McCain Camp Insiders Say Palin is "Clueless"...
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 28, 2008 3:53pm CST
McCain/Palin supporters, you are perfectly welcome to just pass this discussion by or take it with a grain of salt, whatever your hearts desire because I know no matter which of many sources I use you're not going to believe this story. However, it's been widely reported, much, MUCH more widely reported than the story I've read here repeatedly about Biden being replaced on the Democratic ticket and that was taken quite seriously enough by some so I think I'm well within my rights to post this little tidbit...
"What are we going to do?" is what one seemingly desperate senior McCain aide was quoted as saying recently regarding the increasingly hilarious V.P. candidate Sarah Palin. I guess they're locked in and can't possibly get out at this point, not without making total fools of the entire campaign!
The McCain camp has reportedly held a mock debate as well as a mock press conference and both were described as "disastrous" with insiders saying Governor Palin is "clueless". I know this will be seen by some as unfair attacks against poor Sarah, some may even try to spin it as being somehow "sexist", but to paraphrase Bill Maher, in the beginning there were some not too bright people who really loved her because they could relate to her; now they're saying that while they may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, at least they're IN the!
Any thoughts? Any predictions for Thursday night's much anticipated V.P. debate?
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18 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I did feel sorry for her yesterday but, after today I think that if conservatives are going to show their arrogance then they get what they deserve. Yesterday I thought she lacked knowledge today I think she is an idiot. I thought in the beginning of this that as long as Biden was treating her like every other person that he has debated that no one would be able to say he was a bully but, now, I believe after the debate on Friday if Biden doesn't just kiss her butt and do it with a smile, he'll be dubbed a bully. Those of course are only my opinions.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Zephyr, how dare you give your
I'm loving how this discussion has turned into a "shoot the messenger" kind of deal. This story was all over the place, on TV as well as online but I didn't post a link to something our friends on the right consider suitable so it's fine to ridicule me and totally ignore the subject at hand. The fact is, if the McCain camp has NOT held any mock debates and press conferences for St. Sarah they're even less competent than I thought they were. If she'd done even passable I'm sure someone would have leaked that little bit of news just to defend her since she's come under so much fire following her interviews with Katie. If her performances in these mock events were anything even remotely close to what we've seen from her with our own eyes, can anyone really believe NOBODY from the McCain camp would have said something about her? "off the record", of course and anonymously for sure, but somebody would have had something to say! Therefore, what the heck is so hard to believe about this "story"?
On the other hand, it was fine for so many to have posted that Obama was "reportedly" going to drop Biden from the ticket based on nothing but opinion pieces. I guess my feelings should be hurt!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I know I have become so fed up with a good majority of the conservatives. UGH! They make me sick! They can talk bullshyt about Obama all the want true or not and NOONE can say anything about Goddess Palin.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
28 Sep 08
I think that as long as they stick to topics in which Sarah's been coached on, she'll do fine. If they go outside the box and ask her a question where she has to think to come up with an answer, it'll be a disaster. She's McCain's parrot, and really doesn't seem to have much to say other than what she's been told to say. Hopefully her lack of knowledge and savvy will push voters in Obama/Biden's direction.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
30 Sep 08
I agree completely. Like I said, she's got nothing to say other than what she's been told to say and if she's asked to elaborate, she just keeps going back to the same old platform points. Or she pulls out the "we're Mavericks" thing, which I think is a joke. We're not in the Old West and it's meaningless. She shouldn't need to be coached. She shouldn't even be there. I think it's incredibly irresponsible of John McCain to put someone next to him that he doesn't even really know and who doesn't have the knowledge or experience in domestic and foreign affairs to be taken seriously.
