Gone A Long Time

United States
September 30, 2008 4:33am CST
I've been gone from MyLot for a very long time. I've missed my friends and the great discussions I could always find on here. Even though I'm back to a certain extent, I still won't have what I once had for a long time as I have a lot going on right now. There have been many things in life keeping me very busy and have kept me away from enjoying the simple things in life. Has this ever happened to anyone else on here? I feel as though I betrayed others here on MyLot for not being here for awhile and then all of a sudden popping back into say hello. It just didn't seem right so then I avoided it for even longer. Time, which I once took for granted, seems to have slipped away from me. Instead, I now seek the solace of some time to myself which always seems to elude me. How unfortunate is it that it took me losing free time to realize what I had once gained in the past? Instead of rejoicing in the fact that I finally have a few moments of free time here and there once again, I must admit that I miss the way I used to find comfort and advice whenever I needed it. Instead I must now wait until time finds me in order to even think about posting anything anywhere anymore. It saddens me to know that I've lost that small part of me that I once held so dearly. On a more positive note, things in my life are finally improving. I am starting to gain some free time back into my life style even though I am now balancing more than one job (which took me forever but thankfully I finally did get jobs) and trying to go back to school. On top of that being a parent with 2 children in school and having to go to school meetings, make time for home life, kids and my hubby (who finally decided that splitting up wasn't for the best and has decided to stay and work at making our relationship work). Even more to add is the fact that we are now in the process of buying a house. It needs a lot of repairs but we are slowly but surely getting it done. When we are done we will finally own a home, bought and paid for that we ourselves have put our back bone into to make our own and make it beautiful. So there are positive aspects to life.
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