Illegal immigration?
By oneidmnster
@oneidmnster (1384)
United States
September 28, 2008 12:07pm CST
Why have the candidates and the American people in general stopped talking about one of our biggest problems,illegal immigration?Everyone is talking about the economy,but no one is talking about one of the biggest problems with the economy.
Illegal immigrants cost our economy billions of dollars a year.They take jobs away from American citizens,which takes away tax dollars that would be paid in.It also takes away sales tax dollars.Instead of illegals spending all their money at Walmart and dollar stores,Americans would be spending more money,since they would be making more money,on more products and at higher end stores.They would be paying in more sales tax dollars.
Illegals also cost the American taxpayers having to pay for illegals to get free health care.The free breakfasts and lunches illegals children get at our schools come out of taxpayer dollars.Housing illegals in jail come out of taxpayers dollars.
We're spending millions to patrol our borders.Our Congress is constantly coming up with new amnesty bills,which is a waste of our taxes.Instead they should be enforcing the laws we already have in place.
All of these things are hurting our economy.If McCain or Obama were really interested in our economy,they would be doing something about the illegal immigrant problem.
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11 responses
@Holv03 (534)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I honestly hate when people say Illegal Immigration is one of our biggest problems. I use to think that but thats not the problem with our economy. The problem with this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poor and its all because of the big industries here in the USA. The problem with the economy is not the immigrants because honestly they don't even have health care. I know a few immigrants and honestly they are working hard. The problem with the people who are citizens is that they want to live off the government instead of going out there and getting a job. I have seen that in many different cases if an immigrant could find a job why can't an american citizen find out? The fact that they can't find one is because they like to live off the government and stay home doing nothing the problem is lazy american citizens. The war in Iraq is costing us billions of dollars over nothing because we didnt have no reason to go to Iraq and fight and spend billions of dollars overseas. We should off spend that money here in the USA not in Iraq. The Immigrants I have seen around here work hard for there money and are not living off the government they are living paycheck to paycheck. I think what the american citizens need to do is stop blaming others for the mistakes and act and go out and find a job. I have so many friends saying they don't have jobs but when I come to find out they are living off the goverment and are not even looking for a job. I ended up quitting one of my jobs for a few reasons that I had to leave the country and I came back and right away in less than 2 weeks I found a job as a sales manager. The problem is not immigrants or anything like that the problem is us not going out and looking for jobs or living off the government thats the problem.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I have seen a few immigrants who work hard and do a good job, but I have seen a lot more who do a shoddy job or just enough to get by on the job. They generally take all the exemptions the W-4 because they don't want to pay taxes. The problem with this is that at the end of the year they do owe taxes but never pay them.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Maybe you could find a job easier than a lot of people because you have an education and experience.Many Americans can only get low wage jobs and those jobs are going to illegals who are paid less.Yes,some Americans do live off of the government.That's the governments fault for letting them get away with it.I work in home improvement retail and deal with illegals every day.There are just as many lazy illegals as there are lazy Americans.
You're right,illegals don't have health care.That's why it costs the American taxpayer so much.Illegals fill up the emergency rooms of our hospitals so they can get free care for minor ailments.
Illegals are not the only problem with our economy,but they are a very big part of it.
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@Holv03 (534)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I could find a job easy because I actually look for a job. There's a lot of people out there that have way more education than me but still don't have a job because they choose not too because they could go out and look for one. I have a good job but that's because I don't give up on any jobs that I apply to. Immigrants is one of the problems in the USA but not the biggest. I think the biggest problem with the USA is that they spend so much money on other countries problems, we also have problems because we are spending too much money on the war on IRAQ. What the USA needs to do is make a plan and keep the money in the USA not to other countries problems or on the war. We need to focus on improving our problems before we try to solve other countries problems. Also the companies we have are going more international then try to work within the USA which hurts the economy.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
28 Sep 08
It would cost an enormous amount of money to really take care of the problem. It's quite frankly impossible to completely deal with it. Yes, it is a major problem but neither candidate will say anything negative about it because of the great Hispanic voter base we have now.
Obama wants to legalize all of the illegal immigrants. Then there wouldn't be a problem, lol. McCain is less drastic but also supportive of illegal immigrants. But as I said, not a good campaign topic for either one to highlight.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Only a idiot would want to legalize illegal immigrants.The reason so many people hire them is because they can pay them less than American citizens.If we legalize them,they would be guaranteed minimum wage.This would costs businesses more money.Some would have to shut down.Then we would have even more people living off welfare.
In the long run,it would cost less to deport as many illegals as we could.If we prosecute the businesses that hire them,there would be no jobs for them.More would the self deport since there would be no reason to stay.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Some of you here totally missed the point of what oneidmnster said. It is not about immigrants that are here legally there is no problem with that. It is the ILLEGAL ones who come and are encourage to come and stay but big moneyed greedy rich people. The illegals get free hand outs, and they steal ID and social security cards to work. They get free medical help in programs meant for American citizens and those who are here legally. As to why. The politicans don't care. They let some of these people vote. They vote illegally using fake id. They are breaking the law. So if someone robbed you that is not a crime and okay with you? If not then why is someone being here illegally any less a crime and breaking the law? Why is that okay? It is costing honest citizens billions of dollars and many US citizens cannot get work because companies hire illegals to work for lower wages. Money they send home not spent here. Why is because there are plans to make us united with Mexico and clear into Canada. One nation and it is being covered up.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I've noticed the same thing. Now the focus of the news and media is sounding the alarm about the economy. I don't hear about immigration, I don't hear about the war; it seems that all the other issues have been put on the back-burner. Although the economy is having a rough time now, I think Americans are resiliant enough to bounce back, and I hope to hear from the candidates on their other plans for our other problems soon as the election is just around the corner.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I totally agree that it is a problem. If someone wants to go through the proper channels to come to our country and become a citizen, then I am all for that, but when they want to come here illegally and take jobs away from American citizens, then I have a problem with that. Their children not only get free meals from our schools, but our schools are required to provide instruction for them to learn English and teachers that speak their language to teach those who don't want to learn our language. Our schools are also required to provide any therapies that are required for children with special needs.
