Obama the Anti Christ?
By mom2eli
@mom2eli (32)
United States
September 30, 2008 11:48am CST
Well, I have been doing a lot of research on this subject and wanted to know what the rest of you thougt? I am not over the top on religion or politics but if the shoe fits... I don't understand why everyone seems so facinated with Obama? He has no experience, has a shady past not only personal but as a senator, he is anti white but people seem to be following him on the praise of "change". I don't get it. Are we as americans blind? Whats going on with the Media? No one reports the obvious like all the money Obama has taken from Fannie Mae and the type of people hes friends with. This has never happened before with other elections...so whats the deal? Is the media/reporters afraid to say anything bad about Obama because hes black? Discussion Open.
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8 responses
@missybal (4490)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I've heard this one from someone and although I think it's going a bit far and sounds crazy to me they actually line it up with the Bible. He does talk as if he is the messiah of America, and I am terrified of what him being president will mean for this country. The media is nuts, it's so unbalanced it's sad. Only things putting the truth out and who is on McCain's side seems to be most of talk radio and half of Fox News as was said on one program I listen to. With the uphill battle McCain is fighting it is amazing that McCain is hanging in as well as he is, but I have faith in the American people.
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@mom2eli (32)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Unfortunately, we the people must not matter. We don't have the voice of the media. The only ones being heard are the overwhelming media. Obama VS McCain is the featured story opposite Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt! Political coverage??? Or Media Scruity?
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Sep 08
First, welcome to MyLot!
The topic you have chosen is very intriguing in that it creates some undertones of the other things Obama is being called or associated with such as "messiah" or Christ. The idea that we actually do live in the time the Bible points to as the end times leads us to the conclusion that he indeed could be considered for the title of anit-christ! Let's examine some of your points of discussion:
First Obama is very, very charismatic, of that there can be no argument. The question is, just exactly why is he so charismatic? Has he had great or fantastic accomplishments in his past? No. Has he sponsored or cosponsored sweeping "change" bills in his 143 days in congress? No. So we have to conclude that he actually meets the first criteria of the anti-christ which is a supernatural ability to sway people in his direction.
Second, and probably the most convincing factor is his stated desire to negotiate and bring the world together in peace, which goes right along with his charisma and how he was accepted on his world campaign and make no mistake, he was campaigning!
Finally, Barack Hussien Obama has not, nor will he ever be held to the same micro-scrutiny as the rest of the presidential candidates both past and present alike! At the risk of being the target of every liberal on MyLot, I will say that it makes a good case for Obama being the anti-christ whether he is or not!
Whether he is or not really makes no difference, and this is why; if he is, no one can stop what is about to transpire even if they tried and if he isn't well, he's just another charismatic man with left field ideals and they are a dime a dozen.
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@mom2eli (32)
• United States
30 Sep 08
Thanks for the Welcome! and thank god someone else thinks the same.
First...I live in IL and knowing Chicago has "The Most Corrupt" politicians.
And yes, I have heard Obama..called the Messiah. Scary? I think so.
2) If anyone has looked into Shariah law..it states their purpose, laws and plan of infiltration. This was taken from the CIA: The World Fact Book 2007
a) As long as the Muslim population remains aroun 1% of any given country they will be known as peace-loving minority and not a threat to anyone. They will be stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness.
b) At 2% and 3% They begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs
c) From 5% on ...they ecercise an inordinate influence in proportions to their percentage of the population. They will push for introduction of halal (clean by islamic standars) food, thereby securing food preperation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves--along with threats for failue to comply. At this point, they will work to get the ruling governemt to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the islamic law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia Law over the entire World
d) When Muslims reach 10% they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. Any non-muslim action that OFFENDS Islam will result in uprisings and threats.
e) After reaching 20%..expect hair-trigger rioting,jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue buring
f) 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya..the tas placed on infidels
g) 100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" the Islamic House of Peace- theres supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim!
