Do you ever regret getting your pet?
By Rocketj1
@rocketj1 (6955)
United States
September 30, 2008 8:55pm CST
I love our dog. He is a Yellow lab/Huskey mix which my husband jokingly says makes him a "Luskey". As I said, we love him. However, he was an impulse puppy. In other words, we saw him and fell in love with him right away. He is blond with light blue eyes and has the softest fur.
BUT................he was not the little dog I said we were looking for. In fact now that he is full-grown, he weighs 75 pounds. Hardly a little dog at all. The biggest problem for us was that he was our first puppy. My husband had dogs as a kid, I did not. But neither of us had ever had a puppy before. Now I know why they say to really think things through before getting a pet.
We had do idea how much work a puppy can take! It's kind of like when you get ready to have children and friends try to tell you what it's like but..........they can't prepare you for the change they will make in your life.
When he was about 10 months old, we seriously thought about finding someone else to take him. He chewed on EVERYTHING. My son was the target of most of his chewing angst. He could not get near him without getting his clothes torn. He was a handful in so many ways at that time that we thought "What have we done!"
Well, neutering and time have taken their toll for the better with our dog and we are getting along greatly now.
How about you? Do you or have you ever regretted getting your pet? Have you had to get rid of a pet because of your regrets?
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27 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
1 Oct 08
Hi there rocketj1
I once got some kittens shortly after my husband and I got married but I later found out that my husband had been quite nasty to them, swinging them around and things, it was awful so I thought that the best thing to do was to give them to the RSPCA (Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) who I knew would take care of them. I thought that my husband liked them and maybe he did at first but I think that where he originally came from cats were vermin and lived on the streets digging around in bins for food so he treated them like that. I really regretted getting them, poor things

@jennyw022605 (38)
• United States
1 Oct 08
nope I dont regret having my pets they are both very good girls and keep me company while my Dh is overthe road working
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@1sweethoney2 (13)
4 Oct 08
i could never regret my dog she part of the family she like one of my kids i would never want to lose her she great with my kids she let me know when she has to go outside and she keep me company when the kids are in school and when boy freind at work im an anmail lover
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 Oct 08
[i]Hi rocketj,
I grew up having dogs and cats in my Parents' house..SOmetimes they are very good and sometimes we have also a brat pets..LOL!
Dad is the the one who will really spend time to train them about everything, where to poo, where to stay, behave, not to go up on the table etc...and along the training, when one will violate any of those, they will get a little spanking which will make them learn next time that those actions were not acceptable..They are really smart once we will devote our time to make them understand!
So, in general, we have no regrets of our pets![/i]

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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 Oct 08
He has that but it has limitations too..LOL! That is why punishment will follow if any of our pets will disobey..hahaha..But, he loves training really our pets!

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@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
We never regretted that we got our terrier. He was with us for nine years now and we consider him as a member of our family. He was a very good dog, was very active, playful and thank God he's healthy. We took care of him and it will be very sad if he'll be gone because they said that the life span of terrier is 10 - 15 years. So to prepare, my husband got another dog for a replacement, but this time a baby Belgian Malinois. I'm a bit worried because I don't quite know how to handle this kind of dog, she has a different behavior than the terrier and I know she'll become big soon. It'll be expensive to maintain her, I guess.
@VE3IYB (209)
• Canada
1 Oct 08
Luskey, ahh that's cute!
My parents had a pure bred Siberian Husky w/papers and all when we were growing up.
It would depend on the day of the week if my parents regretted having a Husky! What I mean to say is what has the Husky chewed through today? They tried having him in the house but he ended up outside in a large fenced in yard. Huskies need all kinds of love and really need people to be around them.
I can't even begin to tell you the things the the Husky destroyed but a few come to mind. He chewed through a LIVE power cord all 3 conductors, a bank card that had teeth marks right through it etc.
My parents thought that they hit the lucky streak with buckles and hardware for horses. Like a bad scene from The Simpsons (tm) this dog broke every single belt, strap, leash they could find. It was only when they upgraded to the horse buckles that they thought they had won. Alas they were sadly wrong as he even broke a solid brass horse buckle.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Yes! The huskey side of our dog shines through! He will chew on anything. It is a little lessened now. But when he was just under a year (he's 2 now) He ate part of a rug/mat that we had placed under his food dishes. He became obstructed and the vet gave him some lubricant-type of medicine to swallow. When they say "sick as a dog", now I know what they mean. Wow! He was PI-TI-FUL! He seemed fine but then a couple days later he developed pneumonia from aspirating some of the rug into his lungs. Fortunately for him, we have an inexpensive country vet. But even still, the bills were adding up and just when he had hit my financial limit of my love for him (lol) he got better.
