A way for you to love eating durian:)

@youless (112371)
Guangzhou, China
September 28, 2008 7:25am CST
Right now I am watching a TV program about food. Some people don't like eating durian because of its bad smell. For these people, you can try a new way and probably you will love eating it. Put the durian into the freezer and until it's frozen. Then slice it and eat it by pieces. You will start to like this fruit
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16 responses
• United States
28 Sep 08
Hi! My mom and stepdad are both from Mindanao, so they love durian, and my stepdad would always bring them home. It is really an acquired taste. Even if I grew up smelling it, I still didn't like the fruit that much. It's not the smell but it's the taste itself. But when my mom started making durian candies, I would eat a lot of those! She would also make durian spread for the pan-de-sal (bread) and that tastes awesome!
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 08
Oh, I love durian candies. Your mom is so talented
@quawertz (777)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
I like the candies but not the fruit. I have tried eating the fruit but I really can't stand the taste.
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• Malaysia
9 Oct 08
there are many varieties of durian. maybe you'll find one you like someday. i like the one with pale yellow colour and thin creamy soft flesh. sweet. but there's another like that that tastes a bit bitter. i don't know the names of the varieties and i don't really care coz i love durian of (almost) all varieties :)
• United States
29 Sep 08
oooooh, thanks!! nice tip Ow
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Sep 08
I am glad that you like it now
• United States
30 Sep 08
haha, yup ~ thanks to much for the tip!!
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
28 Sep 08
What is a Durian? I have never heard of it. But i do freeze bananas and other kinds of fruit then snack on them while watching t.v.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 08
Please check this site and you will know more about this "strange" fruit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
28 Sep 08
That is one strange looking fruit but if i ever run across one i will definitely give it a try.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
29 Sep 08
never liked it and it will stay that way,but crazy i like durian candies
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
That's a little strange
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
30 Sep 08
yeah agree.i get headache to smell durian but i love eating candies.
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@tianli (311)
• China
29 Sep 08
I have never had a try to eat durian ,you know the reason ,right? but maybe your way is good for me to eat it ,and which is easy to do.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
Yeah, at least you can take a risk to it. Perhaps you will like durian from now on
@kaguvkov (1318)
• Davao, Philippines
29 Sep 08
Smells like hell but taste like heaven!
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@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
[b]hi, youless i love durian. i like it as candy, jam, cake, etc. but i like the fruit more. i honestly cannot relate to that "smells like hell, tastes like heaven" because, aside from tasting great, i think it smells nice too i do not like it frozen though. see ya around, youless. have a great day [/b]
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Nov 08
I haven't tasted durian jam before. Perhaps the merchants dare not to make a risk to sell it here
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
28 Sep 08
[i]Hi youless, I never liked durian, my friends used to bring in the office before for everyone but only few will eat it..LOL! I love the candies made out of it.. ANyway, I will try this way later if I can have one and check if this will change my perception about the said fruit![/i]
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
I think a fresh durian tastes better than the durian candies
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
My students usually give mt that fruit during its peak season. But honestly, besides the smell, I really don't feel like eating it. I'd rather have my stomach empty from any solid food than eat it. It's probably because of the cultural conditioning to me.
@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 08
It seems men are less interested in this fruit. My husband and my dad also dislike it.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
Durian is our kind of fruit. I love eating durians and to me it is finger licking fruit. The stronger the smell the better it taste. There are many ways of eating this fruit, we have durian cakes, durian candies, durian desserts...there are endless list to make this durian into a delicious food. Some people do not like to eat the durian because of the strong aroma but it is an acquired taste.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 08
I love durian desserts
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
I would only eat durian when it is in candy form... i really do not like the smell... yesterday there was an exhibit of Philippine made products in the mall... and i can smell the durian... so i had to leave the place immediately... i do not know how a fruit with that delicious taste could smell that bad...
@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
Durian is such a strange fruit
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
28 Sep 08
I don't like eat durian, yes...it is because smelly. But I don't think i will eat durian even it is been frozen :D Btw, do you like eat durian as well?
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
But at least it's a way which may change your mind to the durian When I was little I didn't like durian as well as you. I tried it when I grow up and it tastes good.
@kaguvkov (1318)
• Davao, Philippines
29 Sep 08
It's not a problem for me since I eat almost any kind of fruit. I like Durian because it is very yummy.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
It's good for you.
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
thanks for the info i'll try it at home. my mom always teases me because i really dont like the smell. but they told me that its really creamy and delicious once you tasted it minus the smell of course. i hope if ill try your idea i will like the fruit.
@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Nov 08
In fact not everybody likes durian. My dad and my husband don't eat it at all
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
hoho..what's a pity who cant eat durian..it's such a tasty fruit...king of all fruit...well that method sure reduce the smell n yet preserve the taste for a long time..i always keep durian that wat...can last for months...
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Sep 08
I also like durian
• United States
4 Oct 08
i don't even know what it is. care to explain? thanks.
@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
6 Oct 08
I think this link will give you what it is in details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian
@pimagro24 (1046)
• Thailand
28 Sep 08
Yes I ever bring durian to freeze and eating , it's taste like ice cream and don't hard to eat.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 08
That's exactly the way which was mentioned in this cuisine TV show.