I don't know about anyone else, but my town is slowly being infiltrated with Muslims, and I don't have any proplem with diversity but knowing what I know about the Muslim faith and Shariah...it seems to be happening. I believe the intelligence of the Islamic and think 9/11 was only the begining. I'm not dumb enough to think they just quit there and have not had the idea of Shariah in place for some time.
Really, we have become a society that thinks we have to accept everything and everyone for what ever they believe because we are a free country. The US has become so swallowed by "political correctness" that no one is standing up for us as a Country. Muslims are strong believes in their faith..regardless of respect for other human lives. We have all seen what they have done to our POW troops. And we are allowing this in our country and going to vote for one of their own to become president. Seems like they have developed a beautiful plan.
On top of that we are in an economical crisis, obama wants to pull all our troops asap...and we have a Mulsim president!!!
3) Read Revelations...
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Actually, with all due respect knowing the religion of christianity (which I like to think I do somewhat, even though I'm definitely not a christian myself)...I thought the Bible said no one would be able to know the anti-christ or preduct the times written about in Revelations, in advance?
I mean if you take the Bible as straight up the word of God, isn't it a little arrogant to think you could figure it out when the Bible says you can't?
*raises my hands* I'm not meaning this as personal. I've heard people talk about this before, and I pondered it myself awhile back for entertainment value, and it's JUST a question. I mean this in no negative way.
Others have adressed the subject of experience (not all Presidents had alot of experience...I'd suggest looking up history, and reviewing different leaders of different eras across cultures and countries in figuring out what real factor experience plays in the role of leadership), "shady" is a matter of subjective opinion, anti-white doesn't seem to work because of his diverse family. ALOT of politicians use the word "change", and when the times are as they are people really want to hang onto that word. Others have also adressed the Fannie Mae issue.
And actually, the media and people HAVE been glamored in elections before...alot of comparisons have been made since election season started up. I seem to recall my Mom describing something similiar happening for Clinton back in the day..but again, different times means things will be different -- in the same ways, heh.
As for people afraid to speak ill about him, I'm sure it's mostly because most of the bad things we see turn out not to be true and it's hard to find anything really solid with him to hold onto. Believe me, I've looked.
For some people I'm sure the race thing comes into play, in both negative and just blah ways...but overall...no.
You're perfectly allowed to dislike him. Plenty of people do.
This has been one heated and crazy election season, so I find it hard to begrudge anyone of giving into the fever and tension of it all.
You may also like to note that I do not support either McCain OR Obama. I supported Ron Paul. And my faith in humanity's "wisdom" isn't great enough to pick a side with either one of the remaining two.
So now I'm just an observer.
Cheers, and welcome to mylot, dearie.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I'm sorry for any typos you may notice, the letters on my keyboard or wearing off, so..yeah ^_^'
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I'm not sure what you meant to do with...*gestures vaguely*
All that.
I've never followed blindly, and I already told you I don't support Obama.
Not for most of things you're saying. Mostly on FISA and some other iffy little things.
That said, McCain's worse imo.
So, if I were old enough to vote I'd vote third party. Because voting for the less bad one, is still voting for a bad one...and I think voting means more than just betting on the winning horse.
The end.
You've not convinced me of anything.
That said; I will anxiously be awaiting the new scandals from the White House whomever gets elected this season.
@mom2eli (32)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I'm sorry, but I have to really laugh that someone as young as you can get on here and basically post their parents beliefs so dramatically. All I have to say to young people..be educated on the points being discussed but know that all of this is really just mindless rhetoric. Nothing really changes in 4 years and the two people that are being publicly attacked for running for president, are simply the sacrificial lamb. They are the ones standing in the forefront for their Respective Party...thats it. The Government is made up of much more than just the two people running ....it all depends on which side you support..even if you don't support the "person" running.
