We have a new kitten

United States
October 1, 2008 11:47am CST
A little over a week ago, my husband came home with an adorable, black, and grey striped kitten. Our kids fell in love with her the moment they saw her but I can't say the same for my older cat. Its taken him the week to warm up to her a little and he's finally at the point where he will at least touch noses with her. We also have a dog and were concerned at her reaction. She loves the kitten and can't stop sticking her nose on her. Unfortunately the kitten doesn't want anything to do with the dog and is constantly hissing and swatting at her. We're trying to take it slow and hope that they will eventually get used to each other. Does anyone have any ideas to help the kitten tolerate the dog better?
2 responses
• United States
1 Oct 08
If your dog is very good natured you can play with the dog with the kitten. Hold the kitten in your hand over the dog's head and draw the kittens paws over the dogs head and tail. Let the kitten bat at the dogs tail a little. Pull back if the kitten gets rough or the dog seems disturbed. If the kitten growls put her down and try it again later. The kitten will begin to feel more comfortable with the dog. The downside is the kitten may take to "beating up" the dog which the dog may not agree to.
• United States
5 Oct 08
Our dog is actually very good natured and would love to play with the kitten but is a bit too rough and quick which scares the kitten. But, as the days go by, I'm seeing the kitten get used to the dog more and more which makes it easier for me to let my guard down some. It helps that kittens grow fast too. She's only been with us for two weeks and is quickly getting bigger and seems less fragile all the time.
@dsrtrose (166)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Again, let me say that I have 4 dogs and 2 cats. Amazingly, in the animal world, they somehow learn to co-exist. Even if they do not LIKE each other, they can live in the same house. So unlike people!!!. My two cats (for the first time ever) do not like each other, but they eat side by side and have learned how to peacefuilly (for the most part!!) co-exist in the same home. The dogs have learned that cats rule the roost and they are allowed to stay here with their permission!! I think it is a very positive sign that the kitten and your other cat have touched noses. They will have to scrap some to determine dominance, then they too, will learn to co-exist or become friends. Your other cat HAS to have some hurt feelings act going on for your benefit. It is just what they do. Ignore it, and know that he will get over it!! Good luck!