I do not feel that there should be any kind of amnesty for someone who is here illegally - they are breaking our laws. There are also a lot of "students" who are abusing the Visa system to remain here - many claim to be students for years and years while taking one class a semester - and many of their countries pay them to study here.
Not only should these people be prosecuted and deported, the employers who hire them and those who assist them to come here and stay here should also face prosecution.
@shoffman2000 (560)
• Alexandria, Virginia
29 Sep 08
All of us other than Indians came to the USA either as imigrants o r our parents or their parents immigrants. The idea of going after "illegal immigrant" is just an excuse of going after a group The same idea was applied to the Irish etc. Clearly if an person who is here from another country, the person needs to arrested and send home. Another tactic is to promote job in these countries that do not take jobs away from USA However, I am concerned the the equivalent to an economic bomb is going to hit our economy and there will not be jobs for anyone. Clearly no one will be coming here from anywhere
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
The one thing I find wrong with illegal immigration is that it makes it harder for people to come here legally. I am Canadian and if my husband passed away, I was thinking of living in the States like in Washington State or in Maine because I am not retired. But the only way I can get there is if I stayed only part of the year and returned to Winnipeg, and had a trailer. I have no relatives there, I am a writer but the only other way is if i am a religious worker and I do not have lots of money to put into the economy. And I think if all these illegals had not come over the border, then they would have eased up on these restrictions. It would have been easier.
So it is not the jobs taken away from Americans, it is not allowing people in who would have done best for the economy. I am a writer and it would be easier for me to find an agent down there then up here.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Oct 08
hi oneidmnster thatis what I have been wondering too?'/what happ;ened to the idea that if you are here illegally you
should be sent back to Mexico. let Mexico fix their problems
'and give their own people jobs and better pay instead of 'letting them come in here and break the law. a town close
by us is so bad a lot of us call it Sewage Ana instead of Santa Ana as most of the population are illegal aliens.they brought
gangs with them, criminal gangs that drive by and shoot gang members of opposing gangs, and also kill innocent people who just happen to be passing by. send them back to Mexico where they'belong. If they want to come in here legally fine, otherwise out they go. Mexico should be responsible for their own people for heavens sakes, not palm them off on us like this. its most unfair.
@jimssaftytips (507)
29 Sep 08
I agree with all that cuz they are just doing what policians do they work on things that get them elected. World terrorism, bringing soldiers home, wars. Illegal immigrants keep coming and the people pay the price. The illegals come here and kill our people an run back to their country to get away with it. It costs the american people money and sometimes their lives, thats the way it is we let these people get elected and we dont have a choice they say we do but we dont.
@geekyjock (371)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
I think it's an open secret that the biggest reason why the immigration system is always been set aside to any national issue is that the American society "needs" illegal immigrants in a way that many of Americans don't realize. For example if you will deport all the illegal immigrants, who will do most of the dirty works? I mean the low wage manual works. Ofcourse the legal immigrants and American citizens don't prefer these jobs. So logically speaking the illegal immigrants are filling the unwanted jobs that the American society needs. And I don't think that illegal immigrants are taking the jobs that supposed to be for the AMericans, another main reason is that illegal immigrants more or less don't have SS numbers so that means they can't have good jobs from good companies, because big companies mainly require SS numbers fro their employees before they hire them. And about the tax issue, illegal immigrants aren't paying taxes because they don't have SS numbers and their salary are way below the minimum wage so If ever they are obliged to pay taxes, they will be more or less exempted.
And i Guess some of the respondents are right that the reason why America is in a crisis right now is becuase of the war in Iraq...bottom line. No connection with illegal immigrants. Billions of taxpayers dollars, and billions of America's reserves, and billions of dollars borrowed from other countries are all put to waste on funding the Iraq war. And because of the war countless international investor withdrew their investments out of the US because of the war, that resulted to closure of countless companies even the big and companies, and of course that resulted to thousands even millions who lost their jobs.
So I think the two things that is to blame are the US govt itself for screwing everything up, and George W Bush for making the screw up.
@Calusirius (20)
• United States
29 Sep 08
It depends. Most illegals in our country take jobs most Americans won't work, farm laborers, lowest construction (like clean-up), dishwashers. you make it sound like it is a picnic for them ...
In reality: (Mexico, since its the one I'm more familiar with) they get cheated out of being paid after doing 12, 16 or so hours in farm labor (not always, but happens a lot. plus no where to turn to for help on these matters), they live in dismal housing, packed together, and more.
Hard to find even after school students to work the hard jobs they do, for the money they make. When they come here they have no rights, no jobs, and start learning a foreign (to them) language, and they know it when they leave. What do they find here that is not there? That if they work hard they can make a better life for themselves.
What do they do for us? They do jobs few of us Americans will do. They pay taxes almost every time they buy something from gas, to fast food, to vehicles. They learn to speak at least 2 languages.
I agree we need to address this, but I think you and I are coming at it from different views. (What is greatest about this country is we can disagree and not be hunted down and prosecuted for it.)
Personally, the American continent is one land mass, we should recognize that the world is getting smaller, and stop making those who are on this continent illegal aliens .. I can see from other continents, but not here.