By milindp
@milindp (123)
September 27, 2008 8:39pm CST
Gemini is a Mutable Air sign, ruled by Mercury.As the third sign in the zodiacGemini is an energetic, charismatic, communicative, witty individual with a child-like fascination with the world and with new experiences. Famous and historical characters sharing this sign include John F. Kennedy, (May 29), Marilyn Monroe (June 1),and Judy Garland (June 10). The Gemini personality stands out as the zodiac sign that knows something about just about everything, making them good conversationalists and interesting acquaintances. They are inquisitive and quick to digest new information and ideas. Intelligent and logical, but with a lot of nervous energy, Gemini likes to keep busy and expand their horizons whenever opportunities arise, often multitasking between several interests. However, as the sign of the Twins, there is a dual aspect to the Gemini personality, making it difficult for these individuals to stick with any one thing in order to master it, and often making it difficult for bystanders to figure out which side their Gemini friend is really on. Gemini has more than one personality,which can change in a flash, and those near to them would do well to learn them both.On and off, up and down, back and forth, black and white, day and night, ying and yang - this is the essence of the Gemini personality. For those with a Gemini child, get ready for a ride! These kids can be sweet, cooperative little angles one moment and infuriating monsters the next. Gemini children are very verbal and soak information in like sponges. They therefore tend to master the art of communication quite early, often displaying knowledge beyond their years. This is a high-strung child with a lot of pent-up energy, so don't be surprised if your 6 year old Gemini claims to have "tension headaches" or other physical complaints beyond his years. The Gemini child will not particularly like the rigors of school, but it is likely that he will know to turn on the charm to bluff his way through parts of it. Though he has the intellect to excel in school, it's just not in little Gemini to follow things through to completion, so he will rarely be at the top of his class. Giving him a rich environment at home will help offset this,, so be sure to introduce him to nature, sports, music, and reading early on, and also provide stimulation via computers and video games to help broaden his exploratory nature and hold his interest. Gemini kids seem to have a conflict between emotions and intellect, and this can manifest in a variety of ways, often in strange eating habits.Your Gemini might love only red jelly beans or want peanut butter on bread with no jelly and nothing to drink. If you ask about this type of thing, he will blithely tell you that the red ones give him strength or that he has exceptional salivary glands - in his own mind, he is perfectly justified in his choices regardless of how absurd they seem to everyone else. Your best bet is to keep the multi-vitamins handy for these little ones! With regard to other family members, Gemini will entertain and delight and generally get along fine with everyone, unless someone comes along that takes away his limelight, such as a younger sibling. In this case, your little Gemini may turn into a tormenter of this sibling for years to come, and this can be very difficult to control. oh ho my fingers are paining now, now i want posting from you guys, there is more to write but it depends upon your response. thankyou
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