Enjoy being young enough, and not having to deal with this. You come back and post an educated decision when the Government raises Your property taxes, forces you small buisness to GO UNION, when you don't want to, when you go to school for 7 years of college and still can't make any money because you are considered a "public servant" then come back when you really have some basis for an opinion. You can't understand how most of us feel because you are being taken care of by your parents. I just want to be able to do the same for my son. Imagine you purchased a nice new large SUV 3 years ago for 25,500 and now trade-in is 8,000 dollars in perfect condition. We as the middle class are watching our investments, our property, and 401k going into the toilet. You have no idea and shouldn't read as an observer and not speak out..considering your not even of age to vote. Come back in 4 years and see how things have "Changed"

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Sep 08
No, I do not believe that Obama is the anti Christ. We may think we're smart but in reality, we won't be able to figure out who the anti Christ is in advance. In my opinion people were initially fascinated with Barak Obama for the same reason they were intitally fascinated with Sarah Palin...the newness factor. In Obama's case he has also had important things to say that have brought people over to his side. He represents a change and I believe that many people are more than ready for a change after 8 years of the current administration.
As far as experience goes, it's importance depends on what side of the aisle you're on and who you're talking about. Experience isn't my main concern and neither are the people either candidate has associations with...and please keep in mind that McCain got a bunch of money from Fannie/Freddie in the good ole days, too. I have not noticed Obama being anti-white (I'm sure his white grandmother wouldn't agree with you) but I'm not casting my vote based on racial issues either. I don't think I'm blind...I've been paying very careful attention to this campaign for months and months...you weren't here so you couldn't know...and I've only recently decided who I support.
I really think the handwriting is on the wall. The media did give Obama a pass for a long time, but not because he's black...because he was new and fresh and made sense when he spoke. All these many months later he's ahead in the polls and, as much as folks have been digging, no dirt of any substance has been discovered about him and he hasn't made himself look like an uninformed idiot. On the other hand, McCain chose someone to be his V.P. who I wouldn't support for a county council seat who's media star flickered out after the first week...when he could have chosen Romney and been sitting pretty during this economic crisis.
@mom2eli (32)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I always wondered how long it would take for me to care about politics. My life is TYPICAL! My paycheck comes every Friday, my grass is mowed, my child is fed, and I hope in the end I have saved enough money in my Christmas fund. The answer came to me this year, it took exactly 32 years.
Something happened to me this year. As I was in the middle of my everyday routine, something changed. My house cost 92,500 dollars, my husband's truck has 200,000 miles on it, we own a small business, I have a BS in nursing, and I am blessed enough to say I chose to stay at home with my son...you can say we are MIDDLE CLASS. I have never cared about either side of the asile, only which
check-out lane has the shortest line.
The first time I saw Brack Obama speak, I knew something was different, you could say I was moved. Who doesn't want "change."? I then thought to myself, what needs to be changed? So I took it upon myself to research the issues. After careful consideration of all the resources available to me, I concluded that the fact that my life was comfortable was because I was previously unhindered by typical political persuasion.
I Don't think Barack Obama speaks for the people, I believe he speaks for himself. Senator Obama has a mystical ablility to capture his "audience!" This is something he has perfected during his years as a "community organizer." Obama is a Master at preying on the needs of the less fortunate people, prodding at their hopes, and capitalizing on their desire for "CHANGE." Far too many people have bought into the "Change" idea without taking into account the true facts. "Change" is a seductive word, when said, people's intrest peak. What change do we need? Should Bush have sat back and done NOTHING on Sept. 11th? Your damned if you do and your damned if you don't. You can ALWAYS find fault in retrospect.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Obama is not the anti-christ, but I am sure he has been called worse by people on here. If you really look at the facts of this election, you will see there are alot of shady characters on both sides. The reason that McCain doesn't talk about the money that Obama took from Fannie Mae, is because he voted to end the regulations that allowed their failure in 1999. He also took money from the banking, and investment industry in 1999 to pass that bill that helped cause this problem. The media isn't afraid to report about it, they are afraid to say that he did this, and have someone else come out and say: Oh yeah, this guy did this. It is just politics as usual, and we are the ones that get screwed. By the way, with all of your research that you did: Do you think that Ronald Reagan was the anti-christ?

