The Bible
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
United States
September 26, 2008 9:35pm CST
I am not trying to criticize another religion, but there is something that i never understood. How can someone have so much faith in a book that can not be proven factual?? It is a book made by man, edited by man, translated multiple times by man, and it was a man, who it is in debate if he was a christian or not, decided what books were to be included in the Bible. Why were certain books left out?
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24 responses
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
27 Sep 08
In all religions the original preachings get changed in course of time.Buddha never advocted a temple for himself nor do Jesus yet we find churches and viharas all over the world with statues of Buddha and christand a lotof people living under their shelter.Similarly their preachings also got into the books as understood by their disciples and many times not in the original form.The commentators added their own ideas to the original so much so today we are at loss to know what was the original preaching?
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
27 Sep 08
If you have ever read and understood the Bible and read the 12 books that were left out you would clearly see why they were left out. Almost all 12 tried to sneak Islam and Muslims into the Bible.
I used to be atheist so I can understand your way of thinking. Man hasn't changed since Biblical days, our way of thinking is the same when it comes to good and evil. God inspired the Bible by working through the writers. If you give your life to the Lord and ask him to come into your heart you can understand better how God uses people who allow Him to work through them.
I believe God chose the people He wanted to make the decisions about what books were kept or not. I also believe that God is no dumb, dumb and He is perfectly capable of getting the message through time for us without error. Translations in the old days were only done by certain people and every single detail was checked and re-checked that's one of the reasons why every sentence is numbered.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
27 Sep 08
funny how you assume that she is atheist.. how intelligent..
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Even when i was a christian, going to church every time the doors was open i still wondered this. I believe the bible can be a good moral compass, the stories are good, but thats all they are stories, with no proof to back them up.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I didn't say I thought she was, I said I used to be atheist so I think I can understand where she's coming from. (please excuse me for leaving out "think")
Funny how you are so eager to be rude to a Christian...
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Thank you, pheonixstar1982, yes, I agree, how can anyone be gullible enough to believe in everything that a book, that cannot be proven, says. I do not take anything that the Bible says literally because, I cannot. Take Creationism for example, that really cannot be proven, but Evolution is being proven more and more all of the time. Also, look at the story of Adam & Eve, and the stories about Cain after he killed Able. So, who were all of the other humans, who was Cain's wife, if Adam and Eve were the only man and woman on the planet at that time? Wait a minute, Cain married his sister! I thought that Jews and Christians were against this? That is inbreeding, that is against all religious teachings, it's wrong! Also, let's look at the end of the Bible, Revelations. People do realize that this was written by disgruntled early Catholics because they were angry at Nero for killing most of them, right? You honestly cannot take that literally. Let us not forget the Gnostic Books, the pieces of the Bible that were cut from the Bible. Most Catholics and Christains fail to acknowledge there existence, but that is were these people can kiss what they truly thought that they knew about the Bible good-bye because it says that Jesus was imperfect, that faith is not to be worshiped in a building, and that Jesus had a wife. Deny it Christains can, but it is there, those books were found, and the age on those text were proven to be the same at the original text found in the Bible. Believe it or not, we humans have a great way of making others believe what we want them to believe. Also, why is it that some people were able to see Jesus and receive these teachings, and others were not so lucky? This goes to Whites, Blacks, Asians and Native Americans, and do not worry, I fall into all of those racial categories, so I am not singling anyone out: What happened to your ancestors teachings? What happened to Polytheism and native beliefs when Christianity came to town? Did your ancestors just completely throw all of that knowledge of the "old ways" out of the window? NO! My ancestors still live on no matter where you walk, Christianity did NOT completely kill what my ancestors knew and believed in. My ancestors were Pagans, Wiccans, Polytheist, native storytellers, and you name it. These were people who lived off the land and who lived on stories, but only because they did not have science to prove that they were wrong. Thanks to science, it can prove the majority of all religions wrong, and can prove that only a few of their teachings are beneficial to humanity.

