Who on MyLot makes over $225,000 and will get a tax increase
By 4magoo
@4magoo (396)
September 27, 2008 10:33am CST
Obama claims to decrease taxes on about 95% of the citizens of the USA. He would basically raise taxes on people who make over about a quarter million per year and decrease it for those making under $225,000. Who is making all of this money? Is anyone on MyLot making over $225,000 a year? I don't make that much. I would love to know how much the hosts on Fox News make per year. I know that the chairman of the Fox News Channel,Roger Ailes, made $7,100,000 back in 2005. Do these people have ANY idea what it is like to be middle-class?
Let's see how many MyLotters will have a tax increase under Obama. The rules I would like to set for this discussion is you can only say you are having an increase if you earn over $175,000. (I have to give people a bit of a leaway as you might not have any deductions.) If you say that you will have an increase, please use the numbers found on this site to show how your taxes will go up. They show how much he will give as individual deductions and the percent you pay.
Main quesion: How many MyLotters make over $175,000?
Quesiont Two: Are you married and what is your phone number? (My wife said I had to say that Question Two is a joke. I think she is afraid someone might answer me.)
Check here on the salaries of some people in 2005.
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10 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Nitpick, but Obama's tax plan says no raised taxes for families making under $250,000 (not 225), or individuals making under $200,000. However, even if you make $600,000 a year, you will get a $12 tax cut, lol--you just won't get THE tax cut that Obama refers to.
The tax increases only actually begin when you break the $603,000 a year mark:
Now, how many of us are pulling THAT in every year. I'd wager that anyone who was probably has no reason to join a site like myLot. :P
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@4magoo (396)
27 Sep 08
Clarus you are right... he did say $250,000. One problem I had with using that number was in the article I read, it said that it would actually go up for the person who had an income of $213,000. Ahhhhh well, Obama lied ... Don't tell Kennyrose. I did hate to say that in this forum but the truth has won out. :-) Thanks for the tolerance. :-) I am not sure how these different articles come up with such wide differences.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Well, my image is based on WaPo's reporting of the non-partisan Tax Policy Center's analysis of both candidates' tax plans, just so you know. Do you remember where the article you mentioned is from? Or even better, could you link to it, so I can take a look? I'm curious now.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I largely think it's a moot point. With the economy and the current bailout crap I don't think either candidate will be able to give the tax cuts promised.
I also think that regardless of whether or not you benefit, it sets up a class warfare situation where the government is robbing the rich to give to the poor. That's not the way capitalism works. No, I don't make $225K, I make roughly 46K, but I wouldn't be surprised if those tax hikes hit more than just the originally stated tax bracket.
Tax hikes based on income brackets don't take into consideration that cost of living is different depending on where you live so your income may not be as much in certain areas. There are parts of Florida where I could say I was pretty rich making 46K, but in Miami, or god forbid if I lived somewhere like San Francisco, suddenly that's not such a crazy income.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Sep 08
"Why is is class warefare? If you give large breaks to corporations isn't that stealing from the poor to give to the rich?"
You don't get it. It's class warfare because Obama wants to take more from the rich to give to the poor. Giving breaks to corporations means they pay less taxes, while still paying more than everyone else. Poor people are getting money out of the pot that they didn't put in under Obama's plan.
"Who has benefited the most from the huge tax cuts and deficit spending."
Everyone benefited from the tax cuts to some degree. Nobody benefited from deficit spending.
"Who is that stealing from? Wouldn't the whole thing be just better if we paid taxes based on our ability to pay."
Deficit spending is the government stealing from itself. We already do pay taxes based on what we are able to pay. Taxes are progressive meaning the higher your tax bracket, the larger percentage you pay. People in the lowest tax bracket aren't paying taxes. If they file properly they will get all their tax dollars back. Under Obama's plan they would get more than they paid back.
As I said though, it doesn't matter. He may raise taxes on the rich, but he can't afford to give the tax cuts to anyone now and even he's admitted that it's not likely to work.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I believer there is another point that we should consider. There is a very large deficit hanging over all of our heads. There probably won't be any tax cuts for any of us. The large corporations and wealthy will probably have a lot of the tax loopholes plugged. My brother is an accountant for a large corporation and it is his job to look for these loopholes so his company will pay as little tax as possible.
If by some dastardly chance that McCain and Palin are elected to serve us in the White House, they will have a terrible time trying to pass anything to protect the wealthy. The Democratic Congress won't pass anything to benefit them. It will be a stalemate.
When Bush and Cheney were able to convince us that Iraq had WMD's and it was the right thing to go to war in Iraq (using their twisted lies), they claimed the oil that came out of the Iraqi wells would pay for the war. Just another lie, it didn't happen.
When we pull out of Bush's mess over there we will be able to start reducing our national debt and not until we pull out will that happen. One billion a month can run up a debt pretty quick. You don't have to be an accountant or a mathematical wizard to figure that out.
McCain stated a while back that we would be over there at least another ten years.
We have alienated all of the Arab countries and they no longer respect the United States. I spent a year in Saudi when I was in the service and believe me, we don't understand the arab nation!
