
September 27, 2008 11:55am CST
Hey there :) I wanned to ask you, if you belive in ghosts and if someone already made expiriences with something like that. greez Manuel
2 responses
• United States
27 Sep 08
My sister and I do believe in ghosts. My sister had an experience a few years ago and will NEVER forget it. She was sitting on the computer and everyone was asleep. She turned her head to look at something and all of a sudden, she sees a fist coming at her- and she could see every detail. She screamed and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, nothing was there. She's usually not scared of anything, but she said that she felt a chill down her spine and the hairs on her body stood straight up!
• Austria
27 Sep 08
wow, that sounds like a great expirience o.o Ya, I belive too, because I saw gosts in every detail till my 9th age of living :D
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
27 Sep 08
I do not believe in ghosts :) Though I think there is some kind of presence on this world, we do not know off.. Have a nice day ^^