Seeing a little baby today made me feel so sad.......
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
September 29, 2008 7:35am CST
I just stood there and thought "I will never have that feeling of holding my newborn children again". I have four children, and I know I am blessed. I had to have a hysterectomy last year after some health problems and so I cannot have anymore.
I have never been bothered too much by the fact that I cannot have more children, my health has suffered terrible as a result of having children and I am happy with four, anymore would have been too many. But I saw this little baby girl today in a pram and she had the exact same hat that my daughter had when she was that age and I just had this overwhelming sadness and I had this really strong smell of a newborn baby. It was really sad. Just knowing that I will never have my children as babies again, that I will never hold another newborn, not until my children have children. Oh I don't know, it is hard to explain.
Has anyone else ever felt like this?
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19 responses
@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 Sep 08
with every diaper, babywipe, babyfood, child care item commercial ever shown on television. with every carriage i see, every cry i hear, every pregnant women who happens by. ;sigh; as you know, mal and i have been trying since june for baby number 3.. and no luck. so i do understand that feeling yer having. 

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@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
I am sorry that you are having no luck, I hope it happens for you soon xx
I have never had that feeling before, it just came from nowhere and it was weird.
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
29 Sep 08
hey tessah let me give you some faith my aunt tried to have a baby for 20 years an the doctors said she couldn't have a baby then she started lossing weight like nothing an she to the doctor to find out why an was told she was having a baby my heart use to ache for her cause she is a wonderfull person an she wanted a baby bad well 13 years ago she was given a miracle that we call eric the is hope
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I'm sorry gemini_rose that you are so sad about not being able to ever have children again. But, as you said... you already have four children. How old are they, may I ask? Are they all grown up and out of the house or are any of them still at home? You are right about the fact that you will eventually have grandchildren! That is something wonderful to look forward to! And, as my mom loves to remind me... she can spoil her grandchildren rotten and then send them home to mommy. LoL! With four children of your own, I am sure you will have quite a few grandchildren to look forward to! I understand what you are saying though about not being able to ever have your very own newborn baby again to hold. They are so sweet and cute at that age. My son is almost 14 years old. He is my only child... so far! I am not sure if I will have any more children or not. I am remarried after a divorce from my son's father and we have been married just over four years. He doesn't have any children of his own so we might have a child or two together. I am only 39 but do have some pretty serious medical problems right now and I'm on nerve pain medication that would be very difficult to go off of, so I'm just not sure what will happen down the road in that respect. My feeling about whether or not I want to have any more children changes every few hours, so who knows! LoL! Some days I feel like I'd love to have another child or two, then the next I think about how great it would be to have the freedom to travel and go anywhere on a whim with my husband if we so choose. I don't know. Like yesterday morning when my son was about to drive me up a wall when he was arguing with me I would have tied my tubes right then & there if I could have! Just kidding. But, then like just last night when my 5'10" 13 year old son wasn't feeling so well from a bad headache and he layed his head on my lap so I could give him a head rub in hopes he would feel better... times like that I'd love to have about 10 more kids! Who knows, maybe you'll have 10+ grandchildren to spoil some day! Take care.
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
No, they are not all grown up, that is what was so funny about it. They are 16, 8,6 and 2 so I do not know why this feeling came over me at all. I guess it was just seeing this baby reminded me of my daughter when she was a baby, which then led onto the thought that I cannot have anymore so would not have that lovely feeling when you pick them up when they are tiny and it just made me feel sad.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
30 Sep 08
You're lucky to have them. Sometimes I wish I had more kids spaced out a couple of years from one another. As I mentioned, I do have one son who will be 14 years old in November. I did have a miscarriage about 7 or 8 years ago when I was still with my first husband. Looking back though, it was probably a blessing in disguise that I miscarried considering we seperated and then divorced about a year or two later. I would have hated to bring a new child into the world under those circumstances. I definitely understand your longing for another baby though. It is probably related a lot to the fact that you know you "can't" have any more. But also, I think almost every woman looks at a little newborn baby with longing to have one herself. It is just natural to feel that way and it hits us sometimes without any warning whatsoever! Take care gemini_rose and cherish the ones you have.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
It is a very common feeling shared by many women, the psychological term is called empty nest. Every mother bird wants a little baby bird in her nest to take care of, it is not quite the same when they are older and can do for themselves and much worse once they all leave home. Hon it is normal, sometimes I think that way for about a second or two and then I snap back to reality and say no way, at my age and my health, yeah right!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Sep 08
Thank you, what you say makes perfect sense, I think that is exactly what it is and I felt fine not long after.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I understand how you feel. If you were capable of having more children, you would not want another, it's the fact that you can't that makes you sad. You aren't able to choose not to... you're forced not to.
I think everyone gets that feeling when they're around a newborn. They think for a brief moment that it would be so nice to have another baby, even if they really don't want one.
I felt the way you did once, and I hadn't even seen a baby to make me feel that way. It was sometime in Spring of last year, so about a year and half ago. My youngest at the time was about to turn a year. My twins were heading into kindergarten. My oldest was heading into his last year in elementary school. I just started thinking about how my children were growing up so fast.
My husband had a vasectomy while I was pregnant for my 4th child, so in my mind I knew there was no way to have another baby. I think that's where my sadness was really coming from.
But to my surprise I did end up becoming pregnant again. It was of course a complete accident. Apparently hubby's procedure didn't work, lol. So it was a pleasant surprise.
Now that I know hubby isn't actually fixed, and we are capable of having more children, I'm definitly completely against the idea, lol. 5 is plenty.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
Yes you have hit the nail on the head there. There are loads of newborns around here at the minute, but this one affected me for some reason! Fancy your hubby going through all that for nothing!! I bet it was a real surprise to find out you were pregnant after all that!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Sep 08
It was a big shock, and of course I was in denial for quite some time assuming it was impossible. We also took a bit of grief for it because everyone knew hubby was fixed. His own sister said to him "Did you beat up the mailman?".
He downright refused to go have the procedure done again, the right way this time, lol. What's worse is he went through so much the first time he got it done. It was not a pleasant experience. Most men heal rather quickly and get over it within a week. He was in pain for months.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
29 Sep 08
I cannot have any children and it always pains my heart whenever I see children getting hurt or abused. Otherwise I loved to play with them and whenever I have things I will give it to them. But I would like to know why would you be sad knowing that you have delivered four children. It is person like me who never give birth would be sad whenever we pass children on the road. I have know my condition since a child that I will be unable to have children so I don't make it brother me. As I said earlier it is only when they are being abused and sad things happen to them my heart bled.
Cheer up Gemini and continue to care for your children the best way you can. Just ask God to give you the health and strength to see them pass the worst, married good and give you some grands so that you can have the feel of young ones in your arms again. Be Strong.

