Big Brother 11...Not this Winter

@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
October 3, 2008 12:28am CST
It is official. On September 29th, it was announced that Big Brother has been picked up for an 11th season and it will air in the Summer of 2009. So, that means no Winter Big Brother which, I am sort of ok with. Don't get me wrong...I love Big Brother. Come on...tell me you couldn't tell that! LOL! But, I do think that it has lost a little bit of its luster of late and, I think the producers and casting crew need some extra time to get their acts together and give us what we fell in love with in the beginning. Twist, pretty people, more twists. LOL! So, how about you all? Are you happy or disappointed that we won't be getting a Winter Big Brother? Or, are you a little relieved and hoping that it makes for a better Summer Big Brother 11?
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13 responses
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 Oct 08
What you like BB no way..........well me im gonna be busy this winter with Savanna im sure so no big deal if you ask me. i do miss BB but that ast one was kinda boring so mabey the wait will give them time to really find some entertaining people and twists.
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• United States
7 Oct 08
Savanna is great. We are watching her weight as shes not gaining it very fast but not a big worry just more visits to the doctor (more money for the clinic). As for BB they got plenty of time they best come up with something good.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
7 Oct 08
LOL! I's shocking that I like BB. Who'd a thunk it? LOL! How is little Miss Savanna? I hope all is well with both mommy and daughter! I saw a picture of her with Grandpa Bob. She's beautiful! As far as BB, while I did like 10, it certainly wasn't as fun as seasons in the past. So, I am with you...hopefully they will have enough time to drum up some new and exciting stuff for us for 11!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I am disappointed that they aren't doing a winter big brother. That is when nothing is on tv anyways, so I have all these nights free~ nothing better to do and now no Big Brother!!! What will I do with my time? I do think that they need some new twists in the show. I am sure that the summer big brother will bring us lots of conversations.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
3 Oct 08
LOL! I will miss it too but, I have plenty to watch right now. Sheesh! Too much really! LOL! May I suggest some? Supernatural, Criminal Minds, name a few. LOL! I really hope that the time that they have between now and the summer will be put to good use and they will be able to dream up new and exciting, conversation worthy twists and HGs!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I love criminal minds! Never miss that one. I haven't seen the others. Isn't the time that they brought big brother on when the new shows now were going back to reruns? I think that is about the timeline. Nope, I don't need to get into any more shows...I have enough.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Well the last Winter one totally bored me - so I'm psyched that they won't have another. Summer BB is the way to go :) It's really hard to keep up with BB in the fall/winter because I have so many other shows on. Yet in the Summer, BB is perfect b/c I'm bored with all the reruns on other channels.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I sort of agree. While I did like the winter one, I already have too much to watch so, not having to work a schedule for 3 episodes of BB each week, into an already crammed tv schedule is best. I'd rather they have plenty of enough time to come up with fresh ideas for one season each year.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
14 Oct 08
I love the show! I'm ok that it won't be on until Summer- I guess. I liked the winter show- although I have football to watch. I don't think Survivor runs in the winter either. I hope they put on a great show this time. Although I liked the last one. Certain people just irritate me-- but I think that is what makes it fun to watch! More hunky men this time!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Same here! I think that, while some people really push my buttons, sometimes, once they are gone, the show loses a little bit of spark. But, please! PLEASE! Give us some hot men this time around. They really have been lack luster with the good looking guys over the past few seasons! LOL!
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Thats okay with me. Last year was the only time that it played in the winter, so its no big deal to me. I'm sure I can find something interesting to watch. Besides, I love watching all of the Christmas movies.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Oct 08
LOL! I am sure you will find something to watch! LOL! And, I love those Christmas movies too.
@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I am disapointed. I adore Big Brother. So I am in for a long wait lol. But I will survive of course. At the moment I have no reality shows to watch because my last one Americas Next Top Model has ended. I never even saw when that was announced though. You have a good eye for Big Brother Cortjo.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Sorry to hear that you don't have anything to watch right now. If you want to see rich women make idiots of themselves, you could always watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Tuesdays. I think it is on the Bravo channel. I love to watch those women pride themselves on being gold diggers and act like idiots. LOL!