@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
No offense rogue13xmen13 but you clearly don't have any insight or wisdom to understand the bible. We shouldn't take the Bible literally.
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
Evolution? Proven? I'd like to see solid proof that evolution is indeed a FACT. It's still a theory, it hasn't been disclosed as factual yet. I will also not accept that my ancestors were apes.
And about Jesus' teaching, "turn the other cheek", I believe it's just an exaggeration from Jesus' part. I think the point of that teaching is to not bear hatred when something bad happens to you. Do not put blame on anyone, even yourself if something horrible happens to you and you have no one to point a finger at because it'll just cage your heart in anger and depression. If you let go, accept what happened, then that is the only time you'll truly be free from the clutches of that horrible past. If someone do you wrong, "turn the other cheek!" Forgive! That's the message of the that teaching. If you harbor hate, then you're just making your world smaller. Have you forgiven someone lately? If you have then you've already turned the other cheek.
Now about Creationism, here are some of the things I've researched. I suggest you read this with an open mind:
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Evolution has yet to be proven. Every time someone thinks they've found the "missing link" it's proven to be false.
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
No matter how you put it, The Bible is The Bible. It's been around even before your great grand daddy ever learned how to walk. Also, something tells me from deep down inside that The Bible is the Good Book. If you have the insight and the wisdom to interpret it or at least understand what it's trying to say then you don't have to worry about anything else. Have a little faith..
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Here's one.
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
If you believe in something, even though you can't see it then you won't be swayed easily. Also, there are numerous facts backing up the bible. If you try to research more then you'll find out. One last thing, I already believed in the bible long before I've known the facts about it.
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I can respect what you are saying. If you read a book, and it changes your life for the better good, but please don't pass it off as factual with nothing but things unseen to back it up.
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• Philippines
27 Sep 08
This is where we can put the book to a test. The 66 books in the bible were written by men 2000 years ago, and so far the most salable book up to this computer age. Actually, the book has proven factual all the things that has been existing specially "men" or "human beings" so to speak. There is so much secrets, miracles, knowledge and wisdom that has already existed that is in this book, and it is up to you to read,explore and prove to yourself. I encourage you to read the book and develope a faith!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Sep 08
How can someone have so much faith in a book that can not be proven factual??
HOnestly?? LOL centuries of brainwashing and fear of doubt...Seriously thats what I believe....Way back in teh day the bible was used in HORRID ways in order to control and conform the masses...and I guess that is one of those "somethings die hard" things ya know...
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I have a few friends that believe the same way. Its all braining washing and people being to scared to form an opinion of there own.
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@jingbautista (2456)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
the Bible is not just an ordinary book,.. i believed and always believes of what is written in it... the Lord spoke to me through it, and i am taking it personally.. it was really true.. for my life, it has proven to be true throughout generations...
@ella1bella (839)
27 Sep 08
Perfectly true,but the bible came from somewhere,so who wrote it is in the lap of the gods.But there are so many people that have taken comfort from the bible,and are still doing so,it gives them hope and faith and that for many people is enough to keep them going through tough times,so where there may not be a lot of us who understand who wrote it and if its true,then we need to spare a thought for the others who live by it.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I can respect that, i will even go so far that the bible is a good moral compass. My problem is when some true to force there beliefs on others using the Bible.
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I don't think thats true. Although i do not have faith in something does not mean i can not understand why others do. I might not practice a certain religion, but that does not mean i don't understand why others do. If you never knew the bible gets edited go to a book store and see all the different translations and compare them.
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@dailywealth (47)
• Nigeria
27 Sep 08
The bible is the final book of the book that suith all ages,not because am a christian it the book that can 't fail and that will never fail.the bible was not written by men,but it was written by holy men of that were inspired by the holy spirit

@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Now, it must be admitted that if an infinite Being is the author of the Bible, he knew all sciences, all facts, and could not have made a mistake.
If, then, there are mistakes, misconceptions,false theories, ignorant myths and blunders in the Bible, it must have been written by finite beings; that is to say, by ignorant and mistaken men.
Nothing can be clearer than this.
For centuries the church insisted that the Bible was absolutely true; that it contained no mistakes; that the story of creation was true;that its astronomy and geology were in accord with the facts; that the scientists who differed with the Old Testament were infidels and atheists.
Now this has changed. The educated Christians admit that the writers of the Bible were not inspired as to any science. They now say that God, or Jehovah, did not inspire the writers of his book for the purpose of instructing the world about astronomy, geology, or any science. They now admit that the inspired men who wrote the Old Testament knew nothing about any science, and that they wrote about the earth and stars, the sun and moon, in accordance with the general ignorance of the time.
@Abhinavmishra19 (224)
• India
27 Sep 08
Have you ever seen\felt\touched\heard\smelled the holy men of yours?
What proof can you present that your holy spirit existed?
What proof can you present on the whole that your statement is true?
And as far as bible being considered true in all stages of life is concerned, I could present to you a 100 things right away, that DO NOT APPLY, ARE NOT FOLLOWED, AND ARE NOT VALID in the present age.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
27 Sep 08
A man, if he is holy or not, is still a man and capable of making mistakes.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Hello pheonixstar1982, i doubt if you believe in true God. Maybe you believe God but not really true God or maybe you are not a christian because only Christ believers believe on The Bible. For us christians, we believe that the words of God are written only in The Bible. Although it was written by some people like, prophets,deciples etc etc, but they were specially chosen by God to wrote all what God wanted us to do in order for us to PARTAKE His kingdom which He promised to only His chosen people.
The people who wrote His words on The Bible are not just an ordinary people.They were spiritually blessed chosen few.If you will just try to read the bible, theres a portion there that God told not to be written. Try to think about this if you are a christian believer. How come that the real BIRTHDATE of Jesus Christ were not being witten on the Bible? If you will try to read all of the pages of the Bible you can't read Dec. 25 was the birthdate of Jesus Christ. Curse me if you found one. If you are a believer of Hindu, Islam, Cunfucius etc etc I don't believe you don't have an authoritative books where your doctrines being written. For us Christians we have, and its THE BIBLE..Kindly search where you MUST belong...Have a nice day ahead..

