Do you need the radio on while driving?

@whywiki (6066)
October 1, 2008 11:39am CST
When I was 16 and just got my drivers license the most important feature in the car was the stereo system. I had an old datsun 510, the doors were different colours and it had been pretty much beaten up over the years but as long as it had an am/fm radio I was happy. I'd drive around radio blaring, singing at the top of my lungs. My car now is still old and beaten and just has an AM/FM radio and to tell the truth it is turned off a lot of the time. Nowadays it just seems like unwanted noise unless it is the news I am catching. It annoys me when kids come up next to me with there car rattling from the base coming out of a stereo system that cost 6 times what they paid for the car. Thump thump thump drives me nuts. I guess maybe I am becoming an old cranky woman! How about you? Do you need the noise of a radio or CD blaring while you drive?
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12 responses
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
6 Oct 08
No, I don't need the radio on, though I do enjoy listening to music on the radio while I drive. However I'm not one to blare it and would rather listen to it with it turned down to a low level. I have always found it annoying when I hear someone's car thumping loudly, especially when it can be felt by other drivers.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
6 Oct 08
It is annoying sitting in line at a light and the whole car is vibrating to some horrible song from a car three cars back.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
30 May 09
Hello whywiki, Maybe it does related to the age When I was younger, I would drive my car with the radio on. It was not too loud but the choice of songs was really terrible. When I get a bit older, I still drive with the radio on but I prefer to hear something soothing or maybe pop songs with not too much noise!
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@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I mostly listen to audio books in the car
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
That would be a great way to learn and drive.
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@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I listen to fiction in the car. I've learned so much my head if full..... joking
@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I remember those days. When I commuted to college, though, the car did not have a radio. It made the hour commute such drudgery. Also didn't help that it didn't have a working gas gauge and every time it rained, my shoes got soaked. It also didn't go above third gear. When I got my own car, I had to have a car radio with tape player. I'd turn up the radio and sing at the top of my lungs. Now that I'm an old, cranky woman, I still listen to the radio. It depends on my mood. Some days I don't want to listen to music. Some days I just want to hear the news or talk radio. Other days I want to blast the radio or CD player and sing at the top of my lungs. But if I'm in an unfamiliar place, or the weather is bad, I have to turn off the radio.
@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I can totally empathize! Yeah. The good old days...
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
I remember getting an 8 track player and thinking it was the greatest thing! I had an old truck once that had plywood as the floorboard and the gear shift would come out of the floor if I moved it wrong! The good old days eh?
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
3 Oct 08
My radio on my car is always on. So as soon as I start my car the radio comes on. I can't drive with it off since I am used to listening to it. It would just be way too quiet without it on. I don't sing tio it since I am not good at singing but I like to listen to it. I also now have an ipod with an adapter so I can listen to my own music that I like. I need to listen to something or it is just too quiet without music. I like all kinds of music but my favourite is soft rock. I like the older music too as I am older.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
3 Oct 08
Sometimes I turn the music on so I don't have to listen to the engine labor. That way it is a complete surprise when it breaks down!
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
3 Oct 08
hehehe cute. I love to listen to music so my radio is always on when I am driving somewhere.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Hi Whywiki, yes I have my radio on when I am riding alone in my car, I don't like it loud I turn it down very low. I too hate it when cars come up next to me with their music loud and booming, if my window is down I will roll it up. It is against the law here for drivers to play their music up loud but the teenager still do it.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I used to prefer the quiet.. but lately I've been listening to talk shows on the radio when I drive.. I still don't quite understand folks who seem to always need sound.. either radio or television all the time.. My hubby's like that but not as bad as he used to be!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
3 Oct 08
Sometimes I get so sick of noise, everywhere I turn is noise noise noise! I used to need it now I like peace and quiet.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
4 Oct 08
No I prefer silence in the car while driving. I prefer to keep focused on the road and be attentive for other cars. I try to be a safe driver as much as I can. Music does distracts me from what I am doing.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
6 Oct 08
I wish everyone would pay more attention on the roads, I was rear ended a couple of weeks ago. She said she thought I had moved. I'm wondering how I could have moved as the traffic traveling the other way was bumper to bumper. I am thinking in truth she just wasn't paying attention.
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
1 Oct 08
I do love the music on while I am driving. Makes me relax more and makes me think about things. Time to myself ya know. Yes I do think it is absolutley ridiculous people pay the price they do for their stereos! I would never do that ...but music is nice
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
Sometimes I like to listen to the 80's station and sing my lungs out and feel like I am a teen again and carefree!
@shell94 (990)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
I cannot say that I need it, but definitely prefer to have it. I think I would be lost without music while I was driving. I love my music and it puts me in a good mood. I think I would be a miserable driver without it. Possibly road rage material...
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
2 Oct 08
I think it is time for me to upgrade my stereo so I can enjoy music again in the car, it is soothing.
• India
1 Oct 08
Yes, ofcourse, without music how can we drive, and move on the road?? And also the city like Chennai, having full of traffic, without music we cannot travel in the city.. Now a days, we have more FM stations in chennai (we have around 6-8 popular FM channels now at chennai) and also we have hold some of the CDs which is a collections of the Old and the new hits, according to our mood, we used to put the CD, and hear the music, or we can shuffle the FM.. I Really love music, not only in travelling, but also when ever i found time, i used to hear the music, and also, in our home, in most of the time, when ever the TV is switched off, the FM will be turned in.. Some of the Songs are playing in our home always through any of the popular FM Station.. Have a good day.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
1 Oct 08
I am thinking the car traffic noise in Chennai is pretty loud. I would probably leave the music on all the time too when driving. Go Chennai Super Kings!
• India
1 Oct 08
If a person can manage you can hear and get both the things of driving and entertainment.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
1 Oct 08
It sure is nice to have on long drives that is for sure.