As for being a pioneer of women, she's half right. Her beliefs mirror the pioneer era. But that's the extent of it. I would be very afraid for America if McCain takes power and these two are in charge. Or worse, should John McCain die in office, she'll be at the helm.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Sadly, Biden will completely make a complete fool of Palin in the Vice Presidential Debate this Thursday because Palin really has no idea what is going on. Just look at what Obama did to McCain! Oh, and look at what Katie Couric did to Palin in her interview the V.P. nominee. This is not about "I can relate to her" and "She is a woman, so it would be great to have a woman vice president", this is about "Who can do the job?" and "Who can clean up this mess that this country is in?". McCain and Palin do not want change from what I can see of the two candidates, and they really do not know what they people want.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I did not see any medical records.
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@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Exactly rogue and they also do not "care" what the people want.
By the way, did McCain every produce his medical records?
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I predict Biden is going to rake her over the coals in the debates considering how her few interviews have gone lately. Unless she really studies up on policies then she is going to have a hard time debating Biden. And if the VP debates go the way I think McCain supporters are going to have to really step back and question his judgement. Because his pick for VP is a HUGE choice so if he screwed up as bad as it's looking he may be in big trouble.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Biden has to be very careful not to look like a bully or a snob. She is such a disaster that I don't think any prep will work. McCain still thinks she's wonderful which is a big reflection on him. I can only hope that she continues to be herself and that the American people can see her as she is. She confuses her sound bites. And she can see Russia from her house, don't forget that.
@travelinjon (49)
• United States
28 Sep 08
The short version is be on the look out for a surprise. I know most people expect a solid Biden victory. There is no doubt he is more expierienced. However this is poltics and as has been noted on other boards about the Presidential debates Bush was not even close to being considered a god debater and he was president twice.
Also you need to be aware that the whole debate is prepped. That has been the number one thing Palen has been working on. Her problems during interviews have only lowered expectations of her performance. Which means its a win for her if she stays calm and sticks to the talking points.
A final note Biden is a gaff machine as well the burdun is squarly on him if he dosn't clearly dominate the debate. its a win for Palin.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
29 Sep 08
No wonder you scored as a campaign adviser in that little test! I completely agree with you. I think we're being set up. She can't compete with Biden's experience in responding to questions - and remember, the format is different. They will NOT be addressing each other or allowed to challenge each other in this 'debate'. It's a matter of questions from the moderator, response, rebuttal, conclusion. No interruptions, no reporter digging deeper - it's the ideal situation for Palin and plays to her strengths - getting her talking points out there and hammering them home. She doesn't need to display in-depth knowledge - just answer with talking points. If people crucified Obama for sounding like a professor and being 'snooty' in comparison to McCain's more 'direct' folksy approach, imagine what they'll do to Biden vs. Ms. Hockey Mom.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Sep 08
People may not think she's too bright but neither is Biden. In the words of s/o "She's going to kick his @ss". Just like McCain did the other night...even though the news reported differently. Who did Obama think he was trying to tell what veterans need because he was "on a committee"!? Pshaw!
Sorry, but the more I see the less I can stand the Obama/Biden ticket. One seems like a jerk and one is an idiot...and they very well may be interchangeable. McCain/Palin is far from perfect but I have my votor registration form filled out just in case.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Yeah well, thanks for the info and the insult. I appreciate being told that I'm essentially and idiot that can't/doesn't read. I still find it laughable that Obama wants people to believe he cares about the Veterans more than an actual Veteran. I guess being on that committee is enough experience...McCain's experience doesn't count for anything. I don't care either way. I'm not going to go around criticizing other member just because they have different opinions...oh wait isn't that called "free speech".
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Who does Obama think he is? He knows he is the one who has voted for veterans. You should read this article from 2007:
[i]While McCain has missed four of 14 Senate roll calls on the war this year, other presidential candidates have managed their schedules around the high-profile votes.
Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), Joseph Biden (D-Del.), Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) voted on each of the 14 measures.
[i]In the House, on three major votes dealing with the troop surge and supplemental funding for the war, the four announced presidential candidates voted every time.
Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) registered their votes on all three occasions.
[i]The (McCain) campaign declined to comment on the fact that all the other candidates have not missed major votes on Iraq.