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@4magoo (396)
27 Sep 08
Why is is class warefare? If you give large breaks to corporations isn't that stealing from the poor to give to the rich? Who has benifited the most from the huge tax cuts and deficit spending. Who is that stealing from? Wouldn't the whole thing be just better if we paid taxes based on our ability to pay.
You commented on the ability of either candidate to give the tax cuts in the current economic climate. It my be tough as we eventually have to pay all this debt they have created the past 8 years. When it comes to paying it, with $4.00 gasoline, I think it is more likely that the wealthy making over a quarter of a million a year will be more able to foot the bill for the increased taxes than the person stuggling to pay the morgage.
I agree about how bad it must be if one lived in a very expensive city. Ouch...
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Well, I'll be seeing a tax decrease under Obama. My husband and I work about 120 hours per week combined to make our 60K a year, and personally I would pay more taxes if I thought it would do any good.
I think the point that alot of the higher income people are missing is that if I have my numbers right they will see about a 4% tax hike. They's be paying the same amount of taxes they were back when Clinton was president, and didn't we balance the budget and have a surplus then? I am tired of hearing all these higher income people freaking out about a tax increase. God forbid if they had to face the realities the rest of American do.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Sep 08
From all the posts I've seen here from members who claim their taxes will go up if Obama is elected, I'd guess there must be quite a few...lol!
I certainly know I don't fall into that category and if by some miracle I ever do I'd like to think I'd be willing to pay my fair share and I wouldn't resent those who were less fortunate than me getting a break.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
27 Sep 08
But seriously, Annie, didn't you look at that chart? According to the bottom line figures, McCain's plan will give average tax cuts of over $1,000 for the American taxpayer and Obama's will only give average tax cuts of about $300. So McCain's plan benefits taxpayers the most, right?
It's so easy to twist facts around, especially if you're willing to splice words together to come up with something that's factual but untruthful - and you've got a core of people who are willing to accept your twisted facts as the absolute truth because they have faith in you.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Hmmmm, I have wanted to ask this very question as I have seen all of these conservatives concerned that Obama would raise taxes on the poor people lol. My family isn't even close and if we figured in all of my son's health care then we would probably be in the federal poverty level (we have Bush's great accomplishment of HSA's) LMAO!
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
28 Sep 08
These accusations that Obama would raise taxes even for the lower class are flat out lies and can easily be misproven if people would just do their homework. I get annoyed because they say it over and over on the media and nobody corrects them
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@easysidemoney (199)
• United States
27 Sep 08
yeah i dont think people with great jobs would be doing using this site
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
28 Sep 08
I simply hate a tax increase , it just affects the life of the citizens yea .
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Your rules are very restrainngg since you are using proposals that are highly unlikely to occur. So I am breaking your rules in my answer which is based on existing facts and votes already cast and legislation already passed. In a very good year my income may be around $40,000 or so and if Obama wins, my taxes will increase by a factor of 2 to 3. He has already voted for such an increase back in March. I have checked my numbers on this. So this much is already a given and if Obama wins, I am sure my tax increase will actually be far great than what I said above and so will almost everyone else's no matter what their income. Do you really think that Obama could get legislation through that kept part of the Bush tax cuts as your reference says. No he would go along with the usual tax and spend ways of the Democrats, just look at his choice for V-P.
@4magoo (396)
28 Sep 08
Wow... you have been listening to the party line too much. In 1992 the budget deficit was $290 billion with a projected deficit of $455 billion. Instead over those eight years of the democrats they REDUCED the national debt by $360 billion. When Clinton left office the national debt was something like 5.4 trillion. Now jump to 2008. We are finishing with eight years of a Republican. Bush proposed a budget with a deficit of $400 billion for this year and next. (And that doesn't account for the current financial crisis.) That is a swing of almost $800 billion (positive to negative territory) It is expect that the national debt will be 9.7 trillon by the time Bush leaves. Now, please tell me how Democrats are Spend and Tax? To me the Republicans have become "Spend and Don't Pay for It."
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@4magoo (396)
28 Sep 08
But Zhuuraan, have you followed any of the http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/ It is an independed watch-dog that looks at what the candidates are saying. Go and read more carefully who is telling the truth. My mother got on some right-wing email lists and was getting all kinds of "awful" stuff. Really evil sounding stuff. Go and check it out. It doesn't just tell you that someone is lying or not, it tells you the extent from a little white lie to a big wopper of a lie.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Not me for sure! You wife is too funny. I don't think it is really fair to only increase taxes on the "rich". People shouldn't be punished for being successful. A lot of people making 250,000+ are doctors, engineers, etc. people that we need to stay here in the U.S. If we make them a higher percent just because they make more then they might just choose to go work somewhere else.
@4magoo (396)
28 Sep 08
Not only is she funny, she is cute. :-) I agree about not wanting them to go outside the USA but I have lived in Bahrain, Japan, Panama and now England. By and large, the doctors and lawyers get paid a lot more in the USA than they do in those countries. I am not sure what the tax rate her in the UK is but I know it is a way lot higher than it is in the USA. If anyone pays taxes in these states, let us know what percent do you have to pay.
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