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 Sep 08
mobhomeir you need to get out more. Your statement 'If you are a believer of Hindu, Islam, Cunfucius etc etc I don't believe you don't have an authoritative books where your doctrines being written.' reflects a real need to read a bit beyond the Bible.
I am sure every Muslim would take issue with your statesmen and point to the Qur'an. Hindus have the Vedas, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and the followers of Confucius have among other authoritative books, The Analects of Confucius. There are many sacred texts in this world and the Bible is just one of them. All are viewed as equally authoritative by those that believe in them. Christianity has no monopoly on truth and the Bible is only one of many stories.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I don't understand your point in bring up the fact that Jesus was not born on December 25. Do not tell me to kindly search where i must belong..because i know where i belong..and excuse me for trying to figure out something i don't understand.
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@kgee102605 (34)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Question: How do we know the original interpreter of the message interpreted and transcribed it correctly? Or, how do we know he/she didn't just make it up? How does anyone know?

@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
Very well said man.. my thoughts exactly.
All we're saying here is the Bible is a Good Book. It is, as you all have stated, a good moral compass. A source of betterment and enlightenment.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Those are my questions exactly.
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@kgee102605 (34)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I've searched for those answers for a long long time and have yet to find them. But, what I did realize was this... I visited many different churches of many different religions. All had their own way of thinking as you would expect. Some things I agreed with and some I did not. Example: Jehova's Witness' don't celebrate Christmas. I asked why and was told because it is not the true birthdate of the saviour and it is too commercial. Okay, I can agree with that but my question was.. even if the date is incorrect..isn't it better to celebrate "some" date instead of none?? Long story short..I basically have taken what I believe and agree with (bits and pieces) from each religion and I try to live the best life I can with that. The saviour I know and believe in is a forgiving one and knows I am not perfect so, If this isn't good enough.. I have "FAITH" that he/she will forgive me and know that I tried to do the best I could. :)

@happy1201 (22)
• India
27 Sep 08
It is person specific .As all human beings are not alike, every one has different opinions and beliefs which we have to understand. Their morals and beliefs habe to be respected
@Abhinavmishra19 (224)
• India
27 Sep 08
No one is disrespecting the morals and beliefs my friend, but when we know what the truth is, we don't want it to spread either!
Why is the ratio of god believers so high? because parents tell their children to follow the religion that they follow, and why does the child follow it? because he has no idea whether what his parents are saying could be wrong too.
We have to debate on these thing, and DEBATING DOES NOT MEAN DISRESPECTING .
Why is a question posed at the theists considered a DISRESPECT? The answer is simple, they try to shed away from truth, in fact I consider is some what human, somethign you have been believeing since you were a child, something you always thought existed, since your parents, whom you had 100% faith in told you it existed, is hard to drop.
but still, people like us, who decide things on the basis of science, on the basis of facts, are able to do it , and feel glad having done so.
@Abhinavmishra19 (224)
• India
27 Sep 08
EDIT: We know what the truth is, hence we do not want the false things to spread.
@purplehyacinth (575)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
I believe though the books were written by different persons, there is only one behind those men and He is the Holy Spirit. If you take a look at the standard bible, the thoughts are coinciding. Because the Bible is like our manual of living, I believe the very first collection of books (the standard) are the real ones. I believe God wont allow that one of the real books were not included in the Bible.
@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
28 Sep 08
hello pheonixstar1982 I just want to say that I love how your searching for the right answers! I hope that you keep up the search because I know that you will be lead to the truth.
The only time that I have ever heard of any books being intentionally left out of the Bible was on some kind of TV show. Where they got what they feel are facts I am not sure.
What I do know is the Bible was put together under the direct of God and the Holy spirit. The Bible is the word of God in Print.
Christians so not ignore the Old Testament, we get a lot of examples, learn our linage. Plus everything that is in the New Testament can be found in the Old Testament.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
27 Sep 08
It's true that much of the Bible can't be proven, but there's also much that can be. For those things that can be proven, the Bible has always be right on target. Also, the books of the Bible correlate even though they were written over several thousand years, from different places and by many different writers. The chances of that just happening are not very likely. Lastly, the prophecies mentioned in the Bible have either come true or are coming true now. It's true the Bible was written by men, but those men were inspired by God. I think the chances of this book being the Word of God is pretty good, but that's just my opinion.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
The original version of the Bible is the JEWISH VERSION...then it came up to a Greek Version. The problem of some preachers nowadays they are preaching the new version which was already edited. They changed some verses that suited to their faith/religon. If only those preachers stick on the original version i think rising up of thousand religion nowadays minimizes.
@kgee102605 (34)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Most religions are faith based; at least that's what they seem to be to me after studying many of them. The books (whichever ones) are merely an interpretation of what someone said long ago. The Mormons have an interpretation, the Christians have an interpretation, the Baptists and Jehova's Witnesses' have one and so on. People read the books and have "faith" that the books and stories speak the truth. Just my 2 cents :)