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@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Sep 08
Ah I am sorry for you, I cannot imagine how it must be for you. I am not sad because I cannot have anymore children, I dont actually want anymore. I think it was just the sadness of knowing that part of my life was now over, it was just a moment that brought a lot of memories of my own babies back and the fact that I would not have them that little again.
@fatmansmommy (751)
• United States
29 Sep 08
well my babies are both still little, and we are planning on having more. but i understand what you are saying. my husband only wants one more- i would like two. but i know whenever we reach that stopping point that i will be so sad knowing that there won't be anymore. :(
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@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
It is sad to think that I will never have anymore, and for some reason it just bothered me more today.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I know what you mean....I know how when i just had a baby. Well after getting my tubes tied it hit me that this is it for me no more babies. I just knew my body is not capable of having a baby again. Ill just have to hope for many grandkids in many years. Even though i have a newborn now i know how fast they grow. She wont be so cuddly for long. I love the newborn stage so much.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Have you ever thought about dpoing volunteer work at a pediatric hospital? They always need volunteers and it would be a great way to hold and tend to babies etc. Just a though. I miss small children but I now have a tiny granddaughter to hold etc. Try some volunteer work for a couple hours a week maybe.
@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Sep 08
I was looking at midwifery a few weeks ago actually, but I have to have a medical and at the minute I would not pass it due to a few issues. But that is a nice idea although I am not sure they do anything like that in UK.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I'm sorry to hear that. I had a hysterectomy when I was 25 years old. the lord did bless me with one child though. She is now 16 years old. she recently had an ovary removed also. I hope she can have children later on so we can have a grandbaby.
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
I am sorry that happened, and I am also sorry for your daughter, but she should still be able to have a baby with one ovary and then you will have a grandbaby to cuddle.
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
Yes Rose I have!
My Special needs (Autistic son) is five now and he is all I have...
We waited to see if he was going to talk etc. as he was very difficult to handle, especially the first three years of his life!
He is now a loving, obedient child most of the time and verbal and so we are wanting to have another one...I am also thirty now and so my biological clock is ticking but we live in such a tiny apartment it is very necessary for us to find another place that is within our budget and in our son's school district (Very hard to do) I am getting a bit discouraged at this and yes, every time I see a baby I am like this!
I'm praying one day soon we will find a new place to live and that will certainly be a start!

