10 years in a coma, just woke up, what would you tell me?

United States
September 28, 2008 3:22am CST
You can only tell me about one thing that happened these past 10 years. I think I would tell about 9/11, with the profound efect it had on everyone, not just America, but the whole world in general. What would you do?
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6 responses
• India
28 Sep 08
i would just tel you "I HAVE GOT MY LIFE... NOW U GO ND GET IT DUMBO"
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
28 Sep 08
I would say hi :D It can be a shock to wake up out of a coma.. So I wouldn't tell too much things that can cause a shock.. Have a nice day..
@rup011 (725)
• Germany
28 Sep 08
Well 9/11 is a bit controvertial. Didn't you see the documentaries claiming that the US govt itself was behind the attacks. You simply cannot ignore it since they have shown proofs. So many people die each day in different countries. No body even cares. So why so much hype about 9/11? If you really wake up after 10 yeras from coma I would tell you that now you will be able to brethe more impure air than you did 10 years ago. Due to global warming, you may notice more serious weather changes. You may find one or two less species of birds and animals since they have become extinct. You will find more and more people killing each other due to unnecessary reasons. So you were better off sleeping. Now you have a dangerous world in front of you.
@KUSHANK55 (2437)
• India
28 Sep 08
hi dear friend great question i suppose. i feel i will tell you about your younger brothers , sisters and your fathers or mothers fate!! related to you not about 9/11, or bush or shrubs, or osamas or obamas!!
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
I probably would tell you what's on the menu for McDonalds.
@amlegend (945)
• Pakistan
28 Sep 08
i will tell you that Osama is still at large and keep it simple and don't go to coma upon this news