We cannot use a nylon leash for him. He will eat it! We have a chain leash and he has to wear a "halti" (head gear like a halter for a horse)because the lab part has given him a strong neck for dragging me down the street. The Halti helps.
Oh! And the shedding! I'm sure you know all about the twice yearly coat of a huskey! His hair floats thru the house (even in rooms he has never been in) like little tumbleweeds around the floor.
Over all, it's a good thing he's cute!
@VE3IYB (209)
• Canada
1 Oct 08
The couple that we knew that had suggested to horse buckles, they had 8 dogs and they used to sled race. The wife would take all that fur and they had a spinning wheel. She would spin it all up and make sweaters and what not.
One of the other people that we dealt with when he had a Husky didn't comprehend the chewing power of a Husky. He built his first dog house our of softwood lumber. When he woke up in the morning there was no house. The Husky chewed through it during the night.
Not to be outdone by a dog he made a new, better stronger dog house out of hardwood. Next morning he looked out and no dog house! He did see marks in the grass though like something had been dragged through it. Here the Husky had pulled the dog house 300' from where it was to the back of the house.
This same couple left the dog in the house when he was young while they went out. They came home 4 hours later to find that the Husky had tore a brand new couch apart and then did his business all over it. Oh did I forget to mention that he also made a hole in a solid door by scratching at it, got into the kitchen and found the dog food among other things...
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@cutiemye (41)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
when a neighbor in my mom's place gave them a min pinscher dog, they never want it, it looks so frightened and he barks on everything! no one can ever come near him except for my elder sister who tame him just on silently approaching and stroking his skin. my hubby and i instantly fell in love with the dog ( see my avatar) and like the dogs nature, he chew on anything and everything except for the cords and cables (thank, God!) but he is sweet and very friendly once he knew the person, but will bark his voice out (to the highest pitch) when a stranger approached or just passed by our house, my hubby's family really annoyed by his barking ways but it is him, he really loves to bark. But i never regret taking him and he even sleeps beside people he loves. =)
@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
1 Oct 08
We had gotten a puppy from some friends one time not knowing that the father was a pitbull. It is not that pitbulls are bad dogs, it's just that they are not baby friendly. So yes after a couple of bite we had to get rid of him.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 08
hi rocketj 1 oh yes we had one dog, a lab who with one sweep of hit tail cleared off everything on any low surface, and nothing we did could stop him from being a one dog demolition team. so we traded him off to people who had a farm where he could demolish to his hearts content. we did get a small mutt who was the love of our lives and finally we had to give him to a f amily as we had to move to an apartment that did not allow pets.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 Oct 08
new animals of any age always bring adjustments. Young ones go through all the pestky stages of rough play, chewing, and basic training. If you get an adult they have learned from someone else and may have many bad habits to change.
If you can love and accept them all will be well.
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@mrsgoodygoody00 (895)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Oh no I don't regret getting my dog. I have a Toy Poodle and I love him so much. Now I have my moments when he does get under my skin. He likes to dig in the trash, you can't leave your food out, otherwise he'll get into it. He's always begging and staring at your food when you're eating, and he likes to fight. But that still doesn't change how I fell about him. He's very playful, he's never depressed, and he's always excited to see me when I come though the door, no matter how short or long I've been gone. I wouldn't trade him for anything.
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@chaska (170)
• United States
1 Oct 08
we bought 2 jack russell terriers in February this year they were sisters. They are very small and very active. Last week someone stole one of our terriers now the sister that is left at our home is so very sad. She eats and drinks very little, she is losing weight and has decreased running, jumping, etc. I feel that she is highly depressed and slowly giving up. I love the fact that we got the dogs but it is just awful how things are turning out now.
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@kllthprmqueen (76)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Oh, Yes!
My mother adopted a pet for us so we could have a little buddy, his name's Oscar and he's a bassett hound, he's so cute, but he craps and pees all over! Sometimes it's just too much, but every time she decides she's had enough and wants to take him back, she crumbles because he's just too damn cute!