@patgalca (18415)
• Orangeville, Ontario
5 Oct 08
This was the first and only year we had a winter Big Brother. I think it was because of the writers' strike. They jumped right in and put a mid-season BB in to take advantage of that. I love Big Brother and look forward to it every summer, but I also have enough television to keep me occupied throughout the year. LOL! Heck, during the regular season I am taping shows while watching others and spend Saturday nights watching my tapes. Right now I am watching The Biggest Loser from last Tuesday. It's when there is nothing on that we are all at a loss in this house. Like last Thursday... There was the Vice-Presidential debate on the American channels, and on the Canadian channels we had our party heads in a debate for Prime Minister (we will be voting on October 14th). That was a non-television night.... great night to read a book.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Originally, they did intend to do a winter edition of BB but, I think they changed their minds sort of recently. I have the same problem that you have. I am recording shows while watching others. LOL! There are a couple of days in the week where there is so much on TV that it seems like we will never get away from the TV. Sundays and Mondays are two such days. LOL! We have a dual tuner TiVo so, we are able to record 2 things at once while watching one of the earlier recorded shows so, that helps a little but, it is annoying as heck that all the networks seem to want to put everything that we like to watch on like 2 days of the week. What ever happened to spreading it out throughout the week? LOL!
• United States
4 Oct 08
BUMMER! Big Brother 9 got me through last winter. Especially since there was the writers strike going on at the time. I'm disappointed, I was hoping for another winter edition. I agree they need more twists. This summer was lame, except the cast was fun. I hope they come up with some good twists for season 11!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Fortunately there is no writer's strike this winter so, there will be other shows to pass your time with. And, just think...hopefully their winter off will contribute to them having more time to dream up new and exciting twists for 11.
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I'm fine with it. I know they threw BB on during the winter because of the writers strike but that season was awful. There just wasn't anybody I could really root for other than Sharon and Alex. Hopefully they won't be as rushed to pick the houseguests as they might have been for the last two.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Oct 08
That's what I am hoping too. Don't get me wrong, I still loved both 9 and 10 but, not as much as I have in the past. Which is saying a lot because I really, really love that show! LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
3 Oct 08
Cortjo..shame on know how we all love Our BB..and i need to watch it since most of the new shows look boring..right now with Survivor and Amazing Race I'm ok, but what happens when they are over.... I sure hope they do have lots of new twists that will throw off the BB house and so they won't know what game is coming next..I don't like that..i want them surprised and not ready for it.. huggs
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Hey Rosekitty! I know! It pained me to say such a thing. I love BB but, I do still believe they need a break between 10 and 11 to get their acts together and give us the best season ever in 11! As for shows, I am swamped with shows I like out of BB season. Supernatural, the CSI's, Criminal Minds, Bones, House and many more. LOL! I am a TV-aholic. LOL! But, yes...they do need to think up some new twists to keep us and the HGs surprised and on their toes. So, here's to hoping that they now have plenty of time to dream up new twists!
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I am okay with it. I am a HUGE BB fan and all that but I feel brakes are always nice and we will just be more excited/appreciate the next season even more! Plus, even with DVRing it in case I'm busy it took up SO much of my nights for like that whole time period and there wasn't much resting in between. So I feel my social life also needs to be revamped! LOL But I will miss it everyday until then even still. haha.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Same here! It really is time consuming! So, while I will miss it, I am grateful for the break!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Star, I'm a little disappointed only because it was the only thing on tv that wasn't a rerun. I would like to see them get a little back to some better house guests. Throwing in the elderly just seems a lttle pitiful. Is this done for pity sake? Anyway, we'll just have to be happy for Summer BB. leenie
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Leenie, I am willing to bet that you can find something on TV over the winter. If you need, I can give you some good suggestions! LOL! But, I totally agree with you about them needing better HGs. I don't know what I think about them putting someone like Jerry in there. I didn't like Jerry but, he did get really far. Anyway, I am looking forward to Summer 09 BB11!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Oct 08
Hey Star Reporter/Brain Twin! It's ok with me! They need some time to re-group! Two in one season just wasn't right! I guess they figured it out! They definitely need some time off to come up with something better than this last one to keep it going for another season! So no great loss! It will give us time to get excited when it finally comes on in the summer. So you can keep reporting on Survivor which I'm sorry to say I'm just not interested in. I haven't even watched any of my favorite shows, not even House or Ugly Betty or Greys! I'm too busy here mylotting for pennies to pay bills. I know it's kind of sad, but it is really necessary for me since it is my only income so far until I can figure out how to write again for someone of those writing sites. I'm working on it! So as always it is good to hear from you! Keep in touch my Brain Twin! Love you and miss you, Your Brain Twin Opal
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