Attention McCain Kool Aid Drinkers
By Snooze
@Snooze (610)
United States
September 27, 2008 8:16am CST
Seems to be a few people here drinking the kool aid.
If you've seen John McCain over the last two weeks, what you've seen is someone not fit to be president of the United States.
If you've seen the Sarah Palin/Katie Couric interview excerpts on youtube, what you've seen is someone in no way, shape or form qualified to be vice president of the United States. For pete's sake, they wouldn't even let her go public after McCain's debate last night. The word from inside the McCain camp is that she's done a mock press conference and a mock debate, and both were disasters. If you haven't seen the video yet, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
When McCain picked Palin as his running mate, most of the media likened the pick to a hail mary pass. When McCain "suspended" his campaign a few days ago, it was considered another hail mary pass. Last week he had a different position on the bail out every day, and each position opposed the earlier day's position. This week he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off - his own campaign didn't know what was going on.
For you kool aid drinkers: do you really want a guy as president who simply resorts to hail mary passes so quickly and so recklessly? You really want his finger on the button? You really want him making decisions that will affect YOU? And do you really want a VP that's incapable of holding an intelligent conversation with Katie Couric, much less world leaders?
You don't like Obama, we all get that. You're willing to look under every rock for anything negative you can attach to the guy - we've seen that. I'm guessing you voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. After George Bush's 8 years, aren't you sick, tired, and frankly weary of defending the complete failure of a president for which you voted? Do you really want to re-up and have to start all over again with McCain and Palin?
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6 responses
@4magoo (396)
27 Sep 08
I tried to look for support of what you said realitive to Palin's lack of success in her practice debate. I did find something on the Huffington Post. Is there anything else?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Sep 08
"interview excerpts on youtube"
So you're part of the lazy crowd that only watches excerpts? That's a great way of letting someone else do your thinking for you by feeding you carefully selected material.
"The word from inside the McCain camp is that she's done a mock press conference and a mock debate, and both were disasters."
And who do you almighty one know from inside the McCain camp? Do you have personal friends there feeding you this information or did you get it from a blog or DailyKOS?
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are drinking Kool-aid. Perhaps some of us watch entire interviews and check reputable sources before coming to our conclusions.
Of course I could use your style and ask if you want a president who thinks there are 58 states and a Vice President who thinks FDR was doing televised speeches as President in 1929 before television was available.
Just an FYI, I voted for Kerry in 2004.
@Snooze (610)
• United States
29 Sep 08
My friend, the only thing we have to fear is Palin herself.
Are you really suggesting I've got to watch the whole interview? Please, for the love of all humanity - don't make me do that. I think the excerpt, in and of itself, doesn't need more context to be understood by anyone. It speaks volumes. You can choose to ignore it. Those who do are the ones drinking the kool aid. So see? You don't necessarily have to be drinking the kool-aid to disagree with me.
But for what it's worth, think about what you're choosing to defend. Do you really want to do that? If so, it begs the question "Why?"
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@Snooze (610)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I think you're missing a very important point here. Palin's "excerpts" are all we have had of her. The McCain campaign hasn't let her speak unscripted up until her debate last night. Their mission has been to minimize her exposure. Prior to the debate, all we had was the same stump speech repeated over and over, and her interview with Couric.
Obama, Biden, and even McCain himself have all conducted interviews on all the major news stations, as well as numerous Sunday morning shows. Palin has not. Her handlers have been fearful of her doing that, and the interview with Couric justifies that fear.
Sure Biden and Obama have made mis-statements, as has McCain. But at this point, it's kind of like comparing a guy who's been to bat 500 times and hit into 17 double plays to someone who's been to the plate 10 times and hit into 7 double plays. Why you would want to make that comparison doesn't make much sense.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
29 Sep 08
My point is that such excerpts serve the sole purpose of making her look bad. If you'd like to see how bad someone can look then please search youtube for excerpts of Biden. This is the man who claimed FDR was making televised speeches during his presidency in 1929. Not only was he not president in 1929, TVs didn't EXIST. He also claimed Bush sent his top diplomat to Iran yet that never happened either. I could also show excerpts of Obama saying there are 58 states. It's not hard to make someone look bad using excerpts which is why you need to do more than take what you're fed.

@us2owls (1681)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Initially I said I would vote for Obama just as long as Hillary Clinton was not his running mate. John McCain being the Republican candidate was a big disappointment to me. Well as this campaign has gone on and I have listened to what both sides have had to say I gave some serious thought to who I would vote for. Since I will not be in my home town on election day - and I do not have the time to drive there because I am off to join my husband in the UK on Nov 6th I decided to vote absentee. I was the first voter to cast a ballot in my county and I voted for McCain. As a matter of fact I voted for the Republican candidates for local, State and National posistions. Obama got worse as he went on and that he is ahead in the majority of polls just blows my mind. People obviously are paying no attention to what he is saying.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
28 Sep 08
There are still those who claim McCain is perfect for the presidency because of what he did as a POW. Did you see his interview just before the debate, when he pointed out that all he did was fear the wrath of his drunken father? He also seemed to think being a college party boy made him a great candidate. How nasty is that?
As for Sarah Palin, do you remember the Cheerleader's Mom scandal a few years back? There is no questin she's the Hockey Mom from Hell!
I wouldn't invite either of these people to have tea in my home. Why would I want to have them in the White House? They're even more horrible than Bush! 

@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
28 Sep 08
If that were true, I'd have no problem admitting it. I don't follow any party line. There is nobody on the planet I hate. I was responding to the many posts I've read here on myLot extolling the perfection of these two people when their feet of clay are barely supporting them at all.
I wish people would pay close attention to all the candidates' words and actions, and take them for whom they truly are.
Just FYI, I'm working very hard on the campaign of a Republican -- note, Republican -- candidate for the state House of Representatives, because he's a truly honest man, with impeccable integrity. Those are the attributes that matter.
@easysidemoney (199)
• United States
27 Sep 08
yes, much more than having someone as much of a joke as obama in the whitehouse
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Snooze went into detail in the original post here so I think it's only "fair" that you elaborate on what you just wrote here. "As much of a joke"? We've had a "joke" in the White House for eight years, only problem is most of us have stopped laughing about seven years ago.
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