Let Me Just Make Sure I Understand!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
October 2, 2008 12:40pm CST
In 32 days America will choose our next president. At this point in time, the polls would indicate that Barack Obama has a substancial lead over John McCain. So let me get this straight;
We, as a country, would rather elect a man with little to no experience at all in government administration over a man with many years experience of not only government but military also. Military experience which includes overseeing an organization with a multi-million dollar yearly budget.
We, as a country, don't want anything to do with personal, moral, or financial responsibility! We believe that it is okay to vote against laws protecting helpless victims of abortions gone wrong just for the "greater good"! We believe that abortion is a viable and logical means of birth control!
We, as a country, want to put a man in office who believes it is fair to continue to levee more and more taxes on people simply because they make more money than anyone else and they can "afford" it even though these same people he is talking about already shoulder more than 40% of the entire U.S. tax burden, but that's fair! (see below article)
We, as a country, want to tout Obama's tax plan as a "rescue" to the middle class while in fact it will do more harm to the middle class taxpayer than almost any single tax plan in history!
(see article.)
We, as a country, believe that it is actually possible to negotiate with terrorists simply because a charismatic man said he could and would! This man would have you to believe that he can "talk" Iran down when in fact there will never be that possibility. Iran is committed to one goal and that is the destruction of Israel and she nor her leaders will back down from that commitment, not even to the U.S.
We, as a country, want change! We want it so badly that it is about to jump up and crush us and we don't even see it! We hear all of the "ear-fodder" but fail to see any descrepancies or dangers of philsophy so,(maybe)change it will be! The funny thing about change is that it doesn't travel in a straight line, it goes both ways--for good, or bad!
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7 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Oct 08
It's not election day yet. McCain and Obama are both majorly flawed candidates. Neither of them deserve our votes, but we are left to choose the candidates based on issues... so you are right.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I am sorry to have to say that your understanding is correct!! Unbelievable isn't it!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Yep, I would say you pretty well nailed it.
This demonstrated how clueless the majority of Americans seem to be.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Many in this country are also willing to overlook the fact that Obama violated the U.S. Constitution when he attempted to negotiate the timing of the withdrawal of troops with foreign leaders. He should not President - he should be prosecuted!
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I think he is so sure that he is going to be elected that he's already attempting to use the "power" he thinks is associated with the position - he's totally out of line and should never have been allowed to do what he did.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Fox News is not a credible news source.
Did you actually read the information in the TaxFoundation link? Let me break it down for you in easy numbers.
Top 1% of earners - $388,806
Top 5% of earners - $153,542
Top 25% of earners - $64,702
Top 1% earned 22.1% of the nations income.
Top 1% paid approx. 39.9% of all taxes paid in.
Top 1% paid approx. the same $ amount as 95% of the remaining tax returns in total.
Average tax rate for the year in question (2006) 12.6%
Look at the numbers, closely. We have a progressive tax. Is it right? No, but then I fall into the top 5% and hate my high taxes. Is it appropriate that small business owners like me get hammered with taxes at approximately 35% of our earnings? No but that is what happens. This is one of the things that niether candidate is addressing right now.
Is the bailout right? No. What about all the pork in the bailout? Bad business.
However, do we want to see taxes lowered on the top 1%? How about lowering taxes further on big business? Not now!
As for abortion, it is a privacy issue! The courts have addressed this issue and the government needs to stay out of it. It is no ones business but the pregnant woman and her health care provider. It certainly isn't an issue for the federal government. It isn't an issue for the President or the Vice President. It isn't anyone's issue but the pregnant woman. Don't want an abortion? Don't have one! See how simple that is.
Diplomacy is a appropriate activity of government. It should be undertaken with heads of state. Both candidates have stated they would employ diplomacy. Our allies have demanded that we employ diplomacy rather than bombs. We are in danger of becoming less than what we have ever been in history if we do not realign ourselves with Nato and the UN in peace-keeping and diplomacy first efforts. I don't disagree that terrorism and terrorists need to be controlled and if necessary taken out, but we must act within international law not outside of it.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment. I don't know where you are coming from. I agree that we don't need to raise taxes, they are too high already! Government needs to reign in their spending. An example of this is how congress couldn't even start to get a bailout bill passed without pork! This is something to try to keep our economy from collapse and they can't resist putting attachments to it that are part of the problem to say the least.
Do I believe that the top 1% of the taxpayers who already bear more than 40% of the entire tax burden need to have their taxes raised because they can "afford" it? NO! Again, taxes need to be for running our government and military, not financing things like the study of the mating habits of the south American tree frog! If we cut asinine pork and pet projects like this out of our government, there would be room for even more tax cuts not tax hikes!
My own convictions about our convoluted tax system are that it needs to be abolished and something like the Fair Tax instituted in it's place. If you don't know what the Fair Tax is you can see what it is about here:
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
3 Oct 08
About Fox news not being credible; they are just as credible as ABC, CBS and NBC! The almost ALWAYS bring both sides of the issue to bear and when interviewing, interview people from both sides of the line. Just because they are the only conservative voice amoung many liberal ones doesn't make them any less credible! Off my soap box now!
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I am aware of Fair Tax. You are correct that our progressive tax system is convoluted and should be reconsidered. I am all for a flat tax against earned income, that means all earned income. Problem you have with this is how do you keep funded Social Security, which if you are over 35 you have been paying into for a long time now and have a right to expect a return on. Being over 50 I and a small business owner I can tell you that I am expected to pump 15% of my earnings up to the cap into a non-earning / non-growth fund called Social security and then continue to pump, after the cap, money into medicare. So someday, when I am in my 70's I can get some of that money back in the form of a monthly stipend.
The flat tax does not address this issue.
As for where I am coming from, it is simple.
Shrink government.
Grow the economy by eliminating economic destabilizers such as crippling taxes on small business owners.
Eliminate pork in bills by creating citizens oversight and holding both the Legislative and Executive branches accountable.
Create legislation that enforces a balanced budget at the federal level.
Strip the executive branch of their illegal powers obtained during this administration.
Prosecute government officials including executives who act against the best interest of this country and its people.
Stop illegal wars.
Return to the basic tennets of the Constitution! We are a secular nation as a designed by our Founding Fathers, remember it and stop trying to inject religion into our laws and our national standards.
Remove government from our bedrooms, our health decisions, our marriage decisions, our decisions on child rearing. The government has no right to be in these decisions and should remove themselves immediately.
As for the issue of Fox, we all have our opinions. My personal opinion is that none of the network news is credible Fox is simply the least credible.
@soldierswife68 (127)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Regarding the newborn baby found in a dumpster in Florida.....If it was heard crying, at least it was still ALIVE. It's cry is more than likely the very thing that saved it's life. The difference between that and abortion is that dumping a newborn baby in a trash can IS NOT LEGAL. Why? Probably because it would be considered MURDERING or taking another life. The mother to these unwanted babies could probably be found and prosecuted. Abortion, on the other hand, IS legal and not considered a crime. Why shouldn't it be, though? It's the same thing.....taking a life.....MURDERING a baby. Right????
This will probably bring us to the debate over when an unborn child can be considered as a LIVING being. I believe this to be at the time of conception. Not many others would share that view. So I will leave them with this thought.....
so if it's not a BABY, then DON'T SAY YOU ARE PREGNANT."
It can't be both ways.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Oct 08
Exactly! Their whole argument is based on wanting it both ways.
btw, thank you and your husband for your service.
@trieschman (272)
• United States
3 Oct 08
so from the posts I see here, we are suppose to vote for a president based on one bill Roe vs Wade. The rest of the issues go to h-ll. I fortunately see more of the picture then that.