how to prevent puffy and swelling eyes after crying

@jazel_juan (15747)
October 2, 2008 5:52am CST
Have you ever cried the whole night till you sleep and you end up with puffy eyes, red, swelling eyes???? What do you guys do to prevent it? or to remove/fix/minimize it? i tried putting something cold in my eyes like a small towel in my eyes and it minimizes but not totally prevent about you????
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7 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I was going to suggest cold water, but seeing as it didn't help, I would probably try warmer water. I actually think I used warm water more then cold water to dry tear stained eyes.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
really? did it really work? hmmm i might try it next time i cry! lol
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Yes, it did, and I really can't explain how, but I think it has something to do with pores.
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
nice question because i cry a lot...what i do is put some ice into my eyes...put it on a towel and tap it into my eyes and my face as helps somehow...and i also use cucumber that is frozen to calm the swelling
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
yes i did that too, used ice and cold compress over my eyes, just minimizes the swelling, have not tried the cucumber though... i don't have cucumber on my ref..hehehe
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 08
Usually puffy and swelling eyes are rather hot; so I would place either cold towels or cucumber slices on my eyes and let them rest. It would take some time though.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
so lazeebee, you prefer cold than warm? hmmm.. i wonder which one is better? but last night i cried ha ha...the reason is better left unknown:D i've placed cold compress over my eyes coz i dont have cucumber at home. it didn't really prevent the swelling but it minimizes it plus some make up today, its not obvious...:D thanks
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
I've tried both hot and cold compress, but both don't seem to work for me... I think there is some sort of eye cream out there that does the job, but I have yet to find out what it is. When I have puffy eyes, I usually try to do something about it, but usually it would just "deflate" after half a day.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
yes it doesn't really prevent but it minimizes the swelling... cream? maybe, i do not know either! why not invent it? :D i guess the best thing to do is not cry! but i easily cry even in movies,:D
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
why not try put some make ups like concealer or an eye liner to minimize it. but if it still doesn't work just try wear a big sunglasses.atleast you're in!
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
2 Oct 08
hahah i guess that's what you do?:D thanks
• India
16 Apr 13
lol i never cried whole night till i sleep, but once eyes were swollen when i got up, it was due to some insect bite, i washed with cold water, it was gone in few hours.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
hi, when i cry at night and when it is a long crying,then in the morning when i wake up my eyes really puffy and swelling eyes and can easily determine by other people that i came from crying,i don't have an idea on how to prevent it even after i take a bath my eyes still swelling.