *have* to get married. Marriage isn't a necessity of life. Why get married at all if you're not in love?
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
26 Sep 08
Love is a good factor to get married, but it should go hand in hand with honesty and commitment. If not, then it will be hard to maintain it. Marriage is a tough journey and love is fluctuative. If we only rely on love, then we'll be in big trouble. We need commitment to make it work no matter what and commitment to maintain the relationship between husband and wife and to keep the flames of love burning.
@dheal888 (283)
• Indonesia
26 Sep 08
Marriage need love, of course romantic love is one factor and most important condition for marriage. Can you imagine marriage without romantic love?