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@Avi_Gan (191)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
Hi! You know what, I know just how you feel. 3 years ago, my husband who was then my boyfriend, had an operation and so he had to live with me and he brought his two dogs along. Of course, since he was pretty much an invalid, I had to work and the do the house chores and the dog chores which included bathing, taking them out on walks and cleaning up after them. The two dogs was a Labrador Retriever named Puffy and the other one is a Japanese Spitz named Yuki and they were a handful! I was feeling very resentful at that time. I was always tired from work and I had to add them to my list of things to do before AND after work. It came to a point where I was crying everytime, I was cleaning their mess. :( After 6 months though, I had enough and by this time, my boyfriend could move on his own. I made sure that he pulled his weight from then on! Hahaha.. That was 3years ago, now we had to move to a condo and we had to give them up. We had a good friend adopt them. Right now, we have a very cute, very behave little Yorkshire terrier named Douglas and he suits us just fine. I have a picture of Douglas uploaded here in MyLot.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Oct 08
Hi rocketj1, We have two cats and have never regretted getting either of them. They are great company and certainly members of the family. Our youngest cat which we got a few months ago actually choose us. We were at the animal shelter and trying to make a decision on which one we would take and had the travelling cage with us. Cuddles, as we later called her, seemed to know that she was meant to come with us, and just got tired of waiting. She went into our carrier cage,and curled up as if ready to take a nap. The deal was closed. Blessings.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I think that cats are much lower maintainance than dogs. We have a cat. She is so easy to take care of. In fact, she is an indoor/outdoor cat. She does not require an indoor litter box. If I lived in an apartment and could not have an indoor/outdoor cat, I'm not sure I would enjoy doing the Kitty litter thing. But even then, cats are much easier to care for and I have never had any regrets about our cat.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I grew up with a lot of dogs since we lived in the country and had a lot of land for them to roam. I wondered so much when I first became a mommy why it never occured to me to have a pet first as that seems to be the trend where I live especially for college students, little teeny tiny puppys and pit bulls. I wonder what will happen to all thos precious pit bulls when they move on in their life and many will not have a place for them. Anyway, I guess the reason I never thought to have a pet before kids is because I had so many when I was young. I had a rat, 6 or 7 cats (they came and went accordingly, were neutered) for us all, and a guinea pig. I absolutely loved my rats and would give anything to have them again but my boyfriend thinks Im insane and will not tolerate it and many people would agree. Im not a fan of ferrets because they stink to me. Rats are the most social, loving and SMART rodents I've ever seen. They used to come to me by name when I called them OUTSIDE. I just never felt a need to have a dog and Im highly allergic to cats.
Now that my kids are grown up my oldest 3 1/2 is asking for a pet. My boyfriend, her father, says we can as soon as we get into a house (since we cannot have them here at the apt). She will be starting school in 2 years which seems like good timing to get one. Im not in a hurry though because your right--pets are like kids. I love pets so much but I would not want for them to feel neglected and unloved because taking care of children is very time demanding and would I even have time for them. I took my daughters to this new park we have and they have this big pen for dogs. Your dog can go in there and play with other dogs and It was really fun bringing my kids in there. My daughter got to walk a dog on its leash and I was just stunned how well she did--actually had the dog walking Next to her and not pulling her. I think she will be a responsible pet owner as I will teach her the importance of up keep. For now though its the park. They are having a Pet Fun Day for dog owners there too and my kids are going to love it. Theres going to be so many dogs there for it. I always felt a little embarassed because my daughter will literally scout out every puppy she can find at the park and run after it to pet. Not everyone likes it and you can see it in their face as they just want to take a walk. Im so glad I found this place for them.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
1 Oct 08
Hi there!
I will never ever think or have regrets about my pets. I love them so much. They're a part of my family and I treat them as my kids already. I admit it's hard taking care of a pet. Harder than having a real child but I have accepted the responsibility the moment I bought my first one and have given so much of my time to have regrets and think of getting rid of them. I will continue loving and taking care of my pet for as long as I can.

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@dhisaw (304)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I have not ever regretted getting my dog. The only time I might have even thought about maybe we should find him some place to be was when my husband had a job where he was traveling all the time and just to see him i was having to go with him. But that all worked out because of the fact that we were and are staying with my mother and so she did not want me to take my dog with me on the road so she had him stay with her. But other than that kind of thing I love my dog and he is like my baby even though he is like 2 years old now. He is mostly black and does have some white on him. He is a mixture of bordeaux bulldog and boxer. So I find him adorable and beautiful.
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@stylioJ (403)
• United States
1 Oct 08
My dog didn't end up being the medium sized dog we expected. She is now close to a large dog. She was a rescue dog and howls at people if she finds them threatening as they walk by our house. Otherwise, she doesn't do anything bothersome. She is very quirky in such cute and loveable ways. She is a part of our family, so I could never give her away!
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@rosie4 (8)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Yes, we've had times that we've qestioned if getting a pet was the right one. My husband brought home our Australian Shepherd as an impusle puppy as well. He was just going "to look" and came home with this adorable little ball of fluff. It wasn't the best timing as we had a tiny little baby to look after as well. It made housebreaking take longer. Its been 3 years now and we just love our doggie to pieces but there were definitely times in the past that I felt very overwhelmed and wondered why my husband brought home the puppy and I ended up doing all the work.
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