Do you ever go to the cinema or theatre on your own?

Theatre/Cinema - performance
@Humbug25 (12540)
September 26, 2008 3:23pm CST
I have been in the unfortunate position on several occassions where I have no one to go to the cinema or theatre with because either they have been working or I have been working or some other reason. Well earlier this year I had the opportunity to see someone I really admire and was desperate to see at the theatre live but I had no one to go with and it also meant it would be a 2 hour drive as he wasn't coming to our town. I got a ticket and went on my own. I wasn't going to miss out on seeing him and if meant going on my own late at night then so be it. Don't get me wrong it would have been nice to have gone with someone but the only person that was available was the person who babysat my kids so that I could go. I have been to the cinema loads of times on my own because I would rather see something on my own than not get to see it at all. Do you ever go to the cinema or theatre on your own? Would you never dream of doing such a thing and would rather miss seeing the movie or performance?
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49 responses
• Malaysia
27 Sep 08
Yes of course, I feel that's great moment where i can enjoy the movie my own and without any interruption. Kind of special and weird but that's me. =)
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@liquorice (3887)
27 Sep 08
Me too! And not weird at all!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hey there adriantys78 I don't think there is anything weird about going to the cinema on your own at all, it's great that people don't have a problem with doing it and I don't either! Thank you for your response
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
Thanks for the support post, at leave i know i am not the only one like that.=)
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@ReoTwo (194)
1 Oct 08
Hi. Yes I do, and quite often. I am so glad to hear from someone who has the same opinion about going alone to the theater that I do. I have always been comfortable in my own skin; so that makes me my best date. (smile) I believe that we as humans, miss out on so much worrying about what others think about us because we're not with a date or a group of people. I prefer not to miss out on anything that I really want to do. Just don't sit to far from others and make it so obvious. (smile, smile, smile). And be alert and careful if you're leaving late.
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@ReoTwo (194)
2 Oct 08
Hi Humbug25. Thanks for the response. I'm so glad that you too enjoy your own company; but I am really glad that you take precautions when you go out alone. Great!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Oct 08
Hi there ReoTwo I lived out in America for a while and always seemed to be going to the cinema on my own and when I did I used to park the car right outside in the parking lot as I always went to the cinema that had showings of films that were out 2 months prior and this particualr cinema was in like a big parking lot with various other large stores. I like my own company so I don't mind going on my own! Thanks for your response
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@Humbug25 (12540)
3 Oct 08
Yeah well you can never be too sure these days. I usually carry my keys in my hand until I get to where I am going to!
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• United States
27 Sep 08
I don't see anything wrong in going to the theatre or a movie alone. I do it, alot. I don't feel it's unfortunate, at all. It's funny how people think that being alone is so awful and sad. It's not at all. Of course, I just like being alone. I'm a real people watcher, and alot of times I'll just strike up a conversation with someone while I'm watching people. I don't know, I've just never had a problem being by myself. It's usually my choice, I enjoy my own company for the most part. I may end up going to see the Eagles perform in concert by myself. Going by myself is the least of my problems. I'll just make new friends there.
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@liquorice (3887)
27 Sep 08
I agree, I think it's really nice to be by myself sometimes. I've always felt a real freedom when I'm out on my own, without anyone else to worry about. It's a great feeling! I'm a people watcher too. It's nice that you make new friends so easily; I tend to be a bit reserved when I'm by myself, but I'll sometimes talk to a few friendly people. And you're right, there's nothing sad about being by yourself. I also quite like going to restaurants by myself. I can order whatever I want and take as long as I like! Lol! But I find that people sometimes stare when you are alone on your table. I just ignore them!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi there Makena1968 I also don't see anything wrong with it all but just on this one occassion that I went to see Derren Brown Live at the theatre I would have liked to have gone with someone, to also share the journey home with. I am a single mum to 3 boys and don't have much of a social life, well it is pretty non-exsistan actually, so when I do get the opportunity to go out it is nice to be with other adults! Thank you for your response
• United States
2 Oct 08
No, I guess I don't enjoy watching movies by myself.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
3 Oct 08
Hi ya DaddyOfTheRose I think there are a lot of people out there that don't enjoy watching movies by themselves so you are not alone there. Thank you for responding
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I went to cinemas alone. Everytime I am stres, I go there just to forget all the pressures. It helps a lot and it made you feel good. After going to the cinemas, my mind is set and I focused myself to the problem and so far so good it helps a lot.
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hello aisaellis22 That's good if you find that it helps you too unwind and take in a movie at the same time. Thank you for responding
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• United States
27 Sep 08
you're welcome..
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@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
30 Sep 08
I never see films on my own. I always go with friends. I almost always go to the theatre alone, though. I've had miserable experiences when I go with other people. I also tend to go at the last minute.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Sep 08
Hi there bwaybaby I am sad to hear that you have had bad experiences when going with other people to the theatre but I am glad you have resolved the problem by going on your own and not missing out. Thanks for your response
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep 08
If I want to go and see a horror film I have no choice but to go on my own because none of my friends are up for it! None of them like horror films and I have still not been forgiven for taking my friend to see Final Destination 3, I sort of told him a few untruths that it wasn't scary, he was white on leaving the cinema! So my name was mud, I had to take him for a stiff drink, now I have to go on my own, but to be honest I tend to wait for it to come out on Sky, because it's so expensive going to the cinema now and having to put up with selfish people who play with their mobiles, come in half way through the film and block the picture or start munching or chatting, I gave up! So now I watch from the comfort of my own home! I need someone who loves horror films as much as me I think!