For more recent information, see this article:
As the daughter of a WWII Marine veteran, I have seen health care for veterans go down the tubes. It's a damned shame. McCain has done very little for veterans and if you bothered to read you would know that.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
29 Sep 08
ff33, I wouldn't feel too bad CherylsPearls is known for adding very little to a discussion besides insults.

@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
29 Sep 08
It's a fact that many conservatives are worried about Palin and have a low opinion of her ability to do the job of VP.
Many conservative political analysts, stategists and writers have expressed big doubts about Palin and have even stated that she should go.
Among them are: Kathryn Jean Lopez, George Will, Tony Fabrizio, Chris Lacivita, David Brooks and David Frum.
Anyone can check these out.
Obama 08
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Cherylspearls, Do you even Know what a reference articles is?
Yes, I knows what a reference articles is. Is English your first language?
Unless of course you are blind to the truth and would rather use Comedy Central as a News Source. Like anniepa did. I think I'll Take Wikipedia over Comedy Central any day.
No, I am not blind to the truth, mole. I know what some conservatives are saying about Palin. I can read, too. I just don't choose wikiworld as my main source. Anyone can post on wikiworld, even you. Point made.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Wow, kennyrose, I must admit that I didn't read all your post. You started off on Obama, something the post wasn't about in the first place, so I gave up. I have noticed, however, that in the last month and since you lost your star, you sure have been using a lot of curse words. lol
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Cherylspearls, Do you even Know what a reference articles is? Just because they are listed on a wikipedia page doesn't mean they don't exist. Compare 178 in 2 years to 218 in a month. That's pretty significant.
Unless of course you are blind to the truth and would rather use Comedy Central as a News Source. Like anniepa did. I think I'll Take Wikipedia over Comedy Central any day.

@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I do think she's over her head right now.I'm rooting for her to make a good showing,but I don't know if it will happen.I think McCain made his decision based on things other than qualifications.
The media is being very hard on Palin,as they have a right to.But,they seem to be going easy on Obama.He's never done anything as a Senator.He has said some really stupid things in his campaign.Yet,these things seem to brushed over fairly quick.
Hey,next time I'll run for President.I can't screw the country up any more than these buffoons are going to.
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@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Wow, nothing like a presidential campaign to bring the insults on (just had to mention this as I was reading the previous posts). I can't quote any sources but I watch NBC news & have heard that the Republican party is concerned about McCain's VP pick. Anyone would be concerned given the performance Palin has put on recently. While I would say that Palin is intelligent & perhaps a good governor (even though the state of Alaska is sparcely populated), I do not feel that she is ready to carry out duties of a VP of our great United States. Let's forget the fact that she is inexperienced & look at the time she has had to get ready for the election. Biden ran for President & has been in the Senate a very long time. Ditto for McCain. Obama has been in the Illinois state senate & then Congress & has been running for President for quite some time. The American people have gotten to know these men & they have gotten to know the expectations of a national office. The press is voracious to know more about Palin because she has not been out there. She is not experienced with interviews & has not had much time to soak it all in. McCain should have known better. I think the debate will be quite telling. The American people will see what she is made of & what she knows. For her, the VP slot will be on-the-job training in the truest sense of the word. It's too bad but Biden will have to "walk on thin ice" when debating her simply because he will be seen as the bad guy if he is too harsh. I think/hope that Biden will be crowned the winner of this debate but I don't overestimate the Republican party.
@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Why should Bidden have "to walk on thin ice"? Women want equality and she should expect the same treatment as if she were anyone else that he could have picked, male or female. Her lack of credentals is something that the public needs to know and it is his responsibility to bring it to the forefront. Do you think she is going to hold back? She has been pretty RUDE to Katie Couric. Katie should have called her on it. Katie even said to her, I did not get an answer. What is wrong with that.