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
5 Oct 08
So Mom, I guess that you didn't do alot of research on this subject. Many people (crazy people, but anyone talking about the Anti-Christ is not all there mentally, or is trying to scare people) who have done alot of research on this subject say that the closest person fitting this bill was Ronald Reagan. Although many thought that Saddam Hussian was the Anti-Christ, but we all know that both of these men are not. Saying that anyone is the Anti-Christ is a pure fear play, and is a common tactic used by right wing republicans. I guess if you do some research on this topic, you will see that this has been used many times by republicans to win elections. I am sure that you are voting for McCain, and I am sure that this had alot to do with why you put this on here. This is why the rest of us have to point out the facts so everyone knows the truth.
@mom2eli (32)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Well, not sure how to respond to an obvious Democrat with their typical narrow minded beliefs. I didn't Claim Obama was the Anti-chirst..this is a political discussion forum..its used as a tool to open the doors of discussion between well informed and educated people. So that being said..its obvious to me you shouldn't be on here posting your name calling and finger pointing left winged views. Just because I posted a question that puts a little fire into people doesn't mean I'm Crazy...if anything..I can look beyond what the media is spoon feeding the democrats and the uninformed and pose a new idea or question to get people to think for themselves.
Obama voted 94 times NOT to reduce taxes for the American people...last year he supported an Increase on taxes for Family's who makes 42,000 and more! You want a change? Well, your going to get a change with Obama...middle class will soon be closer to the poor house and we can thank the Democrats! And here is another issue..You don't Know or need to Know who I will vote for. It shows your lack of knowledge and class when speaking out in a political discussion...you don't classify someone else so it makes you feel better calling them names. Backwards is how I would describe you. I don't think either is a Good Choice, but McCain is a better choice if their is one. Thats the difference, I vote with knowledge and understanding and not with ONE political party. I am a fan of Nardir...if you need to know, but that is besides the point.
@Zephier (73)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Many people like Obama because he's, in racial terms, something new. To others, he's a way to get through some strange feeling of guilt they have. Mainly upper middle-class whites but that's a completely different subject.
Anyways, Obama is not the Anti Christ. He's just another inept left-wing politician which "blind" Americans are falling for out of their own idiocy and not his oratory skills and identifying with people. Most of us are not and will not be misled though.
The televised media is also full of these same left-leaning people. Obama's supporters know the truth about how much he (see http://tinyurl.com/4aeq8r) and other Democrats have received from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but they don't care. Obama's race and political affiliation is enough for them to vote for him. They've been conditioned by their version of american culture to have a fear of criticizing anyone that's black. Reporters, Obama supporters and such. They are afraid to criticize him because their peers would label them racist, ignorant, a neo-con, nazi or whatever negative label they can think up. Just like the high schooler who gives into peer pressure out of not wanting they'll stick with Obama to not be the outsider.
It's pathetic if you think about it.
@davebrown64 (443)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I am not yet sure about this topic. I am one who believes that there is an Anti-Christ, yet, I do not believe he will arise from the United States. What I do know is Senator Obama has to come clean about his associations. His story is beginning to read a lot like Nicolae Carpathia in the Left Behind Series. I hate to think of him this way, but again, I think he has to come clean. I am worried, so worried about this great country, should he become president. I worry for the world as well.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I hear "Oh mom!" when I bring up the subject with my daughter. She still isn't sure who she is voting for. She did promise me she would vote the opposite way for others running for congress, etc. We've seen what happens when one party has all the power. It ain't pretty.
As it is, I'm looking more into Ron Paul as a possible vote.
He talks a lot and says nothing while the adoring fans swoon at every empty word.