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi ya wolfie34 Sorry to say that you have only yourself to blame on that one and you were lucky to get away with just having to buy him a drink and not having his laundry bill to pay! I do see your point about going to the cinema these days and forget buying popcorn you would leave the palce armless!! Hope you find a horror movie buddy soon!!
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
26 Sep 08
no, only whith my friend or my boyf. but never in teatre.......... i prefwer a concert myryam
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi there miryam So do you go to concerts on your own then? Thanks for your response
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I remember watching movies before alone but on rare occasions and only when I really have no choice. Since I'm at work most of the time so I am not able to watch movies in the theater a lot but I would prefer to go with my husband and daughter. Although we can't watch movies other than a GP one, it's fine as long as my little toddler enjoys it.
@Anne18 (11029)
26 Sep 08
In the past I have gone to the theatre loads of times on my own, it got rather boring trying to find somebody to go with me who would laso like the show. I have also been to the cinema only once on my own, years ago but the film was all about Lady Jane Grey and her very short reign on the throne, I went on my way home from work as I didn't want to go on my own when the cinema was full. The first time I went to the theatre on my own i acxtually had to sit all by myself so after that time I always made sure that when I booked my ticket I was sitting next to someone. Who did you go to see?
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi Anne18 I went to see Derren Brown and he was amzing, absolutely fantastic and well worth the 2 hour drive and to sit on my own! I didn't get in until 1 am because I had to drive back as well. I love the theatre, I saw Rocky Horror and lots of musicals too but those have always been with someone. Cheers for responding!!
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• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I watch movies alone. I like to watch it with someone or a group but I do not have friends. I am in an unfortunate position as well. So, I just watch movies at home with my dog. I think that is the best way to go about as of now. Good day!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi there TheManager24 Sorry to hear you don't have many friends but at least you have your dog for company. Thanks for your response
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• United States
26 Sep 08
Of course I go to the movies by myself all the time. Alot of times the movies that I want to see my friends dont want to see. So I have ended up going by myself to the movies.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi there babyfirefighter Yeah sometimes it is the choice of going on your own or missing it. Thanks for responding
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• United States
26 Sep 08
If it came down to a situation like that I would go alone although I would like to be there alone. I like to experience the different emotions with someone so we can talk about it on the ride home or something like that. I know people who do go alone and I just don't think I could do that.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi there MrsRich723 It's always nice to have some company isn't it? Thanks for responding
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• Poland
26 Sep 08
I always go the Cinema by myself ! but i think the next year my brother will come with me . It's cool to have some friend or member of the family to got with you ! . So like when the movie ends both of u start talking about and what happened and what do like about it,ETC .
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hello AyserJubair Yes it is nice to go with someone but sometimes there is no one to go with. Thanks for your response
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I have been on my own for many years and if I did not do things on my own I would miss out on a great deal. It is mostly women who always want someone to go with them. I guess it is socializion and a safety issue. I don't go to events which require me to take the subway and bus very late at night but otherwise I do. I refuse to be a prisoner of fear.
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• Canada
29 Sep 08
You are so right. Walk purposefully and know where you are going. I also keep my keys in my hand pointing outward. Take care.
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi Lindalinda Good on ya!! I think if you are always aware and go straight to where you are going with no delay then you should be ok. I always put my keys in my hand to use as a weapon if ever I should need to! Thanks for responding
• Malaysia
27 Sep 08
If I really like that particular movie, maybe I will go alone. I will not miss it just because no body there to accompany me to see. But until know I never go to cinema alone. I always have friends or family members when I go to cinema. Usually the movie I like, they also like it. If not I will persuade them to watch. I am very good persuader.
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• Malaysia
29 Sep 08
I can say myself as persuader. Sometimes it works and sometimes don't. I can persuade if I know a lot fact about the topic. Example I know the synopsis of the story or maybe I watch the trailer.
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi there ravinder18 So you are a good persuader huh? I will remember that for future reference!! Thanks for your response
• United States
28 Sep 08
Shoot I do it all the time. Cause most people can't keep their mouth shut during the movie i like a hell of alot more. But always looking for someone who takes them as serious as i do. Heck, i'll even wait for time when hardly anybody is there...i can't hear the things too much background noise,,,especially teenagers, babies crying, cellphones, ditzy girlfriends, etc... and just plan alot of people with no manners or respect..
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi lakotawoman Oh yeah the sound of someone's mobile in the middle of the movie really is a killer!! Thanks for the response
@rkotaker (60)
29 Sep 08
Well have been to see a few films and can predict that i will be on my own on the 20th October 2008 to was SAW V as having watched the first four im hooked. Would be nice to go with someone esp a horror film with a woman and of course you have to comfort them. "Honest love i could have sworn that the texas chainsaw massacre was a romantic comedy!!!"
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi ya rkotaker You are going mad and it has nothing to do with the computer!! . Wouldn't catch me going to see a horror movie! Thanks for the response
29 Sep 08
Sorry i aint going mad when i sent this message the computer said no so i wrote it again!!!
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@rkotaker (60)
29 Sep 08
Well will predict now that i will be on my own to watch SAW V as none of my mates like horror films and since ive watche the first four ive just gotta go. Always good to take a woman to a horror film on a first date. "Honestly honey i could have sworn the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a romantic comedy hehehe"
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Sep 08
Hi rkotaker Thanks again for the response
• United States
5 Oct 08
I live so many miles from the cinema that I would not think of going by myself. I don't go at all because no one I know goes. It is just something that anybody that I know does anymore. I guess a few years ago I would go by myself and not have thought anything about it. We just rent dvds and watch the movies at home so we dont' have to go anywhere.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
5 Oct 08
Hi there sweetbabyjane I think that these days it is cheaper to do that anyway especially if you have to pay for the petrol/gas on top just to get there. Thanks for your response
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