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@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I agree, Biden shouldn't have to walk on thin ice but because of the way the Rep. party has reacted to Palin criticisms, he will. He shouldn't have to - she wanted in on the game so she has to take it. Remember how they put a spin on the lipstick on a pig comment make by Obama? They'll pull something like that if Biden is too tough on her. The Rep. were pretty tough on Hillary but not many defended her. Guess it's different if you are a Rep. woman running in the race.
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I'm starting to feel kind of sorry for her. I'm sure she knows she's out of her depth but she's going to hang in until the bitter end I'm sure. I hope she can go back to her Alaska carer after this is all over, but I think she's starting to rankle some feathers there also. her popularity has dropped from like eighty percent to sixty percent just in the last few weeks. I think her arrogance in accepting the nomination has really backfired on her.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Actually, Annie, I think all the hoopla about how clueless she is going to work in her favor. Everyone is going to be tuning in Tuesday night to watch her fall on her face. If she manages to do more than babble Tuesday night, people will be going 'Hm, she's not as dumb as they made her sound'. The fact is that she's not stupid - she's been concentrating on things other than national issues and foreign policy most of her life. I don't agree with a good deal of what she says, and I think she has a dangerously provincial point of view on world issues, but having listened to interviews in their totality, I believe this: given enough time to study the issues without the pressure of a campaign and an impending election, she would be able to express herself more clearly. If she were expressing her own views, she would not sound as clueless - but she hasn't had time to form her own views on a lot of the questions she's being asked. I think she is a victim of the same kind of advice that has turned McCain into a spinning top during this campaign. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they told her 'you know what, look as dumb as you can for now - that way, anything you say in the debates will sound brilliant.'
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
28 Sep 08
"If she manages to do more than babble Tuesday night, people will be going 'Hm, she's not as dumb as they made her sound'."
I think this will be very dangerous thinking for the American people. If she is not prepared to answers questions about McCains views by now she is clearly not ready to be a VP. And I'm not saying I think she's dumb by any means. I think she might actually be a very smart woman. But I don't think she's VP material let alone presidential material if something happened to McCain. And the fact if people are smart they are going to be paying very close attention to the VP debates and be very critical because let's face McCain with his past health issues may not make it through his term and people consider Obama inexperienced. So I would hope that people just won't settle for Palin because she says a few things that sound brilliant during the debates compared to the things she has said recently. And we really need to question McCains judgement if she does bomb the debates.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
29 Sep 08
You may be right on this one. If this is the case then McCain/Palin supporters will be a bunch of suckers and will basically be getting what they deserve. I just hope there are enough people out there that are smart enough not to fall for this show.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I very much agree with you, cyndy. I'm just stating what I suspect is going to happen. All she has to do Tuesday night is deliver rehearsed answers to probable questions and she'll have done better than most people think she will. I personally think we're being set up on this one.
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@bleuerain (26)
• United States
30 Sep 08
On one hand a feel a bit bad for Palin. She's in over her head, but I thinks she wants to be a good Republican, so she tries to do what they want her to do. The McCain campaign are treating her like a kid, which is not doing them or Palin a favor. That said, she scares me. If you cannot pickup on any of the concepts that are being presented to you or at least agree with your running mate on important issues you do not need to be running for this job. There is nothing sexist about how she has been treated in the media. As a woman, I find it insulting that people use her gender to say Palin should be given a pass. I want to know where Palin stands on the issues, I need to know in order to make an informed decision. The sad thing about Tina Fey's latest SNL skit was a lot of what was said by Fey was taken verbatim from Palin's answers in the Katie Couric interview. The SNL skit was funny, but once I stopped laughing a became horrified. This is the woman that could be a heartbeat away from being President.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Sep 08
Last night on one of the shows, I forget which one now since I watch so many political programs, they showed a few seconds of Palin's actual interview with Katie Couric then a few seconds of the SNL sketch and did that several times to show how much of the SNL skit was exactly verbatim or close enough to it to scare the crap out of me! I think SNL threw in a couple really outrageous parts just to make sure everyone knew it was a paraody, like the "dollar meal" reference.
