Do they say thank you?

@ms1323 (259)
United States
September 29, 2008 1:40pm CST
When you cook their favorite meal or pick up after them...ordinary, everyday things, does your significant other say thank you? Should they say thank you or should it just be a given that you do those things for them and should get no appreciation for it? I expect a thank you, I mostly don't get it, but I expect one. I think it shows respect and appreciation for me and shows my children that when someone does something for you, you show the gratitude and manners to say a simple thank you. Is that too much to ask? Does it make me needy?
2 responses
29 Sep 08
no i dont think it makes you needy at all i have the same problem my partner never says thank you for anything and when i remind him of this he is like ' oh well you know i appreciate it' well sometimes i dont and i need reminding that all the hard work and effort that goes into running a house and looking after him and the children is appreciated and a thanyou would not go a miss occasionally i mean i dont expect it all the time but surely once in a while wont hurt!
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@ms1323 (259)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Exactly! A simple "thank you" goes a long way, I'm not sure why that is so difficult for my husband to understand. On an up-note, my 8 year old son ALWAYS says thank you and makes positive comments about what I do...maybe he'll keep that in mind when he grows up!
• Poland
29 Sep 08
When it comes to close realites (family, my boyfriend) we sometimes don't say "thank you", just smile or something like that - for everyone it works, we just know how we all act when we want to show out gratitude! So for close friends -no. But when it's someone else, except for acting nice too, I always remember to say "thank you" as sincere as I could - mom taught me that :)
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@ms1323 (259)
• United States
29 Sep 08
That would work for me, if I got any type of acknowledgment for my work I would be happy. Thank you :)