@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
I hope that you get your wish to move and everything else xx
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Oct 08
We have been trying for more than 3 years and have not been blessed ... yet. We have decided to just let it go and if it happens, then YAY and if not, then that is OK too. I'm thinking with the health issues going on with my hubby, it could be another reason why we haven't been able to have another baby.
I get clucky all the time when I see babies and even younger children than my son.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I know what you mean I had my tubes tied after my 2nd cause of my insides being turned i wasn't supose to have a child an I had 2 but the last one the delveiry was bad so while they had me cut open they asked my hubby how fixing her tubes now so she can't have nomore an hubby said he would rather have 2 kids with a mom then 3 without but i still wish I had one more

@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
29 Sep 08
well it was 13 years ago for me an I misss having a little one around sometimes
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
That is sad, and your hubby did the right thing but it is really hard when the choice is taken away. I had my hysterectomy last july and do you know it is the first time that I have felt like this.

@Munchkin547 (2778)
29 Sep 08
I'm not in your position and so have never felt like that but i can kind of understand why you would. But you have had your four children, who you obviously adore, and they must be a handful, it's probably not the case of wanting another child but just the option! I think it's only natural for women to feel maternal around young babies, i know when i see one i start to wonder what sort of mum i would be! You will get to be a grandmother at some point though and that will mean more newborn babies, but the bonus with that is that you can give them back when they cry or have a dirty nappy! I hope you're not feeling too down about it though, keep smiling! xxx
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Sep 08
Yes munchkin they are a handful that is why I found this feeling so strange! Oh gosh I dont want to be a grandmother yet, I will feel old then but you are right the bonus is definately in being able to pass them back! Thanx munchkin I am feeling OK now it will pass. Especially in a bit when my children start falling out cos they are tired xx
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
29 Sep 08
haha noting like four kids arguing to make you realise you don't really want any more i'll bet!! You are too young to be a grandmother but it will happen one day!! I keep threatening my mum with this and it turns her white as a sheet!! lol xxx
@mep91104 (5)
4 Oct 08
I know the feeling. Even though physically I am still able to have children, I am 48 and a single mom. I would love to have another baby, but I'm not sure at my age how my body would react to being pregnant. Besides, I have two that I have raised by myself and my youngest is almost ten now.I definitely do not want to raise anymore children by myself. It's too hard, especially with trying to work, go to school, and also be there for my children.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Sep 08
thank you for best response, I see my therapist degree is paying off lol
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
30 Sep 08
I know the feeling, but let me say something. I don't mean to hurt you by this, but just to make you feel better. Whenever your get that feeling, just think of the women who have never been able to conceive at all and never had what you have. Do you feel better now? You do have another choice. Why don't you adopt a newborn baby, if your husband is also willing. You will be giving a chance in life to a little one who has nobody. Just a suggestion. And pray to God to give you strength. There is a God up there who helps us overcome anything and everything.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
30 Sep 08
[i]Hi gemini,
Ohh..sorry to hear about that! I am not a mother yet but can feel how you feel! I haven't tried to experience that but I love kids really, I just don't see myself having kids, I do know maybe because I have never tried taking care of babies..
I have only one Sister and we were one year apart and I never tried having babies in the family!
I always tell my Sister to have babies soon! LOL! ANyway, maybe time will come I will also feel the urge of desiring to have my own![/i]

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Sep 08
This may sound harsh but please try not to take it that way, ok? Consider yourself very lucky to have children at all because there are so many people out there that can't. I'm one of them. I had to have a hysterectomy too a few years ago due to health problems but was suppose to have it done years before but I wanted to have children but couldn't concieve or afford to have the procedure done to help me so I had to give up. Don't feel sorry for me either because I know that God has other plans for my husband and I and I don't know what the plans are YET but eventually He'll reveal them to us.