Thanks for you responses and for not bashing me for my source instead of focusing on the topic itself!
@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
30 Sep 08
I said pretty much the same thing in another discussion. The SNL skit was funny, and I laughed. But watching the original interview back-to-back with the spoof, I was shaking my head in disgust. Like you said, she's trying to do what they want her to do and trying to say what they want her to say. But she has nothing to say on her own. We don't need a parrot in office. We need a thinking woman who has the best interests of the people in mind. I know where she stands on some of the issues and it's so far and away from everything I believe. She'll set women's rights back 100 years. As for giving her a pass, Hillary was never given a pass. If anything, they were harder on her to see if she had what it took. And she did. This woman doesn't.
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@bleuerain (26)
• United States
30 Sep 08
Isn't it funny how Palin is given a pass and excuse after excuse is being made for her, but Hilary Clinton was treated so much tougher than Palin and no one complained. She did not have to have someone by her side to clean up any gaffes that she made like Palin. When Palin was interviewed by Katie Couric after the SNL skit John McCain was sitting right by Palin's side like she was some kid who needed protecting. When Katie addressed a question to Palin McCain jumped in and answered for her. The look on Katie's face said it all. If she cannot even clean up after her own mess how in the world is she going to be able to be an effective leader in the White House?
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@Moneyseekerz (53)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Dude... Considering the fact that next to none of the people in this discussion know as much as either of them. Why again are you attacking them verbaly? I mean come on Its great to state opinions but not verbal assaults.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Why was I not surprised to see anniepa's handle on this discussion. "Balloon Juice"?? BALLOON Juice???? lo f'in l... What,was HOT AIR taken???hahaha Come on, annie could you at least TRY to find a real source on something. So what do we have here?
"One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying.."
Not only is the source unnamed, we don't even know who is QUOTING the source. This is pure Liberal Playbook. If ya can't beat em. Call em dumb. It happened with Quayle, Ford, Bush, Reagan, Bush,Now Palin. But of course the Democrats are just geniuses. That's why Democrats keep RE electing Criminals. Oh there are some criminals on the right. the difference is We don't keep RE ELECTING them.
annie, do you know what TROLLING is? Maybe one day you will get a hit. but not today. I WILL be watching the Debates though. Looking forward to it.
For anyone that is interested in truth instead of hype, Check this out.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Sep 08
The information came from Indecision 2008. Comedy Central. When I found that out I had a good laugh. The post made the satire even more funny because it was taken to be fact.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
29 Sep 08
irishidid, That's hilarious. I guess anniepa will be getting stories from "the Onion" next.hahahahaha.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Truth is truth no matter what its source.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Sep 08
You're quoting Comedy Central. Getting all excited over faked news. Excuse me, I have to go laugh hysterically.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Sep 08 I'm not quoting Comedy Central at all but I'm glad you're able to find a reason to laugh when Palin is the topic. She certainly is a joke, or would be if it weren't so damn scary that people still support her and defend her!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I'm sorry, but I didn't say a word about anyone or anything remotely connected to comedy Central. I repeated a joke Bill Maher told but he's not on Comedy Central. Are you trying to tell me McCain's aides are already moonlighting for Jon Stewart?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Oh excuse me. Let me clarify that. You are quoting someone else who is quoting Comedy Central. More specifically "Indecision 2008".

@vikram3101989 (684)
• India
29 Sep 08
More than an election campaign the whole thing looks to me like a movie to some extent and sarah palin is the actress in the movie and McCain is the actor every day even in India the news about these two individual's is coming up at every half an hour and before these two it was Barrack Obama who was in the news .
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Well...considering that Biden said in the Katie Curic interview that when the depression hit FRD got on the TV to talk with people (and FDR was not the Predsident then and TV was only in the experimental stages), I don't think she'll be much worse than him. I think it will be an interesting debate.